Big Dance at Sparta ofi Tuesday Night, Sept. 4th EwS VOLUME 5, NO. 42 RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1917 $1.50 A YEAR I H. MC ARTHUR B. A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phono two longs on nil lines, day or night HIGHLAND V OREGON M. Vf. BTJJX DOCTOR OF DENT SURGERY Olllco In Hover Uiilltllnit RICHLAND, OltKGON Wo nro proparod to do any kind of dental work in a flrnt oIiihb mannor at moderate prico SATIHKACTIO.V GtMllANTKlIU MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. UUYKKS or Cream, Milk m Eggs K. M. Kirk, Renident Manager RICHLAND . - . OREGON Irvine Lodge No. 86 Knights of Pythias ' ' Meet uvurjr I'rfdny tiljlit at hilr Onstlo llnlliii Klohlumt, Or.-.-on, 'Visit die Ilrotlwrn iiir.tlc wpicoimi, l.y.mattiihwsjO. a W. I. II ALKY. lv. of II- ft. "i A J?-yii W. E. BAIRD FUNKKAI. DIRECTOR LICENSED EMI1AI.MER Ciket mill Hluoudt nl All 'Iron RICHLAND. ORKUON riiono: Two uliortn, Ono lone W. R. USHER j Notary Public Conveyancer 6 V Olllco, Second titnl Walnut Stn. 3 Opposite Chrlstlun Cliiurli I G. E. THORP Notary Public All kinds of legal blanks on hand Your patronage solicited EC. TIMMS JEWELER Mv located In lila Uofita nro nowup-todiitoatoro ridllWay, Ul C Up-to-Datc Line of Jewelry to Select From .Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Flltoon yearn Factory" Kxpoilonco Lcnvo ropnlr work n't Richland I'lmr ntaoy and wujio will bofonynrdod nnd ro tuViiviT, Work guaranteed, aa'trafdotory, The list given bolow shows the order in which the men of the given precincts will bo en' led to appear in Baker for examination by number Ohio Simonis hav ing the largest number will bo the last man called. Richland, E. V. No. 1 81 Harbor, A L 1324 588 52G 810 848 141 739 -179 1G83 1585 1081 291 503 1120 939 1407 288 19 1287 1052 723 G81 81G M29 llfld Harrowa, Carl A onlisted Dennett, M A Dennett. Otis h Ilinhoimer, Win A Illalock, Itolit L Bradford, Ira W Ihittorllold, N Buxton, .k-Hflo unlisted Hyruo, Halpli L Campboll, I toy A Cartialian, Carl C . Chamhorlain, L onliHtod Chandler, E E Chitndlor, Lloyd , Cooir, Henry CoojMir, Marico , Cooper, W B Corson, 0 A DiivIh, K.inrfan C, Docker, Clatido II Donaloy, Jno W Dorriek, L A Diiim, .loan A, 0 A 0 Embroy, Cliiis M 1299 Engum,,Era. -Evans," Gljtfstor J- 1218 I'Jvnna, G WJr ' ' 1787 Evans, Jos II 21(5 HvaiiH. L D 407 Karloy, Win E 120G Klynn, Jno A 1122 Korsoa, D G 437 Gibson, Gene E onlisted 1297 Gilkieon, J W 41G Gordon, Goo W G27 Gordon, RoSeoo A 57G Gordon, Win W 117 Qovor, Dainol V 1G2G Govor, Fred L 725 Govor, V 0 1380 Govor, W Lovoll 215 G ra von, Everett 1GG8 Gjavon, Jno T lli Guyor, Goo U 997 Guyor, Ralph 313, Hammond, J M 942 JJarvill, Jas 15 835 Huwitt, Icy 1800 Ihnvitt, Willio 405 Jloluoinb. G N . G53 llolooinb, Lynn 1110 llowull, Orla J 1G0 Jackson, Hugh 137 Jacobs, Ira 115 Jonoa, Walter B 1078 Kollor, II C 708 Loaoh, W It 779 Long, U E 1534 MoOrnw, Win W 1015 Mack, Richard C 511 Makin, Jiih C onlisted 915 Malono, Mark A 11G1 Martin, Sam'l E 1713 Mastodon, Earl G G84 MaatorHon, F F 794 Mastoraon, Ray 1138 MatthowB, T It 1578 Moiu-.TIiohII 1467 Morrison, II E 1377 Morrison Win H O 1307 Murphy, Clins O 128G Pattorson, J W (Continued on last" page) RICHLAND JAS A BLAZE Afire of mysterious origin yes terday noon destroyed the barn on the Gcorgo Evans property in Richland, and for k time threat ened the barn and garage of Eli Chandler's. Only for lhe prompt response to the fire alarm and the heroic work of volunteers, the re sult would have been far more disasterous. Had there been any wind the loss would have reached many thousands instead of a few hundreds of dollars. The Evans' house-has been va cant for some time but John Graven had a lot of things stored in the barn and says there has been evidence of children using the place for a play house, so it is presumed the fire might have been started by small boys. WliMe the antiquated hand pump answered the purpose on this occasion, the micd of adequate lire protection was most forcibly brought to the attention of our citizens and a . meeting of the town council was held last even ing and immediate steps will bo takon to'secure a right of way for a pipe liae. All able bodied men of Richland nnd vicinity are requested to be at the town hall next Tuesday niuht for Iho ptiiiptijreof organiz- i , . , J k, t 1 ing.a.voluntcer he company: H The Bank and the Church '1 here are many advantages de rived from a bank account, but here is one we wonder if you have ever thought of: It helps thecom munity in which you live. A community without a church and a- bank doesn't amount to much. The absence of the one indicates poor morals, and the absence of the other indicates poor mortals. Everybody owes it to the community to patronize these two institutions. By help ing them you help yourself. In nr ler to help support the church you must have funds and by sup porting the bank you are sure to have the funds. Tho ability of both to help the community de pends upon the loyalty of all. ad) Eagle Valley State Bank $5.00 Reward Ralph Guyer was in townjMon day and tied the mare he rode back of Jones' blacksmith shop. When ready to start home late in the evening, Ralph found tho animal gone and was unable to locate it until Tuesday morning when it was found at the Denslev corral, nil covered with sweat and showing all evidences of having been hard ridden. The mnro be longs to George Guyer, who will pay a reward of S5 for tho nnma of tho party who took the animal Monday night. Every man in the community should bo on the .watch for the guilty party, for a person who would thus take an animal and abuse it Would not hesitate on eommiting a greater crime. Plans have been perfected for tho erection of a new Christian church building in Richland. Tho structure will cost around $4,500 When . completed. insure! Your - RAND REALTY CO. Wm. J. Lachner, Eight Years Postmaster at Baker Ed Rand, Eight Years Sneriff of Baker County Phone 111 BAKER, OREGON I FIRST 10 LEAVE Railway congestion and incom plete cantonment camps caused many changes in the mobilization plans. Only five per cent of the first draft will be called Sept 5; 40 per cent will go on Sept. 19, 40 per cent on Oct. 3, and the remaining 15 per cent soon after. The first five per cent of the tUlUUrV a MUUIU W Lilt: UIU1L Will Mlo men: Geo'ge Long, Murphy, Idaho Milton R. Jrhnson, Mark A. Houston, Robinette, Ernest J.A. E.ickson, Weath erby, The first two named were auto matically drafted by their failure to appear for examination in an swer to the notice mailed by the exemption board. Of the man Long we know nothing, but Mil ton R. Johnson was a member of the National Stock Co. that was touring this section in June. If located these two men will be subject to a heavy penalty. Thus it appears that the two latter named men will be the first to leave from Baker county. . A notice has been sent to the men to be in readiness to report at Baker within 21 hours notice, ind they are placed under mili tary authority. Should any man fail to appear on the date for en trainment, probably Sept. 5, he will be classed as a deserter and will bo punished accordingly. Several appeals from the de cision of the local board on claims for exemption or discharge have been filed with the district board at La Grande, and should any of them be granted it will of coursq niake a difference in the list of those going in the first draft. Tho heads of actually depen dent families will not have to go in tho first draft, is the latest re port from Washington. Ladies, wo invito you to come in and look over our new dress goods and silk waistings. We are sure they will meet with your ap proval. Wo want you to see them, so don't fail to call. a,d) E. & W. Chandler.' HOMES BARNS HAT and GRAIN WITH - FREDERICK R WILSON Physician and Surgeon . ' Richland; :-: Oregon Night 'phone, one long ring on all lines. - Day 'phone call central office. gers -Baker's Populars-Hotel -r NEW . MODERN CLEAN Under Direct Supervision of The Owner POPULAR PRICES' Special Kates to Permanent Guests American 0. H. FONG AND BROTHER, Props. Cleanest and Most Up-to-Datev Restaurant in Eastern Oregon WE CONTRACT BANQUETS Telophono No. 237 1827 First St. BAKER, OREGON I T. J. REDDICK 1 BARBER Richland p. Oregon AGENT FOR THE PURITAN TAILORS OF CHICAGO If you are thinking of get ting a good new Suit come in and see the new samples. Perfect fit guaranteed. ' C. T. GOD WEST ATTORNEY Sommsr Bldg. Brtkor, Oregon W. H. STRAYER Attorney at Law Fourth Floor Sommers Building Baker, Oregon