MWIIIIIHIMMIHHMIIIMMMIIIMMIM PUDTCTMAQ CiTtTT RPRPTAT.Sl V1111VJ I rinU VJ 11 A A JUVllliUj s s s L3 .f IT! W K I It I 1847 Rogers Bros. SILVERWARE Knives nnd Forks, Teaspoons, Dessertspoons, Tablespoon, Horry Spoons, Butter Knives, Cheeso Knives, Sugar Shells, Olivo Forks, Pieklo Forks, Infiuit Sots, in tho following put torus: Heraldic, Continental, Cromwell, Vintage Tlio most complete Htoek'of Jewelry in town from which to make your noltmliottH. Somo of the articles on display arc i Kings, Diamond Kings, Hrooohet, Hraeelels, Lavallicres, OnlY Kuttuns, Pins, Tie Clasps, Watch Chains, Watch Fohs, and other articles too numerous too mention. Conn in and look over our line. PYRALIN IVORY WATCHES candy CANDY candy A complete assortment of Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, rn our stock of Watches are to be found ItKACKIiHT You should buy your Candy w beeau we have Picture Frames, Trays, Vases, Caudle Sticks, UutVors, WATCH KS, LADIKS WATCHUS and a number of LOWncy'S, TllOlllSCn S, llershcy S and KrauSC R Manicure Sets, Military Brushes, Hair liecoivon, DilVerent Stylos of M ION'S WATCHKS. Kvcry wateh Chocolates and Uou Hons as well as cheaper caudiiH. Powder Boxes, Card Cases and Toilet Sots. is guaranteed to give ntiro satisfaction. Our assortment is complete, the stock is strictly fresh Articles in this line range in price from 25o to $20. Prices range from $1,115 to $10.00. and tho price is right. STATIONERY Eastman Kodaks LIBBEY CUT GLASS PERFUMES & TOILET WATERS Christmas Boxes, Svmphonv Lawn, Tulip A Kodak makes one of tho acceptable NAl'lMHS, K1CKKY BOWLS, VASK' "Harmony of Boston" is the mt .p Linen Cards Booklets Folders, Seals, gifts. Wo havo a nice assortment to CBI.HKY TKAY-?, WATKK SICTS ular line of the Ke.vall Toild Jit.qm-.iti s. Tags Label eV Priced from 5c to .$2.oU select from. Priced from R to $J7.f0 Tho prices rang- from $1 .25 to f2.-i.00 Any odor you may desire. -tOe. to 5- Many other articles such as Percolators, Chafing Dishes, Talcums and Face Powders, Cold Creams. Card Games, Tinker Toys, Erector Sets, Infant Sets, Hand Minors, Shaving Sets, Military Sets, Brushes, Collar Bags, Music Rolls, Hill Books, Clocks, Hand Bags, Pipes and Cigars f-n Only 2 1 shopping days g until Chiistmas 5 itsr richland drug stor mH WiK ram1.1 igraass E. & W. Chandler Ti Different Store Thanksgiving We wish to thank all of our patrons for their loyalty to this store the past year and hope to have your patronage the coming year. Our mfiftb will be to ple&se. Look for this space next week L"v;niJ rtPAVPIV mn A RRFATI 1 THING WHEN HE INVENTED" RUT IT WAS.THf- rdavpi v m iai itv that WAS THE GREATEST THING u mm mmi I CELBEHATED Chewing Plug ncFoncTHC iuvcntion OFOun r.TCAirvpROOF pouch GRAVELV PLUG TOBACCO ...r,- r-mmvron ITS CHCWINO QUAttTV - wntJLD t KJT K"CP FfJERM IM THIS OCCTIOM. Uj NOW7HC fATCNT POUCH KKEPC IT J FPCQH AND CLUAN wu uuwu . . a LrTTLE CHCW OF ORAVCLY IS ENOUOH ..) ul. . .,r. tuam a nin chew I ANDIAU U UUHUUn Mim.r.-.- OPOROINARV PLUG. iyi iniwi jf ninv pnvrrns jigns CATCHING -DOTH Of THOSE GENTLEMEN HAVE FACTS 5THA1U1H r 1 hrlr 1 I ..-7 fi (f3 If y? Parker's Movies TO-NIGHT New Bridge on Friday night Don't Fail to Come Admission: Adults 20c; Children lSc - LOCAL m OTHERWISE Try King's stringless beans at Saunders Bro's. ad The Messick $30000 libel case is still on in circuit court. Lucky Matthews has moved his woo'd saw outfit to Richland. Buy your candy at the Drug Store; stock always fresh. ad Harry S. Miller of Baker, was killed in a battle in France on Nov. 21st. Ever-Ready flashlights and bat teries on sale at Richland Drug Store. ad A number of Eagle Valley's young people attended a danc2 at Keating Friday night. Next week we will publish an interesting letter from a "leath er neck" In Uncle Sam's service. The monthly social meeting of the Ladies Aid has boon post poned. Further announcement later. A masquerade ball will be held at New Bridge on Xmas night under the management of R. I. Connall. When in need of an alarm clock get it at tho Drug Store. ad Orchardists in the vicinity of Union shipped $1500 worth of dull apples to a vinegar factory at The Dalles. John Chapman wasamongoth ers taking advantage of the Even ing Telegram bargain offer which expires the 80th. A large number of members of Irvlno Lodge plan on going over to Halfway tomorrow (Friday) evening to attend thcK. P. lodge at that place: For sale Two shoats, weight about l!i0 lb. each. Will consider trade. Write or call on John W. Patterson, Dry Gulch, Richland, Ort'gon. ad2-t2 For sale or trade 100a improv ed irrigated land with 320a re linquishment adjoining. A fine proposition for some one. Ad dress News, Richland Ore. ad Kansas Agricultural College has made overtures to Dr. W. J. Kerr to fill tho position as head of that institution. Dr. Kerr has made good at 0. A. C. and we believe ho should bo retained if possible. Actual phbtos of tho world war at opera house Dec. (5th. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. H. Elliott, Claus Nnvo and Torn lishaw were Maker visitors Monday ev ening. Mr. Elliott took tho Eif-i campment degree in the I.O.O.F. ' lodge at Baker. In writing to have her sub scription to the News advanced to January 1, 1919, Mrs. Ilattio Slottn of Boyd, Oregon, bays: "I would be lost without the Nows. I would never know what my old friends are doing if 1 did not get the paper." Congressman N. J. Sinnott has written us to assist him in the distribution of his allotment of llower and vegetable seeds next spring. As his district will have 5,000 packages less than last year it will be well to watch for the announcement of their arrival. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donsloy arrived homo Monday from the live stock show at Portland. They report the show tho greatest ever hold at Portland, and said that they mot Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Clarke, who ifskcM to bo romem b6rud to all Eagle Valley frloridsj