Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, November 15, 1917, Image 4

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Eagle Valley News
Sh-aight, Truthful, Direct
C. E. Thorp
Entered as second class matter Doc. 12, 1912 at the post otlice at
Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, 1S79.
Member Oregon Stato
- $1.50 SIX MONTHS
- - .50. SAMPLE CORY
Vague Terrors Bar Lots of Folks
From Living on the Land.
They See Dangers and Porils In Coun
try Life That Do Not Exist, and So
Prefer Crowded Cities Tho Truth
About Animal Bites and Poisons.
Fears of iujury and even death t'nm
Fiiake bite, terror occasioned by danj-ors
imaginary uud unseen, keep many nerv-,
ous ieop!e from living on the land, and
thee swiseless fears play a larger iwrt
than inot lieople imagine In keeplm;
people huddled in apartment hou.-o-t,
orowdeil iuto towns and cities. And
the cot of living soars and soars.
Snake and Insect poh-onin:; terrorises
millions of well meaning men and woin
n, when, as a matter of fact, dan
ger fruin falling while running the
lnwn mower is much more real. Fear
peems to become a obsession, and the
word "deadly" creeps Into conversation
at every verso end. The rattlesnake Is
deadly." The copierhead and moc
casin arc "deadly." So Is the wholly
mvthienl nuff adder. In hardly less
degree Is the tarantula "deadly," while
varying lethal capacities are ascribed
to the centipede, the s-orpion, the kiss
ing hug and sundry other forms of In
Mjet life. I'seudo science to the con
trary notwithstanding, there is no liv
ing thing within tho boundaries of the
United States".. America whose bite or
Ming Is sure death or (with one iossl
ble exception) even probable death.
There are fle arietiei of venomous
serpents In th country, three of them
Crotalids and two belonging to the
claps family. Tho claps arc rare. The
crotalids (rattlesnake, moccasin and
copperhead) are common and of the
widest geographical distribution. Yet.
on the ba.si.s of a'tual evidence, tho
amazing fact stands out that only
about eighty persons, so far as ls'nscer
tainable. have ever died from snake
bites in the United States.
ISo it remembered that death follow
ing snake bite Is not necessarily tho
same thing as death from snake bite.
Error In treatment plays no small part
in vitiating the statistics. For "error"
read "whisky." Whoever Is primarily
responsible for the hoary superstition
that liquor In huge (loses Is useful In
snake poisoning has many a life to an
swer for. A whole bottle of raw whis
ky forced down the throat of u man tin-,
accustomed to alcohol Is pretty likely
to kill him iuid is absolutely certain to
cause grave poisoning.
Fully as much terror attaches, in tho
country districts, to the puff ndder or
Band viper as to the rattlemiako or cop
perhead. This Is n suggestive bit of
superstition, since there's no such thing
as an adder or viper on the western
hemisphere and never lias boon one,
unless It came carefully pickled In u
Jnr. "What passes for tho supposedly
deadly reptile Is the common hog nosed
or bull snake. It Is about as dangerous
as an infuriated rabbit. Hut it puts up
one of the best "bluffs" known to nat
ural history.
Diseased Imagination could Invent no
cicr.Mire more horrific of appearance
. than the tarantula. lis bristling and
hostile aspect, the Hwlft ferocity of Its
rush, lt great size and its enthusiastic
prefereuco for combat i t against flight
aro HUfTklcnt to account for the fear
and respect In which It la generally
Editorial Association
NOV. 15, 1917. Vol. G. No.
$100 Reward, $100
Tho renders of this pup. r will bo
pleased to learn that tl.re Ik at least
one dreaded dlseaso that science has
been able to euro In all Its singe and
that Is catarrh. Catarrh twine crently
Influenced by constliutloii.il conditions
requires constitutional treatment Hall's
Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally and
a. ts thru the Wood on th. Mucous Sur
faces of the System tJierrbv destroying
the foundation of the ilio.i". pHlnir the
patient strencth by hulMlne up the con
s'ttutlun and assls'ln'nature In dolnu Its
work. The proprlttors have so much
f.ilth In the curam powers of Halls
Catarrh Medicine that thev nrter One
Hundred Pnllnr, for any ci" that It falls
to cure. Send for lift of t- stiinonlals.
Address P. J. CHKNKY CO . Toledo.
Ohio. Sold by all Druntfst. ?5c.
lvl I. Hut. thouirh !.ocril w-lcs of
the huge spider arc n.it I w in th.- United
States and others frepio:i'ly drop out
of Imiiauu bunches from South and
Central America, to the dhi iinlltureif
the unsuspecting grocer, no authentic
instance of death from tarantula ind
son in this country Is obt. unable.
In some sections of the country the
spider hysteria prevails. I'cople shiver
every time they see a spider. Yet In
all the United States there i known but
one iolsonous spider. Strangely enough, j
the one dangerous spider on the ,
American continent Is small, obscure ,
and practically unknown. I.ntrodectus
mactans Is Its scientific name. It is
about tho size of a large iea, black;,
with n red sjK)t on the back a useful
danger signal and spins a small web
In outhouses or around woodpiles. Hut
few specimens have ever been identi
fied in this country.
Tho only Insect which really kills is
the mosquito, yet less fear Is expressed
about its activities than about any oth
er iMjison carrying Insect or make.
Compared with the mosquito as a real
menace, all the combined brod of
snakes, scorpions, centipedes, tarantu
las anil other iet bugaboos of our child
isli romantblsm nre utterly negligible
are as figments to reality, as shadow
to substance.
A clear understanding of those popu
lar fears and superstitions would aid
greatly In giving assurance of s.ifely
to the man or woman who would till
the soil, wlio would work in tho opei
fields, who would live In the country.
I.os Angeles Times.
A Lost Friend.
"I'm up against It. I like Drown
very much, but I see no way 'now to
avoid losing bis friendship,"'
"What's the matter?1'
"He lias asked me to lend him
money. If I refuse he'll hnte me; if I
lend It to him I shall bate him." De
troit I'ree Press.
All He Could Stand.
Wife-Tom, I want ?20 for pin mon
ey, Hub-Great Scott! Hero it Is, but
I'm darned glad you don't want to buy
spikes.- Hoston Transcript.
Friends become foea and foes aro
reconciled. Latin,
Tonight the last of the Liberty
films will be shown. Don't fail
to see the finish.
Friends of the News who have
occasion to publish legal adver
tisements in settlement of estates
or other probate matters or in
cases in the district court will do
this paper a favor by directing
their attorney or the county of
ficial having such matters in
charge to have such publication
made in The Eagle Valley fiw.
Dopsrtimitit of tho Interior.
U. S. 1 ami Ollico at U Urando, Oio
Ron, Ocf. 30th, 1D17.
Notice in lierobr iiven tlmt. nmllu'Ct-
ed by tho Commissioner of the ('enorar
lauid olht o, under 1 1 1 UUw ol'Sce S I Mi. '
It. S., pursuant to the application of
William I.. K'rbv, of Piirkco, Oregon,
Serial No. 018'Jll", wo will offer nt public
"ale. to the highest bidder, but nt not
less than tU.OO per ni ie, nt 10 o'clock A.
M , on the L'lst day nl December, 1017,
next, at this olllco. 'tlio following tract
of laud: SWkf, NW'U. '- 'rP- " S.,
It. -If) K., W. Si.
This tract Is ordered into tho market
(inn showing that tho greater portion
thereof Is mountainous or too rough for
The salo will not bo kept open, but
ill bo declared c'wd when those pres
ent at the hour named have eensd bid
ding. The person milking the hlghes'
bhl will bo required to Imiuodlately pay
to tho itecolver tho amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to llle
their claims, or obj-i tions. on or before
the tltno designated fr sale
U .s DUNN. Kegister.
Nolan Skiff, lleceiver.
First publication Nov. N MM".
Uist publication l'ec. tl. Mil".
Department l the Interior.
V . S. Ijind Oflico at Im Ursnde, Oru
gon, Sept. USth, 1017.
No'ice is heroin tfiwti thnt Pornieo A.
Staggs, wioepost nllice address is Hich
hind, Oregon, did. on the L7th day of
December, l'.MO, hie in this office Sworn
.-tatemeul nnd Apihiation, No. 01GS07,
to purehao tho I I N K 1 I , S'. c. HI.
NV l-l NV 1-1, mc :c.', and JJW l-l
SV l-l, Scttiou Township 0 South,
Hiinge -I I Flint, Vt illnmettK .Meridian,
ami tho timber th re..n, under the pro
vii;oiiH of tho act "I Jim- a, 1S7S, and
ncls amendatory, k:i"n as the "Timber
nnd Stone Ijiw," at such value as might
be fixed by apprai-i tiient, and that, pur
simnt to such applii-HtiMti, the hunt and
timber thereon lime been niipratsed, at
fMlu.Ou, tho timber i -tuiiatitl nt L'10,0 0
board feet at 7-V and per M, and
the laud $lfi0.00 ; that Mild applicant will
offer final proof in mpixjrt ol Ids appli
cation nniVswprn -tatemcnt on the Hist
day of January, t)i-foro Wootlson I..
I'atterson, United -taWn Couiiulssioner,
it his office, at Ii.ik.er, Oregon.
Any eron is u liberty to protest this
purchase before -nitv, or initiate a con
test at any timo before patent issues, bv
filing a corroborated affidavit in ibis
office, allegitiK fm ts which would deleft
thu entry.
C. S. DUNN, Keglrtter.
It or Publication)
Serial No. 01101"
Contect No. lli7
Department of the Interior.
iiitirande, iii-gon, November S. I'.tlV.
TuJoeph M Meek of ltichland, Oregon,
Conte.-4te' '
You are li.-r .-. y notilied that William
II. Mnlkev, wl, j "nives Kichlaud, Oregon,
at hi poet oilnondtlreSH, did on Novum
bur 5, JStlT, iii- ir. this ollico his dot)
corroborated .implication to content and
secure the cancellation of your home
stead Kntrv, .-riul No. 01J1M0, madu
May I'll, Mil i, (or Iwt '-, U, I, SW I I
NIC l-l, N-c I, and Additbniil Home
Htead Hcriul No. 01578L' miido i-eb. :.'),
1017, for S l-.'NW l-I, N 1-1' SW l-l.
.Section 1, IWmhlp 11 south, Kangii 16
eaut, Williiiiu ttu .Meridian, and as
grounds for in contest ho alleged that
naid Joi-cph M. Meek abandoned caul
land anil hai l homestead on July I, llI(I,
and Hiucii mhi ditto has never lived or
resided thi tcMi and Binco jtaid date him
never performed any cultivation on any
I art of said Kind; that bin abandonment
of naid horm stead and IiIh failuro to ro
fcido thereon .h aiovo alluded were not
cauficd by any servfeo in tho army or
navy of tho I nited Statea or in tho state
militia or t j any military or naval Her
vico whatever
You are. therefore, further notified
I that the riaid allocations, will ho taken an
conic-used, am' your saiu entry win no
cancelled without further ritfht to bo
heard, either b.doro this oillco or on ap
peal, if you tail lotiloin this ollico within
twenty dai'H after tho FOUKTlI publi
cation of this notice, as shown below,
your answer, under oath, spuciticaiiy
remiondliiL' to theso allecations of con-
teHt. toL'iither with duo iroof that you
have serveii a copy of your answer on tho
said contchtant oithor in person or by
registered mail.
You should stato in your answer tho
namo of the post office to which you do
siro future noticua to bo sent to you.
a. H. DUNN. Reiristor.
NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver.
Date of first publication Nov. 10, 1U17.
" " second " Nov. 22, 1017.
" " third " Nov. 20, 1017.
" " fourth " Doc. 0, 1017.
Get our rate on
Portland Dailies
Is the advice given to all by Uncle Sam
Let us help you
We advise that you purchase your winter goods now, as
prices are most certain to advapav You win una tnc prices
we ask for the goods listed helow are Indeed low when com
pared with the wholesale prices of today, thus enabling you to
practice real economy. Call jn and see.
Wool Blankets Cotton Blankets
Cotton Comforts Pillows
Wool or Cotton or Mixed Underwear
Hnth in union uuita or sonorale iranncnts for all ages
Dress or Work Shoes
Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Boots
Wool or Cotton Hosiery
Mackinaws, Sweaters, Gloves, Mittens
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.
Our Grocery Stock is Complete
Sunday School at 10:00 a. m-,
E. E. Holman, supenntoiidom.
Preaching at 11 n. m. and 7:U0
- .IV A .
p. tn. I'ipwortti i.catfiio ai uuiu.
I'niyoi' moctiriK ovory Wednes
day oveninp; at 7:!50 o'clock.
Choir practice at 7:30 Thursday
The Woman's Missionary So
ciety meets the third Thursday
afternoon of each month.
The Board of Stewards holds
its regular meeting Tuesday eve
ning after the first Sunday of
each month.
Everybody corlially invited to
attend all of the services of the
A. 'I horn as, Pastor
Our services until later notice
will bo as follows:
Bible School at 10:00 a. m.
Communion and preaching, 11:00.
Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m.
Preaching at 8:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at 8:00.
Ladies Aid Friday afternoon.
You arc cordially invited.
William E. Bean,
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ollico at La tirando, Ore-
Kon, Hoit. liHth, 1017.
Notice IH liureny mveu tuai ira w,
KtnuuH, whofii) poht office address is Iticli
lantl, Ori son, did, on the 27th day of
December, 1010, llle in thin office Kworn
Statement and Application, No. 0KI80H,
to purchase the h!-. ft N and rj JN I'.
.Section 17. TownhhiplOKoutb, Itanuo
11 Hast, Willamette Meridian, and the
timber thereon, under tho previsions oi
tho act of Juno 3, 1H7K, and acts amend
atory, known as tho "Timber and Htono
Law." at fiicii value hb inlL'lii no uxeii
bv annralseuient. and that, pursuant to1
such application, the land and timber
thereon huve been Appraised, at $ 100,01),
tho timber estimated at Ji'-'U.lKXJ boaru
foot ntCOo per M.xnil tho land 00.ti
that said upplii ant will offer final proof
in support of his application and sworn
statement on tho Hist day ol January,
1018, before Woodson I., Patterson,
United Htates Commissioner, at his of
fice, at Jtakor, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest this
purchaso before entry, or initiate a con
tcit at anv time boloro patent issues, by
tiling a corroborated affidavit in this
office, alleging facts which would defeat
the entry,
0. B. DUNN, Renter
to fit any size feet-
Depaitment of the Interior,
United Stitten Laud Ollico.
Cctober JHlh, 1017.
Serial No. 0t7tlil
fontent N.i. 1110
NOTIt'H i licieby mven tlmt IlieCoiu
iniitdioner of tho (!c ucnil I .nnd Office, by
bin letter of Oct. loth, 1017, Iiiih allowed
the application of .Mariiiess O. Lewis,
of Keatiui.', Oregon, for a hearing to de
termine Hie mineral or uouuiiiseral char'
acter of tho NKtf NWJj and VB NKM
Sec. Ill, Tp. 10 It. II K.. V. M.
l'he records ol this ollico chow that
said land wan adjudicated mineral in
character bv I'oinlnlmioiici 's LctterN"
ol November L'lit, IH0I, as tho rtxult of
a heariih; held on application by the
.Stati. ol Oreuou tberolor, to deterinlno
tiie character of fiild m'IkhiI Miction, ami
that th Stato hits delected and bait up.
proved and certified to it inileiuuitV ce
lectionN li.mt-l on its Io-m- In sulil H'-ctlon,
in 1 1 te application for a licarln', it Is
alleue l by thes.iid Albert H. Itulter.mul
two witnenM'M, that tho lands abovn du
sc I bed are noiimli.eral in character.
Any and all iHirsoiiH, therefore, wbu
claim any Unlit, title, or Interest in mild
huidi, or any part thereof, or who may
be claimii.i: the came (or mineral tuir
posiiH, by location, occupation, or other
wise, or whoinuy desire toobb'ct because
of the mineral diameter of the land, or
for any other reacon, to the diHOHal to
applicant, am hereby untitled to appear,
rimpond and offer evidence touching thu
character of the hind abovodescrlbed, at
10 o'clock, A. M.,oii Dec I lib, 1017,1)0
fore W. L. Patternon, Notarv Public, at
bit ollico at linker. Oregon, and the Html
hearing will be held at 10 o'clock, A.M ,
on January 11th, I0IH, before llio ltvls.
tor and lleceiver, at the United States
Laud Jlllce at l-n (iraoile, Oreitou.
(J. S. DUNN, ItejflHter.
NOLAN MKII'l-'. lleceiver.
Date of Kind publication Oct. Wi, 1017.
Date of Second publication Nov. 1, 1017.
Date of Third publication Nov. H, 1017.
Date of I'ourth i iibllcatiou Nov. l'i, 10 17,
If You Would
Buy or Sell
Come in and see me, if I don't
have listed just what you Want I
will get it; just now I have 1
80 acres line lund under Water
bury & Allen Pitch; right price;
liberal terms; might trade. Just
what you want for a home.
The T.A. Cobb ranch near Now
Bridge; 35a all under ditch, young
orchun), plenty small fruit, 10a
alfalfa, fine G-room house with
dutch kitchen and bath room.
Price $.r)000. Good terms.
List Your Property With Me
C E. THORP, Richland, Ore.