Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 20, 1917, Image 5

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Hutttrick patterns (it Saunders
.1. A. Kir by and family autocti
to tliu round-up tbiH week.
fliuIic'Ht price paid for butter
ami eggs at Moat Market. -md
Uruce McDowell and family arc
living iu Capt. Craig's house for
tho wintor.
Allon Hinhninier and .Joo Jon
ninmj landed a 112-inch salmon
Friday afternoon.
MONI3Y- $2,000 to f 1.000 to
loan on improved farms. Apply
at New ofilce.nd'15lf
Mra. .1. T. Howman of Haker
returned liome Friday after a
visit ut tho I'. .1. Ilnlloy home.
Crawford and Alberla Poaches
extra line, two cents per pound
at my much. l' S. Morrison. -ad
Walter Meacliam was in from
Haker over Sunday arranging for
fruit exhibit to take to the state
Miai Mabel and Lidn Saun
der linvo gone to Corvnllis where
the former will enter O. A. C.
and the latter the high school.
For Sale My place of 12 1-2 a.
at New Htidgo, Ore. Call and
gpt my price and terms.
ad-Mt't .1. A. .Icllison.
Go. W. Evans, Sr., received a
p Jitiful injury Monday when a
2x-l fell from the roof of his new
residence and struck him near
his right eye.
When coming in from Haker on
Tuesday's stage, "Pudo" Cooper
in some manner lost $200 in bills
from his hip pocket. Up to the
present lime no trace of the cash
has bocnund.
Miss Maggie Dickie arrived
Saturday from htr home at Os
wego and took up her duties as
teacher in the public school Mon
day. Miss Dickie's many friends
lire indeed ylnd to welcomo her
buck to the Valley.
In spiteof downright meanness
in other respects, Mr. Parker has
a great love for children and an
nounces that all small kiddies
may hereafter see the movies free
if they come with their parents
nn-l do not occupy extra seats.
Immediately after our sugges
tion for a natatorium tho "city
dads" got busy and bad Richland
Springs filled up with gravel. We
should worry; we've another plan
to make a roller coaster over the
ruts in tho street leading east of
Charged with tho recent burg'
lary of a house in Chinatown,
Neil Gardner and Donald Dull'ey
two young boys, wore arrested
by Chief of Police .lackson yes
terday. They will bo given a
hearing beforo Judge Stoni3 to
day. - -Tuesday's Democrat.
Miss May Murphy of Portland,
district ugent of thoO. A. C. and
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture co
operating, was in Richland Tues
day, interviewing a number of
our citizens in regard to organiz
ing a "Food Thrift Study Class"
for conservation of food in the
homo. Miss Murphy will return
hero again next month', at which
time a maBS meeting will bo held
and lectures delivered by Miss
Murphy and: others. Watch for
further announcements.
x "
Richland Pool Room
Allan Binheimer, Prop.
Soft Drinks of All Kinds, Cigars,
Tobacco, Confoctionory
Come in and upend your idle time
We'll treat you right
will be paid
for the arrest
and convic
tion of the party or parties who
stole one derrick cable from the
Sonic Hand, in Dry Gulch,
ad) Oliver .1. Francis, Richland.
See us for flour, our price is
right. Haley's. ad
Miss Ida Thomas is attending
the Nazarene school at Nampa.
Mrs. Fred Cover and daughter
Elizabeth were Baker visitors
Fall house cleaning time is here
brighten up tho rooms with Chi
Namel. Haley's. ad
Mrs. L. A. Saunders remem
bered the editor witli a renewal
subscription last week.
Contractor Ferguson finished a
concrete walk in front of W. E.
Haird's residence last week.
Headgear for men. We have
a large stock and can fit you per
fectly. Saunders Bro's. ad
Grandma Brown has gone to
spend the coming winter with
her son E. E. Brown and family.
A five-pound boy arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O.
Stick ney on Thursday. Sept. 13th.
How about that stag shirt?
have you looked over our line?
Some nice patterns to select from.
Haley's. -ad
This week we added the name
of another former Eagle Valley
bov to the News list; Raymond
C. Keller. 2"15 W. 57th St., New
York City.
Mr. Selders has made arrange
ments for more scats at the opera
house to accommodate the big
crowds that go to see Miss Liberty
every Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Patterson
and baby are taking in the round
up at Pendleton this week and
from there will go on to Portland
for a visit with Mr. Patterson's
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Curfnian
and family left Sunday for Grass
Valley, Ore., where the former
will have charge of tho schools
in that town which open next
Lon Ilensley of Phoenix, Ariz.,
was in the Valley last weok visit
ing his sister Mrs. John Graven
and other relatives. Lon is now
on bis way to tho National Army
cantonment in California.
Mrs. L. M. Ford of Granite has
taken up her residenco in Rich
land. She is accompanied by her
daughter Miss Harriot, who has
entered high school, and her
grand daughter Mildred, who lias
entered the public school.
Mr. and Mrs. V. J Tarter wero
over Sunday visitors from Sparta.
Mr. Tarter is one of the men hav
ing utmost faith in that section
and says that tho adverse weather
conditions of tho past season have
but demonstrated what can. bo
oxpected under normal conditions
B. V. Kicst was down from
Sparta Monday,
Winter Wright was a business
visitor in Baker Monday.
Fresh cookies; a largo variety
just received. Saunders Bro's.-ad
Winnie Meek is staying at the
homo of Mrs. George Denolcy in
Hot' coffee and lunch served
from 7 a. m. unti) 10 p. m. at;
Selders.- -ad
Mrs. W. II. Strayer and child
ren have returned to Baker after
several weeks visit in Eagle.
Try some of Wesson's Oil for
salads, pastry, etc.
ad E. & W. Chandler.
Rev. B. F. Humbert, field rep
resentative of the Eugene Bible
College, was in Richland the first
of the week.
Fresh shipments of kippered
salmon, boneless codfish and
Fleislichmann's yeast received
this week. Haley's, -ad
The dance Monday night was
largely attended, several being in
attendance from Robinette, Spar
ta, Halfway, Baker and other
Mr. and Mr3. Willie Masterson
and little boy, and Miss Barbara
Quint of Mitchell, Oregon, are
visiting relatives and friends in
Eagle Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Chase are
taking jn the round-up and will
go on to American Lake, where
their son is in training, and also
visit in Portland before returning
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Myers and
family of Harrah, Wash., former
residents of the Panhandle, made
a brief stop in Richland jast Fri
day while on their way home from
a visit in Pine Valley. A. L. said
that the crops in his section were
fine this season and that business
was booming.
In explanation of her failure to
carry out hor contract to teach
here this term, Miss Mayme Lloyd
writes from Hamburg, Iowa, say
ing that her father is in extremely
poor health and that a brother
and a brother-in-law have been
culled on the first draft, thus
making it; practically impossible
for her to leave home. She re
grets the fact -exceedingly and
send best wishes for the contin
ued success of the high school.
When the Judge with his legal
shears cuts the tie that binds two
erstwhile loving hearts, he severs
that which many people consider
too sacred for such summary
treatment. It is said in England
that wo Americans are too toler
nntof divorce. In "Camilla," a
new novel by Elizabeth Robins
which begins in October Cosmo
politan, the plot 'is wrapped
around the theme of divorce. The
story is exceptionally tinlely and
interesting and well worth rend
ing. It is said the government sur
voyors will soon go over the routo
of the Baker-Cornucopia highway
Many parties favor the Powder
River road, others contend that
tho present road is the more feas
ible, while others favor the use of
the old Union road from Pine Val
ley to Little Eagle, then down
past Fizz Springs to Main Eagle,
then up Town Gulch to Sparta.
For nursolvos we believe the pres
ent route with a few alterations
will 1) tho moat practicable,
llUT" TB
Your Attention, Please
We have just received a shipment of the famous
Covers the kiddies all over. The ideal play suit
for children.
They come in Indigo Blue Denim and Khaki;
fast colors; all sizes.
Put a suit on the kiddies. They will like them
and will save you work,
The T
Adventures of
Richland Opera House
Every Thursday Night
New Bridge on Friday nights
One of the most thrilling plays
ever written for moving pictures
Don't Fail to Come
Admission only 15c
If you have a home and are out
of debt, don't fret and worry
yourself and your good wife into
the grave for the sake of making
money. You have but one life to
live and it is brief at best. Take
a little pleasure and comfort as
you go day by day, and try to do
a little good to others.
A morbid, insatiate desire to
possess the earth, to grab every
thing in sight, is at the found
ation of more misery than almost
any one thing, Wealth alone will
never keep your memory green
after you are gone; a good life
and kind actions will.
Autdists are warned to econo
mize" Qn the use of gasoline as
the country i3 threatened with a
serious shortage of that article.
At present several localities in
Eastern Oregon are entirely out
of "aUto feed'' and the supply in
Richland is running low.
For Sale One "Gabler" piano
practically new. Call on L, E.
Chsndterj Richland, ad
's Cash Store
NO. 46.
at Richland, in tho State of Oregon, at
tho close of business Se"pt. 11th, 1917.
Loans anil discounts $ 01,302.73
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 91.71
Bonds and Warrants 1,3SG.1Q
Hanking houso , 2.7CO.O0
Furnituruand Fixtures 2,fv0'.00
Othor real estate owned 2,950.00.
Due from approved rescrvo 1
banks 37,081. 05
Cash on hand 4,950.17
Total....- $ 147,030.00
Capital Stock paid in $15,000.00-
Surplus fund 2,500.00.
Undivided Profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid . , . . 2,8 14. OS
Individual deposits bubiect to
check 104,057.73
Timo and Savings deposits. .. 22,028.85
Total 147,030.00.
State of Oregon
uouuiy ui juiKur j
I, John F. llerr, Cashier of tho nbovo
named bank, do solemnly Bwear that
tho above statement is true to tho best
of my knowledge and belief,
JoiiN'F. Hkrk, CaBhior.
Subscribed and swnrn to beforo mo
this 19th day of September, 1917.
William R. Usher, Notary Public
My commission expires June 24, 1919.
CQ It R, EQT-Attea t :
L. E. Chandler,
I, N. Young,