1 "jm- t - Eagle Valley News Straight, Truthful, Direct C. . Thorp Entered as second class '.natter Dec. 12, 1912 at the post cilice at Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, 1S79. Member Oros-mi SUte , ONE YEAR - -THREE MONTHS RICHLAND. ORE., THURSDAY. OCT. 4. 1917. Vol. 5. No. 47 IT WAS A NOISY CARGO. But It Completely Cured the Skipper of His Fear of U Boat. A sklpiHT who took a cargo of Lvo motives across the Atlantic when tb. U boat warfare wag at Us worst gmo this ringing story of the trip: "We left Philadelphia with slsty i coniotlve, all uca-ed tn bupe woodc i boxes. Intact and ready to be takeu o.V the ship and placed immediately on the tracks to start dragging ammunition trains to tbo famt. "The iJelaware was as smooth a .n l-oud as we made our way down t the bay, but the first wavelets that struck us at the capes started siuic tiling that made ine want tu take a tteader off the bridge. Every one ' t?ie sixty locooiutivf bells hi tbo bold ! ogun to ring:! And tbey uli lent rbig i.ig all day and a!l night alt the way across the Atlantic. "At first I thought of going back tu dock to bare the bells taken off. Hut that would have nmonnted virtually t uiiloadiq the wb.Ie tamo because of the manner In wbith the locomotive were-stowed, it would have meant n week's delay, and I was supposed to got to sea as quickly as possible. So we irk out that n&bt with those sixty inad bells gain? hammer and tongs contfnuQOsly. "I thought We woukl all looe our senses. Sleep was out of the iiuestlon. It was like ringing 'eight bells' elcbty times a inlunte in sixty different keys. J'ou'vu Men bir Ueury Iriiu ui the play Tlie Hells?' Well, it was like that, only this was no play, but real life. It seemed, as one member of the crew who is by far too imaginative aatd, as if the k1hkN of all the mur dered ships were climginp up at us out of the depths ( the o i-un, warning us of the U boats that liud littered the sea floors with their bones. "We fell in with some nasty weath ur ag we neand thevuher side. The vessel rocked and tossed, and every time she piunged a whole cataract of i bells wei-t tearlnir down toward perdi tion. T.Vre In the U boat zone,' re- marked the mun at the wheel to mo one night. 'Good!' I cried. 'I hope a torpedo hits us hour. Then perlius I'll yet some sleep,' "The destroyers that met its didn't know what to make of us. They thought we bad all uo craxy dvuqk and were trying to tell the U bonis exactly where we were. Hut I told tltera I was cured of the fear of TJ ItoaUs forever." l'hiladelphla Ledger. What Is a Sapling? The soldier who thought a "sapling" was a yonrii pig wan evidently a Som ersetshire man, for u correspondent writes: "Highly n mused, I road aloud your 'siipliiiK' story to friends. When I hud finished n Komcrhetshlrc womun who was pieseut UNked, 'Well, what do j ou csill n siiplluK'' 'A yoiin tree,' I replied. 'Is it'' she repllod. '.Vow, I'vo always hoard n youn jil?r called n sap Ihig lu Somersothblro. I'unber hniulry lovealed that others suy the smne." l'rom which we gather that the soldier came from Somerset, while evidently hlH olllcer did not. Londou Chronicle. FoolcJ Both Ways. A sportsman to Brief at the lirst fence, I'lix ' remotmlliiB, he met the sume i.it-- -t the Hecotid at lonipt Asked tb' '.no of his dis asters, ho sulci ; "It Vo like zls. Ven ve I.oms to ze Hist icico I did zlnlt my horse vud jomp, hot he did not Jomp, bo 1 vent over Ills head. Ven vo koms to ze second fence I did zlnk ho vud tagt Jomp, and ho did Jomp, so I vent prer his tall." Milwaukee I'xbo I'reaS. A. Editor Ktlitorinl Association SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 SIX MONTHS -- - .50 SAMPLE COPY " ,75 FREE How's This? We offer One Ilumlml Dollars Ilcwnril for any case of Catarrh tht cannot bo cored by Hall's Catarrh Medlcin. Hall Catarrh Mdlcln has Iwn taken I'V catarrh ufferr (or th past thirty i.io yoors, and h become known ns tho most reliabl rmJy for Catarrh, llall'a Catarrh Msdldne acts thru h. Wood on tha Mucous surfaces. Vxpctllrifr th Pot - n from the Blood and hallaif the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh V -.H-lne for a short time you will see a i rem Improvement In your genera! health. Start taklnc Hall's Catarrh Meoi cine at onto and at rl.l ot citarrh. Send .'or tsstlmonlals. free. P. J. CHKNEV & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sol by ail Dru,-UU. 75c. Political' As.atsioat.on-. Tho ant thm- month, of P.iUl wen- notable for their puUtl-n! assasslna - I tions. There were five-the Turkish I war minister. Naxlni I'asha. 3an. 2H: the premier of Salrador. MaiitMl Is. Annijo, Feb. 4: tho president and vice iMMtUbuit nt lorlo Fnii;cWft I. Ma- .tv. o.wi lHnn Hnnrvz Feb. "i and Klti,' Ckiorge of Oreece, March IS- Round ths Circle. lfrlel-Why do you malntalit attch a lnrffe otBce force? Financier To prevent oiUshlers from itherlnc mo. bothering "Hut I tbouxht that was what your executive secretary was for." "Oh, no. He Is here to jn-orent the office force from lotlterIuic me." Life Timo and Place. "There is a time and a place for ev ery tbiuff." "Ves," answered Senator Bon-bum iMully. "And it's rather unfortunate that one of the most reliable ways to attain niiblicitv is to sav aomethlnir at the wronjr time In the wrong place." Washington ttar. A Gaudy Vulture, in the South American forests is found the most beautifully colon! f all vulture!, and it is the tno- klug over the black vultures and turkey buzzards, it plumage Is of a delicate cream, with black quills, mid the head is biiillantly colored with red and oranuf. The Signs. ' "illsrt Cladys nt no few.or than six gold headed unitirrllas for birthday present h." "SI if must lx something of a reign ing la-He.' Bultimore AmuHcau. Father Knew. Tommy -Pop, what Is u Kin t ton 7 Tommy's Pop rt Kiuiiuu, ' grown muu who can cut almost as much as a small loy. L'bllndolphia Itecord. The wise prove, tho foolish coufesH by their conduct, tlmt a life of employ ment Is the only life worth leudluj;. Pnley. THK Gcivernirent ncedH Farmors iih well as Fighters, Two miPlon three hundred thotiHand acres of GniKon & California liail.oad Co. Grant LiukIh Tith reinvnted in United fitatcH. To he oticned for hotnof toads nnd wale. Con tnlnlnK Homo of bent land lelt in Unite.) Htates. Liimo CcpyrlKhtecl Map, show inn land by fiections and iletcription of oil; climate, rainfall, olcvntlons, tern peraturo, etc., by counties. I'oitppid One Dollar. Grunt Itnda Locating Co,, Uox 010, Portland, Oregon. Wanted to Rent 1G0 to 320a rantjh in. Eagle Valley. Address B care News. ad ' '.".V'l'K." NOTICE FOR PUDLICATION. U'ulilMicr) Dt'iurttutiut of tlm Interior. U. B. I mul Otllco nt La Grande, Oio Km, Sept. lath, U17. Notice U hereby lvtn Hint Otto U. Schiller, of Htchlntid, Oregon, who, on November ltllh, Will, mudo lloinostoiul Entry, No. OP-M-M, (or 8K M UK 1-1 1 NK M SE l-l, Sen. SI, W l-'J NV M See. aa, Tp. 0 8., It. II. E. W. M anil on May 8. UI5, made Ail. II. K. Ot 1712. for SI a 8W M, tfW T, uiul NK 1-1 NK M, Sectional. Township I) South, ISanre -II Hunt, Wlliiuuetto Morldlnii, iiiim uiihi notion ot intention to iiinko tbreoyeiir Proof, to eHtablish cihIiii to the Imiil uliovo ik'HcrllxHl, before Wood wn L. Pnttnrjon. t'.s. CoiiiniU'loinir, nt htr. otllco nt linker. Oreiton. on tin) l lth ilny of November. 1V17. Chiiiunttt name iih w itno.im'ti : Ouvld I). Jm-oIis, A. Krnuol Hale, and Mnrlhn Wilcox, till of UichlMiil, Oregon, mul Thomas ltitch, of trikr. Oregon. U.S. l'INN, HuKistor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (PubUahir) Doimrtiiiunt of the Interior. U.S. bind Ollleo at lt liritmlo, Oro I pn, Sept. li'th, 1917. J No'lee ti heroby uiK'ti thul John M. , Smith, of Durkeo, Oregon, who, on Nov. ! "-til, lul l, iniulo HoiiirstK.nl Entry, No. ;oi:m. for iM'i, S l-a NEi-l. l.otJi. 1 i, .'i, SK 1-1 NW l-t.and Ut 0, Section 1 0. Township 11 South, llmiuu 16 Euft, WillatiiMtto Muridinu, hnstttsil nodeo o( i intention to ntako three-vmr Proof, to , e. tablisli claim to the land above d- M-rlbt-d, beforo the Ki'tfietor and He reiver, United State- I-nnd Ollleo, nt I a liranda, Orupou, on the 27tli day ol Nnvemtter, lt'17. Clniinnnt nniiiuf ituewet PeluiHr Kennwly, W. I.. Kirt y. and GeorK Kon uidv. all of Uurkee, (irepoti ; and Itlcli I ard Kirby, of Itloliland. Oreuoji. ; C. S. I'UNN, H.tKlHter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (PuMioher ! iartliiut of 1 1. j. interior. 0sJtmh ' x' ' .1B:i, .i,,,, A.,,lllr ,t mhu, f Hjchland, Umuwi. ho, on July , tb. IIH I. msdo lloim-steal Entry No t iaAI.'. for SWlsf, Si. tum 33. Township ' South, itaiue 44 I. sot. Willutiiettt) Meridian, has fllwl notice of Intention 1 1 unlit) three-year I'n 1. to esUMieh claim to the land al u-.-cril)id,lw(on A. H. foiulw, Jr., C! rk of County Court I of Hakor County, at itakor, DreKon, on ! the Mtbday of Novendwr, 1V17. ! Claimant tmmeu a. uitL'eMie-i: A. it Mi'ler. T. O. WoMi. l K. Hlnclalr, and T. It. Jeffoids, all of hii-bland. Oreguti. C-S- '"' th.Uir. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i'nblirhor Deiwrtment o( the interior. U. S. 1-and Otfle at Ln Orando. Ore- (ton. hept. IJth, HII7. Notic is lieroby giwn that Hans P Mikklou, of Durkeo, Oregon, who, on July -Mth, HUL'. mrniv Hmntwtead Entry No. 010016, for NWMHWM. Sect.', NKI-4 SH 1-1, "-ec. 3, ail n Jan. 21, it' 10, made Ad. II. li. No. 0! I.V.3. for "ec. H, KK !; N E !!. W 1-4 SW 1 -I action 3, Township 11 South, l::tna l Euxt, WilliiM .-t Meridian, ih tiled eotice of intention to iniiko thr -year proof, to etttal:li claim" to I In- land uljovit decent'fd. bolero A. Jl. CoiiiIm, Jr., Clerk of t'otinty Court of llaker County, ut IlaWi r. Oregon, 011 'ho li'th dav of November, 11)17. Claimant num. ax witnnrtio : Jaun's Oa Haulier and l.oe Itlnnd, of Durkee. Oroifon ; Williau. L, Ghaim nnd Wl'liam P. Patterson, ol Kichlund. Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Ktwster. NOTICE FOli PUBLICATION. ri'iihlloherl Dupartiiictit of tho Inturior. U. H. Land oifi. o at Ln Orando, Ore iion. So t. i:'tl, MII7. Xot'c in heic iy ylvoii thnl John II. Allen, ol Kirhland. Orotfon, who on tJct. 10th. Wl'l, mad.- Hotnesfofld Entry No. 01PJ21), for S'. m. ami El-t KW'U, See lion i'J. ToHiifliii. 0 South, Itunue 44 iitist, Willutm no Meridian, hn ii'cd nut en of iiti.ntu.n in innko llirno-vear . - - - 1 Proof, tn establish cluim io Iho mnd above described, before C. J. Mlmltou. United Stuten Commlssloiier, at his of fice ut Halfway, Oregon, on tho lL'th day of November, PH7. Clulmaut imi.iCHrtH witncflfiitH : It. Hi Goodwin, II. P Lamhort. Frank liork, and J. H. Wallace, all of Klchland, Ore on. C. H. DUNN, KeKlslor. WOODSON L. PATTERSON ATT'Y AT LAW U. S. COMMISSIONER DAKEIt OH KG ON For SaleMy place of 12 1-2 a. at New Bridge, Ore. Call and gpt my price and terms. ad-44M J. A. Jellison. ?Did you borrow this paper Q Why not .subscribe, feu; .it r .sty's- i i BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY Lard, No. 10 pail for Lard, No. 5 pail for Eagle Valley Honey, STOCK SALT - - 50c for 50-Ib sack - 95c for 100-lb sack A complete line of Breakfast Cereals Fancy Table Syrups in large variety Shoes tor all sized feet at reasonable prices Our price on SAUNDERS BRO'S. THE RICHLAND HOTEL Now under the management, of .... MRS. W. C. BARBER .... who luu l)oj ti ciiinn'cioil with tliisHunio Imtol sovornl liinon mid who fully iitiilorHtHiuls tho ih 1m of tho tnielliiiK pub lie. This hotel is famed throughout the country for its Genuine Home Cooking and Good Service METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School at 10:00 a. ni E. E. Ilolman, superititendonu Preuchiiiir at 11 a. in. and 7:.'t0 p. in. Kpworth Leatrtie at 0:tlO. Prayer mcetinff every Wednes day evening at 7:30 o'clock". Choir practice at 7:30 Thursday 'iverjing. The Woman's Missionary So ciety meets tho third Thursday afternoon of each month. The Board of Stewards holds its regular meeting Tuesday eve ning after the first Sunday of each month. Everybody cordially invited to attend all of the services of tho church. A. Thomas, Pastor CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Our services until later notice will bo as follows: Sunday: Bible School at 10:00 a. m. Communion and preaching, 11:00, Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Preaching at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8:00. Ladies Aid Friday afternoon. You are cordially invited. William E. Bean, Friends of the News who have occasion to publish legal adver tisements in settlement of estates or other probate matters or in cases in the district court will do this paper a favor by directing their attorney or tho county of ficial having such matters in charge, to have such publication made in The Eagle Valldjr'Nowu., J. jAMv-f; .-t . rr, v?l t ' 4. 0fl : " .:. 2.80 1.45 1.35 ! I : new crop, can FLOUR is Right The Oregon Agricultural College Wh-r, Iraiami wllh Mod.in lti rtt'.rU' ,nJ J,nul. tiltinl flu In Ururllun ludinit u alLiiU ir lu tbt toll"" Hi- .biuU: AOK1CULTUXB, "llh 19 J.-.rlw-l; , OOUMtnCB. will I i.pMMatoi KitU:HEEaiHO. with fl d.t)rl.r,l. I eltt'linit C'Kil. Kl.rltiral, lllskw.f. Jndurll Art), irUl.a. .ml Mtekil t'ii"f lug i rOXESTtt?. Iftelullfls litni CmiDW lf; 1IOMK IIOOKOXICM, wllli i major .Uf-H taentt. IntluJiu Imlalnr In ik PrMll llcuia; IJUIINO, llh thiee dtpiilmtou, 'IxoluJ. Ins I'htmlral KnlnnrlD(; THAlLMACy. THK M0IIOOL Ol MUSIC. of(r Initise lUn In the prlarlpil i)trlinali ut vwtJ nil intlrumrnljl muilr Till) M1LITAXY Dllf AI'.TMEHT, rnr.,llc4 lOltS cdl In lOtfl 17, n. won f ,r,.miiTi Jilloii far O. AO I torn lh Wilru I(.n in-iil tut III U. fi. Vr lHitm.!l . na nf Hie flflatn "itlillnrultht IrutliulloNa" of hl-h.r tarn!nr All r'lU will tm (nrnlohml oinpl.l- uniform Uj lh V. H.' ()u.rnoi.nl anil Ilia Junior anil fanliir raitrla, Mmllnl In tho It O. T. C., will U Klan awnwutalion lui uUlalrnra, at wll t, ttantiorlallr,M an4 utlf nr at Iht l w-rli' aumini amii r.EOIBTRATlOH 1H10INS OCTCtlBIt H, 1BI7. Infatioitlon on rtiguatt. Artitirl. Kautrr. Orogon Arleultural CulUi Cotvallli, Orejoft. Look Here! . If you want Life Insurance For ' Investment or Protection Come in and let me show yoii a contract that will meet with your approval C. E. THORP i i , ' , ,i . 'i V 1 i