Eagle Valley News Straight, Truthful, Direct C. E. Thorp Entered as sqconcj class matter Dec. 12, 1912 at the post oilice at Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, 1879, Member Oregon Stato SUBSCRIPTION . $1.50 SIX MONTHS -- - .50 SAMPLE COPY ONE YEAR - - THREE MONTHS : RICHLAND, ORB., THURSDAY. NOV. 8, 1917. Vol. 5. No. 52 SOLDIERS' DA! On next Sunday, November 11, write a letter to your boy, or if you have no boy or relative in the Army or Navy, write a letter to your neighbor's boy, and send him a copy of the eld home news paper. Let him know you are thinking of him, that you believe in him, that you are backing him and you want him to make good physically and morally. Tell him to make use of the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. It's the boy that is lonesome and heartsick for news from home that oftimes falls. Let him know the home tie is strong and he will be proud, happy and anxious to make good and come clean. The Y. M. C. A. is the nearest thing to home he has in the army or navy. Tell him you are helping this work and he will appreciate it. Between Nowmber 11 and 19 thi Y. M. C. A. hopes to raise 835,000,000 for its work among the soldiers at home and abroad. It needs your help and your sub scription, and the boy in service needs that letter and newspaper from home. Help Us Out. We have a number of subscrib ers on the list whose subscription has expired and will greatly ap preciate their renewal at this par ticular time. Printing material has increased in price to such an extent that there is little left for labor after the cost of material is taken from a year's subscription, therefore it is necessary that we secure every cent that is due us or "be in the hole.' Again, with the postage at 3c per, we can hardly afford to send a statement to our readers living hereabouts, so we kindly ask you to come in and see how your sub stands if you are not aware of the time of expiration. We will send the Evening Tele gram (daily), McCall's Magazine (monthly), and the Eagle Valley News (weekly) all rne full year to any address for only $4.00. Editor Editorial Assoqiation .75 FREE $100 Reward, $100 Tha renders of this paper yittl b pleased to learn that there. Is at least one dreaded dlseaso that sclonco lias been able to euro In all Its stages and that Is catarrh. Catarrh bolnK greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally and aits thru the Ulood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease. Klvlne the patient strength by bulldlnc up the con stitution nnd assisting naturo In doing Its work. The. proprietors havo so much faith In the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any cae that It falls to cure. S"nd for list of testimonials. Address P. J. CHKNET A CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Drucirtit. "5e. She Always ore a oieeve V V By ELINOR MARSH Lieutenant Arthur Delano r I lu United States nav.v having certain tin ties connected with llghtliuUautt on the Atlantic coast one day was pulled up to the Wilson leer" light by a crew of sailor oarsmen and upon stepping ott to tlio lauding place was tiTclvcd lit a girl -ulioiit nineteen jenro old. 'Fa titer lias ticca obliged to go Into town today." she said. "A part of tin machinery lounected with the light broke utnl must lie repaired before time for lighting." "And yon are in charge. I suppose'" "1 nm." There was one of those mutual at tractions between the ollker nnd the girl that sometimes appear at once when two persons of opposite sex meet. "Let me see." said Delano; "thin light Is In charge of" "Edward .latnioson." "And you are" "Ellie .lamicson," The girl conducted him through the lighthouse on a tour of inspection, which he seemed In no hurry to Mulsh. Then he got had; into the boat and was pulled away. After that he made numerous inspections of the girl, not the lighthouse, and fell In love with her. Her father was nu educated man who, having met with toverses when ho was too old to regain Ids grip on the world, had been forced to accept the position of llglitlion.se keeper. A match between Delano and ICtllo Jamlesou would not be a misalliance so far as blood and natural relineuient were .concerned, but he shrunk from marry, ing the daughter of a lighthouse keeper. Nevertheless love was strong enough to prevent hlin from keeping away from her, and he allowed hlmiself to fall Into the position of it suitor with out really being one. lie used to call at the lighthouse with a boat and take her sailing. Many a happy hour they thus spent together, dancing over tho bluo waters, of which they were both very fond. One dny while they were sailing together Delano noticed Elllo's arm, from which a looso sleeve had fallen back. "I would like to see you In ovcnlng dress. That arm of yours should nov er bo hidden from view by u sleeve." Involuntarily she pulled the sleevo down from tho elbow, but made no re ply to the compliment. "Ono would think from tho way you keep your urms covered that you were ashamed of them. Most women would give a lot to havo such an arm." "I hove no reason to bo ashamed of my arm," said ElUc. "Then why are you so careful to keep It cpTorel?" There was no reply to thin. Hut nlio was looking fur out ott the wntcrH, with nn expression lu her face that told she could say something of Inter est about what they were talking If ho chose. Dohinu'K curiosity was aroused, hut there was Unit lu tho look to Indicate tlmt ho would be trespass nig If he made further Imnilr.v. lie noticed a wind iloud on the horUtm ami, putting tho boat nhout. started for the lighthouse. Tho cloud came rapidly, and, al though the young sailor would have liked to tnliko speed by keeping up full sail, ho did not daro do so, Lowering alt hut tho Jib, he scudded along, mak ing what headway he could by this limited menus. Suddenly the wind struck him and with such force that his boat went over. Fortunately they were not far from shore, and both were excellent swimmers. Striking out. after a long pull, lu which Klllo scorn ed to bo gottlng the worst of it, they came within the breaker lino and were rolled up on the sand. Klllo, who wits exhausted, lay still. Delano got ou to his feet and ran to her. She had managed to divest her self of her jacket, which she had put on ns the storm camo up. ou being thrown Into the water, and the looso slcovo of her dress had fallen back and exposed her left arm above the elbow. A tattoo In blue Ink of a girl rowing a boat was exposed. When Delano came tjp and she saw him look ing at the mark she pulled down the sleeve. Having rested as long n:i they dared In their wet clothes, chilled by a llerce wind, Debsno h?lped his companion to arise, and they started for the light, nut fur distant. As soon as they had been madu com fortable Delano asked tho girt how she came by the tattoo ou her arm. fie did not get a continued story, but one elicited by many :ucstious. This Is how tlie tattooing occurred: One day when a storm was raging, tho light keeper being away. Utile, his daughter, wes the only one In the light house. A ship was wrecked on a ledge that t lie light guarded. Tho coast guard hastened to save tho crew and passenger:), but they were too Into. Klllo got out a boat and, attaching a lino to It, carried It to the ship. How she escaped being swamped was a mir acle. Tho coast guard made tho tat too. "The life saving men put the tattoo there. I didn't v. apt them to do it, but they Insisted. I was only tlfteen, but I knew ue.ttcf nnd should have refused. Father wus away, lteforu ho got back It was done and could never bo un done." Delano married Klllo Jamlesou nnd Is now a high ratd.lng olllccr In the navy. He Is very -protjil of his wife's tattoo marl: and occasionally begs her to show It at functions by wearing a sleeveless dress. Hut she has always refused. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-- ISOLATED TRACT. ( Publisher) PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of tho Interior. U. S. I and Office at La Grande, Oto gun, Oct. :50th, 1017. Notice in hereby given that, as direct ed by the Commissioner of Win General Und olhte, under rovislons of See. " 1"5, K. H., pirsusnt to thu application of William I.. Kirby, of Durkco, Oregon, Serial No. 018211, wo will offer at public -ale. to the highest bidder, but at not less than fj.00 per acre, fct 10 o'clock A. M , on the 21st day of December, 1917, next, at this ofUco, tho following tract of land : SWtf RXVX, Sec. 5, Tp. 11 S., It. 15 H,, V. M. This tract is ordered Into tho market on a showing that tho greater portion thereof is mountainouH or too rougli for cultivation. Tho pale will not bo kept open, hut will ho declared e'esed when those pres ent at tho hour named havo ceased hid ding. Tho person making tho hihes. bid will be required to Immediately pay to the Receiver tho amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described laud are advised to filo their claims, or obj-ctions, on or before tho timo designated for sale O H. DUNN, Kegistcr. Nolan Bkiff. Receiver. First publication Nov. 8, 1017. Last publication Dec. 6, 1017. Friends of the News who have occasion to publish legal adver tisements in settlement of estates or other probate matters or in caseB in the district court will do thiB paper a favor by directing their attorney or the county of ficial having such matters in charge to have such publication made in Tho Eagle Valley News. ECONOniZE Is the advice given to all by Uncle Sam Let us help you VVc advise that you purchase your winter goods now, as j prices are most certain to advance. You will (mil the prices we ask for the goods listed below arc indeed low when coin pared with the wholesale prices of today, thus enabling you to practice real economy, an in ami sec. Wool Blankets Cotton Blankets Cotton Comforts Pillows Wool or Cotton or Mixed Underwear Both in union suits or sepurato garments for all ages Dress or Work Shoes to fit any size feet Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Boots Wool or Cotton Hosiery Mackjpaws, Sweaters, Gloves, Mittens Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc. v Our Grocery Stock is Complete SAUNDERS BRO'S. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School nt 0:00 a. m-, E. E. Holman, superintendent. Preaching at 11 n. m. and 7:30 p. m. Epworth League at G:30. Prayer meeting every Wednes day evening at 7:110 o'clock. Choir practice at 7:30 Thursday livening. The Woman's Missionary So ciety meets the third Thursday afternoon of each month. The Board of Stewards holds its regular meeting Tuesday eve ning after the first Sunday of each month. Everybody conlially invited to attend all of the services of the church. A, Thomas, Pastor CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Our services until later notice will be as follows: Sunday: Bible School at 10:00 a. m. Communion and preaching, 11:00. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Preaching at 8:00 p. in. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8:00. Ladies Aid Friday afternoon. You are cordially invited. William E. Bean, If You Would Buy or Sell Come in and see me, if I don't have listed just what you want I will get it; just now I have 80 acres fine land under Water bury & Allen Ditch; right price; liberal terms; might trade. Just what you want for a home. The T.A. Cobb ranch near New Bridge; 35a all under ditch, young orchard, plenty small fruit, 10a alfalfa, fine 0-room houBo with dutch kitchen and bath room. Price $5000. Good terms. List Your Property With Me C. E. THORP, Richland, Ore. NOTICIS OK 1IKAK1NO. Department of the Interior. United States Und Olllce. Cctoher IHth, 1017. Serial No. 0I70M1 'Contest No. 1110 NOTICH In hereby given that the Com. mlnsioticr of the General I -and Office, by his letter of Oct, loth, UH7, has allowed the application of MariUcHS O. Lewis, of Keating, Oregon, hr n hearing to de. terinino I he mineral or nontnlneral char, acterof the NHJ NWkj and W'i Mi See. 10, Tp. 10 fc., It. II K W. M. Vhu records of this olllce show- that said lund was adjudicated mineral in character lv ('ouitnliialonei V I.titur',N". of November "1st, 1301, as the rinult of a hearing hold ou application by thu Htati. of Oregon therefor, to dutcrmitio tlio character of raid school Mi ction , and that tli. i Statu has selected and hud ap proved and ccrttllcd to it Indemnity ce lections based tin ItH tonnes in Bald B.ction, In his application for a hearing, it is alleged by the Mid Albert K. Kultor.and two ultuesHes, that tho lauds above de kc ilu-d are nonmli.eral In character. Any and all persons, therefore, who claim any tight, title, or interest in said land, or any part thereof, or who may bo claiming the e.uno for mineral pur poses, by location, occupation, or other wise, or who may desire to object hecuuso of thu mineral chnractcr of the land, or for any other rcarou, to thu disposal to applicant, are hereby notllled toappar, respond and offer evidence touching tint character of the html tibovudoscrihod.at 10 o'clock, A. M., ou Dec. Ilth, 11117. be fore W. 1,. l'atterKiiu, Notary I'ublio, at hii ollicu at linker. Oregon, and the Dual hearing will be held at 10 o'clock, A.M , ou January Ilth, 1UIK, hefuru Win Regis ter and Receiver, at tho United States Laud Olllce at I.a Grande, Oregon. 0. S. DUNN', llegister. NOLAN SKIFF. Receiver. Date of I"! rut publication Oct. , 11)17. Pale of Second publication Nov, I, 11117. Date of Third publication Nov. K, 1017. Date of Foitrth publicatiouNov, 10,1017. Notice of Sale of Real Properly Notice is hereby given that the under signed will ou and after the Ihlnlay of November, 1017, soil at private sale tho following described real property situ ated In thu city of Kichlaud, County of linker, State of Oregon, to-wit: Lots Mock'.! of tlio Townsito of Kichlaud, Oregon, together with all water and ditch rights, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or used therewith, Terms cash In hand nnd for tho best prLro obtainable there for, Salo by ordor of the County Court of Hakor county, Oregon. W. II. JIKADFOKI), Administrator of thu estate of Ilachel Bradford, Deceased. V. II. Btrayor, Attorney. First pub. Oct. 11, 1017. Lut pub, Nov. B, 1017.