. 1 Tftwi Ji2.S t I ' ' n r - ,.- E. & W. Chandler Tig Different Store OPENING New York, Chicago and Portland offer the Latest Millinery Novelties Saturday, September 8th Just now we will show a large display of the Latest in Fall and Winter Hats All the New Military Effects in colors and shapes Tarns are Featured BZfc& ns We invite you to call and inspect this remarkable display Prices are reasonable in the extreme Richland Meat Market JOHN GRAVEN, Prop. Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Fresh Fish and Ranch Butter Highest Prices Paid for Hide3 and Pelts at all times ECONOMIC AND MILITARY PR EPA REDNESS THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON In addition to eomplato courses In cneral and scientific education, offers full opportunities In MILITARY DRILL, DOMESTIC SCIENCE ARTS AND COMMERCE Plan for effective future service. Your country' needs It. Send for free Illustrated bookletsTrain the Brain for Peace or War" and "The Woman and the University." Address Reclstrar, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Euoene. Oregon LOCAL AND OTHERWISE busi- m Dr. I. N. Sanders was ness visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Oscar Kendall visited Pine Valley this week. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Kirby and two children were down from Lookout Tuesday. Call at this office and look over acopyof the Portland Daily News and get our combination rate. For Sale One Edison phono graph, diamond point, and 100 records. Inquire at News office. Pleasant ftldgti school will open Monday, Sept. 10; Mrs; Gertrude Turner of Oklahoma has been en gaged as teacher. Miss Opal Robinson, who has been at the John P. Jones home for several weeks past, returned to Baker this week. Mrs. Wright Chandler, Misses Ethel, Fern and Clarine Chandler Mrs. M. D. "SimoniB and" Richard Kirby were visitors at the county seat Tuesday. Mrs. E. A. Whittier returned to Baker yesterday after a visit here with relatives. All Knights of Pythias are re quested to be present at the reg ular meeting Friday night. Busi ness of importance. Oliver Corson, Harland Benne hoff, John Dima and Bob Taylor were among others visiting in Baker last Saturday night. School time is almost here; we are prepared to supply you with tablets,' pencils, pens, inks and other" little items needed. See our line. Haley's, ad will be paid lor the arrest and convic tion of the party or parties who stole one derrick cable from the Soule Ranch in Dry Gulch, ad) Oliver J. Francis, Richland. In a letter from Wm. E. Wright to his mother Mrs. Minnie Ned row, he states that he is in the general hospital at San Francisco WHAT IS THERE ABOUT GRAVELY TOBACCO TO KEEP ITS REPUTATION GROWING FOR 85 YEARS' YOU CAN EASILY FIND OUT. NOW THAT! YOU CAN GET ITERESH AND GOOD. THAT POUCH 13 A HUMDINGER SK W I rim flpJP.wft CELEBRATED Chewing Plu DEFQfJCTHC INVUNTIOM OFOUH PATCNTAIH-PUOOP POUCH GRAVELY Pl.UC. tOUACCO " MADc'cTniCTLYFOuira chcyino quality I WOULD NOT KCCP PfJCCH IN TMtf! OKCTION., NOW THE PATENT rCUCU KECPO IT , FPCQH AND CLrAN AND OOOU A LrrTLC CHCW OK O.JAVELY IK KNOUOM AND LAOTO LONOl'R THAN A HIO CHCW OIT ORDINAPY PLUO. IT MUST BE-BILLY FOSTERS BILLBOARD NEWS MEETS WITH POPULAR ArPROVAL m A f" tvmtziin , m) -Mir J: wfck Public Auction! I will offer to the highest bidder at my farm west of Richland, beginning at 1:00 o'clock, on Saturday, September 8th The following personal property:" 1 McCormick Mower 1 Spring-tooth Harrow' 1 " Rake 2 Wagons 1 pise Plow 1 Feed Grinder 1 Sod Plow 1 Hack 1 Disc Harrow 1 Blacksmith Outfit Pitchforks, shovels and many other farm tools Household Goods of All Kinds Including Bedsteads, Springs, Tables, Chairs, Cooking Utensils Dishes, and other articles too numerous to mention Everything Hust Be Sold TERMS OF SALE! I Cash or bankable note JOHN BAKER, Owner $50 REWARD and that I got my right arm broke between the hand and el bow so I guess that will keep me from eroing to Honolulu. If it does If am going to transfer to some other branch of the service if I can." At the request of Milton A. Miller, collector of internal rev enue, we print the following so that those concerned may comply with the laW: Upon passage of the War Tax Act all tobacco deal ers will be required to make a de tailed inventory of all tobacco, snuff, cigars and cigarettes on hand at that time' showing price at which same is sold at retail. This inventory must be kept un til printed forms are furnished by the government. Francis Herr arrived home from Salt Lake City last evening. Ilemembe the hunting season is closed for ail' game in Oregon. A Typowrftiflu Tip. Having occfiMon to nicuHiiro n cir cumference flint Hgured out to tcntliH of mi Inch iiimI not JiiivI'ik n rule mark el to theflo illvlMoiiH, HII.VH .1. Claude Crown In the Popular Kclrneo Monthly, t tried the following mcmiH of over coming tho dllllculty; ftolug to n type writer, i inuilo a row of periods with ouch tenth one n comma to hIiow full Inches. This gnvo mo a rtilq marked In fehtlw, alNo one (hat could ho hunt around Hhaftlng, i-ollurx, 61c. Ah near ly all typewrite make ten Hpacen to an Inch, It In an cnKy mutter to accom plish what Heems to ho a dllllcult Job. Bllasful Oooupntf6n. Tho little hoy had told a little girl that ho loved her, and the teacher or dered him Co wrlto "I lovo HchhIo" on tho blackboard 100 (linen. "Ilut that wow no puiilHhme'nt," Hold (ho teacher later. "lie would cheer fully have written It 1,000 tlmoa." IxmIhvUIo Courior-Jotlrnal. Taction. ''lH Mr. lulxlub huayV" neked tiio tlllllilent cufltomcr, "Mr. Flubdub 1h always hiiHy." re plied tho pompon attendant. "Wall, let him tay hiiHy." And thatV how Mr. Flubdub loHt a big order. jOuUvillo Courlur-Jounial. An Gxplcinalion. Among tho items mentioned in the recent report of tho yenr's work of tho Methodist church was one of $200.75 to the Red Cross. From tho way in which this offering was made it was im possible to treat It as u lump sum given direct from tho church to tho lied ,Ooss. However it was the ptivilego of those contribut ing to make thoir offering us from the church of which they are members and attendants. This prerogative was exercised All of tho above amount has not yet been paid in; hpwevtJr, as tho conrerenco year closed- Aug. 2G, the year's work also closed, and whatdver amounts aro paid on this Kent in the futuro will not appciir in next yeur's report. We niako this explanation for the. benefit of uny who may not un derstand.. situation. , , Arthur Thomas, Pastor,