Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 30, 1917, Image 5

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    , LOCALS I
Curl Mason has purchased an
mi to.
Public Salo at Now Bridge Sat
urday. Thoa. Soigol wan in linker
Comb honey for Hale. Call on
V, L. I'ayzant.ad
Work hna started on the new
telephone oillco building.
l.ovcll and Dan Cover transact
ed buineH at I.aGrande Friday.
ICd Muncey and family of I'ine
Vallev vinil;d at Thus. Soigol'8
over Sunday.
Come quick, if you want a now
Bummtr cap, i hoy aro uri.i : ai
bargain priced al ltsley nd
V. T, Kvaiii of Hjker in visit
ing with hid met her and other
relatives and friends in this sec
tic i).
liig rtupply of lard, hums and
bacon just in. Bettor buy now
as pru-es are advancing rapidly.
Saunders Hro's. -nd
G, Drost has resigned his posi
tion as chet'se maker with the
Mutual. We f.avo not been in
formed of his future intentions.-'
Make your old clothes do ttfia
SfiiHoi). Send by parcel post or
stage lines. Silvon Dry Clean
ing Works, Baker, Ore.-ati28tf
Miss Dorothy Austin returned
Tuesday from California where
she attended summer school al
the U. of C, afterwards visiting
her father at Los Angeles,
New fall and winter goods ar
riving dully. Mackinaws, wcol
shirts, staff shirts, cprdurov mid
khaki trousers, rubbur shoes and
boots, etc. Come look our stock
over, you'll be agreeably surpris
ed at the price. Saunders Uro's.
The town of Medical Springs
had a narrow escape from de
struction Monday night. Fire
originating in the Dunham
Wright hotel completely destroy
ed tnat hostelry and only by hard
work was the store building of
Geo. South saved from alike fate.
The loss will reach $25,000. A
big forest lire is now raging nsmr
that town.
Our now line of wash goods in
staple and fancy ginghams, plain
ami fancy galiteas, percales and
prints, are far better than we ex
pected to bo able to buy and the
price is right considering tho high
prices. Come in and look them
over, they will surely please you.
-ad E. & W. Chandler.
Women home demonstration
agents have been appointed by
the Oregon Agricultural College
and tho U. S. Department of Ag
riculture for seven districts of
Oregon, composed of 18 counties.
Miss May Murphy of Portland,
has been selected as agontof this
district, composed of Umatilla,
Union and Baker counties.
Tho Baker County Public Safe
ty League has been organized in
the Valley and now has a mem
bership of over forty. Most of
the leading stockmen, farmers
mid business men uro enrolled
and wo believo it is tho duty of
every true citizen to add his name
to tho list, for at any time the
need of the league may bo felt
in Eagle Valley. Hand your namo
to Geo. B. Saunders or Frank
Craig, local committee, of membership;
Richland Pool Room
Allan Blnhclmcr, Prop.
Soft Drinks of All Kinds, Cigars,
Tobacco, Confectionery
Come in and spend your idle time
Wo'll treat you right
Ai I intend to leave soon I will
(ilfer all my goods to the highest
bidder at my residence 'in
New Bridge, Saturday, Sept. 1
Included will be the following:
Heuting Stove, pipe and elbows;
One Chest Carpenter Tools;
One Buggy and Single Harness;
One Sot Light Double Harness;
Three Crowbars; One Shovol;
Throe Picks; Two Pitchforks;
One 50-egg Incubator;
One 10x1 1 Tent, 12-oz. duck;
One Cupboard and other house
hold goods.
Salo will begin at 1:00 o'clock.
P. F. McClain, Owner
For return of One Bay Gelding
white strip in face, branded H
on leftshoulder, wire cut on right
knee.-- Finder will call at News
ollico and cbim reward. tid-U Up
Eli Stanciu transacted business
in Baker Tuesday.
Elmer Holman and family were
in Baker last Friday.
Win. E. Bean and C. H. Brooks
were in Pine Valley Tuesday.
Senator W. II. Strayer and
family were in Richland last Fri
duy. Grandma Wilcox of Bobinette
spent tho week end at the Siegel
George Evans i replacing the
old house on his farm with a
modern up-to-date residence.
Call at this odico and look over
a copy of tho Portland Daily News
and got our combination rate.
For Sale One Edison phono
graph, diamond point, and 100
records. Inquire at News ollico.
Bananas. Lemons and oranges
received fresh three times weekly
at Saunders Bro's. Boasting ears
and rhubarb tor sale. ad
Many sportsmen are planning
on going to the mountains after
deer Saturday, as the season
opens in this district on that day.
Later Season for deer closed by
Gov. Withycombe.
Flies are becoming more num
erous, you'll have to fight them
harder. Get your swatter, lly
poison and sticky paper at Haley's
Mrs. N. B. Ashcraft and chil
dren arrived homo from Ashland
last Friday, after a visit of several
weeks with relatives and friends.
Dr. J. II. McArthur and family
returned Saturday from a two
weeks' auto trip through Yellow
stone Park. T hoy report a most
glorious vacation.
Baker-Sparta-Richland Stage
Lino. Round trip daily. Rich
land ollico at Postoflico; linker
ollico at Jofforia Hotel. Monty
Miller4 driver ad
Ed Hartley Is now' driving a
Cheater Mason was a LaGrande
visjtor lust weok.
H. E. Blevins returned to Cove
Wednesday morning.
Our old friend Lester Holcomb
came down from Spartu Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rogers were
Pine Valley visitors the first of
tho week.
.1. C. Bowen and Barney Eidson
transacted business at the county
seat Tuesday.
For Sale One "Gabler" piano
practically nsw. Call on L. E.
Chandler, Richland. ad
H. D. Irwin of Garfield, Wash.,
haa been visiting at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. Bert Rogers.
Chi-Namel furniture polish is
gaining in popularity, many are
using it for nutos. Try it next
time. Haley's. ad
Mrs. E. W. Mack and son John
returned to Tekoa, Wash., Mon
day, alter having spent a week
at tho country home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Mack.
J. W. Campbell favored us with
a renewal subscription this week.
Walt has u bunch of extra good
dairy cows for sale, if you want
u bargain you should see him.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Young have
been in Baker the past week in
attendance lit the tedsuie of their
daughter, Mr. C. D. Woods, who
recently underwent a serious op
eration. $50 reward;
will be paid
for the arrest
md convic
tion of the party or parties- who
stole one derrick cable from the
Soule Ranch in Dry Gulch,
ad) Oliver J. Francis, Richland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clarkpand
son Roy, left last Saturday for
Portland where they will remain
for several weeks. Frank has
not definitely decided where he
will spend the winter b.ut is think
ing strongly of gojng to California
Let us measnro you for a suit
of fall or winter clothes. We are
agents for the International Tail
oring Co. and guarantee a fit or
no pay. Suits made to your
measure from $15 to $38. Come
in and see samples.
nd Saunders Bro's.
The Mutual Co. cheese factory
will suspend operations tomorrow
I Friday) for a period of six or
eight weeks. This is the result
of a surplus of cheese in the U.
S. caused by a decrease in ex
ports. Cream will be received at
the station the same as usual, so
wo are informed by Air. Kirk.
W. E. Farley called Monday
and handed us a check for $1.59,
saying that while he was not
over-burdened with cash at thq
present time, hs know that the
stoop in our shoulders was not
tho result of carrying too much
gold. Thanks, Bill, we wish a
few more of our subscribers were,
as thoughtful.
Mrs. Chas. W. Scott of Tncoma,
Wash., sends a check and asks
that tho News be sent to her
brother, M. Eylar Staight, who
is "somewhere in France." No
doubt some of Eylar's friends
would like to write him so wo will
givo his address:
M. Eylar Staight,
18th Co., 5th Reg., U. S. Marines,
Over Seas Batalhon,
Care Postmaster, Now York City.
For the Coffee User
The war tax bill will be ready soon.
This means that you should buy Coffee now,
as a limited amount in the retailers hands will be
exempt from the floor tax which will be $2.00
per hundred pounds. This with other taxes and
the Ad Valorem Duty may cause all coffee to ad
vance 5c and pessibly 10c per pound.
Better buy your winter's supply now, before the
price advances. We can supply you.
Priced from 25c to 45c per lb.
Daley's Cash Store
More Calls for Help Unfilled
Fall Term Begins
Many vacancies. Office help going to the front every day
Learn about business and fill the ranks of industry
Short hours. Good pay
A Tuition Within the Reach of All
Write or call. DO IT TODAY
Phone 131 W. P. K1NION, Proprietor
Adventures of
Richland Opera House
Every Thursday Night
New Bridge on Friday nights
One of the most thrilling plays
ever written for moving pictures
Don't Fail to Come
Admission only 15c
Fancy Bacon home cured 85c
per lb., Portland cured at '10c;
fancy 1917 honey, 10-lbcan $1.25.
Mother's oats, sack mush, peanut
butter, macaroni, syrups and var
ious other staple groceries for
a less price than you pay else
where. Sauu.de.ra Bro's. ad
Sept. 4th
According to statistics compiled
since the beginning of the Eu
ropean war, at least nine out of
every ten men who go to tho
front from this country may safe
ly count on coming back. Some
of . them may be wounded, it is
true, but that is another subject.