Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 30, 1917, Image 2

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    'seizor coo&es, jte&G&rs?
v - ,r T'ft T'V
WajrstalT. ilauchtcr
of Sir
Grae. of the Hrlt'nh mJminltv. htnt. nt
h Unison h;wecn her k, rnrn, l.'thcl
u llloiothby. urnl Henry Sir.vtoisn Ki:icl
iltiiie It Henry Strt-tmin cnl. on I. the!
and while Haiiii; for her ulks to rire--ter,
Mr Qir;e's butler, who Is s Ci'iimn
si atout tits failure to Ret at lol.nlrnlty
l")lrs In pir George's SMakm Hf
j-nunrn io nerimin ecrt rli head
quarters. Stioctman. the German spy. ami
iHfr talcsi lrrstr. the bt'tlnri ixtv
iltocuwlns ti.e posihllltv of war. When
fctiiol appears he trie to foroe her to cat
I mm Sir G orise kn.nvle.lce of the sailm?
OMtrs to the llrlilsh lleet. Though she
Believes him s :--r.eih Instead of a fier
uL she refuses until he threatens
sue negj him to announce tholr se
ll?! .""He as Georsy Is jnspUeus.
utit ne put, i.er off. At tea Ueuricy an-l
k i o ' "u rujeoiier. tease Sir UeorKe,
.s""eetmn makes an awkward at-
j. nipi IO talk ivilut, s Stre.-tmun. th.
y'" n spy. sir George Wasstarf Itrltlsh
Ilf)H ,of,i1l- Elhel Wlllomhhy. wcret
we o. btrvetman. ami others are h.tvit.c
tea at the WaustafT home. The party Ut
Ulscusslns n pl.iy. Charlie Kruwn. news-
:Z! n,an or Np,r York, entertains the
J,"1 -Mrty with his views on the threat
en, war In Europe Guy Kali-oner de
clares thu if war n. ne wlil Kl, t0
ili"1 -L" 9 m"er and S.r Georce reprovo
i ll?-. Sa.'"e snvs Gl'V I spooflni; Cart
'alP"rJnion. of the Irish Guards, calls
2". Th" two hail hecn unJerlared
hi . .. SJ"e ,ells hlm of "or marrlase and
. Cl 'reetman is a German spy
w"n a fannlv In Berlin.
There Is no greater tragedy.
In the eyes of men. than the
betrayal of an Innocent girl. It
is an incident in human affairs
that has inspired literature In
all ages, and provoked murder
and suicide. With what erno
tion Ethel accepts the fact of
her betrayal and with what de
termination she sets out to
avenge the wrong, if such a
thing Is possible, is told In this
Ethel discovers, during her talk with
Capt Larry Redmond that she has
been betrayed by Henry Streetman,
and expresses her grief.
"Oh. It's everything everything!"
she toll hiiu with a dry sob.
"I slioulrl never hnve gone away: or
having gone. I should never have come
back to make you stirrer like this." he
.said with bitter Tif-reproarli. It hurt
him terribly to see her so torn by her
emotions. "There, there, my dearl
Don"! cry!" he said, patting her arm
with the tenderness of a woman.
"Oh. let me! Let me!" Ethel cried,
'-f the blessed veut of tears had come
to her nt last. "Oh. Larry, why
couldn't It have been different?"
"Faith. I don't know, my dear! Hut
now with you and me It's only n dream
of what might have been nnd we
mint forget." be comforted her
"Forget?" she repeated brokenly.
"Weil, we must try to." he Mid
"We must be friends the best friends
in the world."
"We can't be Just friends," she told
him. She knew that their deep love
for each other would never let them be
merely that.
"We must he!" he persisted with the
conviction of a man who would always
do right. "We love each other too
much to be more or less than the
best of friends."
From the hall outside, volce3 came
to their ears. And Ethel had scarcely
dried her tears before their friend
had returned to claim them for the din
ner party.
"Great Scott!" Guy Falconer ex
claimed as be came upon them. "Still
chinning, you two? You never talk to
irie as long ns that!" he told Georgy
Wagstaff with mild reproach.
"You're not so Interesting as Cap
tain Redmond," she retorted with the
cruelty of Insolent eighteen.
"Weil, admitting that." Guy said, for
he never plunged voluntarily Into an
argument with Georgy. "admitting
that, I've seats for the Palace and
we've telephoned to Richmond for a
table. So let's hurry."
"I don't think I can go, after all,"
Ethel told them then. She knew that
she was In no condition for the banter
lug glye and take of dinner-table con
versation. "Oh. Ethel!" Georgy cried In obvious
disappointment. And "Oh, Ktholl Don't
Kpoll the party!" Mrs. Falconer urged.
"Come on, Larry!" said Guy. "By
George, yon do look glum Just the
name as I did when Georgy first re
fused me. Now I've got used to It"
While they were trying to persuade
Ethel to Join thorn, Sir George Wag
KtarT entered tlio room. lie had heard
their voices as ho was passing through
the hall on his return from his hurried
visit to the admiralty. And since he
Lad news that ho knew would prove
iVtifM .ffiw,l--j l
of great Interest to tiieiti lie had
stopped on Ills way to his own ijnnr
"R.7 Joe. Redmond! I'm glad to ee
you!" he cried as soon a he onught
sight of the returned wanderer.
"Thank you. Sir (Jeorise! It's good
to be buck." Lurry replied.
"As n Hrltlsher. you've come homo
at the right moment." Sir (ieorge told
him gravely ib ho stionb the captain's
"You mean that there's newi of the
war bad news?" Ethel exclaimed,
quick to grasp the suggestion of smite
thing serious In Sir tieorge's words and
manner both.
"Gernuttiy lias declared tb:v4 a Mute
of war onlsts between herself and
Russia. Our Information I that France
Is mohlllxlng and will support Rus
sia!" Sir George seemed all at once
years older under the udded cures of
the Impending inutllct.
For Klnn and Countrvl
Captain Relmond was the first to
break the ensuing silence.
"Good God! Then It's come at last!"
he crlrtl In n rliilni voire
"And the Meet: What of the English
fleet?" Ethel Wlilnuehlir exclaimed 's.
her n.ilrL- mi,i ..r.-i i..vif ,. hi. i
that most vit.il f.ietor of itriiHhi'. .t.
fense. It was pure patriotism that
prompted her question. For the mo
ment all thoucht of Henrr Streetman
and his coi.st.-i.it Imnnrti.nl.." vonlshe.!
completely from her reckoning.
Sir George swent the little comnatiT
with a rapid glance.
You are nil practically member of
my family at least I regard you as
such." he said. Redmond, you are an
olllcer In his malestv's .service what
I say Is In absolute contldem-e."
Larry stood stltlly nt attention.
Of course. Sir Gooruo!" he in I
Then Sir George told them what
Henry Streetman would have given
uis soui to gnow.
Winston Churchill went to Forts-
mouth this morning. The Rrlthh fleet
sailed this afternoon under sealed or-
ilers and Churchill has offered tils
resignation as first lord of the adml-
At that terse statement Ethel Wll
loughby sank slowly upon a chair. In
their excitement the others did not no-
tlce her agitation. Nor could they have
Interpreted It had they divined It.
Something In the manner of an insplra-
t.on had come to her d scheme, plot
stroke of genius perhaps At all
eems. sue saw in il llasli How slie
. . ...... I
migiii jet serve uer country in a man
ner that Is granted to few women or
eiell men.
Meanwhile Captain Redmond pon
iiurcj upon Winston tuurenill s pe-
C'Ullar action. I
Rut why. Sir George why?" he
Recause he had no authority from
parliament to give such orders. If
England Is not Involved lu the war
then Churchill alone Is responsible for
his action and his public career will be
ended. If England goes to war, then
the English navy has gained nt once
an early and tremendous advantage."
"Rut It means that Churchill believes
England will light." Ethel said.
"That England will have to fight."
Sir George corrected her.
"Then the Meet It did not disperse?"
she questioned. "Where has It gone?"
Sir George saw no reason for telling
them half truths.
The most powerful fleet the world
has ever known has gone to the North y. And he shook hands with Miss Wll
sea to the Kiel canal to bottle up the lougl.by. "Good-by. Ethel!" he said In
uuri.iau navy, aim unil 11 win no. nil n
certain. v mi me duik or me tiermau
ueei uiiuoie to come out, wen prove
once again that Rrltauriia does rule the
wa ves,
His words thrilled everyone of them.
"And there's really going to he warl"
Mrs. Falconer exclaimed In a wonder
ing voice. "I never believed I'd live
to see It"
"And n long, horrible war!" Sir
George continued slowly. "We shall
suffer very terribly England. I fear.
in particular, because we um not ex-
pect It. We've been too ouro that It
would never happen tu our lifetime,
Some day-yes! Rut not nowl And
nf pnn,l l.n Inn... I .
" ,u "ui .uu.ijr uui. hut icMk reuuji
e snail neen every man.
His remark brought home to Larrv i
Rwlrnond a realization of the way In
which the sltuathn applied to himself.
"Then, In some ways. It's good I've
como back," he commented. "I must
rLMJUrC UL IllinC.-' I
a. - aa I
Guy Falconer turned to him with un-
1)011 '"led enthusiasm lighting uy hU
young face.
I'll go wiin i lie cried. "Ii It
tim Int.. l.v ., ..!! i....t..l,.V
.i-i ........
I III n frit Id "io." I.nrry said.
GlIV Willi! Lll-ueb his llinlhep tt-lll.
it tlUICK clllll of fenr Mil' roue liiutlh
iruiii nor .vent mm going n-nrnm up
o .ii r son. lain n Mippuoiuini: naiiu up
on his arm
"Rtlt. Gtty. you're UOt golllg to the
w.tr? she nit lil with n nttch lu her
"Why. of rotirse I am. uiolher!"
"Of iHiinne he N!" Georgy Wnsitaff
ivpeattAl after hltn
"Rut. Guy on said you wouldn't
right! his mother reminded hint trem
ulonslv. Her feeilnjs had undergone
Midden cliunxc.
"I know," he said, putting hi hand
upon hers tHHitliliuly. "Rut tlntt wits
when I didn't believe there would he
war. And now that It's come, I
couldn't sttty home. I couldn't!"
"That's the lrlt. my tioy!" Sir
Gcoriro told hlm ih a i-vuewed trust
In UrllNh tmuihoo.1
Rtlt. Guy yon niustn't! I OUlldll't
let you go!" she t 'Id him brokenly
He was snrry for her. And yet thrrc
wws an tutwonte.1 sterunesH lu Guy'
race s tie unltl:
' r. i" "on t want nut to tie a
Rtlt. my hoy, you're all I've got In
the world! You're the only thing I've
left!" And then she louk tilin In her
arms nnd sohliv.l. To her hud couir
only little more iUlckly limit to
other Kngllsh nioiliei-s the lenuiiclittlou
tlntt war demand of louly mid high
Don't cry. mother, pleasi .lon't!"
Guy nald gently. "You know I've sot
to go. I'll come back all right.
"Of cour.se be will." mlil Georgy. I
And then I'll marry hlm." Guy had
1,11 nt ,uuv uhhuiiusI new proportions In
'"r I""1 lays been fund
r '" fri,, ''e time they were ulrl
together. Hut lihe had never
'aii,'n "m 'I'llte srrlousiy. .Now. Ituir-
f'T',r. ",,' aw t'13' i:UJr ,TI
u f Intemini io ilsy uiNU t
I"""' 1,1 "' upproadiing struggle. And
"' ,I,at ,nol,lrlR Georgy knew thxt lm
"a" ,,,urr "ur'"7 cr.
ww K" u"" '' eyes a
I" turned to tile girl.
"Will you really?" he asked. "You
hear that, mother? Why. that alone Is
worth golug to the front for ntid I'll
''' - ni"' be 3 hero od wa'll lire
Impnlly ever after."
' ""cu l th roy optimism of
.ergy WngstafT placed her hauda
' his.
l or once, you ilr.ir old thlnL'. II
can't argue with you." she said. And
though she smiled nt hlm. she had dlf-
Uctilty In keeping back her tears. I
iii3" l aiconer atood very erect as he
took li'i mother by the hand. He tnvr
women tu a new light now saw mid
recognized the naerlllees they had In-
evitably to make lu life's battle, sluce
the beginning of time,
'Come on. mother!" he said gravely.
'Take.rne to the barracks."
'My son. I'm proud of yon!" she
half whispered, aa she looked up at
him through her tears.
"So am I " sddod Georgy Wagstnff
She had acquired all at once n new
ense of proprietorship In Guy. "You'll
write me?" ln- asked him.
"Everv d.iv!" he nromlsed eaeerlr.
"And you you will be careful,
won't you. Guy?" his mother besought
hlm with her Ii nil lis .. fin. i III .ihniil. I
"Of course. I'll lie careful."
And then lh..i- huil -vine lr I'.l.
coner and Georgy, hanging desperately
to him who una dearest of the whole
world to thei
Sir George Wagstaff turned to the
others with an ulr of unaffected pride.
There m the true Eugll'hmau!" he
'And there'll be hundreds thorn
snnds, like hlm the tlowcrof our conn-
try, who won't come back." Ethel said
slowly. "Oh. it's too terrible!" The
little tragedy had touched her to the
quick. lieslde It her own troubles
seemed momentarily nwarre.i.
"Yes. It Is terrible." Sir George
agreed. He had no llluslnna na to
what war meant for England.
I must L'o at once to the war office."
Cntitiiln Redmond announced hurried,
tone that was far morn sober than
,vas customary for hlm.
.. ,, ,,, .he ,,i,irnii
SIr rit.or.0 ,,, ..Comlng. Redmond?"
ns he moved toward the door.
Larry had already Htnrted to Join
him when Ethel called him back.
"Larry, before you go, may I have
Just five minutes with you alone?"
"Of course!" he assented. "You'll
forcive me. Sir George?"
"Knriilv V.. oiii fifriln f Foil mnrifl f"
And with that Goorgy's father left
them alone
"Lnrrv. when will rou iro to fh-
front?" i.'ti.,.i n.t,o in tense nie
ne set 1,1 ,p and ntlck upon a stool
before aiiswerliijr her.
,., ,, .,,, .,,., .f,.M
.i,nni i. ., i.' ti.ioi, r 11.. ni.
you mean they won't send you?"
i r.nr not mv dear. They'll want
me thev've often snld no-for some-
thing they call mora Important than
I 'iM, ninL tu, 1 IM J ai 1 rv 11 u ill Itio 1
l..ln nl,.vll tian in H
special service what you'd cull a inv.
I nippose, though, It's ns good ns any
other way to die for one' country. Tl
I tlutr tluiuuh I'd nut bo loo tiroud
I ..
I Ul II.
l.or a brief time she uindo no renlr.
i.- . l.l. .I-
-"ins ip milium i-u iii iiwiun.
"Won't vuu let mo liehi" alio naki.d
hi.,, n.
"You?" lie womU-red whnt alio
could menti.
"I do sn want to help!" alin con
tinned. '"I'here'll bo lliiMtmtiidH of wntii
fit who'll go to the front iti nurse
mlllloii to do the tilings ut home Rut
can't I go to M'rve England to bu In
the upei-lul service too?"
A shadow crossed Ills flue fnee nt III"
mere mention of the iiudertiiktng.
"Oh. inv ilivlf I iiilltilll'l let vim
The rink for you'd be Ion gieat. I
couldn't permit It."
Rtlt slio would not be put down n
"Think of Hie thliitj a woman eotiM
do safely- without suiplelon." slut ur
sued, "where a man would b tine-
"I know. I ktinw bill I couldn't nl
low It. And your liitslmml?" lie. iiir
Honed. He hardly ihou:ht tiny right
minded limn would be willing to let his
wife face iiii-ti peril
she turned in hlm Impeiuoiisly.
"Ijtrrv. I lied to vtiu " he con
I foHMed. "I'm uilnernble. wretelieil. I'm
not happy with toy husluind. I've
made a nuns of thliu. like ynu I
want to get awny, I'hN Is the only
thing I enn do for Enitliiud for you'
Oh. please let me gi oil. tilense!"
Hit hiiw Unil she was greallj
moved that he was iiul totturrd
half frantic. And he hud not the lirtiri
to drny her any solace, no
where he might turn for It
"I know how you feel." he nald. "and
you hall do thla thing If I can arruuge
Her bran went out to hlm In grntl
tilde because he hud understood.
'Oh. tlm nk you. Lurry! Thank you!
Now. tell me what nm I to do? Where
susii I e eiu7 .-snail I no witu yuii7
S,", ""P'"' H would Ito 0,
.. my near uot witu me. ' nc rx
plained. "My Job will bo Inside the
'Tinsti lltira perhaps tu their very
mi nnawer strucK a emu or rear in
to her for she could feel fear for hltn
"!,ut """'a liiilble!" ahe rx
claimed tricreiiuioiuiy. "ton would be
-'"g"i at once.
"Oh. I think not!" he reassured her
'Tho plan Is all arranged every de
tall since berore I went nwuy. Now
'tin only for me to carry It out Rut
you cant lie wmi me.
tier disappointment was obvious
""t wtiai shall I do?" ahs asked
"TMt we'll see. Rut somehow wo'll
he working together.
r or king nm country:' alio ei
clclmrd. holding out her hand to him.
"For king and country!" he rrpeated
after her, as he took her llht baud In
hla own strong one.
Hoist by Hit Own Petard.
Reg pardon. Miss Wlllotighbyl A
gentleman to see you. by appointment!"
In his character of Rrewater. Sir
George's butler, the German spy Roe-
b'r made his announcement In fault-
less fashion.
"Oh. lu lust a minute!" Ethel Wtl.
loughby told hlm. Sim knew that II
was Henry Streetman who had re
turned tn uie her Ami In turn ulinm
hand she had hnstllv ilriiooeil tost n
Rrewater threw onnn the donhln doors
khe unil! u-limi Ih.. nui.inln l.ii.Ur I. ...I
gone. "I may gain snniw very Impor-
Innl Information from this man. I en n't
explain mure than that now. Will you
wait In that room?" She Indicated n
door leading Into n smaller room ad
joining her sitting room.
'Yen, my dearGod keen you!" Cap
tain Redmond nnswered. And he nt
0,,c'' Proceeded to oarry out her wishes,
Ethel breathed a rapid prayer na she
heard Streetman already mounting the
"Oh, help me to he bravo! Haiti me
to be clever for Larry and for En"-
land!" She turned then to meet the
man who hud betrayed her. ami
against whose wits shu had now un
dertaken to match her own.
Will this girl be able to do.
eelve the spy regarding her In.
tentlona and Inveigle him Into
permitting her to do aa alio
do hi; continuhd.)
Spruce for Aeroplanes.
Great Rrltnln nnd France have spent
more than a minion dollars for 18.-
OOO.OOO feet of spruce wood from
Wi'Hhlngton nnd Oregon for muklnif
neropiiuien, ih.lu.uuik to iioiiert II. I
Allen of the West Coast Luuibeimen'-.
association In nn address to th stu-
,,flt In Journalism at Ihu University
XI.. 1. 1 .1 tw I .... I
Too Much Rn
"You know Stockton, don't yon, doo-
"Yes. Indeed. He's a n,..i.
. I
1 vtu imhuhuiiiiu lllllll. INfl T Ha.1'1
tt i wtiinn ttrtt , ...... . . ...
"I should nay bo. I'm tremin
for Insomnia." IJoston Iflvmiiuf
III.UUWI.U I llblUII r1 '
To anil fn.ni II liullili ull lumMlld !. n ilul.
"l tnmtJ. InfartntlUn thrfillr itvn.
PjP if t. Rim FflniKJfll hf Cfl..
i . umnw vvwv, . ' .-.I
f.tll.nJ, Or.
lloiitlil, HM, Rsnlxl anj lt.llil
WAI.KKU rlJCIIttl' WtltlKH
llutihl, ivr link, I'urlUiuJ, Or.
m-txl to ,TM .. !l ltim.ul tit , fi.rt
li.. Un t jit Tll ItiMilr runt
In Ilia NwrthvvMl Caunlry otvlc
illly l' lrs.l I'imL
l'OUTUN Y. M. C. A.
I A nfnmnhi n SrhnA
nit,n ,uii,.i ih. miMAir In rm.Mil )
OinolK-n of Autrii.bil Hi-fUl ittIW In.
fMtnm furinitil liiiiwllilr rnM. I".n
tr niijr ilnte. AilJtt Th lUtrr, Y.M. C A.
raitlimij, t$n
Vml, I'orU. lle-f,
Poultry, llultrr, Cau
ml I rui 1'rounco
h. tin. UIJ IlKllnt.1 Krtlhi- ! wltii
u,.,nl f U lr a. tiutmt Utlln. ih!
u.uri ..f io' tAuKlr I'lucun.
M V.m. cRONiciun:
4!WT ffoiil 3lr(jt PtUinl, Orn
Needed n Urake.
Farmer llttiut was In npiirch of u
"I hnv tlm very thlnn you want,'
Htd thu utnbli-uiHii. "a thoroueholtiR
rod home Five yfnrn old, nound an
ItlR.lt. J 175 cash down, utul ho noort
10 mum wjtiioui utoppinr;
I lane threw hU hnudn nkywitrd.
Not for me." he tmld. "I vouldn't Kit
you five cenu for him. I lit Hr.ht
tnllea out In do country nnd I'd huf to
vulk buck two mtion'I'lilUdolphlrt
For dd surt'rt apply Hanford's Dal-
nam. Ad v.
Handed Down.
I'ecEy wnn two yearn younger than
Resale, An Is tho way with youiiKor
nlstera lli-aitle'a uuturuwn clothes bo
came !'i'i!K''a liiimlllntliig heritage.
One day Reside made tin exciting ills
.My goodnoiin, rhe nald. "rvn j;oi
ti loom, tooth. I think I'll pult It out."
Oh, don't" IVruy Implored. "Mo
ther will make tnu wear It." London
Huturdoy Journal.
Far fouls In cattle una Hanford's
llalsam. Adv.
Tho Double Life.
Thin would be a good tlmo for mu
to take u vacation." rrmurked thu hoc-
retary and treuuurrr of a city concern.
"Rut you returned from ono jjuly n
week ano," nald tho prosldent "Oh,
that wan my vucntlon its rocretary; I
wish to r.o now us treasurer." Ronton
If your nkln Ih ncrnlchod by n runty
nail, apply Hun ford's llalsam nt once.
It should prevent blood poison. Adv.
Sticking to One.
Roy Ma wants another oxtntl.
Rutchor She liked the ono alio cot
yesterday eh?
Roy Yon, ntr. She wnntn thin nm
off the saino ox, please ! London An
Rub It On and Rub It In.
For Ininc back, ntlff neck and noro
throat, apply Hanford's Ilnlsam of
Myrrh, nnd bu sure to rub It tu thoi
oughly. It Is r:uurunlood ((, rurB or
your inonuy will bu rerundud by your
dealer. Adv.
Work Delayed.
"I hear Mrs. llogr.s In koIiw to brenii
her liimband'H will."
"Hho'n lute In doing It. Most wives
attend to that ut thu iilurt." Haiti
tuoro American.
Butferfat Advance
Wo advanced our prico on
Hutterfnt Thursday, Oct 6th,
three cents. We pay lilgheat
cash prices for your I'oultry,
Krks. Dreascd Vcul nnd Hogs.
When Cook Departs.
Tho helpful dollcatunnen,
A boon to weary wife,
Doth manifestly lonsen
Tho careu of marrlod Ilfo.
Loulsvlllo Courlur-Journul,
f IfJ I" HD 11 1 Vliri 111
II II V IWimi I 1U 111
you should try AnU-Uric, tho famous
I " m ' . ...v.
rcinouy inaue jroin Moots and Jlorrlea.
u in (rur.nUed to euro th s cruel d a.
!,l8a 'n very ntuije,
. ,Wo, wnLevy render of this papor
who la BUfTeririif from Rheumatism In
" ?, A"m " ni1 alwovery. Erery
LT" iK.fu5TOr"' ".yon" T
ua 1 lu viilu ill cllnlll. fir" van W 1 1 1
MII1fl nv l'ir I'nal I' M II '
i .... n A Z.
lnrs and rniivlnrlnn- i.dU,
ANTI-UUIO CO., 102 Bhor-
wood DulldirijT, Sun Francisco.