Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 27, 1917, Image 3

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Of General Interest
About Oregon
Oregon Has Oveilooked Many
Valuable Permanent Resources
University of Oregon, KtiKene, -Anion
tlm coiiiliiK grout Industries of
Oregon, II. II. Mlllor clnnKim flnx Brow
Im:, milk cdiiiIimihIiik. inuniifueturo of
frtlllor, raising of broccoli, imtl
iimnufnctiiroH from lumber. Mr. Mlllor
In till color or tho Ntuto university
hiiIidoI of commerce, which makes In
vHHtlKiilUiim of markets unit pobhIIiIII
tlnn for Iniluntrltm.
Broccoli ho pronounced well adapted
to tho Willamette vnlloy climate, nn
ixollnt shipper, uiwl usable when nil
olhitr isren vegetables lire gono.
Tho HourrcM of fertilizer may ho
two: from the nitrogen of tho nlr mid
from tho bods of certain nottth ctitrnl
Oregon liikon, notably Kumtiior and
Ahorl lake.
For tho innnufneturo of fertilizer
from tho nlr, Mr. Mlllor wild groat
Umlopmuiit of Ort'KOU'H 3,250,000 Idle
horsepower wouhl ho necessary; mid
this horsepower, ho mild, would piny
tho KrciitoKt part In future economic
"Oregon iimdo it great mistake when
It wont extensively Into tho ndo IhihI
ikihh," mild Mr. Mlllor. "Oregon's spo
ilnl udnptutlon to npploii was skilled
luhor. Skilled labor Ik trnutifomblo,
nml no todny other sections nearer thu
hlK markotn uro producing as good
fruit mi Oregon, with Oregon unnlilo
to meet tho compotltlon bociniMu of
Movable Schools.
Ono of nix duy movable schools will
ho conducted by tho extension service
of the OroKon Agricultural college
throughout tho year, tho typo of school
work being chnnged during tho vnrlous
Any loenl organization, such as a
fnrmers' union, grunge or otlier or
gmiUntlon In which fanners of tho
community are Interested, may pro
mote n movable school. In counties
having county ngeuts, It Is necessary
to nrrnugo for tho school through
them. Such organizations or persons
Interested In securing a movable
school, should take up thu matter with
tho extension service, Oregon Agrlcul
tural college, Corvallls.
Owing to tho heavy demand made
for this typo of work tho past fow
years and to tho failure of some points
to meet tho expectations at tlio or
ganlzcrs ami tho extenslun service u
few special requirements aro being
made of nil communities requesting
this service.
1. Organize a class of not fewer
than twenty people for a ono day
school and of not loss than forty por
sons for a longer school, these people
agreeing to attend all scsslous ro
2, Provide a room in which to hold
tho school or a place for demonstra
tlou, tnko care of heat, light and Janl
tor service, uud furnish conveyance to
nml from tho railroad station for In
structors In charge of tho work.
3. Furnish tho demonstration ma
terlnl necessary for thu typo of school
4. Agree to Issuo 1000 copies of
program for the movable school and
distribute theso as instructed.
5. To ndvertlso tho school as wide
ly as possible throughout tho com
The following Hues of work will bo
taken up in movable school work dur
lug this year: Horticulture, ngron
omy, poultry, dnlry, animal husbandry,
homo economics, nud special subjects
as may seem desirable.
For further Information wrlto tho
extension service, Oregon Agricultural
collego, Corvallls, Oregon, or see tho
secretary In thu Information booth at
statu fair.
Ochoco Project is Passed.
Balom. Hesldonts on tho Ochoco
irrigation project In Crook county will
veto on tho question of bonding tho
project for $1,000,000 to socuro Hinds
to carry out contemplated improve
ments, It became nssurod when tho
office of 8tato Hnglneor howls np
proved In Its general featuros tho re
port of H. W. Ilea, project engineer.
Notice of tho roport's approval was
sent to tho directors of tho project.
Tho project an approved by Hnglnoor
I.owIh embraces 20,000 acres of land
In Crook county. It is proposed to
Issuo bonds on tho basis of $50 an
acre valuation for tho project.
Qlrl Wins Trip to Fair.
I'ondloton. For tho second aucccs
slvo year, Cnrmluo Jones, daughter of
u McKay crook farmor, last week won
first honors In tho stato-wldo turkey
raising contest, In connection with tho
Industrial club work of schools, Sho
Is 14 yoars of ngo. With throo othor
Umatilla county pupils sho nttoudod
tho fair last week ns guests of tho
state. Arthur Crono, of Uplno, wns
awarded second prlzo in plg-rnlslng.
Drys Qaln Four Towns.
Now Haven, Conn. -Tho socallod
"llttlo town oloctlons" In Connecticut
woro featurod by lively contests over
tho excise quostlous, and tho "dry"
forces nindo a gnln of four towns, Of
tho 108 towns in tho stato 01 uro now
London Crowd Hunting Relics of Zeppelin
Thousands on thousands of London-1
tU Itfll'ift If 111 ft it V'til tt III
lio Hpot whoro
Lieutenant William Lccfo Itobluson
Operations Believed to Have Mended
Throughout United States.
Chicago Believed to Be Center for
Big Syndicate Expose Result
of Blackmail Case Trial.
Chicago. "Moro than $1,000,000
chnnges hands every day as a result
of racing handbook operations in Chi
cngo," said United Stales District At
tornoy Charles V. Clyno Thursday, who
declared ho had positive Information
of this.
There Is not that amount of money
Involved In Chicago, ho said, but gam
blers of tho city control hotting to
that extent throughout tho country.
While District Attorney Clyno was
preparing federal action, Mayor
Thompson Indicated, after a confer
ence with Chief Healey, that u mini
her of pollco officers will bo transfer
red as a result of Judge Land Is' ex
pose. "I understand," snld tho mayor,
"that Chief Healey will shift certain
pollcomon to clean up tho gnmbllng
l'ostofflco authorities In cities fur
nished with racing news from Chicago
wore ordered to solze tho rocords of
the gamblers.
This action wns taken ns a result of
a conference between District Attor
ney Clyno and Oenorul J. 1 Stuart,
chief postal Inspector.
aoueral Stuart Immediately sent or
ders to tho postofflco authorities of
Cleveland, St. Louis, Denver, Houston,
Now York and San Francisco to fcrrot
out tho records of tho gamblers and
hold them.
"Chicago In tho hub of nil this ruco
trnck betting," snld District Attornoy
"Thoro Is llttlo doubt Hint wo can
obtain tho Indictments of tho gnmblorB
now for using tho malls to defraud.
Tho only thing left to do is to present
our ovldoncb boforo tho federal grand
Judgo Landls discovered a pokor
and bridge gnmo In tho Hotel Astor,
184 North Clark stroot, whon tho first
wltnoss testified after tho Inquiry Into
gambling conditions was oponod.
Tho Judgo Intimated lator in tho day
that ho jvould inve'sttgnto tho basoball
pools also.
Officials In Washington aro aiding
In tho Investigation,, and nnnounco
mout wub inado that tho govornmont
might seek Indictments ngnlnst certain
Chicago gnmblors ns violators of tho
lotlory and postal laws.
Richard Flower Is Dead.
Now York. Ulchard Flower, known
throughout tho country for stock-soiling
operations, from which ho was
credltod with having nottod moro than
$1,000,000, droppod dead In a Hobokon
theater Sundny. fltolntlvos Identified
tho body. Flower, who operated junior
many nllnsos, wns In turn lnwyor,
proacnor, "lioaior," and "alchemist."
with a socrot for tho mnnufacturo of
rublos, nnd a Wnllstroot mlno opera
tor. Ho was 73 yoars old.
brought down tho first Zeppelin to bo
successfully attacked in hngland. Most
of tho ruin had been swept off, but
Binder Trust lias Absolute Control
of World's Supply, Says Steenerson
Fergus Falls, Minn. Ilcpresontntlvc
llalvor Steenerson, after completing
an Investigation begun In Washington
relatlvo to tho big advanco fn tho
price of binder twlno this year and tho
further advanco that Is expected next
year, has returned to Fergus Falls.
"Tho binder twlno situation is In the
control of tho Commission del M er ca
ll o do Hcnncnuln Ileguladoro of Yuen-
, tan," tho representative said. "This Is
the most ironclad trust In tho world
and controls absolutely tho world's
supply of sisal, out of which binder
twlnu Is inado. This trust was organ
ized by tho military governor of Yuca
tan, who controls It. Tho organiza
tion was approved by Carranza and
tho trust was financed In tho United
States with Uio approval of tho stato
"Norman Llnd, whoso father, John
Llnd, wns sent as President Wilson's
personal representative to Mexico, is
Its American representative. This
trust already has doubled tho prico of
sisal to tho stato of Minnesota, which
means nn extra tnx of at least 10 cents
an ncro in Minnesota. This money
goes to tho military government and
t arranza."
Christian Science Wins Right to Practice
Albany, N. Y. Christian Scientists
In Now York stuto may treat persons
afflicted with disease without obtain-
licenses to practice medicine, provided
they conform to tho tenets of the
Christian Science Church, it was clear
ly ruled in a decision handed down by
tho court of nppcnls. Tho test caBO
which brought tho decision was Insti
tuted in 1911 ngnlnst Willis Vernon
Colo, n Christian Sclcnco practitioner,
convicted In 1912 of practicing modi
clno lllcgnlly and fined $100. The
judgment wns rovcrsod, tho flno order
ed remitted and a now trial ordered
by tho higher court.
Deputies Drink Evidence.
Seattle Wash. Tho suit of tho Chi
cago, Mllwaukoo & SL Paul rnllrond
against Shorlff llobort T. Ilodgo, to
recover $2500 worth of liquor seized
by tho shorlff at Maplo Valloy Sep
tember 13 bocnuso shipped to n ficti
tious address, was continued In a jus
tlco court. Tho railroad had a Hon on
tho liquor for $1G8 freight charges.
Shorlff Hodgo testified that ho order
ed tho liquor destroyed bocnuso his
deputies woro "nibbling at It."
Million for Two Milk Plants.
Seattle Ono million dollars cash
was paid Thursday by Chnrlos 13. Fen
body, formor president of tho Alnska
Steamship company, to tho John n.
Agnow company of Sonttlo for tho con
doused milk plants of tho company at
Mount Vernon, Skagit county, and at
Forndalo, Whatcom county. Tho Mount
Vernon plant has a capacity of 3000
cases n day,
Drewer Offers Solution.
Buffalo, N. Y. A reduction in tho
amount of alcohol In boor was ndvo
cntod by spoakors at tho 20th annual
convention of tho Mnstor nrowors' as
sociation. Hugh S. Fox, socrotary of
tho United Stntos Drowors' associa
tion, doclarcd that tho solution of tho
whole liquor problom would bo prohi
bition of tho snlo of spirituous liquors
and Hconso for tho salo of boor and
light wines.
Vote by Mall Proposed.
Madison, Wis. Govornor Phillpp
hns called n apodal sosslon ot tho log
islnturo for Octobor to pass an net per
mitting soldlors on tho Moxlcan border
to voto by mall.
Wrecked in Suburbs.
I tho relic hunters dug Into tho ground
to find small pieces.
Washington, D. C. Generally pros
perous conditions are reported
throughout the Pacific Coast in the
federal reserve monthly bulletin. Of
conditions on the north coast, the bul
letin says:
"Grain crops, though of less than
tho usual volume, are commanding
such prices that tho money returns
are above tho normal. Although there
have been largo shipments of wheat
by rail from tho Pacific Northwest to
tho east, many farmers have not yet
sold, holding In tho expectation of
higher prices. The barley crop fell
considerably short of tho earlier esti
mates, but with tho carry-over there
wcro approximately 350,000 tons (near
ly 15,000,000 bushels) beyond domes
tic requirements and availablo for ex
port Prices are $8 and $10 a ton
higher than last year.
"Tho applo crop of California, Ore
gon and Washington is estimated at
5,800,000 barrels, which is a llttlo
abovo normal. Tho quality is excep
tional and high prices aro ruling.
"Hops will yield about 280,000 bales,
or 20,000 bales more than last year,
This Is far in excess of domestic re
quirements. Tho British embargo on
exports has affected prices most un
favorably, bids of 10 to 12 cents com
paring, for example, with 43 cents
in 1911.
"Tho salmon pack of tho Pacific
Coast, Including Alaska, is about 20
per cent below normal. A leading
packer says that from tho sellers'
point of view tho salmon markets of
tho world are In better condition than
nt any tlmo since 1900.
"Mining continues its groat activity,
with expanding output.
"Thoro has been no material change
In tho unsatisfactory condition of tho
lumber Industry, lack of transporta
tlon facilities being tho greatest handi
cap. Ships for tho lumber trade, with
an nggregato carrying capacity of 30,
000,000 feet, aro now building on this
Many Mexicans Starving.
Laredo, Tex. Doplorablo conditions
exist In Lampazos, 80 miles south of
tho border in Nuovo Leon, whoro 20
deaths from starvation occurred in two
days, according to reports rccolvod
hero. At least half of tho crops havo
boon confiscated by tho govornmont
for military purposes. Tho poorer
woman in Lampazos aro unablo to
elotho themselves proporly, nnd chil
dren of both sexes aro virtually naked.
Wheat Hits Hlnh Mark.
Chicago. Highest prices this sea
son woro scored In tho wheat market
Thursday as a result of Increasing
drouth damngo In Argontlna. Tho
closo was firm, 2JP2&o to 2tfc not
higher, with December nt $1.68 and
May at $1.57. Corn showed a
nei auvnuco oi rj iu tb ii' 71 "u "w
of Vi to ?4?c. Provisions finished
nt a rnngo varying from 35 cents de
cline to a rlso of 2c.
Czar Gives Jews Schools.
Potrograd via London. Jows will
onjoy greator educational advantages
In Russia in tho future. A sorles of
high schools and technical schools ex
clusively for Jewish studonts is to bo
established by tho govornmont and
greator frcodom will bo accordod with
ropoct to tholr entry Into tho universities.
Wheat Ulucstcm, $1C; fortyfold,
$1.30; club, $1.28; red fife, $1.30; red
Ilusslan, $1.27.
Oats No. 1 White, feed, $28.
IJarley No. 1 feed, $33.
Flour Patents, $C80; straights,
$C.20S6.C0; oxports, $0.20; valley,
$0.40; whole wheat, $7; graham, $0.80.
Mlllfced Spot prices: Bran, $23 por
ton; shorts, $25 per ton; rolled barley,
$35.50 03G.DO.
Corn Whole, 42 per ton; cracked,
Hay Producers' prices: Timothy,
eastern Oregon, $1G.5018 per ton;
timothy, valley, $15 1C; alfalfa,
$14,500)15.50; wheat hay, $13.50
14.50; oat and vetch, $13013.50; cheat,
$12; clover, $10.
Butter Cubes, oxtras, 31c. Jobbing
prices: Prints, extras, 33 35c; butter
fat. No. 1. 32c; No. 2, 30c, Portland.
Kggs Oregon ranch, current re
ceipts, 3G37c per dozen; Oregon
ranch, candled, 40c.
Poultry Hens, 1415c; springs, 15
17c per pound; turkeys, live, 20
Veal Fancy, 1212c per pound.
Pork Fancy, HV&'S'lSc per pound.
Vegetables Artichokes, 75c$l per
dozen; tomatoes, 50000c per crate;
cabbage, $1.35 per hundred; peppers,
45c per pound; eggplant, 56c per
pound; lettuce, 20 25c per dozen;
cucumbers, 2550c per box; celery,
60G'75c per dozen; corn, 10020c per
Potatoes Oregon buying price, 90c
0$1 per hundred, country points;
sweets, 2020 per pound.
Onions Oregon buying price, $1.60
per sack, country points.
Green Fruits Apples, new, 5Oc0
$1.50 per box; cantaloupes, 60c$1.25
per crate; peaches, 40 065c per box;
watermelons, lc per pound; pears, 75c
0$1.5O; grapes, 75c0$1.4O; casabas,
lc; Turkish melons, 3c per pound.
Cattle Steers, prime, $6.50 07.10;
steers, good, $606.50; steers, common
to fair, $5 05.50; cows, choice, $50
5.50; cows, medium to good, $404.50;
cows, ordinary to fair, $404.50; heif
ers, $4 05.75; bulls, $304.25; calves,
Hogs Prime, $9.50010; good to
prime mixed, $9.5009.65; rough heavy,
$8.7509.25; pigs and skips, $8,250
Sheep Lambs, $3.5008.75; yearling
wethers, $5.75 07.25; old wethers, $5.50
07.25; ewes, $3.5005.50.
Hops 191S crop, 10012c per pound.
Hides Salted hides, 25 pounds and
up, 17c; salted hides, 60 pounds and
up, 12c; salted kip, 15 pounds to 25
pounds, 17c; salted calf, up to 15
pounds, 23c; green bides, 50 pounds
and up, 15c; green stags. 60 pounds
and up, 11c; green kip. 15 pounds. 17c;
dry flint hides, 28c; dry flint calf, up
to 7 pounds, 30c; dry salt hides, 24c
Wool Eastern Oregon, fine, 230
26c; coarse, 30 032c; valley, 30032c
Cascara Bark Old and new, 60 per
Pelts Dry long-wooled pelts, 21c;
dry short-wooled pelts, 17c; dry shear
lings, 10 025c each; salted lamb pelts,
75c0$1.25; salted short-wooled pelts,
Tallow No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 6&c;
grease, 4c.
Sugar Recovers From Drop. .
Sugar advanced 15 cents again yes
terday, making a total Increase of 65
cents within tho past 30 days. This
nearly wipes out the sensational drop
of 75 cents mado about two months
ago, and all signs point to a continued
advance to higher prices than early
this summer, when all records were
broken. Granulated cano sugar Is now
$7.75 a sack.
Potatoes are advancing In price. Tho
middle western crop this year Is said
to bo from 40 to 60 per cent Bhort and
already tho Yakima crop is being
drawn upon for eastern shipments.
The local crop Is not all dug yet, but
is said to bo normal. The price now
ranges around $21 a ton for locals
and $25 for Yaklmas.
Frosty nights havo caused some of
tho fresh local field products to be
como scarco. Tomatoes aro being
picked green by growers who want to
save what they can before a killing
frost destroys tho remainder of tho
crop. Blackberries in tho valley wero
said to bo badly damaged by Monday
night's frost, but tho local demand Is
light and prices failed to advanco.
Tokay grapes nro still jobbing at
$1.35 a crato but an advanco Is ex
pected soon. Elberta and Crawford
peaches aro still running strong nt
60 cents a box. Peaches aro rapidly
nearing tho end of their season. Can
taloupes aro getting scarco. Apples
aro arriving In largo quantities.
Steel Company Buys Site.
Portland Flfteon acres of land sit
uated north of tho plant ot tho Shell
Oil company at WHIbrldgo havo been
purchased as tho slto for tho new
Portland plant of tho Paclflo Coast
Steel company and an allied Industry,
according to A. C. Callan, whoso orlg-'
Inal announcement at a recent pros
perity dinner that theso two industries
wero coming to Portland was mado In
Tho Oregonlan.
Approximately 10 acres of tho pur
chased tract will bo utilized for tho
plant ot tho steel company, construc
tion of which will probably bo com
menced within tho next year. Until
tho final details of tho entlro plant
nro worked out, tho identity ot tho
auxiliary industry will not bo announc
ed, Mr. Callan said Tho property
purchased does not front on tho Wil
lamette rlvor, but is not far removed
from tho watorfront and has adoquato
railroad facilities.