Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 30, 1917, Image 8

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E. & W. Chandler
Tg Different Store
Frolic Cloth, Princess Cloth,
Sublime Cloth,
Diagonals, Serges,
Crepes, Buntings, Poplins,
Messaline and Plaid Silks,
Harmony and Hamilton Draperies,
Harmony Cretones,
Hundreds of yards of New Ribbons,
Now Ready for Your Approval
Watch this space next week
for 'Extra Important Announcement
Examination Order Number
(Cuitimiod from flrat nnjro)
,j 15GI I'mUTson, John
jjlOGS t'ovwitill, Mort 1)
4S8 li'il'-.v. W
1399 Kiddiek, T'J
16-10 1'itfli. C A
210 ytJohn. Hert
519 HiuiihIit.s, V8
I 1173 Sfchillor, Otto U
318 Sohtiuiit, AW
662 Si'hulU, Jay II
1289 i'!iultx, Hny 0
811 So well, Km iik K
58 Shoonmkor, II M
1198 Siedow, L
201 Sitno'iirt, C L
1384 Sunonia, K 10
900 Sunoiiis, Goo I)
1709 Simoni, Ohio B
95 Stiuiciu, Kli J
581 Stwliimii, C J
192 Stioknoy, Job O
362 St.. in', Jos 12
151 Sui.-hor, II V
871 Taylor, 15 N
1577 Taylor, O C
1063 Taylor, Hy K
' 660 Ti.oiiip-on, A L
1024 Tl i .sou, 1!
1250 Th.'injwon, II
65 T!i"inp-oii, J M
I ! 195 Thomiwou. J no K
1351 'i i."nii-.uj, Mt'hin
i 491 Wallace, C A
i 405 Willi. Davy
: ii-i9 w iNou, v 6
10S7 Wyatt. Win A
! S'i3 WU'-iv, II H
Richland Meat Market
Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds
Fresh Fish and Ranch Butter
Highest Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts at all times
m North Beai
of the North Pacific Coast is now
reached by Rail or Steamer
from Portland.
and a Ntto Beach Folder upon application to
nearest O- W. H R.&N. Agent,
or by unting
Wm. McMurray.Gentral Passenger Agent, Portland
In addition to complete courses In general and
scientific education, offers full opportunities In
Plan for effective future service. Your country
needslt. Send for free Illustrated bookletsTrain
the Brain for Pence or War" and "The Woman and
the University." Address Registrar,
UNIVERSITY OF 0REG0H, Eugene, Orerjon
Renew Your Subscription Now
New Bridge, E. V. No. 2
1515 As-hl y. Klftidon
11 19 Hillock, H 10
1570 Hi' id, David K
812 Hilton, Geo 11
450 Bland, Hobt (,'
15S2 Hurniido, J no It
64 ( armihnn. Win T
1021 Dunford, R H
1435 (iwn, L 10
GST Holland, Wm II
431 .lameaon, Wm .1
510 ..'ones, Lrimard W
5 Martin, ,!nr in
1277 Maeon. Chi -i, r .1
'.,11 Mmrp, tiu K
1. . Milium, W in i:
1 f 'i hotii 'roil , K I'
l,y j i lioinpv,n, M W
Lookout Precinct
; Hiolior, O'o K
;S.i l;ovlei4, Krniifin A
; Hi 15 (iurdiKM-, (.1 Ion n C
I 517 Gardner, Koy
' Hod Hull, Juimn, O
l'J.jj llfokerM, Geo C
51 .i iruy, John W
012 .iHtTord, Win 1'
13'jri Jacobs, Hurry II
1051 Jucolw, JJotvurd A
hd McCormick, Jum
1 1 110 Mills, Arthur 11
12'iJ Morgan, J ) A
831 Olson, Oliua H
j 706 Slnggs, Iru I)
1 102'J Widnmn, JO 11
11119 Widmoro, Jolin JI
t .IQO U'wl. .,,,. Will if
471 Williamson, L
932 WorBlinm, A I
462 Woitz, John J5
Robinett Precinct
V.V2 Aleck, John
LT)S) Hillson, Goo V
151H Hluo, Edwin W
12- CurothoM, Hulpli N
1 1 19 Carothors, Hoy 10
002 Choommui, Harry h
101 Grcono, Bornard M
491 Haasch, Frunk E
10 Houston, Murk A
910 Houston, Kalph 15
170 Houston, Van Nolsoir
072 Joiioh,- Parker h
) mrn wi.
mm in a b fZjh
THIS war is awakening men to tho truth about a lot
of thinrfs besides Preparedness nnd chewinrt to
bacco is one- ol them. Soldiers aro strong for W-H Cut
and the facts aro right before you. These shreds arc till
tobacco, no gummy sweetcningi rich tobacco more snp
in the leaf than in ordinary tobacco by n long shot.
That's why it's so satisfying und so economical u littlo
bit goes a long way.
Ktii lr WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 1107 Bro.Jw.j, Kw Yeik Ol;
I Are Yon Eatisi:
1 To Wm the War?
This Newspaper recommends
Today's Housewife to every patriotic woman
who wishes to help win the great war
Xoday's Housewife is especially needed by every homcinaJtcr
in the present war-crisis, because the seven Courses in Domes
tic Science now running in the magazine help housewives to
belter select, prepare and conserve food supplies, to cut down
waste, and nt the same time to add to the health and welfare
of the entire family.
Today's Hou:ewic is tlio only uvgazinc that maintains n model homo
where cookery recipe, new houtchold device, cleaning niclhodi, etc., nic
put to practical tests before their appearance in the pages of the magazine.
The monthly lesion on "Cookery, Foods and Nutrition" under the
direction of Caroline Hunt of th Department of Apriculturc, ii alone
worth the price of n ten-year ul cription not only to the woman who
follows each lcson but to the? gov. nment of lite Unitctl States in help
ing to win the terrific war with the Central Empires of Europe.
Favorite Magazine of Home-loving Women
belttr baM-utrjn it
tlw U1 back ol T0
itt teuton int rL:-fiCf,
ill ewnatl;' (.'amH-Ii r
Sml. Hewn !....
lUf, in itt h-.s--it $r ,
wiih llj i, j..u.'! J
iaant r k-. t'ia.i lit-!
tnatnrJ uctv'i of ll.t
(anuly in vvj ltc:.e-
Ulk''.T2 a- His I 1.
A woman' umich
ilim tatlter lkn l.oote.
ittfit M tll lllo:t
drenry of Wbiaaa'a
Gadfly's Ijj
Wlill ToJay't llcoit
wile iltadi in a ttiii
Ij lliell in ill practical
vlue lo horoemtlim,
it ii nlto nolcwoitliy
(or ill wondcilully in
ijiiriae eJilciiaU nnd
iwxial nrltcirr, totttl
clean, (iclighllul tloiiri,
ond ill IxAUtilul lllui.
lniion ml coven by
leading aitiiti. Over
one million women
arr- ll. TODAY'S
vronli itvctal limei
llit: nice oi 10 ccnti
per copy.
You cu .T. .j " ccrsta liy aubicrtSSng Ly lo yenr tlirmigti ir.itoad of
Luyiii,; nr.;.'.. :.' : i'M at (MX ofltc and uninn ihc citiwl tui or mail your
(-. u . if .i v !, -'KiipLoit to ut al oi.ee. nemiuibef, o ycai's wUciif.tioa v colv
Ti ruts l-t t'.'j rut.,u.ae ihnt would be chesp ct $I.U.
?rkV Tl QE W0 W'" H0nt ')0tu C R;lKh vuU-V Nv K a id
rUI j)l.yO Today's Houaowifo for ono full yonr, tn.v or
runuwiu Hiii)3uripLi()ii hi mis rate
M 18 I'nnloM, Krod CI
1 IS I I'Auh.H, Harry G
7i)"i PoiiIoh, Vi'hiiI Goo
1001 Hobinotto, Amos I)
17U Stinknoy, I.OHt6r N
058 Wn linen, Johho A
Sparla Precinct;
1123 Hnird. Avon O
780 Hotnuin, JoHoph
1739 Hoyd, Arthurs
127 Hutlorllold, 0
187 Buttorliold, Wm
217 Cohnnll, Hoht I
37 Gulo, Martin W
290 Galo, Roy M
1304 Iloko, GooIL
20 JohnHon, Kdwaru
1323 Kolly, All
1768 Laird, Vornon V
45 Lyman, L
837 McMurdo, Ghas A
774 M-I'iirlliiiid, J V
08 Mnoy, CIiiih F
470 Mucv, .Iiih A
ir21 Himii, Wullor It
202 Hindi. Morrill 10
1295 Si-hlifHkn, W A
-100 Hpiiin, JacoliO
1189 Hpiin, Itoht. 10
740 Weir, Virgil
1420 WilliituiH, M ,
1535 Wriht, Alfred
1132 Yank.-y, Ira L
THK (iov(!riwi'i'iit ih'ciIh 1'nrinnrii itrf
wull iih KIkIiIith, TwoiiiH'lori tliruo
hundred tlioiiHiinil nenm (if Oniiron A
California Ititllroail Vi. (Irttiit I.hikIh.
TltU ri'lrivi'Hti'il In llnlfml Kln IIM rPn lira
opi-iit-ii for liomtiHturtdM bihI mil", Coif
(llllllll( NOIIIIIOI llCHUllllll llllt in UllltlKl
HtntcH. Lariio Oupvrlulitcd Map, hIiow
I ml' land tiy wctloiiH und doK'rlptlon of
hoII, cllniato. ralnfiill. oluvntloiiH. torn.
IMirutiiro, oto,, by roiintlim PwtpMd
qui) Dollar. (Icitit LaiidB Locnt ni Co..'
Uox 010, Portland, OrOKOn;