Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, November 01, 1917, Image 7

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Apparition That Appeared to
Royal Children.
Story Related by Qoverneii of Rus
Ian Prlnceeies Czar and Czar
Ina Dellevo Supernatural Fig.
lire Really Wan Visible.
(Iriind Duko Krncst of Hesse had n
very pretty little daughter by Ills tlrst
wlff, Princess Victoria Melltii of (Wat
Britain mifl Cubing, now married to
(Irnnil Dulio Cyril or Russia. TIiIm lit
tit girl' iiiitni) was Kllsr.ubcth, mill on
account of her beauty mill sprightly
CloVcrillWW hllO WIIM It Universal favor-
lti mill tin' only tin between her par
ents nftur tint estrangement, I'. Ouu
llffo Owen writes In tho Now York
While staying with In.' undo and
mint, tlin present czar nml czarina, nt
their ik'(tiri'Niiio country scut In l'o
Imiil, hint Miecuiiibeil when seven years
olil to poison ptomaine )oImiiii, ac
cording to some, but according to oth
or drugs conveyed Into food or
ilrlnk by tho NIIiIIInIh for tin piirposu
of taking thu llfu of Kmperor Nich
olas. A rcmurknblo account of thu nffiilr
i kI ven by mi KiibIIsIi woiiinn of tint
in n i tt of Mis Eager, who, lifter spend
ing u number of years In thu scrvlcu
iif tho emperor unit empress of Riih
Hln iin tlio nursery governess of their
young cli I hi ren, published on tier re
turn to England, with tlio full author
Ity mid approval of their majestic, a
voltiiui) entitled "Six Venn) nt thu
Court of Russia."
According to her, little Princess
Elizabeth, or "Ella." of Hesse wiih
taken III one afternoon or night nml
died before thu following morning.
Between nine o'clock mid ten o'clock
two of thu little girls of tint cznrlnn,
who were sleeping together In u room
adjoining tluit of their sovcn-yenr-old
coiihIii of Hesse, Nuddeiily iiliirined
every oint within hearing by thu tnont
frantic screams.
When thu empress, Mlsi Eager mid
thu doctor rushed In they found thu
two little Kriind duchesses standing up
)ui their beds, shrieking mid shaking
with terror. It wan somu tlmu before
'they could bu soothed, mid then they
related that they had neon n man with
Mowing robes and huge wings In their
room. Whllu they worn still talking
Jihu eyeti of both children suddenly
lllnteil with terror, and both pointing
du thu Htimu direction, they cried:
"Look I Look! There hu is again.
,Hu has gone Into KIIii'h room. Oh I
J'oor Kiln I Poor Kiln I"
Neither Miss Kager nor thu crarlnn,
nor yet the physicians, could sou any
thing. Hut a few iiiomentH later
'princess KHa suddenly Kilt up In her
bed, crying: "I urn choking. I inn
choking I Send for inamina!" Three
(liourH afterward thu child, who had
liginedliitely after the cry for her
mother fallen Into it Mute, of coma,
panned away, In thu aliHencc, of course,
of her pnreutH.
Miss Kager expressed her firm con
viction that thu little grand duchesses
had seen a supernatural apparition
mid that the apparition In ques
tion was thu angel of death.
That thu czar and czarina shared her
Impression Is shown by thu fact that
they had authorized her to publish
the story In her book, as well as by
the circumstance that she retains their
favor and good will mid Is In re
ceipt of mi annuity from them for thu
remainder of her days.
Not the Man.
Arduppi! My love for you, dear Miss
Huxley, Is a consuming lire that burns
everything In Its path.
Miss Hoxley Then I fear It would
bu uuwlsu to choosu Htich a husband
to hatidlu my money.
New Duo Killer.
A now piece of agricultural appa
ratus has been developed for the pur
pose of combating thu destructive bugs
and undeslrablo vegetable growths by
an application of Rteam to thu Bull
'penetrating Homo dlstnucu below thu
fStirface. Thu ninchlno carries a steam
generating plant mid moves over tlio
Htirfaco on a largo drum, thu periphery
of which Is Htaggured with protruding
stream outlets In the shnpu of blades
or spines. As thu apparatus Is drawn
over tlio ground thu spines Imbed them
selves In thu soli and whllu In this po
sition tlio steam Is released and pene
trates thu soil fur koiiiu dlstanco
around thu outlet, killing thu worms,
larvao and buga and thu undestrablu
crop of weeds which need themselves
from iino season to another.
Four and a Half Ton Mirror.
Thu 100-lneh-dlnmoter reflector for
thu Mount Wilson observatory In Cali
fornia, which will bu finished early
next year, will bo thu largest mirror
ever cast. It will bo 13 Inches thick
and will contain, In onu solid piece,
4 tons of glass, Engineering Hoc-ord.
Eskimo Arrlvea at New York With
Thrilling Account of Encounter
With drizzly Dear.
Hluhborlng with joy, Anwntuk, nti
ititKitno, to bo ;nown on tlio I'nnnsyi
vniila farm, whither ho has gono, by thn
morn pntronyin of Morris Lovy, wr
released from Kills Island In ebon
flf MIhm Mnrtlti. I In Incur n II II run I
till) flren frill mlnnlim In tjitirrwlnr. nOVO
thu Now York Herald. Aswatuk (until
no roaches Pennsylvania) lias oniy
otio foot. Tlio other, tlio loft, wns
chawed off by u grizzly bear, whoroln
Hen thu story.
Aswntuk which moans "tlio chilly
bnliv"- In nlvtonn vnnm nlit. hilt. ItO'
cording to tlio story, ho's so bravo
that Uibrnrtor Is probably rellovod to
iiu rid of his daring spirit.
Miss Utlnlngcr, who brought him
bnck with hor, had troublo gutting him
Into tlio country, but llnnlly appeals to
wnnuingion woro nnswcrcu, ana abwu
tllk In nff fn thn fnrm
Hut to thu talu of that missing foot
On a cold, wlndswopl night In Holster s
Hock, Labrador, llttlo Aswntuk nnd his
mother huddlod about tlio whalo oil
lamp, wondering If I'ajrn Aswatuk, jho
ilnrlnc niilwiritifiii u'lio rlilini tllO catO.
Suddenly from oUtsldo tho Igloo thcro
cftuio a scratching and tho hearts 01
Aswatuk and his mother congealed.
Thov know It wan thn dread scratching
of n polar bear scratching his way In
to mnku a meat oft thorn.
Hun dries In tho wov of dried mooso
ment and mission tracts woro used to
bolster tho fast woakonlng wall of mo
Igloo, but all In vain.
Til rnn i-h n rnircnil nnerturo doomed
tho horrid faco of n grizzly bonr. Ho
yawned In anticipation of llttlo Aswa
tuk a tilntnn vnutli lust as Aswatuk
kicked with his loft foot. Tho foot
renchod tho open mouth Just as It
closed, and Just as Aswatuk s moinor
dropped tho whalo oil lamp on tho
bear's head. With a groan of pain and
nnger thu grizzly loped lightly away,
hliizlnir with wrnth nnd whalo oil. but
still clinging to Aswntuk's foot.
Aswatuk was takon to tho hospital
at St. Anthony's, whoro ho recovered
sufficiently to bu brought to thlB coun
try. 80 goes tho talo of Aswntuk as
told by himself.
Preventing 80II Erosion.
Soil oroslon Is doing business dam
ngo constantly, and fow pooplo know
how to apply provcntlvo measures. In
tho annual report of tho bureau of
soils of thu departmont of agriculture
a slmplo method of handling ona class
of erosions Is described. This Is tho
casu whoro tho soli Is being washod
nway In gullies, and tho romody Is to
build n dam across tho Inclplont gul
ly, through which a sowor ptpo Is
passod, connecting with an upright
plpo situated at tho uppor sido of tho
dam, Tho hollow formed by tlio dam
will All with wator in Hood conditions
until tho top of U10 upright plpo is
reached, when tho oxcess of wator runs
off quietly Into tho next Hold or into
another Impounding spaco balow. Tho
cutting curront of tho draining water
Is stopped and tho scdlmont carried
by it sottlcs nbovo tho dam, thus tend
ing to ropnlr tho danjago provlously
dono. A sultnblo tlio drain located
under tho dnm will dispose of tho wa
ter Impounded bolow tho opening of
tho upright plpo.
Realistic Maneuvers.
Tho Turkish army might possibly bo
putting up n bettor fight Just now had
It been trnlnod according to tho meth
ods adopted by ono of its earlier com
innnders. Lord Hrougliton notos In hU
dlnry of Jnnunry 18, 1S33, that be "mot
Nnhmulc Pnshn, tho Turkish ambas
sador, at tho lord chancellor's dinner
tnblo. Ho gnvo us an account of tho
present grand vizier, whom ho do
scrlbod ns bolng vury 'vlf when
maneuvering his troops In sham bat
tles; so lively, Indeed, tliat ho mado
thorn flro bullets, nnd chnrgo with bay
onets nnd kill ono another, although
In private Ufa ho wns n mild man."
8ays His Wife Could Tell.
Most men nro quoor, but somo nro
quooror, especially In Now York. A
prlzo wlnnor in tho second class draw
thu oyuB of tho entire company upon
him In nmazomont us thoy snt around
n tnblo In a downtown restaurant at
luncheon. Thoy had boon discussing
apartment houso llfo, when ono of tljo
pnrty tumod to thu man noxt to him
and nskod: "Ily tho way, Jim, how
many rooms have you In your flat?"
Now York lints are so small you would
lmnglno that any man who had to
pay runt for ono could answer right
off. Hut Jim said: "DIoBsod if I know,
my wlfo can toll you 1 can't. Novor
countod 'am." "Well," whispered a
man opposite "Isn't ho a bird. Won
der It hu knows how many lingers and
toos ho has?"
For 8ore Feet.
Wash tho feat with soap nnd wator
and dry thorn gently, without rubbing.
Then dip a ploco of soft cotton in
methylated spirits and apply oxcopt
whoro tho Bkln la broken. Whan dry,
diut tho foot with a powdor composod
of oqual parts of starch and boraclt
TIIIC historical and political Im
portance of Ireland has cre
nted In tho minds of many
Americans an exaggerated Idea
of tho Island's physical proportions
and tho density of Its population, two
vital factors In England's task of sup
pressing tho rebellion which bad Its
Inception in tho capital and largest
city. Dublin. According to the Na
tional Geographic society's bulletin
thn wholo of Ireland embraces an
area slightly less than tho stato of
Maine, but with a population almost
six times as denso. In comparison
with tho governing country, it Is
thrco flfths as largo as England and
Wales, with one-ninth tho population.
The island Is ono of tho very fow
sections of tho civilized world where
tho population has Bhown a marked
'Increase during tho last contury. The
first census of tho Island, taken In
1821, recorded a populntlon almost
30 per cont larger than at tho pres
ent time, whllo tho census of 1841
showed tho high-water mark of moro
than eight millions, nearly twlco the
prosont population of 4,375,000. This
remarkablo decrease, duo largely to
emigration, began aftor tho famlno
brought about by tho destructlro dls
oaso which attacked tho potato crops
of 1S4D. This calamity resulted in
tho withdrawal of moro than a mil
lion ncrcs from cultivation within two
years. Incldontally tho potato, which
has playod such an Important rola In
tho llfo of Iroland during tho last 300
years, is not Indlgonous to tho Island,
but was ono of tho food gold mines
dlscovorcd by tho Spaniards In their
conquost of Peru. Tho country is di
rectly Indebted to Sir Walter nalolgb
for its "IrlBh" potatoes, as It was ho
who brought thorn from what is now
North Carolina nnd planted thorn on
his oBtato near Cork In 1C85.
Mountains, Dogs and Lakes.
Iroland lies on tho wostorn rim of
what was onco a part of Continental
Europe. It has numorous mountains,
tho highest bolng tho Mcullllcuddy
Rooks (3,414 foot), In tho Klllnrnoy
roglon, but thoro Is no mountain chain
or olovatod "backbone." Thoro is a
moro -or loss woll-doflnod central
plain, howovor, tho distinguishing fca
turo of which Is its bogs tho black
bog producing tho famous peat fuel,
IHMr vhb imbbiMHbBRSIbIbSbbLbLLI
differentiated from tho brown bogs
of the mountains. If tho wholo Island
were brought to a mean level it
would rlso 400 feet abovo tho sea.
Tho lakes, or loughB, of Ireland are
among Us most widely appreciated
physical characteristics, tholr scenic
beauty being tho inspiration of pools,
painters and musicians. Nor have the
Irish rivers been overlooked In ap
praisals of tho island's beauties. The
Shannon, which flows for 250 miles
from the county of Cavan in the
northwest to tho Atlantic in tho
southwest, Is tho longest water course
In tho Unltod Kingdom. It Is navi
gated by largo steamers for half its
length, and Is connected with Dublin
by means of tho Grand and Royal
Although coal Is found In most of the
32 counties Into which tho Island Is
divided, and thoro Is considerable
Iron ore, mining Is not an Important
Industry. Gold was bolng mined In
a modest way In County Wlcklow at
tho tlmo of the rebellion of 1798, but
tho works were destroyed and the
sourco of the metal has never been
Industries of the Island.
Agriculture and stock raising are
tho chief occupations of tho inhabi
tants. At ono tlmo the woolen manu
factures of the Island woro formid
able rivals of English factories, but
hostile legislation gave tho industry a
chock from which it has never recov
ered. As tho Irish havo raised -flax
for centuries tho manufacture of linen
early becamo ono of tho Important
Industries of tho country. Irish
whlBky Is an Importnnt article of ex
port nnd ono of tho lnrgest breweries
In tho world Is located at Dublin. Tho
Island's production of beer Is three
nnd n half million barrels annually.
Shipbuilding In tho great yards at
Helfast is ono of tho most widely
known of Irish activities, and tho deep
sea and coast fisheries afford a live
lihood for many thousands.
Thnnks to tho tompernto lnfluonco
of tho west winds from tho Atlantic,
tho thermometer rarely reaches frooz
lug point In winter, whllo tho aver
ago for a summer day Is GO degrees.
At Toor Head on tho north tho dls
tnnco to Scotland (Mull of Cantlrl)
Is only 13 miles. Tho Giant's Cause
way, a short distance to tho east of
this point, Is tho outcropping basaltic
formation which In n former age
Jolnod tho two Islands.
Water Seemingly Flows From Tree.
At Mount Lowe. Cal.. tho thirsty vis
itor has only to turn on a faucet pro
jecting from a largo treo near tho ho
tpl and wator boglns to flow. No wa
tor pipes aro to bo seen, and curios
ity is aroused at onco. Tho lower part
of tho troo Is hollow, and tho pipes are
run underground and up through tho
hollow part to a knothole, whoro a
faucot Ib uttachod. Around tho faucot
tho holo Ib plugged up with comont
which looks llko tho treo Itself.
Wise Practice of the Incas.
Tho Incas, auclont rulors of Poru,
woro ono of tho onrltost authontlo ex
amples of tho high ougenlo develop
ment of tho human raco. Tholr sys
tem of choosing each year tho flnost
physical spoclmous of young woman
hood from all classos to bocome
"bridos of tho sun," or wires of the
ruler, having quite an opposito offoct
to that of tho limited and unfortunate
matrimonial customs of prosont day
Janitor Had Lost Nothing and Had
Made Something of a Reputation
for Urbanity,
Ono day Drown lost his temper and'
determined to dlsclpllno tho Janitor.
"Why Is It," ho said, "that every
tlmo anybody in this building lose
anything you ask us If wo know what
has becomo of It?"
"Decause," tho Janitor replied, "you
are tho only folks that nover lose any
thing." Next morning Brown shouted down,
tho dumbwaiter shaft: "Wo'ro short
& bottlo of milk; whoro Is it?"
"I don't know, sir," tho Janitor an
swered humbly. "I'll sco If I can
find It."
"Why," said Mrs. Brown, "wo got
our milk."
"Don't worry," said her husband.
"Of course ho can't find It, but it will
do him good to stow around a little."
About 15 minutes later Brown was
summoned to tho dumbwaiter.
"Hero's your milk," said tho Janitor.
"I'm sorry I mado a mistake."
Brown was bewildered. "Now,
where on earth did the fellow get It?"
bo said.
"Ho has taken It from one of the
neighbors," walled Mrs. Brown.
Next day Brown complained of the
loss of a package of sugar, which,
though purely Imaginary, so far as the
BrownB were concerned, very soon
materialized in the bands of tho re
sourceful Janitor. Even Brown got
uneasy then; but, being bent on ven
geance, he subsequently reported as
lost bread, a head of lettuce, and &
bag of potatoes, all of which were Im
mediately produced by the Janitor.
When Brown paid his grocery bill
for the month, Mrs. Brown, who Is a
systematic housekeeper, scanned the
"Why, they have made a mistake,"
she said. "They have charged us for
milk and sugar and things wo never
Brown went back to the grocery to
"It's all right," ho said; upon his
return. "We got tho stuff. Tho Jan
itor ordered It"
Activities of Women.
Russia has over 3,000 women physi
cians. Tho Woman's Trade Union of Amer
ica, haa over 65,000 members.
Three out of every four nonagena
rians in Berlin,' Germany, 'are women.
Miss Jean T. Mochle, an automobile
saleswoman, recently showed that she
could handle machinery as well as sell
cars. In a leather apron and blue Jean
coat aho stood on a platform in aNew
York salesroom and dismantled and
assembled a motor taken from a car
she had driven ovor ten thousand
The wearing of a skirt which was so
tight that it Interfered with the free
uso of her limbs caused Mrs. Delia
Wilson of Kansas City to lose her suit
for $5,000 damages against the Chi
cago, Burlington & Quincy railroad.
Tho Jury contonded that a skirt which
was only 32 inches wldo was entirely
too narrow for free uso of tho feet In
boarding a train.
Wonderful New Resistance Alloy.
A new alloy for use in ranking elec
tric resistance was put on the market
In Germany shortly before tho war
and is said to bo of great uso in case
the resistance wires or strips need to
bo worked at a high heat; for the new
alloy of chromium and nickel can be
run at oven a bright red heat without
suffering damage, and such heating
does not mako tho metal brittle upon
long uso.
Specific gravity of tho alloy Is 8.25,
and It has a specific resistance per
meter length and square millimeter
section of 1.10 ohms. It can support
a temperature of 1110 degrees C. on
constant run. Tho melting point Is
1400 degrees C.
The Exception.
A noted English suffragette said
tho other day to a New York reporter:
"Your idea of us militants Is that
we are vixens, tartars and mandators,
but, as a matter of fact, we havo in
our ranks somo of tho most elegant
and fascinating women in London so
ciety. "No, tho mllltnnt Is not llko Mrs.
Blanc, who said to hor daughter one
" 'I am certainly easy on shoos. Look
at this pair of clastic sides. 1'vo worn
thorn, throo years nnd they're still ns
good as tew. I'm easy on clothes,
too. There's my tweed Just ns fresh
as tho day I bought It seven years ago,
And hats, glovos, stockings In fact,
I'm easy on everything,'
" 'Except father, eh?' said tho daugh
ter, without looking up from her book."
Looked Pretty.
Patlenco Polly said they had a
highly-polished hardwood floor up
where ho called.
Patrice And did she say It looked
"Why, of course. Sho said eho
could soo herself In It"