Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 23, 1917, Image 5

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. Comb honoy for Hale. Call on
F. L. Pnyznut.-iul
For Sale Two owb hoot to pitf
Apply to Jobn DoiiHlcy. ild
Eli CIimhIIci' and family mo
nnjoyuiK a vacation un ICast Eaj:l
Only ono grimlBtono loft; wu
U'ill hoII it at a bargain. Uiiloy'H.
Thu recunt heavy ahowora were
worth thousands of dollars to the
Miss Goldio Sullivnl) has tic
beptod a position in the telephone
blnce at Halfway.
Ammunition fbr shotgun, rifle
and revolver. Huy now before
prices ko higher. Saunders Hro's.
W. A. .lellison; son of J. A.
Uolliuoii of New Bridge, who en
listed in the navy, is now on the
U. S. S. Saratoga.
l'atronizo thb llOdic rnbrchnnt,
especially those thai advertise in
the homo paper, for they, believe
In the motto ot live und le! live.
"Speck" Mnkinaon broko one
his little fingers while jacKing-up
the auto-truck Monday, when
btuck in the mud in ono of the
alleys of Richland.
Obey tho InwJ It costs less to
put a p.iirof "I'crrin" No Glares
on your automobile head lights
than it does lo pay a (hie. $1 a
pair at Haley's. ad
Mr. Jim Molyneux and Miss
Miscal Hlank wore wed at the
county seat last Fridav. They
will make their future homo in
ICtiglo Valley and lmVo the well
wist.es of a largo circle of friends.
These aro times to economize,
but that does not mean to buy
cheap merchandise. Buy high
gratia goods as cheap as possible
and you are on th6 right track
Huy of us and be right,
ad) E. & W. Chandler.
The DoMoss Concert Co. were
greeted by a good sized audience
Monday night, and tho entertain
ment gave tho best of satisfac
tion. Many woro present from
Sparta, New Bridge and Robin
ette. In a talk with Mr. DoMoss
we worn told that ho had taken
hart in more that! 6,000 concerts
given by tho DcMoss family.
Horse Goes Mad.
, On Tuesday morning ono of the
horses at Cooper's barn went
mad from some unknown cause
find created a great deal of ex
citement by its actions. Thonn
jmnl would bito itsolf sevflrely
imd although it modo several at
tempts to attack men, paid no
Attention whatsoever td other
., Tho horse's jaws seemed t6
lock on several occasion's; froth
treamed from it's mouth,- and it
showed many symptoms of hydroi
phobia. It wus finally shot td
end it's sufferings and tho carcass
No ono hero know of tho horse
ever having (t)oon bitten by h dog
but as tho animal and its mate
were brought ovef' from Pi'h'o
Valley but recently, it may have
teen infected over thore.
, B&kcr-Sparta-Richland Stager
Line. Itound trip daily. Rich
land office at Postoffico; Baker'
ifilco at Jororls, Hotel; Monty
Mlc"r "Mver.'-Su' 1
' . . j
KlCllland JrOOI KOOm
Allan Blnhclirier, Prop.
Soft Drinks of All Kinds, Cigars,
Tobacco, Confectionery
Come in and spend your idle time
We'll treat yoU right
Ab I intend to leave soon I will
offer all my goon's to the highest
bidder at my residence in
New Bridge, Saturday, Sept. 1
Included will be the following;
Heating Stbve, pipe and elbows
One Chest Carpenter Tools!
One liuggy and Single IJarness;
Olio Sot Light Double Ilnmessj
Three Crowbars; Oho Shovel;
Three Picks; Two Pitchforks;
One 50-cgg Incubator;
One 10x14 Tent, 12-oz. duck;
One Cupboard lincl other housed
hold goods; .
Sale will begin at 1:00 o'clock,
P. F. Mc'Clain, Owner
Mr. rind Mrs. Walter Jones are
in from Salt Lake.
Head the letter from Lee Cham
berlin in another column'.
.1. M. Johnson of Sparta has
bought John Dchslcy's ranch.
Try our "Flyer" eofftfe, a good
one; 25c a pound. Haley's. ad
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McMickle
and baby left Tuesday for North
English, Iowa.
The circus at Baker last Friday
drew hunoreds of patrons from
tho Pnnhnndle.
Get jour hay forks, handles;
waterbags and machine oil for
haying at Haley's. ad,
Icey Flewittand family dnd W.
W. McCraw aro among others in
tho mountains this week.
Miss Rill Newell of Kirksville,
Iowa, arrived last week for a
visit at the home of her cousin,
Barney Eidson.
Big supply of lord; hams and
bacon just in. Better buy now
as prices are .advancing rapidly.
Saunders Bro's. ad
Mrs. W. C. Raley and Children
arrived homo from Combridge(
Idaho, Friday evening. Thdy
were accompanied by Miss Heen
Whity, who will makb a visit hero
with relatives,
Tho dUciion said of Frank
Cflarke's household effects drew
a big crowd Saturday dnd in spite
of the shower everything .was
sold and at a good figure! Oapt.
Craig was nuot.ioneer.
, Hon. J. A. Wright. (vas down
from Sparta to the rieMoss con,
cert Monday niglifc. "Uncle Joe"
got acquainted with the DoMoss
family vvhile at the World's Fair
at Chicago and never misses un
opportunity to renew tho friend
ship. Nowspape.r 4men aro hard to
down. Altljoiyjh the entiro plant
6f thofj Bluo Mountain American
vas totally destroyed in tho fird
ri(v Sumptor last; ,weolc, Editor
Hondryx wont to Baker and got
out , tho regular edition of tho
tfapor. Success to you,' Brother.
1 ,P. J. Rrown was a business
visitor Tuesday.
Chas. Harvill has purchased L.
E. Chandler's auto.
Ilighest market price paid for
eggs at Saunders Bro's. ad
Ralph Byrne lias added his
name to the list of Newsreaders.
18 dairy cows for sale at right
price. Inquire of J. W. Camp
bell. ad39tf
W. E. Strang has enlisted in
tho aviation corps. Success to
you, Edmund.
Richard and Willie Kirby are
at Kansas City with several cars
of cattle this week.
Rev. Thomas is attending the
annual conference of the Metho
dist church at Spokane.
Just received some now oaV
kegs for putting up pinkies, etc.
You'll need b'He. Haley's. ad
For Sale bhe Edison phonor
graph, diamond point, dnd 1Q0
records. Inquire at News office.
Drop a line t,o our boys who are
in Uncle Sam's service: They
will appreciate yout- thoughtful
ness. Mrs. O. C. Armstrong and
children returned Friday from
Colorado where tho have been for
some time past.
H. E. Blevins. special agent of
the Idaho Life Insurance Co.,
was in Richland the first of the
week, a gueat of his sisten Mrs.
W. E. Martin.
Ah persons arc warned against
buying court plaster from agents,
as parties have been working in
various parts of the nation sell
ing and giving away court plaster
that contains lockjaw bacillus.
Nbw Is tho time to .tjijnk of
your cool weather suit, Mr. Man.
Come in and look through our 600
samples, you will surely find one
that will please j ou and the price
will be a pleasant surprise.
-ad E. & W. Chandler.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
S. C. Shoemaker, born Friday,
August 17th, died Sunday and
was buried Monday aftdrnoon.
Tho funeral services being held
at the home east of Richland,
Win, E. .Bean conducting the ser
vices. Wo are in receipt of a copy of
the 1917-18 Oregon Blue Book,
with compliments of Ben W. 01-
cott. Secretary of Statb. The
book contains much interesting
information and a eonv will hi
sent to any address on request to
Mr. Olcbtt.
If you wbuld sefe something ex
tra good in moving Dictures. vou
Bhould get tho habit of attending
'arker's Movies, every Thursday
night. His programs are the Best
ever shown In tho Valley and big
crowds have been in attendance
at dvery.perfbrmancei
Mrs. Rose S. Bisher was a vis
itor from Halfway Moiiday1. She
jnfbrmed us that the Bisher Co.
is building n line up Snako River.
Pliones have been Installed at
Ashby's, Grant's nnd, a number
of other ranches and will be com
pleted ils far as Gypson In a short
For return of Ono Bav Geldintr
white strip in face, brahddd U
on left shoulder, wire cut on right
knee. Finder will cnl! at Newn
office and clulm reward Sd4i.3pj
You will buy one
Why not now?
Why rub blisters on your hands
washing? Get a
Turbine Vacuum Washer
and save time, temper and clothes
Our washers are giving satisfaction. We
have sold twelve in the last year, and tall the pur
chasers' are satisfied.
Raley's Cash Store
Fall Term Begins
Tuesday, Sept. 4th
Our Tuition Rates are the Sanle as Usual
Thbugli War Prices Prevail Every Where
combined Course
(All Subjects Taught in the College)
1 V CiiN 1 I-rUUXV WiJEilYO t. UJ.UW
single Course
Six Montiib( 2;i weojts, Bookkeeping Course $50.00
Six Months, 24 weeks', Shorthand Course'.,. . . .. . 50.00
Three Monlhs, 12 weeks, Either 6t tie Above.. 30.00
Write or Call and See Us About Our Monthly Payment Plan1
Phone 131 W. P. KlNtON, Proctor'
j -1,7,-m
Adventures of
RiehlMd Opa House
Every Thursday Night
kew ridgg bh Friday nights
rjne bf the niost thHlling plays
feveir written for moving pictures
Don't Fail to GOme
Admission only 15e