NEWS ITEMS Of General Interest About Oregon Oregon Has Overlooked Many Valuable Permanent Resources Unlvoritlty of Oregon, Kugene. Among III" coining nrwi I Indinitrlen of Oregon, II. II. Mlllor chinsi'H (lux grow liiKi milk condensing, mtiniifarturo of fertilizer, ruining of broccoli, and iimiiiifiicturuH from lumber. Mr. Mlllor In director of thu Hluto uulvernlty hcIiouI of eommeroo, which mnkon In vchIIkiUIdiin of inurkotrt anil pomilblll lien for Indunlrlen. llriicooll he iuoiioiiiicimI well adapted t() lllll Wllllllllllllll I'llllliv I'll in 11 1 11 mi xeitlliit nhlppur, ami tumble whin nil 1 other green veitetnblen nro gone. Tim MOiirnn of fertilizer may he1 two; from the nitrogen of the utr mid 1 from tlio beds of certain Mouth central 1 Orogon lalKw, notably Hummer mid Abort luliim. For tho manufacture of fertilizer from tho air, Mr. Mlllor wild groat development of Oregon'H 3,250,000 Idle hornepowor would ho neeeHtmry; and this hontepower, ho mild, would jilay tho greatest part In economic growth. "OroK'ni tiiiulo a r.rcat mistake when ll went extensively Into tho npplo html noitn," mild Mr. Miller. "Oregon's h po stal adaptation to tipples wan Hklllod labor. Skilled labor Ih transferable, and no today other sections nearer tho lilK inarketH aru producing hh good fruit tin Oregon, with Oregon nimble to meet thu compotltloii becaimo of transportation. Movable Schools. Ono of nix day moviiblo nchoolH will bo conducted by thu extension survlco of tho Oregon Agricultural coIIcko throuKhout tho year, tho typo of hcIioo! work being changud during tho various ncnsonn. Any local organization, nuch nn farmers' union, grange or other or giiulzntlou In which furmorH of tho community nro Interested, may pro moto n movable nchool. In counties having county agents, It Ih nccosHnry to arraugo for tho school through them. Such organizations or pornonn IntereHted In necurlng a movable school, nhould tiiko up tho matter with tho oxtonmnu Hcrvlcu. Oregon Agrlctil turnl college, Corvnllls. Owing to tho heavy demand made for thlH typo of work thu past tow yearn and to the falluro of some points to meet tho cxnectntlotiH of tho or gaulzerH and tho extuitHlon norvlco, a fow npoclnl rofiulrenientB nro being ntado of nil communities requesting thin sorvlco. 1. Organize a claim of not fewer than twenty pooplo for a ono day hcIiooI and of not lens than forty per hour for a longer nchool, these pcoplo agreeing to attend nil sessions re quontod, 2. Provide n room In which tn hold tho nchool or n plnco for domonntra Hon, tnko enro of heat, light nnd Jani tor Hervlco, nml furnish conveyance, to nnd from tho railroad ntntlou lor In ntructorn In charge of tho work. 3. Furnlnh tho demonstration inn' torlnl ncceasnry for tho typo of nchool desired. 4. Agree to Ihhuo 1000 coplcu of program for thu movnblo school mid distribute those as Instructed. 5. To ndvcrtlHO tho nchool ns wldo ly an possible throughout tho cum niunlty. Tho following linen of work will bo tnken up In movnblo school work dur lug thin year: Horticulture, ngron oiny, poultry, dairy, animal husbandry, homo economics, and special nubjects nn mny seem desirable. For further Information wrlto tho oxteuslon service, Oregon Agricultural college, Corvnllls, Oregon, or seo tho secretary In tho Information booth nt iitato fair. Ochoco Project is Passed. Snlom. Residents on tho Ochoco Irrigation project In Crook county will vote on tho question of bonding tho projoct for $1,000,000 to securo funds to carry out contompiateu improve nionts. It became assured when tho office of Stato Engineer Lewis ap proved In Ub genornl features the re port of It. W. Hon, project ongtneor. Notice of tho report's npprovnl wns nont to tho directors of tho project. Tho projoct ns npprovod by Engineer Lewis ombrncoH 20,000 ncros of land In Crook county. It Is proposod to Issue bonds on tho basis of $50 an acre valuation for tho project. Girl Wins Trip to Fair. Pendleton. For tho second succos nlvo year, Curmlno Joiicb, dnughtor of n MoKny crook farmor, Inst wuok won first honors In tho stnto-wldo turkoy raising contest, In connection with tho Industrial club work of schools. She Is 14 years of ngo. With throo othor Umatilla county pupils sho attondod tho fair last week ns guostB of tho stato. Arthur Crono, of Uplno, was awarded socond prize In plB-rnlalng. Drys Qnln Four Towns. Now Haven. Conn. Tho so-called "llttlo town oloctlons" In Connecticut woro featurod by lively contests over tho oxclso quostlons, nnd tho "dry" forcos mndo a gain of four towns. Of tho 108 towns In tho stnto 01 nro now nollconso, London Crowd Hunting Relics of Zeppelin ThouHiiudH on thoimnndB of London - cm have Journeyed to tho npot wltoro Lieutenant William Leefo Robinson GREAT GAMBLING RING DISCOVERED Operations Believed to Have Extended Throughout United Slates. MILLION A DAY CHANGED HANDS Chicago Believed to Be Center for Big Syndicate Expose Result of Blackmail Case Trial. Chicago. "More than $1,000,000 changes hands every day ns a result of racing handbook operations In Chi cngo," said United States District At tornoy Charles F.fMyno Thursday, who declared ho had positive Information of this. Thcro Ih not that nmount of money Involved In Chicago, ho said, but gam biers of tho city control betting to that extent throughout tho country. Whllo District Attorney Clyno wns preparing federal action, Mayor Thompson Indicated, after u confer once with Chief Healoy, that n nunv her of police officers will bo transfer red as a result of Judgo Lnndls' ex. poso, "I understand," said tho mayor "that Chief Ilealoy will shift certain policemen to clean up tho gambling situation." l'ostofflcu authorities In cities fur nlslied with racing news from Chicago were ordered to seize tho records of tho gnmblcni. This action wns tnken ns n result of n conrerenco uetweon District Attor uuy Clyno nnd Clonornl J. P. Stuart, chief postal Inspector. General Stuart Immediately sent or dors to the postofflco authorities of Cleveland, St. Louis, Denver, Houston, Now York nnd Snn Francisco to ferret out tho records of tho gamblers and hold them. "Chicago is tho hub of nil this ra co- track betting," said District Attoruoy Clyno. "There is llttlo doubt that wo enn obtain tho Indictments of tho gnmblors now for using tho malls to defraud. Tho only thing left to do Is to prosont our ovldonco beforo tho federal grand Jury." Judgo Lnndls discovered n poker nnd bridge gamo in tho Hotel Astor, 184 North Clnrk strcot, when tho first witness tostlflod nfter tho inquiry into gambling conditions wns opened. Tho Judgo Intimated Intor In tho day that ho would Investigate tho baseball pools also. Officials in Washington nro aiding In tho Investigation, nnd announce ment wns mndo that tho government might sook Indlctmonta against certain Chicago gamblers ns violators of tho lottery nnd postal Inws. Richard Flower Is Dead. Now York. Ulchard Flower, known throughout tho country for stock-soiling operations, from which ho was credited with having nottod moro than $1,000,000, dropped doad in n Ilobokon thentor Sunday, Relatives Identified tho body. Flower, who opdrated undor many nlinsos, wns In turn lawyor, preacher, "healor," and "nlchomlst," with n socrot for tho mnuufacturo of rubles, nnd a Wall-street mine opera tor. Ho wns 73 yenrs old. 1 brought down tho flrnt Zeppelin to bo successfully nttacked In England. Most of tho ruin had been swept off, but Binder Trust Has Absolute Control of World's Supply, Says Steenerson Fergus Falls, Minn. Representative Malvor Steenerson, nfter completing nn investigation begun in Washington relative to tho big advance in the price of binder twine this year and tho further advanco that is expected next year, has returned to Fergus Falls. "Thu hinder twine situation is in the control of the Commission del Mcrca do do Hennequln Reguladorc of Yuca tan," tho representative said. "This Is thu most Iron-clad trust in tho world nnd controls absolutely tho world's supply of sisal, out of which binder twine Is mado. This trust was organ ized by tho military governor of Yuca tan, who controls It. Tho organiza tion was approved by Carranza nnd the trust wns financed In tho United States with tho approval of the stato department. ' "Norman Llnd, whoso father, John Llnd, wns sent as President Wilson's personal representative to Mexico, is its American representative. This trust already has doubled tho prlco of sisal to tho stato of Minnesota, which means nn extra tnx of nt least 10 cents nn aero in Minnesota. This money goes to tho military government and Carranza." Christian Science Wins Right to Practice Albany, N. Y. Christian Scientists In New York stato may treat persons afflicted with disease without obtain licenses to practice medlclno, provided thoy conform to tho tenets of tho Christian Sclonco Church. It wns clear ly ruled in a decision handed down by tho court of nppcals. Tho test caso which brought tho decision was insti tuted In 1911 against Willis Vomon Colo, a Christian Sclenco practltlonor, convicted In 1912 of practicing mcdl clue Illegally and fined $100. Tho Judgment was reversed, tho flno order ed remitted nnd n new trial ordered by tho higher court. Deputies Drink Evidence. Seattlo, Wash. Tho suit of tho Chi cago, Mllwaukco & St. Paul railroad against Sheriff Itobort T. Hodgo, to rccovor $2600 worth of liquor seized by tho shorlfX at Maplo Valloy Sop t ember 13 because shipped tp n ficti tious address, was continued In n Jus tico court. Tho railroad had n Hon on tho liquor for $158 freight charges. Sheriff Hodgo testified that ho order ed tho Honor destroyed becnuso his doputics woro "nibbling at It." Million for Two Milk Plants. Senttlo. Ono million dollars cash wns pnld Thursdny by Charles 13. Pea body, formor president of tho AlnBka Steamship company, to tho John 11. Agnow company of Seattlo for tho con densed milk plants of tho company nt mouik vornon, SKngu county, nnd nt Forndnlo. Whatcom county. Tho Mount Vornon plant has n capacity of 3000 ensos n day. Drewer Offers Solution, lluffalo, N. Y. A reduction In tho nmount of nlcohol In beor wns advo cated by sponkors nt tho 20th nnnunl convention of tho Master DreworB' as sociation. Hugh S. Fox, socrotary of tho Unltod States llrowors' associa tion, doolarod that tho Bolutlon of tho wholo liquor problom would bo prohi bition of tho snlo of spirituous liquors nnd llconso for tho salo of beor and light winoB. Vote by Mall Proposed. Mndlson, Wis. Governor Phllipp has called a special sosslon of tho log Islnturo for Ootobor to pass nn net per mitting soldlors on tho Moxican border to voto by mail. Wrecked in Suburbs. tho relic hunters dug Into the ground to find small pieces. BUSINESS GOOD IN NORTHWEST; PRODUCERS REAPING BENEFITS Washington, D. C. Generally pros porous conditions arc reported throughout tho Pacific Coast In the federal reserve monthly bulletin. Of conditions on tho north coast, tbe bul letln says: "Grain crops, though of less than tho usual volume, are commanding such prices that tho money returns aro above tho normal. Although there havo been largo shipments of wheat by rail from tho Pacific Northwest to tho cast, many farmers havo not yet sold, holding In tho expectation of higher prices. Tho barley crop fell considerably short of tho earlier esti mates, but with the carry-over there were approximately 350,000 tons (near ly 15,000,000 bushels) beyond domes tic requirements and available for ex port Prices aro $8 and $10 a ton higher than last year. "Tho applo crop of California, Ore gon and Washington is estimated at 5,800,000 barrels, which is a little above normal. Tho quality is excep tional and high prices aro ruling. "Hops will yield ab.out 280,000 bales, or 20,000 bales moro than last year. This is far In excess of domestic re quirements. Tho British embargo on exports has affected prices most un favorably, bids of 10 to 12 cents com paring, for example, with 43 cents In 1911. "Tho salmon' pack of Coast, including Alaska, per cent below normal, packer says that from tho Pacific is about 20 A leading tho sellers' point of view tho salmon markets of tho world are in better condition than at any tlrao slnco 1900. "Mining continues its great activity, with expanding output. "Thcro has been no material change In tho unsatisfactory condition of the lumber Industry, lack or transports tion facilities being tho greatest hand! cap. Ships for tho lumber trade, with an aggregate carrying capacity of 30,- 000,000 feet, aro now building on this coast. Many Mexicans Starving. Laredo, Tex. Deplorable conditions exist in Lampazos, 80 miles south of tho border in Nuovo Leon, whoro 20 doaths from starvation occurred in two days, according to reports received hero. At least half of tho crops havo been confiscated by tho government for military purposes. Tho poorer woman in Lampazos aro unnuto to clotho themselves properly, nnd chil dren of both sexes nro virtunlly nnkod, Wheat Hits High Mark. Chicago. Highest prices this sea son woro scored in tho wheat markot Thursday ns n result of Increasing drouth dnmngo In Argentlnn. Tho close was firm, 2026o to 2io not hlghor, with December nt $1.58 nnd May nt J1.57-J10T&. corn suowea a not ndvnnco of to c, nnd oats of Y to i3c. Provisions finished nt n rango varying from 35 cents do clino to a rlso of 2c. Czar Gives Jews Schools. Potrograd. via London. Jowb will enjoy greater educational advantages in Russia in tho future A Bories of high schools and technical schools ex clusively for Jowlsh students Is to bo established by tho government and groator froodom will bo accorded with ropoct to tholr ontry Into tho universities. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS PORTLAND MARKET8 Whent Blticstcm, $1.36; fortyfold, $1.30; club, $1.28; red fife, $1.30; red Russian, $1.27. Oats No. 1 White, feed, $28. Uarley No. 1 feed, $33. Flour Patents, $0.80; Btralghtn, $6.2000.60; export, $0.20; valloy, $0.40; whole wheat, $7; graham, $0.80. Mlilfeod Spot prices: Bran, $23 per ton; shorts, $25 per ton; rolled barley, $35.60036.50. Corn Whole, $42 per ton; cracked, $43. Hay Producers' prices: Timothy, eastern Oregon, $16.50018 per ton; timothy, valley, $15 0 16; alfalfa, $14,500)15.50; wheat hay, $13,500 14.50; oat and vetch, $13013.50; cheat, $12; clover, $10. IJuttor Cubes, extras, 31c. Jobbing prlcos: Prints, extras, 33035c; butter fat, No. 1, 32c; No. 2, 30c, Portland. Kggs Oregon ranch, current ro cclpts, 36037c per dozen; Oregon ranch, candled, 40c. Poultry Hens, 14015c; springs, 15 017c per pound; turkeys, live, 200 22c. Veal Fancy, 1201214c per pound. Pork-Mancy, 12013c per pound. Vegetables Artichokes, 7Sc0$l per dozen; tomatoes, 50060c per crate; cabbage, $1.35 per hundred; peppers, 405c per pound; eggplant, 506c per pound; lettuce, 20 0 25c per dozen; cucumbers, 25 050c per box; celery, 60 075c per dozen; corn, 10020c per dozen. Potatoes Oregon buying price, 90c 0$1 per hundred, country points; sweets, 2021&C per pound. Onions Oregon buying price, $1.60 per sack, country points. Green Fruits Apples, new, 5Oc0 $1.50 per box; cantaloupes, 6Oc0$1.25 per crate; peaches, 40 065c per box; watermelons, lc per pound; pears, 75c 0$1.5O; grapes, 75c0$1.4O; casabas, l$c; Turkish melons, 3c per pound. Cattle Steers, prime, $6.50 07.10; steers, good, $606.50; steers, common to fair, $505.50; cows, choice, $50 5.60; cows, medium to good, $4 04.50; cows, ordinary to fair, $404.60; heif ers, $4 05.75; bulls, $304.25; calves, $306. Hogs Prime, $9.50010; good to prime mixed, $9.5009.65; rough heavy, $8.75 09.25; plga and skips, $8,250 8.76. Sheep Lambs, $5.5008.76; yearling wethers, $5.7507.25; old wethers, $5.50 07.25; ewes, $3.5005.50. Hops 1916 crop, 10012c per pound. Hides Salted hides, 25 pounds and up, 17c; salted hides, 60 pounds and up, 12c; salted kip, 15 pounds to 25 pounds, 17c; salted calf, up to 15 pounds, 23c; green hides. 60 pounds and up, 15c; green stags, 60 pounds and up, 11c; green kip, 15 pounds, 17c; dry flint hides, 28c; dry flint calf, up to 7 pounds, 30c; dry salt hides, 24c. Wool Eastern Oregon, fine, 23 26c; coarse, 30 032c; valley, 30 032c. Cascara Bark Old and new, 6o per pound. Pelts Dry long-wooled pelts, 21c; dry short-wooled pelts, 17c; dry shear lings. 10 025c each; salted lamb pelts, 75c0$i.25; salted short-wooled pelts, 60o$l. Tailow No. 1, 6&c; No. 2, 5c; grease, 4c. Sugar Recovers From Drop. Sugar advanced 15 cents again yes terday, making a total increase of 65 cents within tho past 30 days. This nearly wipes out the sensational drop of 75 cents made about two months ago, and all signs point to a continued advance to higher prices than early this summer, when all records were broken. Granulated cano sugar Is now $7.75 a sack. Potatoes aro advancing In price. The middle western crop this year is said to bo from 40 to 60 per cent short and already tho Yakima crap is being drawn upon for eastern shipments. The local crop is not all dug yet, but Is said to be normal. Tho price now ranges around $21 a ton for locals and $25 for Yakimas. Frosty nights havo caused some of tho fresh local field products to he como scarce. Tomatoes aro being picked green by growers who want to save what they can before a killing frost destroys tho remainder of the crop. Blackberries In the valley were said to be badly damaged by Monday night's frost, but tho local demand is light and prices failed to advanco. Tokay grapes aro still Jobbing nt $1.35 a crato but an advanco is ex pected soon. Hlbcrta and Crawford peaches are still running strong at 60 cents a box. Peaches are rapidly nearlng tho end of their season. Can taloupes aro getting senrco. Apples nro arriving In largo quantities. Steel Company Buys Site. Portland Fifteen acres of. land sit uated north of tho plant of the Shell Oil company at Willbridgo havo been purchased as tho Blto for tho new Portland plant of the Pacific Coast Steel company and an allied industry, according to A. C. Callan, whoso orig inal announcement 'at a recent pros perity dinuor that theso two industries wero coming to Portland was made in Tho Oregonlan. Approximately 10 acrcB of the pur chased tract will bo utilized for tho plant of tho steel company, construc tion of which will prohably bo com menced within tho next year. Until tho final details of tho entire plant nro worked out, tho identity of tho nuxlllnry industry will not bo announc ed, Mr, callan Baiu. Tno property purchased does not front on tho Wil lamette- rlvor, but 1b not far removed from tho waterfront nnd has adoquato railroad facilities.