Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, October 04, 1917, Image 5

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MrH. Peter Suhh Ihih purchased
a HOVon-irnHHontfor Velio,
Sholjrun bIiuIIh and ammunition
of all kinria at Samplers Hro'a.-ad
Allan Hiuheimer and Jim For
Ktisotj wct'o visitors at Gypsum
Maker founty'a exhibit took
llrnt prize la district display at
tlio statu fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bennett's
little won, lanthuH, has boon quite
ill tho past wook.
Clma. Watorbury. formerly a
resident of this community, was
In from Haines after fruit last
Win. Bork !oft Monday for bis
homo at Flora, Oregon, aftor a
Bbort visit with hia brother Frank
Bork and family.
Mr. and Mr. John Chapman
will leave for Portland tomorrow
where John will attend the K. of
I!. Grand Loe an a delegate.
K iddieR. Ask your papa to buy
yon a pair of those dandy Bull
Brand rubber boots for children
at Saunders Bio's. All hw. ad
I.a Bradford was the only one
of the Kichlrnd toys leaving es
terday for American aku, Geo.
Guyor receiving word that he had
been given complete exemption.
Going to paint your floor before
wet weather set in? Now is the
heat time nT bo sure and, use
"Basmuiigen V pure door paint.
See color card at Kaleyls. -ad
Mrs. John McLcod and children
left Monday via auto for Walla
Walla where they will spend the
winter. Harry will enter busi
ness college and Lizr.'c the public
G. W. Martin handed ub his re
newal this week. He says the
use the Dry Gulch Ditch for Heat
ing down wood is proving of much
benefit to the rMidonti .of thef
Dry Gulch district.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen" My
O'-mo-old Scotch Collie pup. A
liberal reward will be paid for its
return or for information leadiiw
to the recovery of the animal.
1 layman Swisher, Bichland. ad
Messrs. F. K. Wilson, W7 G.
Saunders and Win. 15. Bean iiavo
been busy the past week securing
the right of way for the Richland
water system. Practically every
property owner visited was glad
to know the pipe lino was assured
and signed up without hesitancy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Chase re
turned Monday from their vaca
tion and report a very enjoyable
time, although disappointed in
not being able to visit their son
at American Lake. They attend
ed the state fair at Salem and
there mot Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Clarke also taking in the sJights.
For the past two weeks and at
the present time, the upper part
I of Eagle Valley has been and is
about the busiest community in
Baker county. Trucks, wagons,
backs, autosand every other kind
of vehicle have como from Baker,
LaGrande, Union, Haines, Half
way and other towns and taken
away ton's upon tons of delicious
peaches, pears, apples and toma
tpes. In spite of tlio enormous
quantity sold, many tons of fruit
jta boing fed to hogs or lies rotting
on tlio ground,
Richland Pool Room
Allan Binhcimer, Prop.
Soft Drinks of All Kinds, Cigars,
Tobacco, Confoctionory
Come in and spend your idle time
We'll treat you right
Mason! Bros, are filling their
silos this week.
Misses; Opal Matthews wbb in
Baker the first of tile week.
Kitchen range and set double
harness for sale. John Graven.
Mrs. 12lsio Barber and baby
loft Tuesday for a visit at Wolser.
Warren Hydo loft Friday for
Nowburg, whoro ho will attend
Hot coilee and lunch served
from 7 a. m. Until 10 p. m. at
John Fraser, Miss Mary Frasor
and Mrs. Winter Wright autoed
to Baker Sunday.
A big baby boy arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Thompson, Thursday, Sept. 27th.
Messrs. Lovel Cover, B. Cooper
Chet Evans and Tom Roddick at
tended the Iilks' banquet at
Baker Tuesday night.
Wheat--Will thresh this week
and will have about 200 bushels
for saie at $2 per bushel. G. W.
Martin, Richland. adltp
Charley Silvis brought us two
mammoth rutabagas Monday. He
will have aVound 800 pounds of
this vegetable ttrsell this fall.
A petition for the road extcn
sion Up liagle Canyon was cir
ciliated yesterday and a large
number of signatures secured in
a few hours.
Many are obeying the slogan:
"Eat more fish. " Our lino of
canned fish is complete. Try
'Otter" brand, you will like it
better. Raley's. ad
Win, R. Usher called Friday
and renewed the subscription of
John C. Austin, Pasedena, Calif,,
and entered tlio name of D. Sol
dini, Bayamon, Porto Rica, on
th(i News list.
' With the big auto truck making
regular trips, wo aro enabled to
keep our grocery stock fresh and
coinplete. Como in and gst our
prices, wo will save you money.
Saunders Bro's. -ad
Mrs. Myrtle Kirby last week
brought us samples of Early Rose
potatoes raised without irrigation
at her homo on Uppor Daly Creok.
They are smooth aid entirely
free from scab; step into the bank
and see them,
When working around Ed Au
gustus' cellar one day last week
Oliver Comoii camo across sev
eral potatoes that wore raised on
Snake River last year. They
wore as solid and as free from
sprouts as when dug a year ago,
Messrs. Sims and Dayton, Eld
ers of tho Church of Christ Latter
Day Saints, loft Tuesday after
several days stay in tho Valley.
Tho young men wore working as
missionaries for their church and
hed a mooting in tho opora house
Monday night whloh was quite
well attondecT.'
J Holman Bros, marketed cnttlo
In Portland Monday.
Many ducks hove been bagged
by tho local nimrods this week,
A number from the Valley arc
taking in the round up at Woisor
this week.
18 dairy cows for sale at right
price. Inquire of J. W. Camp
bell. -ad43tf
Mrs. Wright Chandler and Miss
Ethel were Baker visitord Sunday
and Monday.
John Graven was a visitor at
tho county seat and LaGrande the
first of the week,
Everett Brooks expects to leave
Sunday to attend the K. P. Grand
Lodge at Portland.
The sum of $25 was raised by
Ben Carter and Chas. Barber for
tho War Library Fund.
Time to put upstoves; getyoiw
Tee joints, pipe, elbows, dampers
and collars at Raley's. ad
Mrs. Bertha Evans of Oakland,
Calif., arrived Tuesday for a visit
with her sister Mrs. Nora Wright.
Sevoral of our young folks took
in the dance at Irwin Tuesday
night. Mr. Solders furnished the
Mrs. R. A. Masterson and Mrs.
John Chapman spent Sunday at
the home of Jeff Reese on Big
The delayed shipment of School
Books now in. Everybody can be
supplied. .
ad E. & W. Chandler.
H. L. Jieigler forwarded us a
check from Cove and says to send
the paper to his home address as
he will be back in a few days.
Make ready for cold weather.
Our stock of blankets, comforts,
underwear and woolen goods will
pleuseyou. Saunders Bro's.-ad
Mrs. E. A. BennehOlT will leave
Friday as a delegate from the
local Pythian Sisters lodge to the
Grand Convention at Portland.
Have you. tried "Branolas?"
They aro the most delicious cook
ies we have had for some time.
In packugos and bulk at Raley's.
100 tons silage for sale; Yellow
Dent corn well matured. Como
and see same before it is cut.
Geo. W. Jones, New Bridge. ad
Thos. Seigel put up more than
GL'O tons of ensilage from 30 acres
of corn, and yet .there are men
who believe that raising corn
doesn't pay.
Although but a small crowd at
tended tho Andy drown sale at
New Bridge last Saturday. Every
thing ofl'ercd was sold at satis
factory prices.
State Highway Commissioner
Benson will iro over the nrouosed
Bakor-Cornucopia' post road next
weeK. ii wo an pull together
this improvement is assured.
WARNING! No tresspassing
whatever will hereafter be toler
ated on my premises. Guilty
parties will be prosecuted.
ad16 W. J. Densley.
Tho movies last week were fine
and Manager Parker tells us tho
program tonicht will be extra
good. Don't fail to attend, and
if so inclined, enjoy tho dance
aftor tho show.
Misses Esther Saunders and
LaRUo Day, accompanied by Mrs.
Elifca Cundiff, left Monday for
Corvallis. The young ladies will
take a special course at O. A. C.
whilo Mrs. Cundiff will act as
citp,orqnand study millinery and
dressriiakm)? (if alio finds time). :
about a suit made to orderthat
you cannot get without being
measured and having your clothes
properly fitted to you.
There's no other man
on earth
j Just Like You!
Ed. V. Price's expert tailors have
spent many years stuaying the
wants of good dressers and know
instantly just what you want.
Let us take your measure and
give these expert tailors a chance to
prove these claims.
You can duplicate a suit price any
place; but a PRICE SUIT only one
Ialey's Cash Store I
Adventures of
Richland Opera House
Thursday Night
. r
it r
New Bridge on Friday nights''. "
One of the most thrilling plays "7."
ever written for moving pictures ,
Don5! Fall to Corned
Admission only 15c
4 TO-PAV7 f '
'I ' " f
. i rrA k
'HRN von trim vour outfit down to military
UmU-nnk. W-B Cut Chewintf scores a bull's-
eye. A soldier gets more from his pouch of W-B
'than from a bulky ordinary- plug rich leaf plump
full of sap, all tobacco satisfaction, every shred
of it. And the water-proof pouch keeps it clean
and fresh in the pocket of his khaki.
rvjhfrtlr, WEYtfAN-BRUTOtf, COMPANY, 1107 Bro3irT, H Totlc Cty.
" "7