E. & W. Chandler Different Store OPENING New York, Chicago and Portland offer the Latest Millinery Novelties For Your Approval Just now we will show a large display of the Latest in Fall and Winter Hats All the New Military Effects in colors and shapes Tarns are Featured "ciSgff" We invite you to call and inspect this remarkable display Prices are reasonable in the extreme RichSand Meat Market JOHN GRAVEN, Prop. Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Fresh Fish and Ranch Butter Highest Prices Pair! for Hides and Pelts at all times ECONOMIC AND MILITARY PR EPA REDNESS THE' UNIVERSITY OF OREGON In cddltion to complete courses In general and scientific education, offers full opportunities In MILITARY DRILL, DOMESTIC SCIENCE ARTS AND COMMERCE Plan for effective future service Your country needs It. Send for free illustrated bookletsTrain tho Brain for Peace or War" and The Woman and the University." Address Registrar, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oregon 10GAL ANDJ3THERW1SE Comb honey for sale. Call on F. L. Payzant. ad - i, ill , 1 vm. acnuitz recently nonacea a day's labor to the cemetery. J. M. Johnson has moved his family down from Sparta to their new home in Eagle Valley. - Just received a new shipment of stag shirts and khaki motor suits. Don't fail to get one. Raley's. ad We acknowledge receipt of the 1916 Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture, with compliments of Hon. Nick Sinnott. Anyone knowing the present address of I. N. Bradford will confer a favor by notifying W. H. Strayer, Baker, Oregon. Several of our townsmen went up to the Babcock farm on Eagle Creek Sunday and inspected the reservoir of Richland's water system. G. Drost left for Nyssa last Saturday. Ray RIasterson has purchased a Bush car. W. A. Holcomh and family were visiting relatives and friends here last week. 18 dairy cows for sale at right price. Inquire of J. W. Camp bell. ad43tf A large crowd attended John Baker's public sale Saturday and everything offered was sold at a good figure. Dave Conrad ha3 ordered the News sent to the address of Fay Conrad, care Kelly's Field Squad ron 116, San Antonio, Tex. Fay is in the aero service. We have just received from the makers of Chi-Namel a little book "How to paint or varnish any thing in the home." Ask forono next time you are in, you will find manyhelpful suggestions. Raley's Mrs. Elaio -Biuber rucontly received tho viyaea printed bolow from her brother Clnte Mnkin, who with several other tingle Vnlloy I boys nre located n"Cnmp Hurry J. Jones," Douglas, Arizona, tho ! present home of 'tho Tenth and Eleventh" Field Artillery: me RjEGUAR GUY! Dedicated to the otlkers and men of tho Tenth and Lliovonfh Field Artillery. U. S. A., by F. H. Camp. Mon of tho Tunt.lt ami Klovonth, lmrlc to tho word 1 write, lU'fn you iMitttr tho World Wnr, with thi othor nations tlmt flht; Htf'ro you smil o'er tho ncoan, whom uthnrrf huvo o.oii liofoio, To No-Man'. Land nuil tho trniiuhiw, whoro big gnus tliuixlor unit nntr, Mon -f tho Tent h ami Klovonth, room i tori from city and town, Drilti-il and fori and outllttori, fomplotu oro thoy wiit you down, To Douglas, lioro on tho border, wh'iiv Life of iu glamor h nhorn, To jmu your pro-soot, uuitti, that woro only recontly born. Frmn tho Sixth, that has orosnod tliooooau, womo of you worn drawn ; ' Ollict rs, noH'ConiH, privato-J, plokml far your brain and brawn, Men who havo soon much aorvico, oauh with a fiiatliorori cap, Kanied whon you uhaiori Old A'llla, in llm land of tho Houthorn map You wero hold for our proton t uniti, uoouus'i of your btorlitig worth, Held t.ir a vital roason tho day of your unit- birth; Hold for tho Tonth and Klovonth, you rip-Muring tons of fun, Who aro goin to lick tho lCaiaur and bin million of lighting Hun. Tlu ri ' anotluT cause and I'll toll you if you'll hark to tho wordnl writ' 'Twiii to mold and !tliaMn tho now one, to loach thorn to drill and tiht Twa- to toaoh thorn th vital loMun, to inako thorn fonrhw ami trou( Ht-f. iv vim loft for tho tronohofl, to tight gainst a tliii-tr that is wrou. Aii'l lio n af tho Tenth and Kleventh, you ouos who an now rcormtx. Kr' 'u loavo for tho plaiiH of ICurojuf i light tho I'mnxinti brutes. You must nl ways bo mon and Mild torn whilo lifo IHriia lighting oliaii'i Alw:n-ln bravo and willing, when you ftghtonihn plain of Fran i. You ciuiio from tho crowdud citiurt, you cauui from tho uowplowod Mold, You cauio from tho mountains and prairio, whvro Xaturv hor roal mon yioldrt, You answored tho call from tho vitiligo, that lion in tho northern wood, And now thatyou'vo gathered togothor, you must dolivur tho good. Your inothorH and fatliurn and aihtorn, aoli pray for tint lovod 1ioh, That loft to tight for your country, loft your rtwuothoarta and wivon, Loft tho girl whom you murrind, or tho ono whom you proiuipod to wod , Loft uhon your country callod you, Vaui tho blood of you all ih rod You didn't wait for ooiiHcription, or tho day of tho uumborod draft, When thoy wiid you mightn't bo choson, youHiiiiplycliuclclod and laughed, And said, "It in now that I'm t)mk'd,'tiH now that I havo tho chance, To light for my Undo Sammy, for l)omocraoy'n caiHoatiri for Franco.' You men of tho Tonth and Klnvonthiiyou all aro rogular guya, You atjuwored the call Hpoutanoous, you didn't covet the prize, Yon didn't wait for the training camp, or try for the oHlcera' nohool, You did on tho spur of tho moment, you followed the ancient rule That your fathom followed in '1)1 and your brothem in '1)8, Whon your country needed its fighting mon toHottle the iiation'n fato; And quit your jobs in tho citiuu, came from tho mines and tho wood, And onlistcd in UiicIo'h Army, for you're made of tho proper gondii. And now you aro gotting ready, you aro learning to lluht and drill; Swinging your guns into action, otiuh with hi place to till, Waiting the day of the order that will take you over to Franco, Whoro tho Allied ArmioH aro drilling for the day of the big advance With tho English, French and HussiaiiH, you'll bear Domooraoy'H flag, Silent, dotormined fightorH, who will never falter or lag, 'Till tho power of the German Kaiser iH wiped from the face of thooarth, You will show tho nations of liuropo, what Uncle's soldiers aro worth. Now mon of tho Tonth and Elovonth, I'm bidding you all farowoll, I'm thinking moro than l'vo written, but it's awfully hard to tell, You men of tho Field Artillery, who'vo proved what you'd really do, Beneath tho Hag of your country, tho Hod, tho White and the Blue. C THE GdPD JUDGE AT A KAILV) V JlOUR'HONOR.L IniCtl TOBACCO 131 JUST THE THING did tue nnvc. SAVES LUGGAGE. I II M?T"Alie"li(MtrAl ijuji uni; Munu f C MORE AND P r. I the aoool (YES-A WEEK3 1 &J, .fh (JUDGE WILL L SUPPLY OF W-BI V A V iADDnCSS.YOUl CUT IS EASYp lrJ to CAwnY. yy-C. THE Call to the Colors calls for thrift and common sense by everybody. A 10c. pouch of W-B Cut Chewing goes twice as far" as lOc.'s worth of ordinary tobacco. That's the big point: W-B Cutisn'tordinary tobacco, it'atich tobacco, and ci lasting chew. UO y WETHAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 110? Broriwijr, HtW York Clly NOTICE FOR PUULICATtON. (I't'HI.ISlIKIt.) DKI'AKIMWr OF Till: INTKRIOR. U. 8. IjuhI OlHcn tit La (Jmiido, Ore. Kn, AtiKUt '.'7tli, 11117. Notice in huji'liv lveii Hint Ira .Inrobt o( Itluliluiiil, Orison, who, oil Dec. nth, 1010, pmilo HoiiivHlimd Kntry No, OfiHilS, for 15 I .'J SV l-l, H,.c. 17, K 1-2 NV l-i, Hoc. M, Tp. H K. ll 15., und on July 101 1, mielo Atl. II. H No. OlittM, for V l-'J NI5 I I, NW 1-1 I5 I-l, unil NI5 t IHW M, Section 20 TowiifhlpDHoiith, IUiiku II Kant, Wlllniiinttn Morlilliin, hai tiled not k'o o( Intiuiiioii to tnnko ll vo yeur Tronf, iiiDittulillnli clikltu to thulaml ahovit iliniTllifil, boloru A. li. Coiubn, Jr., Clirk (il Circuit Court of llakiir (oiinty, nt UU olllto at IUU.t. Drccon. on tlin I'fltli ilny ol Ootobnr, 11)17. Uiiiliiiiiut imiiiort nii wltnunMfH : Jolia Itoycti and Jnnw lloyai, of Ilakor. Dro- uon ; Juhso Hincliilr uinl Howard Jncob, of Itlcliliind, Oh'koii. t;. H. DUNN, HcKlKtcr. Klrnt publication Knpl, l.'l, 1017. I.nnt publication Qui. II, 11)17. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, (l'ubllfllicr) Doptrttnunt of tho Interior, U, H. I-antl Officii nt Lu (Srtiiidu, Ora- Kon, AuutiHt l!7th, 1017. MJllUlv If licrtiliy u'lvcn tlmt TIioiiiiin J. UoilHtou, of Itoblnelto, drouon, who on HojiteuilKir 17, 101 1, iniidii lloiiicntciid liiurv no. ui;i7;i, iur w i- xxv w, W 1-2 8W 1 I. Hoc. H. NI5 1-1 8H I-l. Hoc. 7, und on Aili. I), HUH. inmlo Ail. II. K. No. 01871111. for W L2 NW 1-1. K."c. 17. nnd 15 1'J NIC 1-1, Suction 1H, Townnhlp I) South, Itnnijo 17 ICiiMt, Wlllnuuitto Meriuiuti, niiF iiiod mitlco oi Intor.tlou to mnko throo-your i'roof to tliu liuid ntiovo dufcrilicd, licforo Clmrli'H.l. 8li"U ton, United 8tni?H Coniinlublonur, nt IiIh ofllco. nt Ilitllway. Ornson. on tlui L'Jlrd day of Octobor, HU7. Uinimnnt iibiiiuh ub ivltncnucs: John M. Grt'OlIu, of Itlclilnud, Orouon ; Vim N. Hpiifton, Bernard M.drouno, and Itiilpli N. Currutliura, nllof Itoblnut'.t), Orcuon. h. O. S. DUNN, Ri'KlRtur. First publication Sopt. Ill, 1017. una puuiication uut, n, 11117. $5 REWARD For return of Ono Bay Goldinj? Whlto atrip in face, branded H oh loft shoulder, wire cut On right knee. Finder will call at News office and claim reward. ad41'8i