Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 30, 1917, Image 3

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$3.00 $3.50 S4.00 S4.50 & 55.00 aXSWSKIih
Snvo Money by Wearing W. L. Doutfn
tdiooa. For oaIb by over OOOO bJjoo atonlcm.
Tho Host Known Shot In tb World.
W. L. DouIji imam and lh rrt.il port m tumped uii ill U(
tun of all .Wi at die factory. II) v.lu. it i;iuiaittcetl and
lli4 ww prot ajiln high I infrtior .liow. '11ms
rvt.il jultf. at tlx hum! rtrywhtt. TVy twt no ntme (n fwn
Fr.naw. th.ui li du In Naw York. Tly are alway woitli dw
price paid for tlvau.
Tit quality of W. I- Dmigl.i prodnrt I ipiaranteeil by more
dun 4 X"4" ptletKe in making fine tlutri. "Hie amirt
i'vlnt u. tl UatWi In ilia Padilon Ccntrei of Amukj.
'llity i mada in a wtll-ffliilpjx! factory at Ikockton, Ma.,
Iir Uk I1l4lif.1t pili, tUllnJ !vorirulr.rn, under lite direction am!
itiprrvbion of eapriiMittd rrwti, aU working with an horvtM
drurmiiution to make the lrt tlioea for the prite that money
rain Iny.
A.k ror atiiMi il.nUr fur W. I- ItnngtM .lm. If m cnn
Hal .nualv uu with til 111 ml vail KUt. tuba mi ultlttr
inaka, YTrlVa r,r mmmlin aiiiiajuinrr nw i"
inaita, VTrlU fitr lnlimtln IwmHlat mt iilalMlnrr lirtw
gal ibMml IK hlc'iatl .Innilnril of Hilaill far lit- I'll
by latum null, atc fro".
1'rr.lilxnt (J
LOOK FOR W. L. Dotigliu
nanaa and tho rotnll prico
alampcd on the bottom.
Boy' SW
Bait U iU irU
a no (t9.no t iieo
rr.lilciii u
Ilullrliu Hlio !., ItroaUlall. Maaa.
Now Oame,
"I wltih these Illustrator would pick
up n little amoral Information."
"How now?"
"In my now book the artltit hns fur
nished a ptcturn of flvn r.lrls playing
bridge." l.dtilavltlo Courier-Journal,
The Landlord's Request.
"Wo hope- to crt noino Hoptember
guests, Mr. Flubdub. Wlicu you reacb
homo, will you deny that there are
sharks hor7 '
"Pin. Do you wish to revise tbl
bill?" Louisville Courier-Journal.
Leader" and Repeater"
Shot Shells
For the hih flyers, or the low flycro, "Leader" and
"Repeater ohclla have the reach, cprcad and penetra
tion. Their great sale ia due to these qualities, which
insure a full bar;. Made in many causes and loads.
nn suim to ask for thj; w brand
Foundlnu a Career.
"That wan tv sreat upooch you mado"
nuld tho cnthiMlaatlc frlcuil.
"Do you think It will hflp inoT"nnk-,
cd Hi.Mi.itor Sorchiiiu. ,
"Utitjut'Httoimbly. It may not hnvo
much InfliKUico In public nffnlrK, but
It oui;ltt to (;cl you tui iitKiU'.amt'nt
with nny ltcturo bureau."--Ilrooklyn
Clllr.cn. I
The Minister's Temptation.
A youiiK collide went to n mlnlster'i
Iioiiko to K;t marrletl. After the cere
uiony the brldkrootn tlrow tho clerny
mnn ntilde and tald In a wiilopor;
"I'm Horry I have no money to pa
your fie, but If you'll take me down
Into the cellar 1 11 show you bow tc
fix your Kan meter wo that It won't
register." -Haltlmoro Sun.
"T A Carelessly Treated Cold
is the source of most sickness because drugged
pills, syrups and alcoholic mixtures are
uncertain and unsafe.
Scott's Emulsion has been relied upon by
physicians for forty years as the safe and sensible
remedy to suppress the cold and build up the
enfeebled forces to avert throat and lung troubles.
Don't tolerate alcoholic substitutes, but insist
on the Oonzshto Soait'a Emulsion. One bottle usually
lasta longer than a cold. Every druggist has it. ?j
OiirKra'tiint.- arn.nceuprlna- vnrlaMa pml.
lion.. Tim trnolilnir inroam I. different (rum
onllnnry tulmwi nolxm!. Thnrnuiti, I'racU
cal. lixllrl.tunl. .WJIOOI. KOIt HKHONI.Y.
AIJn Tlio llul.li r. Y. M. C. A., TorlUiwI,
Orutoo. bih! m-t tlutnllsl tn rnnKlIi.
He law iUc. tills wlicn m.rrint prior to
J ii no 'il, 1WX. Itamarrlnl wldnw. wain a
wlJuw .Iki banrflUd, Writ for l.UnV.. Ak
alxiul (Vmfad.Mt nrrTlm. lllnton &. Wll
.an, Wa.ltliKtcm, D. C. Ki.Ubll.hrJ Wi.
Write ubout yonr wunts In thU lino to
183 Madison St., Portland, Ore
P. N. U,
No, 42, 1010
A Time for tho Two Bears.
Wo luivo a friend who Is fond o)
telling how hla elderly mother tooV
mm noltlo wlion bo wan about to b
marrletl and advlhed him always t
keep two bears in hla home If ho woult
be hnppy.
When ho nnl;od her what sho meant
alio oxplalned that tho animals sht
bad In ( mind wero "bear" and "for
Tho homoly utory Is one that
AmorlcaiiB might well lay to hearl
Just now. In both our foreign ant
domestic relationships i;reat forbear
nnco may noon bo necesBnry to aroli
quarrels, and tmnrrels are Invnrlabl)
rulnoiiH to happiness, dlsturblne tt
uiiBincBn anu nearly always lead us
do many thliiRB that we ufterward .
Kret. Commoroo nnd Tlnance.
Will Tickle Him to Unatli.
Mro. A. I'vo planned such a de
lignum BiirprlBo for my bUBbaml.
Mra. II. What Is ItT
Mrs. A. Ho'll bo Ecttlnn his fall sub
out shortly nnd I'vo put a quurter ii
ono ot tho pockets. Boston Trans
GitarfevMiA GrannlnfcrJ Eyelids,
30rt5 Eyes Inflamed by expe
mro to Son, Dosland Win.
V-Tv r ry. quickly relieved by Marfna
U2, V tyeDemody. No Smart hiff,
4 i,t TTyC Comfort, At
Your DruffgUt's 50c per JJottle. Mnrloa tji
SalvclnTubei25c. ForBookollneEyeFreeaik
Drujreim or Murine. Eyo Remedy Co., Ckkaga
Mountain Rannes tho Scene of Many
Historic Encounters Pastes Trav.
erted by Soldiers Thousands
of Years Ago.
If the niKeed Pffks of tbo Alps
could tell their story, there would bo
many u thrilling tint warlike Incident
to relute; but uono xo strniiKo as tho
one." enacted between the Austrlnns
ami the Itiillnim In theso inouutiilnotis
regions. The Itnlltins are aliHolutely
ut home In tho mountains, nnd the
Austrlnns are tislnR every Invention of
science to counteract this advantage.
All the parapets on tho Mcep roads,
whero summer tourists were wont to
motor, have been demolished, and
beautiful pine forests have been swept
nwuy, so that nothing shall obstruct
tho artillery. Largo areas have been
mined, and by pressing a button the
Austrlnns can hurl an avnlancho of
rocks and bowlders on to tho heads of
the advancing Italians or blow up the
roads beneath their feet.
From the Cottlnn chain, marking the
boundnry of France In tho west, to
the Cnrnlc and Julian Alps, north ami
east of tho Adriatic In AuKtrla, there
are generally n thousand passes and
routes of more or less note, nearly all
traversed by practicable roads, and
some shortened by railroad tunnels.
Over these niatls armies marched to
battle over two thousand years ngo.
Mont Cents pass may have been llttn
nUml's route when, In the year 18
II. C' tho Carthaslnlan conqueror In
vaded .tnly with a large army, half of
which he lost amidst tho Alpine snows.
Tho conquest of some Alpine tribes
by Augustus; the desultory warfare of
Teutonic and Frnnklnh hordes In the
llfili and sixth centuries, and the In
creasing sanguinary strife of Swiss
"confederates" nod Austrian oppres
sors, which lasted from the breaking up
of the Cnrollnglan empire, In tho tenth
anil eleventh centuries, until the crys
tallization of the Helvetic republic by
x'npoleon Honnpartc's act of media
ntlon In all these nil tho chron
icles nnd mako nearly every practi
cable foot of Swiss territory heroic
When Napoleon entered Italy he
crossed tint Alps with an army of
:0,000 by the Great St. IJeriiard pass,
.May 15-21, 1SO0. Later he constructed
tho great military road over the bun
plot) puss, from Hrleg, In Switzerland,
t Domodossola, ..i Italy, nnd thence
to Milan.
Uncle It 8tllf There.
"I told Undo Tom that he was get
ting too old nnd feeble to attend to
"Did he Uko It kindly?"
"He threw mo out of tho office"
Boston TranscrlpL
Prehistoric Man.
The life habits of prehistoric man,
as well as his antiquity on earth, are
known almost entirely from fossil re
mains of various ports. The tlota, how
ever, are very scanty and Insulllclent
for strictly logical deductions. Tools
and hunting weapons, bones of tropl
ral fauna und remains of man are
fount! In the gravel hods of western
Huropo. Apparently man nntedatcs
the glacial period as this tropical
fnuna there was previous to the Ice
age and because remains of glnclnl
fittinn, together with human remains
occur In Inter geological deposits. Thus,
the antiquity of man becomes r ques
tlon of the date of tho Ice age, and
that occurred 00,000 years ago tit least,
The Implements of prehistoric man
form u basis of a division of early In
dustrial development Into the stone
age, the bronze age, nnd the Iron ngti
Dearie Mc!
ICtliel Has Tom proposed yet,
Maud No, not exactly.
Klhel Not exactly I What do you
Maud Well, you know, he always
used to knock when ho came to our
house to visit me. Well, last night ho
came with n ring.
Can White Cats Hear?
Tho acuteness of tho uverago cat's
sensn of hearing Is proverbial, but It
Is u proverb that needs qualifying. For
example, many white cats tiro said to
bo absolutely deaf, and' though tho
Idea may appear absurd nt first sight,
It Is believed by some students that
tho color of n cat Is associated with
Its senso of hearing. Among several
Imported Persians, or long-hnlretl cats,
from abroad, not ono white ono in tho
lumber hns been nhlo to hear tho
slightest sound. Of courso thcro tiro
wliltu cata that can hear, but they have
been na much to the short-hnlred pets
of tho fireside as to tho aristocratic
long-hair of the shows.
Blunt Insinuation.
A fnshlonnhlo painter, noted for his
prosaic output, was discussing nt a
studio ten In Now York n recent scan
dal In the plcttire tritdo. "Look hero,
old mnn," said n noted etcher, "do you
paint nil yonr own pictures?" "I
do," tho other answered hotly, "ant!
with my own hnnds, too." "And what
do you pay your hands?" tho etcher
Inquired. "I'm thinking of starting an
art factory myself."
nthol Fancy Jack calling MIss'B
uereiear tne ftppio or nis eye.
Maud He must bavo meant tho
tvaporated kind.
Couldn't Help It.
"Doctor, my brother stepped Into a
hole and wrenched his knee, and now
he llrnps. What would you do In a
case like that?"
"I'm afraid I should limp, too!"
PltUburth Dispatch.
Misery in Back, Headache
and Pain in Limbs.
Dear ITr. Editor For moro than a
year I eofered with misery in tbo back,
dull hecdacho, pain in tho limbs, woq
somewhat constipated and slept poorlv
at night until I was about ready to col"
lapse. Seeing an account of tfio won
derful qualities of "Anurlc," prepared
by Doctor Tierce, of Uuffalo, N. Y., I
sent for a box, and before uting tbo
whole box I tclt and Gtiil feel improved.
My ileep is refreshing, misery reduced,
and life is not tho drag it was before. I
most cheerfully recommend this remedy
to sufferers from like ailments.
Yours truly, W. A. ROBERTS.
Note : Yoa'vo all undoubtedly heard
of the famous Dr. Picrco and hla well
known medicines. Well, this prescrip
tion is one that lias been successfully
need for many years by the physicians
and speclalirts of Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo,
N. Y for kidney complaints, and dis
eases arising from disorders of the
kidneys and bladder, such as backache,
weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con
gestion of the kidneys, inflammation
of the bladder, scalding urine, and
urinary troubles.
Up to this time, "Anuric" has not
been on sale to tbo publicbut by tho
persuasion of many patients and tho
mcre&scd demand for this wonderful
healing Tablet, Dr. Picrco has finally
decided to put it into tbo drug stores
of this country within immediate reach
of all sufferers.
I know of one or two leading drug
gists in town who have managed to
procure a supply of "Anurlc" lor their
anxious customers in and around this
locality. If not obtainablo Eend ono
dime Dy mail to Dr. Pierce for trial
package or CO cents for full treatment.
Editor Please insert this letter in
some conspicuous placo in ycur paner.
A Protest.
Papa was about to npply tho strop.
"Father," said Willie, firmly, "unless
that instrument has been properly
sterilized I desire to protest."
Thla gave the old man pause.
"Moreover." continued Willie, "tho
germs that might be released by the
violent impact of leather upon a por
ous textile fabric but lately exposed
to the dust of the streets would be apt
to affect you deleterlously."
As tho strop fell from a nerveless
hand Willie loft him. London Satur
day Journal.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong, sick women
well, no alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid.
"Does my practicing make you ner
vous?" asked the man who Is learning
to play the cornet.
"It did when I first heard the people
round about discussing it," replied ths
sympathetic neighbor. "But now I'm
getting so I don't care what happens
to you." London Answers.
Not So Bad. .
On the test paper In answer to the
question "What do wo mean by tlu
plural of a word?" Lucy bad written:
"By the plural of a word we mean the
same thing, only more of It." Chica
go Herald.
Now in Good Health Through Use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Say it is Household
Necessity. Doctor Called it a
All women ought to know the wonderful effects of
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on
those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases:
ITarrisbiircr. Pnnn. "Wlion T wri?! sinsdn T suf
fered a jreat deal from fenmlo weakness beeauso
my Avork comjxillcd mo to stand till day. I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for that
and was mado stronger by its use. After I was
married I took tho Compound again for a femalo
trouble and after threo months I passed what tho
doctor called a growth. IIo said it was a miraelo
that it camo away as one generally goes under
tho knife to havo them removed. I never want to
bo without your Comjxmnd in tho house." Mrs.
Phasic Knobl, 1042 Fulton St., Ilorrisburg, Perm.
Hardly Able to Move.
Albert Lea, Minn." For about a year I had sharp pains across
my hack and hips and was hardly ablo to inovo aroiuiu tho house.
2lr head would ache ami I was dizzy and had no appetito. After
taking Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound and liver Pills. I
am feeling stronger than for years. I havo a littlo boy eight months
old and am doing my work all alono. I would not bo without your
remedies in tho houso as thoro aro none liko them." Mrs. F. E.
Yost, 611 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn.
Three Doctors Gave Her Up.
Pittsburg. Ponn. " Your medicino has helped
mo wonderfully. Whon I was a girl 18 years old I
was always sickly and dolicato and siiiiorcd from
irregularities. Threo doctors gavo mo up and said
I would go into consumption. I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and with tho third
bottle began to feel hotter. I soon became regular
and I got strong and shortly after I was married.
..Now I havo two nico stout healthy children and am
ablo to work hard ovory day."-Mrs. Clementina
DuEuniNO,3-t Gardner St.,TroyIIill,Pitteburg,Penn.
All women nro invited to wrlto to tlio Lydia E. Plukhnm Mcdl
Olno Go., Lynn, Mass., for apodal advice, it will ho confidential.
iwiU. - ratfjpa - - ""iwhwiiir -- t t ' 'ill ' iilih'liafcMiiii m ii I'
IIMM t I ii iiilMiN'l 'I wm