T- Eaale Valleu News Straight, Truthful, Direct f. E. Thorp Entered as second class matter Richland Oregpn, under Mombor Oregon Statu SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR $1.50 SIX MONTHS - THREE MONTHS - - - - .50 SAMPLE COPY RICHLAND, ORE.. THURSDAY. NOV. 22, 1917. Vol 6. No. 2 A Christmas Favorite rJTE toys are so new f angled, wifh their little cranial' 'and springs JB'ftty 'make a fellow wonder how o boy can-run the things; ' " Tou mustn't ttcitt 'em that icojj an! you mutt n't jar or shako For fear you'll jolt their innards or a drivin' wheel will break. But the jumpin' jack! He will wriggle hi knees ' ' , " An' he'll hump his back just as gap as iou please; 'An' ho don't wind up an' he donlt run down, An' his pants, is ired an' his coat is brown; lie climbs the stick with a whack-ty-whack! Uoorah for the brave old jumpin' jack He isn't quite so stylish, an' he only costs a dime, Out he is lithe an' Umber an' keeps busy all the time A-bobbln' an' a-noddln' with a caper an -, a -hop " A-bowln' you a lhank-yo ichcn jump him to the top. you JIo, the jumpin' jack! an' prance, lie tcill jiggle An' he'll bend his back like he's doin' a dance; twith his arms 'way up an' his legs 'way down. An' his painted grin like clown a circus He slams around toff1 a whack-ty-whack Uoorah for the fine old jumpin' jackt I reckon I'm old fashioned when it comes to Christmas toyt, But was (here any finer thing when you an' tnc was boyst licmcmbcr him a-grinnin' fron your stockin' that-a-way, All ready to go jumpin' up an' dotcn all Christmas day! Ho, the jumpin' jack! no would wob ble his knees An' he'd hump his back with astonishin' ease; lie would jump 'way up an' would sit 'way down, An' he tickled us when he came to town. Tic teas best of all in old fianta' 's pack Uoorah for the good old jumpin' jackt Chicago Post. An Unexpected Christmas Present ONE Christmas day some years ugo Almas temple of the Bhrin crs of Washington gave its annual dinner to tho poor. It wus a well planned affair, generously contrib tited to, and turned out a big huc-cohs. But tho most notable thing about It was not on the program nnd made tho hit of the occasion. Whenever mem bera of the temple think of the celebra tion they chucklo over their unexpected ChrhjUJim gift. While uj Klirlners were feeding their guests tU-.o came to their hall 150 loaves of bred. The huge six foot Santa Cluus was L: y cracking Jokes us he waddled ubout and took slowu tho gifts from the Christinas Editor Dec 12, 1912 at the post oilico at act of March 3, 1879. Editorial Association .- .75 - FREE $100 Reward, $109 The readers of thli paper wilt bo pleated to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stares and that U catarrh. Catarrh belnc irreatlr Influenced br constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internaltr and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease. Klvlnff the patient strength by bulldlne up the con. stltutlon and assisting nature In dolnc Its work. The DroDrletors have so much faith In the curative powers of Hull's Catarrh Medicine that thev otter Onn Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls iu cure, nenu lor iim or lesumomais. Address F. J. CHENEY tt CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Drucstst. TJc. tree. Jn the middle of one of hi eto- cnicreu nnotner Mr, fnt 8anta Claus, carrying a colossal bus- Ir. . I . . ... "' mvau, nuu oenuiu nun were lurec or rour negroes, nlso cnrrylmr basket of broad. One of tho Shriner committeemen nt once Inferred that some one had sent a rift of bread to bo distributed and hIctwI a rvcelpt for the 150 loaves. In u few minuter they were handed around to the heads of families, and un additional Christmas Joy went nroiiud every whom with them. Wheu the festivities were nearly over and the crowd had lgun to disjer.so a man came nmnhif; in nnd n8ked,tlie committeemen: -, "Did you get ICO loavc-s of breads "Wo did," was the reply. ' ' "What did you do with it?" "Gave it away." "Well, that was an order from tho Carroll Institute. It camo hero by mistake. Dut It Is nil rlsbt. We are Kind you gave It away, and if you need more let us know." And tho man went away, evidently fully Hatlsfled with tho Incident New York Times. Mrs. Santa Claus. Pray, who It Is has a reason To be sorting pretty toys That will bo thin festive season To eood little Klrls and boysT Pray, who It It that Is hurried To the point where elio cries, "Uw; I declare It has me worried!" Why, It s Mrs. Santa Claus! She Is such a busy woman I My, but she's a busy woman! Such a very busy woman! Why, sho has to fix the labels On the thlriKs In Santa's pack! Toys and books and muffs and sables Soon he'll c-arry on his back. And, Blnt- men aro no forgetful. All his clothus slio must prepare For when men are cold they're fretful. And then children rnuat bewaro! So she'H iuite n busy womnn! My. but she's n busy woman! Such a very busy woman! From the pot there cornea a savor That betokens best of cheer. Sho cooks thlr.ifH to curry favor While he's currylnK tho deer. I have hoard 'tis merely rumor-. That old .anta'H tcmper'a bad. Sho must keep him In Kood humor, 'Or tho children would bo sad. So she's quite a busy woman! My, but she's n. busy woman! Such a very busy woman! -Grlf Alexander In fit. Iuls Globe-Democrat. Several hundred head of cattle were driven through Richland Monday evening. They were the property of Mr. Maxwell and were being taken to his ranch near Haines, having been sum mered on the Idaho side of Snake River. Mrs. Wm. G. McAdoo, chair man Woman's Liberty Loan Com mittee, sends the News a card of thanks for services rendered dur ing the recent Liberty Loan campaign, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT. (Publisher) PUBLIC LAND SALE. DojvtrtriHint of tho Interior. U. 8. Und Ofllcont I. Urnnde, Oro Ron, Oct. 30th, 1017. Notice I hnrnliv ntvnll tlint. unllmrt, ed Or tho Commissioner of tho General Jjvnil otheo, under ).rovlslona nt Sec. 1! 155, 'f pursuant to tho application ot w llllam L. Krby, of Durkoo, Oregon, feerlal No. OUWll, wo will otTor at public iu, 10 mo iiijtutMi uiuuor, but ul not lues iurju 2,00 per ncru, nt 10 o'clock A. M., on Uio 121st day ot December. 1017. noxt, nt this olneo. tho fnlUmiui; tract U. 45 iu., V. M. This tract la ordered into Uio market on a showing that tho greater iHrtlou thereof U mountainous or too rouuh for cultivation. Uio salo w 111 not ba kept open, but will bo declared c'osed when those tiros. cut at tho hour named have ceased bld ditiK. Thu person uinkinc tho highest bid will bo required to Immediately pay to tho Receiver tho ntnouut thereof. Any Persons claiming advuraelv tlm bovo-luscrlbed hind aro advised to tltu their claltns, or obj-cttons, ou or before tho tlmo designated for sale. V s. dunn, ueslster. Nolan SklfT. Koceivnr. First publication Nov. 8, 1017. Last publication Doc. 6, 1017. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Publisher) Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Ofiico at La Grsnde, Ore gon, sopi. zsm, iaiv. Notice is hereby i: I veil that llornlco A. ouiuks, wnoae nost-olllco nddrcsn ii Klch land, Oregondid, on tho -7th day of December, 11)10, hie in this office ijworn Statement and Application, No. 01GM)7, to purchase tho NK 1-4 NK 1-1, Sec. Ill, NW 1-4 NWH Sec. 3'.J, and BW H SW 1-1, Section 20, Township 0 South, Itanco H Kast, WlllamettH Meridian, und tho timber thereon, under thu pro vinous of tho net of June 3, 1B7H, ami acts amendatory, known as the "Timber unit Stono Law,' at such value as iniijla be llxcil by apprftiseniont.ainl tbnt, pur suant to such application, the html and timbur thereon havu been nprulml, at 10.00, the timber estimated at 'JIO.000 Iward feet at 75c and fl.U) or M, and the laud 1 150.00: that Bulduimlicunt will offer tinul proof in supjwtt oi tils appli cation nod Hworn vtalement on thu lllhl day of January, 1'JIS, before Woodson I., ratter son, Unitetl States Cotumibsiouer, nt his office, at linker, Oregon. Any iH-rson Is at liberty to protest this purchaKo before eutry. or initiate u con-1 iett at nny tune eioru patent issiief, Uv tiling a corrqoorut.il affidavit in thin office, alleging facts which would defeat tho entry. U. S. UUKS, HcKister. NOTICE OF CONTEST. (For Publication.) Herial No. 0IIU40 0157K Con teat No. 11(17 Department of the Interior. UNITKIJ STATES LAND OFKICH. laGrnndo, Oreeon. November 8, 1017 lo Jo.xepli m. .Meek oi Kichlnnu, Drcgou, Lonteatce : You are hereby notified that William il. Mulkev, who eivea Kichhuid, Oreiron, an IiIh potft-ollico aUtlreHD, Union iovein. ber 0. 101 , Iilo ir. IhiH oilico Mb (Inly corroborated application lo content and secure tho cancellation of your home- tttead Kntry, H-rial No. 011010, mudo May 23, 1013, for 'J, 3, 4, 8W 1 -i NK 1-1, .Sec. 1, and Additional Home stead Herial No. 01078-' made tub.'M, 1017. tor SJ.syWM, N oW I-l Section 1, Toiviuhip 11 aouth, Hance -16 east, Wlllumette Meridian, und us eroundH for bin content he nlletreH that naid Johejili .M. Jleek abandoned said land nnd mm iioiuetttead on Jtiiyi.iuiu, and Hince raid (Into line never lived or rotidod tbereou und einco miid date Iiiih never performed nny cultivation on any I art of said laud ; that hia abandonment of wrid iiorni'Htead und hia falluru to re side thereon as atovo nlleued wero not cauneil bv imv Hitrvlco in thu armv or I navy of the United Ktaten or in tho eta to jrulitia or ly any military or naval ser vice whatever. You are, therefore, further notified that the aid allegations will bo taken na tonfewHed, ami your naid entry will hu cancelled without further riht to bo heard, either before thin odlco or on ap peal, if you full to lilo in this oilico within twenty days after tho FOUKTII publi cation of thiH notico, oh nhown below, your aiiHvver, under oath, opoclflcnlly reMpondiiiK to tliene nllegationa, of con tent, together with duo proof that you have Hcrved n copy of your answer on tho said contestant either in person or by registered mail. You shoulJ state in your nnawor the name of the post oftlco to which you de sire future notices to busont to you. O.S. DUNN. Uoifistor. NOLAN SKIFF, Itecoiver. Duto of first publication Nor. lfi, 1017. " " second " Nov. 22, 1017. " third Nov. 20, 117. . " " fourth " Doc. 0, 1017 Get our rate on Portland Dailies ECONOniZE lis the advice given Let us help you Wc advise that you purchase your winter goods now, as prices arc most certain to advance. You will find the prices we ask for the Hoods lUtcd below arc indeed jow when com pared with the wholesale prices of ttyday, thus epapling you tn practice real economy. Call in and sec. Wool Blankets Cotton Blankets Cotton Comforts Pillows Wool or Cotton or Mixed Underwear Both in union suits or sojiuruto cannon tn for all nes Dress or Work Shoes to fit any size feet Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Boots Wool or Cotton Hosiery Mackinaws, Sweaters, Gloves, Mittens Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc. Our Grocery Stock is Complete SAUNDERS BRO'S. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School at J0:00 a. m E. E. Holman, superintendent Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Epworth League at G:3U Prayer meeting every Wodncs day evening at 7:30 o'clock Choir practice at 7:30 Thursday ovening. The Woman's Missionary So ciety meets tho third Thursday afternoon of each month. The Board of Stewards holds its regular meeting Tuesday eve ning after the first Sunday of each month. Everybody conJially invited lo attend all of tho services of the church. A. Thoman, Pastor CHRISTIAN CHURCH. OurBervices until later notice will be as follows: Sunday: Bible School at 10:00 a. m. Communion and preaching, 11:00. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. rn. Preaching at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8:00. Ladies Aid Friday afternoon. You aro cordially invited. William E. Bean, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Publisher Department of thu Interior. U. H. Ijind Oilico at La Grande, Ore- Hon, Hopt. '-'Htn, nil. Notice is hereby elvcti that lrn I), HtairKi whoso post office address Is Rich land, Oregon, did, on tho l!7th day of December, 1010, Iilo In this office Kwom Statement nnd Application, No. 0I080H, . I , 1... i i HM I f t X 1 HI KT ii puruuunu uiiin-. n n 111111 o; 11 iv Heotion 17, TowiiMhlp lOSouth, ItaiiKo 4 1 Kast, Willamette Meridian, and thu timber tliurcou, under tho previsions oi tho act of June 3, 1878, and acts amend atory, known as tho ''Timber and Htone Law, nt siicn vuiue as might Do ilxcd bv appraisement, nnd that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon litvo uenn appraistd, at viou.uu, thu timber estimated at fil'O.OOO board fo()tatW)i;per M.TidtliP land $'.'00.00; that said applicant will offer final proof, in support of his application and sworn statement on the 31st day of January, 1018, before Woodson L. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at his of fice, at Haker, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to rottt this purchas befnr ontry, or iaituta a con test at oar time befora ptnt Usum, hy Ulini u corroboratad aitldarU lu this oflicy, Hlluln facta which wauld tlsfaat Ula anur. to all by Uncle Sam Kfl NOTICli OK HUAItlNG, Department of the lnlorlor. Uidtwl Elates Und Olllce. October lHth, 1017, Serial No. 017(33(1 Contest No. 1110 NOTICli I hereby si ven that thu Com. mlsslonorof tho General 1-nml Office, by his letter of Oct. 10th, 10)7, bus allowed the application of MnriUess 0, Lewis, of KeatliiK, Oregon, for a hearlni; to de termine. he mineral ornoumiiierul char ucterof tin; Nl)l4' NWJi and W)9 NlJlf Sec. 10, Tp. 10 H, ii K W. M. rheiecerdsot this olllce show that, snld laud as inHiiiliented mineral In' rharjiett r bv Cominlnnlonoi's LUr"N" of Noveiuhur '.'Ul, 1801, nn the risult of a hearliic held on application by thu StnU of OreKou tlrriior, to determine thu character oi raid school Ht ciion, and that tli- Htate has selected and had ap proved and eortiniMl to It Indemnity su lections based on its losses in said (uftloii, In his upnlication for a hearlnir, it Is alleged by the said Albert K, Hotter, and, two witnesses, that the lauds uboVn do se ibed are iioumliierul in character. Any and all persons, therefore, who claim nny light, title, or interest In said lands, or any part thereof, or who may bo claimluc the same for mineral pur poses, by location, occupation, or other wise, or whoinuv desire toobli-ctbeeaiiMii of the mineral diameter of the land, or lor any other reason, to thodlsposa to applicant, aro hereby notified lo appear, respond ami oiler evidence touch nt! tho character of the luud ahoyedescribeiLat 10 o'clock. A. M., on Dec. 11th. 1017. be- fore W. L. I'litlornon, Notary i'ubllu. nt his olllce, at linker, Orecou. and the llnal hearing will bo held at 10 o'clock, A.M., ou January. 11 th, 1018, before tlm Resis tor and Itecoiver, at thu United .States Lund DIIlco nt La Grande, )rei;on. O. S. DUNN. Register. NOLAN SKIFF. Itecoiver. Dale of First publication Oct. SB. 1017. Date of Heeoiid publication Nov. 1, 1017. Onto of Third publication Nov. 8, 1017. Date of Fourth publication Nov. , 1017, If You Would Buy or Sell Come in and seo me, if I don't lave listed just what you want I will get it; just now I have 80 acres fine land under Wnter- bury & Allen Ditch; right price; liberal terms; might trade. Just what you want for a home. The T.A. Cobb ranch near New Bridge; 35a all undor ditch, young orchard, plenty small fruit, 10a alfalfa, fine (i-room houao with dutch kitchen and bath room. Price $5000. Good terms. List Your Property With Mo C. E, THORP, Richland, Qrc,