Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, November 01, 1917, Image 5

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    A'.,' .
Axes and nxo handles al S.uut
tlora Bio's. --ad
Mr. and Mra. Geo. M. Moody
iworo in Hakcr Monday.
Wo buy Poultry of all kimta
k lit..! til , .
Arnom imk ranee, uownciic. at
John MuLuod and Willard Jim
per shipped a car of hogs from
Kobinotto l'rulay.
.S. II. Doaeh is sojourning at
Hot Lake and Frank (iatt in run
ning tlio meat market.
bee the now gasoline staix
Inmns wo have, just what you
need tins time of year. Haley's.
Mr. and Mra. L. 10. Chandler
nro now at Groentown, Indiana,
where they will visit relatives for
several weeks.
Word haa been received that
Andrew and Wesley Nedrow have
joined the aviation department
of the U. S. Army.
Last Saturday quite a lot of
snow foil at Sparta, Hakor ant
other points in the county, hut
ICuglo Valley escaped.
Walter Meaeham was in the
Valley Sunday and Monday Rath
wing up exhibits for the Lanr
l'roducta Show at Portland on
Nov. 3rd to 21th.
Another shipment of washing
machines due this week: if you
want a machine better sac us be
fore your neighbor gets ahead of
you. Haley's. ad
Ira Hradford and Walter Jonos
have received notiOes to appear
tit Baker tomorrow to join the
last quota of the first draft, am
will go on to American Lake.
Found A ladies veil, same is
at News oflice. Walter Campbel
was the finder and says if the
owner is a sweet, pretty young
woman ho will claim a reward
otherwise none.
For SaleOne DeLaval Cream
Separator No. 15. used but little
and as good as now; also a num
ber of thrifty Duroc Jersey gilts
Soon to farrow. 15. F. Keist,
Sparta, Oregon. ad50
Messrs. F. C. Oxman, Gus War
rick, W. L. and Hichard Kirby
were visitors Monday. They
purchased It number of fat cattle
to fill out a full train load which
they will ship to Kansas City from
Durkco next Monday.
Hcrt Wellman left the first of
the week for Seattle whero ho
expects to securo work and re
main indefinitely. Before leav
ing Hert called and arranged to
have the News sent to his address
so as to keep posted oil Eagle
Valley events.
Wo have plenty of flolir now on
hand and our prices are rlghtj wo
Will not be undersold. Wo also
have graham, corn and brit meal,
rye flour and hominy Try one
bf our Swift or Columbia hams,
they aro delicious und the prico
does not mar the taste.
ad E. & W. Chdndlor.
The Eagle Telephone- Co. ex
change Is now loc'atfcU in the
rooms especially arranged" for the
business in the 6'livor Corson
building. An up-to-date switili
board has been installed, a sound
proof booth is provided, and Mr.
Binheimer is5 busy fixing up the
lines so that in a few days wo
will have a first class phone ser
vice in every respect;
Richland Pool Room
Allan Binheimer, Prop.
Soft Drinks of All Kinds, Cigars,
Tobacco, Confectionery
Come in and spend your idle time
We'll treat you right
Wyatt McCraw is visiting his
parents at Hepncr.
Lanterns, globes, wicks and oi
at Saunders Bro's. ad
Nc'v shipment of glassware
just received at Haley's.ad
County Surveyor Hoffman did
aomo work in the Valley last week
Sale at New Bridge Saturday
afternoon and another on Monday
Parties from Pine Valley have
been baling hay in this section
the past several days.
Money to Loan on Heal Estate,
$2,000 at 8 per cent; 1 to 5 years
time. Inquire at this oflice. at
Joseph Moorehead has purchos
ed a power saw and is cutting a
lot of wood on Jim Kirby's ranch
on Eagle Creek.
Lost A 32-calibro Colt's auto
matic ristol near Gibson's corner
south of Hichland; suitable ro-
ward for return to News office.
Messrs. Zcigler, Bland and
Cogor returned Sunday from a
hunting trip on Kettle Creek
'Zcigler bagged a buckl the only
game secured.
Born To the wife of Geo. H
Guyer on Monday, October 29th,
a 7-pound girl. We are told that
George is so puffed up that 'faffs
overcoat wouldn't nlake a vest
for him now.
Our heatnr stock is complete,
consisting of stoves for oil, coal
and wood, ranging in price from
$3.25 to $23.50, and wo do not
hesitate in saying that our prices
cunnot be duplicated.
ad) E. & W. Chandler.
L. F. Parker was a visitor from
Sparta yosterday and added his
name to the News list. He and
J. M. Mncy are running a band
of sheep together and stated that
tho sheep industry would be a big
thing in the Sparta section within
a few years.
Tho Pythian Sisters held a spe
cial meeting at their hall Tuesday
evening, after which a Hocial time
was enjoyed. Sandwiches, cake,
apliles and coffee wero served at
Hie close of a series of appropri
lite games, and those prdsent re
port the affair a grand success.
Last Thursday night as Arch
Harvill and Wyatt McOrd we're
on thoir Way homo after the
movies, tho horse they were driv
ing becartfo frightened when near
Oliver Corson's house and Started
d run. On attempting to turn
into tUe Gibson lane the bdggy
Wds dverturne'd and both men
hrown out. Harvill escnbed
without Injury but M'cCfaw' Suf
fered several severe bruise's arid
lis left shoulder was dislocated:
THo injured mpn wa& token to
tho Richland Hotel and as both
physicians were out of town,- was
compelled to do without medical
aid until Dr. Wilson returned
front Baker Friday mornlnjr:
Oranges, Bananas and Lemons
at Saunders Bro's. ad
Mr. and Mrs." Bert Rogers havo
returned from Oklahome.
Bo suro to read tho announce
ment of the Jcllison sale on last
Get your winter's flour and
sugar now; our prices are right.
Haley's. ad
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wallace and
family spent Sunday with rela
tives in Pine Valley.
High Patent Flour per barrel -I'll.
Arnold LaFrance. ad50
U. S. Commissioner Shelton and
L. D. Pcndergrass of Halfway
were Hichland visitors Monday.
E. A. Jerome of Baker secured
the contract for Dan Jones' new
residence and commenced work
on same Monday.
Strangers have been asking the
reason why our" streets are being
irrigated at this season of the
year. Will someone else please
New 10-inch Oliver steel plow
for sale; one extra share included.
Price $27.50. Will trade for good
calf or one-yr-old. G. W.Martin,
Hichland. adltp
In order that our boys in ser
vice may all receive the home
happenings we offer the News to
them at $1 per year. Come in
and subscribe for a soldier boy.
The high school held a Hallow
e'en party at the school building
Tuesday evening. Ghosts, gob
lins, witches, etc., were much in
evidence, yet a royal good time
is reported by all the young folks
O. D. Center, of the extension
department of O. A. C. and U.'S.
Dept. of Agriculture cooperating
was in the Valley last week in
terviewing the farmers as to
their opinion of the need of a
county agent.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. G. W
Martin called on them last Fri
day night to extend congratu
lations. Dancing was the order
until a bounteous supper was pre
pared by the bride. It's sure all
present enjoyed themselves.
Mrs. Vina Ellis was tendered a
miscellaneous shower at the home
of Mrs. Churberry Gover on Sat
urday afternoon. Arodnd twenty-
five guests were present and the
Occasion was one of much enjoy
ment. Mrs. Ellis received many
beautiful and appropriate gifts.
Barney Eidsort was at Baker
Monday and presented the peti;
tion for the road up Eaglo Can
yon to the county court and same
will be acted Upon in Deceriiber.
Over $1000 in cash and work has
already been donated and if the
county will help a little the road
is certain to bo built.
Thomas Bashaw, who Has been
it resident of Eaglo Valley for the
past 83 years, expects to ldave in
rt short time for Portland wherq
he will enter the I. O. 0. F, home.
Tom' was 85 years of ago last May
And is getting too feeble to work
at carpentering any longer, so
Is offering all his carpenter tools
and a lot Of miscellaneous articles
nt private sale. The money that
he realises from his possessions
will bo no great amount but will
furnish many comfoVts for him,
and we believe that Eagle Valley
residents will deem it a duty to
tho old piqnoer'by buying alhh
ias for eare.
Let's not talk about
Washing Machines
Let's try them out in direct comparison
by performance with every other washer
"Motor High Speed"
, and
"Turbine Vacuum"
Washers sell on facts, fastest to those
who know them.
They will sell themselves to you.
Want to try them?
Raley's Cash Store
Look at These !
Our great sale is drawing customers from
all sections and all declare that the prices
we quote cannot be duplicated elsewhere
at this time. That you may get an idea
of the bargains we offer, just note these:
Men's Elk-hide lace boots, high top, were $8.50, now $7.48
Men's Elk-hide Logger Shoes, formerly $8, now 6.48
Boys' high top boots, regular price $3.50, sold now for 2.48
Men's Dress Shoes, were sold at$G, present sale price 4.48
Women's Dress Shoes, regular $4.50 grade, 3.48
Children's Shoes, were bargains at $2.75, now sell at 2.38
Men's Cooper Union Suits, all wool, were $3.50, now. 2.24
Men's regular $2 grade Underwear we sell at 1.48'
Comfort Quilting Cotton, sold elsewhere at $1.40 per
3-lb roll, come buy it here .per roll 1.00'
Ginghams, sold elsewhere at 20c per yard, our price. .15"
Outing Flannel, others charge 20c, our price per yard .15'
These Are But Samples of Our Prices-,
All other goods in same proportion. Come look over
our stock and select what you need the price we'll quote
you will prove a pleasant surprise ' '
If you doubt our statements
(Dome and see for yourself
Warning to Hunters!
Anyone found Hunting oil thy
premises will be prosecuted as by
law provided. Mrs. L, L. Hbl-
comb, Richland: ddBltf
J. M. Macy was dovn frbln
Sparta yesterday and left at this
ofiicG some samples of potatoes
raised on his place the past slim
mer. They atd smtioth) fred of
scab and average more than dnb,
pound each iri weight He will
have several tons for sale.
Miss Fern Chandler came out
from Baker dhd spent Sunday
with her parents;
Barney Eidson has been award
Ed the contract for the carpenter
work on Noble Holcomb's new
residfence and work will com
mence at once. The building will
be of bungalow pattern) 80x51
feet, with a full seven-foot base
ifient under all; a hot water heat
ing Bystem and an electric light
plant will be installed) in fact the
House whtin cbtfip'leted will be
dne of the most triodern and con
venient thut can be biiilt: The
total cost will be in the neigh
borhood of $6000.
Dr. Bull is expected back thl3
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