Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, November 01, 1917, Image 4

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    aae Vaet TVs
Straight, Truthful, Direct
C. . 7ior)
Entered as second class matter
Richland Oregon, under
Membor Oregon Stuto
- - - $1.50 SIX MONTHS -
- - - .50 SAMPLE COPY
RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY. NOV. 1, 1917. Vol. 5. No. 51
10 DCnnMED
10 ULUUtf
Natural Thrift and Economy
Rapid Progress,
Our Great Ally Possesses Recuperative
Powers Which Justify Belief That
Sho Will Meet and Golvo Trium
phantly tho Problems Which Con
front Her After tho War.
With Paris Roulcvarda echoing with
"Tives" for American troops our In
terest In the welfare of our ully vastly
increases, and the facts are not lack
ing to encourage the belief that she Li
already on the road to recovery from
the blow of invasion by a ruthless en
emy. One of the most important do-
Marshal Joffro and the French Million
In America.
Yclopmentu Is the announcement that
ono of tho largest banking institu
tions In America concerned with for
eign trade, the Guaranty Trust Com
pany of New York, has opened u Paris
branch to handle the rapidly Increas
ing volume of French business.
This action mov surpriso many per
sons who had thought of France as
bowed under a calamitous inraslon.
Tho bank, however, gives' figures Indi
cating that Franco la not only meeting
her military and civilian problems with
a fitout heart and never falling cour
age, but Is re-establishing her export
business with this country.
In 1014, the year of the outbreak of
tho War, imports from France to this
country totaled $141,440,232, This to
tal was reduced to $77,158,740 In 1015,
but last year tho value of French im
ports to tho United State rose to f 102,
077,000. "A. nation that can achieve such a
Commercial recovery whtt her terrl
fefrr is Uhjg rarlabed hrllio Invader,"
Dec.12, 1912 at the post oilice at
act of March 3, 1S79.
Editorinl Association
$100 Reward, $100
Tho readers of this paper wilt be
pleased to learn that Otero Is at least
ono dreaded disease that srlenco has
keen able to euro In alt Its stnKea and
that Is catarrh. Catarrh bWng greatly
Influenced by constitutional conditions
requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Caturrh Medicine Is taken Internally and
acts thru the Hlood bn the Mikoih Sur
faces of tho System thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, Rlvlni; tho
patient strength by building up the con
stitution nnd assisting until ro In doing Its
work. Tho proprietors have so much
faith In the curative powers of Hall's
Catarrh Medlclno that thev otter Ono
Hundred Dollars for any eao that It falls
to cure. Send for Ht of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo.
Ohio. Sold by all Druggist. 75c.
says the Trust company's statement,
"possesses recupe'ratlre power which
General Perahme Arrives In France.
Justify the belief that Hlie will emerge
from the present couOIet prepared tj
meet and tolvo trliunpliantly the prob
lems which confront her."
The commercial nnd Industrial record
of France, following past warn, Indi
cates! that she should recover quick);
from tho actual physical destruction
Inflicted In the prettent conflict. Thr
reconstruction of railroads, tho erection
oi factories to replace those destroyed,
arid the replacement of ho mechanism
of industrial hctlvity tllat will be re
quired arid that Is In part already
pldhtied, offer ft peculiarly inviting
field to American capital and enter
prise. Tentative steps have already
been taken y representatives of Amer
ican engineers and business men ln
this work.
THE IJovernreent fleets, Farmers as
well as Figlitcfs. Tjvo million threp.
hundred tlionsantl acres of Oregon &
palifornia Railroad Co. Grant Lands.
Title reinvested fn Uniied States. To be
opened for homesteads and sale. Con
taining some of best land lef.ln United
States; Largo Copyrighted jfap, show
ing land by sections and description of
Boil, climate, rainfall, elevations, tem
perature, etc., by counties. Poitpaid
Ono Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co.,
Box 010, Portland, Oregon.
Wanted to Rent l6o to 320a
ranch in Eagle Valloy, Address
B care News. ad
I)ouirtmiTit of tho Interior.
U. S. land Office, nt U Grande, Ora
Ron, Sept. lath, 1017.
.Notteo Is hereby (jlvon that Otto U.
Schiller, of Richland, Oregon, who, on
November lUth, Will, made, Homestead
Entry, No. 012024, or SB 14 NE 1-1,
UK 1-t SK L4, Bet:. 21, W 1-2 NV 1-4,
set. 22, Tj.t8., u.44, e. w. M.. niut
f,n ? ??cum,,uL10 'V-' " ll' !n
for S 1'2 M ll, fci'o unit M-. 1-4
nk i-4. .Section 21, Townnhipt) south,
three-year Proof, to establish claim to
tho land uhovu described, beforo Wood
iton L. PattTon, U. !S. l'oinnililoner,
at hisotileo at Unkor.Oreiiou.oii tho 14th
Uny ol November, 1017.
lliuuiant names UK wit Messrs: l )av
I). .Throbs, A. Francis Kales, and Marth
Wilcox, nil of lilchl'Mul. Oreuon. nod
1 Iiuiuns Hitch, ol Maker. Ortvon.
O. S. Dl NX, Register
Department of tho Interior.
V. S. bind Olllco nt la Grarnlo, Oro
jron. Mpt. t'.'tii, rJiY.
Notice hurobv given that John M
Smith, ol Pnrkco, Oregon, who, on Nov
."ith, 11)14, inado llome.ste.ul lintry, No
OUitMO. for Lot 'J, ? 1-2 N'K I-l, Lot II
4. 5. SK 1-4 XV 1-1, and Lot 0. lectio
0. Township II South, Ramru IK Kiut
w tlluniHttu .Mertiiinti. lms Hied notlcu o
intention to tn.iko three-yt'iir Proof,
t. tiiiiiiHii eiaim to ttiu inni) nuovu
fcrtbed, befor tho Register unii
ceiver. rnititl StntcH Land Olllco. a
l.n Onilitli), Oregon, on the -Mil day ol
XnviMiiher, IU1.
Clitmmnt niimi'f' as wilneci'i'S IVlmi'
Kunntnly, V L. Klrby, titul (IcorRO Ktn
nisiv. nil of Dm ken, Oreu"i ; mid Itieli
ard Kirby, of Richland, Oreuon.
C S. DUNN. R.-Istor.
Department of tho Interior.
U. H. IjwuI OHico at Ln Grande, Ore
Kon, Sojit. I'Jth, IU17.
Xotico is liorobv civen that Arthur H
Mill.H, of Richland, Oregon, who, on July
th, 1'JI I. iiiiuli) Uonifsteitil hntry .No.
i ISoPJ. for SW'l4', Section Xi, Township
i hontli, ICaiKO 44 hast. Wlllumulti)
Meridian, h aj tiled notice of intention
to make tliree-vi'ar i'rucf. to estahiiHl
rlaim to tho land nbovudtcril)td, beforo
A. I'., Combs, Jr , Clerk of County Court
of linker County, it linker, Oregon, on
the 14th day ol fwn'cmbur, 1017.
Claimant nnnii h as wltue.i-ea: A. H
.Mi'ler. T. O. Welch, .1. K, SincUir, and
T. K. Jeffords, all of Richland. Oreuon
C. s. DUNS, Roaster.
Department of thu Interior.
I . S. Land Ohco at Ij Urande. On-'
U-on, Sept. RJth. 1017.
Xotici, fa hereby given that Hans P,
Mikkolson, of Diirkce. Oregon, who, on
.Inly LMth, PJIL', made Homestead Hntry
.No. fiioaiG, for V 1-1 SW 1-4, Sec.
XK1-4 SIC 1-1. .ir.3. and on Jan. 21.
1016, made Ad. U.K. No. 014L'.j3, for
-SW 1-4 SV 1-4, .Sec. 2, HK I-l NIC 1-4,
-cction il, ToMiislup II South, Rano 44
L.iHt. U'illan.etto Meridian, has liluil
potico of intention to mako Mirtw-year
proof, to establifh clnim to tho land
abovo described, beforti A. II. Combrt,
Jr., Clerk of County Court 6l linker
i.oiinty, at lia.ker. tirciton, on the lutn
oay oi Aovember, I!)17.
iiniuiatit names as witncBBus: Jntnes
Gallagher and Ixe llland, of Durkeo,
uregon; William I.. I'liaHe and Wl'llaui
1 . 1'atterpon, of Richland. Oregdn.
C S. DUNN, Register.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grnndo, Ore
gon, heit. IStti, JU17.
Notc; is hereby given that John II.
Allen, of Richland, Oregon, who .onOct.
turn, iviv, maao Homestead isntry wo.
011220, for Hy2 and VM 8W, Sec-
tion 12, Township 0 Houth, Rnnco 44
Last, Willumetto Meridian, has n ed
notice of intention to mako three-year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
abovo described,,, before CJ. Sliollon,
United States CbmmlHsioner. at his of
fice at Halfway, Oregon, on the 12th day
of November, 1J17.
Claimant ndmejas witnesses: R. II.
Goodwin, II. P. Lambert, Frank Dork,
and J. K. Wallace, allot Richland, Ore
gon. C. 8. DUNN, Rcgistor.
Friends of tho News who have
occasion W publish legal adver
tisements m settlement of estates'
or other probate matters or in
cases in the district court will do
this paper a favor by directing
their attorney or the county of
ficial having such matters in
charge to have such publication
mad in Th Eagl Vtllay Jiws.
Is the advice given to all by Uncle Sam
Let us help you
We advise that you purchase your winter jjoods now, as
prices are most certain to advance. You will find the prices
ask for the goods listed below are indeed low when com-
i , . . .
pared with the wliolcsalc prices of today, thus enabling you to
Wool Blankets Cotton Blankets
Cotton Comforts Pillows
Wool or Cotton or Mixed Underwear
Hoth in union suits or sopornte- garments for all ages
Dress or Work Shoes to fit any size feet
Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Boots
Wool or Cotton Hosiery
Mackinaws, Sweaters, Gloves, Mittens
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.
Our Grocery Stock is Complete
Sunday School at i0:00 a. m-,
E. E. Holman, stiperinteiidont
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:!)0
). m. bworth League at o:au.
Prayer meetinK every Wednes
day evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Choir practice at 7:30 Thursday
The Woman's Missionary So
ciety meets the third Thursday
afternoon of each month.
The Board of Stewards holds
its regular meeting Tuesday eve
ning after the first Sunday of
each month.
Everybody cordially invited to
attend all of tho services of the
A. Thomas, Pastor
Our services until later notice
will be as follows':
Bible School at 10:00 a. m.
Communion and preaching, 11:00.
Christian Endoavdr, 7:00 p. m.
reaching at 8:00 i. m.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at 8:00.
Ladles Aid Friday afternoon.
You are cordially' invited.
William E. Bean,
Notice of Sale of Ileal Property
Notice is hereby given that thu under-
luiicd Vill on and after the 0th day of
November, 1017, soil at privato snlo thu
following described real property flUu-
ted If i thu city of Richland, County of
Raker, Htato of Oregon, fo-wlti Lot C
I)lock2 of (ho fowuslto of Richland,
Oregon, together with fill water and
lltcli rights, tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances therounto belonging
6ruscd therewith. Tormn cash in hand
and for the (est prlco obtainable there
for. Sale by ordor of tho County Court
of Uakcr county, Oregon.
Adrnlniatratnr of tho oatuts of Rachul
Bradford , Deceased.
VV. IJ.8trayor, Attornoy.
First pub. Opt, 11,1017.
Lait pub. Mov. 8, 1017.
Renew Your Subscription
Di'partuient of tho Interior.
United State Ijind Olllco.
October 18th, 1017.
Serial No. 017113d
ConteKt N.f. 1110
NO TICK it hureliy given thnt tho Com
iiilhsiouur of tho (iuneral bind Officii, by
bin letter of Oct. 10th, 10l7, has allowed
the application of MariUenH U. i.oulc,
ol Keating, Oregon, f.ir a hearing to de
teriuiiiu I be mineral union mineral char
acler of thu HV.yx SW'H '"' WJlv NUJtf
Sec. 10, Tp. 10 K., It. II W. M.
Thu reconlx of this iilllcu dhow that
said land was adjudicated mineral In
character bv t'ouwnlHulnimf 's L,ttir"N"
of November 2Ut, 1801, nu thu n null of
ti hearing huld on application by tho
Htntt- of Oregon therelor, to deterinlno
tho character of mid hchiKil Mellon, and
that tli ' Statu bus selected and had up
prored ami certified ti il Indemnity c
lectioiiH Imned on Its loimes in said Mi-otion,
In Ids application for a hearing, it Is
alleged by tluiB.iid Albert K. Rutter.aid
two ituuHHCH, that lliu lands above du
scibed are. uouniltieral in character.
Any and all pernons, therefore, who
claim any light, title, or interest in saiil
IiuiiIh, or any part thereof, or who may
bu claiming the camn for mineral pur
pones, by location, occiipiitiou, or other
wisti, or who may desire toobieet becaiiMo
of thu mineral character of the land, or
for any other reiicdn. td the dlHixisal Ul
applicant, are hereby notified toappi'iir,
rvspoiid and offer uvidouco touching thd
churnctiT of tho laud nbovodcscrihod.at
iu o ciock, a. on Hoc nth, 1017, bu
foro W, f Patturiioii. Noturv Public, at
bin olllco. at Iblker, Oregon, nod the final
hearing will bo hjd at 10 o'clock. A.M.:
on January 1 1th, HUM. before tint Regis
ter and ItccuiYor, at tho United MtateH
Ulnd Dllice til La Grando, Oregon.
U. rj. DUNN, ItcrfiHtiir.
NOMNHKII'T. Receiver.
Dall) of First publication Oct. 20, 1017.
Datu of Second publication Nov. 1. 11117.
Date of Third publication Nov. 8, 1017.
Date of Fourth publication Nov. 15, 10I7j
Dopaf tinuiit of tho Interior.
U. 8. Land Oliico lit Ij Qrando, Oro-
rod, Sopt. I'Jtlf, 1017.
Nollco is hereby kioi Ihat David I);
Jacobs, cf Rlchliurd, Orexdi, who, oil
uuc. -vin, iiuu, niiuio Homestead Hntry
No. ()K0(). Uil H .'2 HK 1,1 H.m u u i.-i
N W l-t, Hv'C ii, Tn.OS., It, 44 H., V. M.j
and on April 2, 1016, mfldo Ad. II. U.
No. 04407, for N J.J! NK 1-4, Bod. H, and
W 1-2 NK l-,4, Hectlofi .0, Totfnahlp 0
South, Ranup44 EiHtuVJIIameUo ftler.
idlau, Iia4 filed liollcu of iiitentlou Ut
mako livo-year pr6of, o oHtahllBh clalni
to tho laud above described, boforo
Woodson L. PattorBOn, Uhltod Statcrf
Conunlsaioner, nt his office, at Haker,
Oregon, on tho 14th day of Noyenibcr,
Claimant namoa as wltnossoj: Ann
field Rales. Howard Jacobs, and Ilarrv
Jacobs, all of Richland, Ort'Kon, and
Grant ftlbtganj of Raker, Orenon.
0. 8, DUNN, RoulBtorJ