in War Times Life Insurance is the Best Investment See Thorp for Rates Adv EAGLE VALLEY NEWS VOLUME 5, NO. 39 RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1917 $1.50 A YEAR J. H' MC ARTHUR B. A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phono two longs on nil lines, day or night. HIGHLAND V OREQON M. M. BULL DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY Ofllco In Cover Jtulldlnu HIGHLAND, QUKCON Wo nro prepared to do nny kind of dontal work in n firwt cIhhb manner ntinoilontto pricou aTIHKAOTIO.S GlMltANTKKD MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. HUYHItS OF Cream, Milk and Eggs l. M. Kirk, Rqjjjpnt Manager RICHLAND r . OREGON Irvine Lodge No. 86 Kplghts pf Pythias Miipt pvory Fr0r nUljt t thrlr OnsH IIrIIIi. Kphftitf, Qrwn. VWt- liiK lli()ticra fnO1'0 welcoifjo. C. E. THORP, 0.0. W. C. RALUY, K. o( It. A 8. W. E. BAIRD FUNERAL DIRECTOR LICENSED EMBALMER C'tiktta anil Bliroudi ol All 4lt Alivnji In Hlock HIGHLAND, OHKGON I'liono: Two htiortn, Oho lon ... 5 W. R. USHER j Notary Public J Conveyancer j OUIcm. Socond nnd Wnlnut SU. ? OpjxjHlto ChrlHtlnn Clitirch C. E. THORP Notary Public All kinds of legal blanks on hand Your patronage solicited H. C. TIMMS JEWELER now located in hla (Jnlfiifoif flm nowup'to dtttoBtorondllWdyi Ul C Up-to-Datc Line of Jewelry Id Select Prom Wateh, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Fiftoon yonfa Factory Expoiionco Lonvo repair work at Illchlnml Plmr (nucy and sauie willboforwnrdod and ro tatnfct. WorK guaranteed eatiifactory. 1 BUT ONE MAN PASSES Tho men In Eaglo Valley called for tho first draft received noti fication Saturday to appear before tho exemption board this week, nnd they all made haste to reach tho county seat so as to learn their fate as Boon as possible and end tho uncertainty. Al Barber was tho only man that passed the physical examin ation. He immediately filed af fidavits asking exemption on ac count of wife and child. Should his petition be granted it may be cither absolute, conditional or temporary. Should it be denied hp wit be notified by registered mail. It may be two weeks be fore he gets the verdict. H. M. Shoemaker fahed to pass the physical examination on ac count of hcrnja and hoart trouble and was discharged. Oliver Corson also failed to pass the examination, h,ut we failed to learn the cause. Geo. Evans' son Ernest, who resides at Halfway, was exempt ed on account of two stiff fingers on left hand and an imperfect foot- Will Garnahan is called to ap pear tomorrow. He has applied for enlistment on two different occasions but was rejected on ac count of defective sight Whim small one of his teyes wasjnjured by the explosion of a pop bottle. Whilo he asks no exemption his chances for being chosen are slim. Chas. F. Macy and Martin Gale both of Sparta, were accepted. Obituary. Genevieve Grace, only child of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Middleton. died July 25, 1917, aged 6 years, 2 months and 11 days. She was afllicted with chronic appendicitis and underwent an operation, but complications set in and she lived but 12 hours. Tho little one was born in Rich Innd on May 11, 1912, when two years of age her parents moved to Chico, Calif , and about a year later (o Michigan, where they resided when death called. Tho funeral services were held in the Mennonito church of Will iamsburg by tho pastor, Rov. R. G. Morgan. Interment in the Williamsburg cemetery. Claude Holman, Elmer Holman, Mrs. George Saunders and Miss Vina Gover took a crowd of eight eon persons to Pino Valley last Saturday morning where break fast was cooked nnd oaten beside one of tho mountain streams. Later they drove to Cornucopia and had a picnic dinner, after which the jolly bunch climbed the" mountain to tho Union-Companion mine. All report a most en joyable time. Parties planning on making auto trip to Portland between Autf. 15 and 20 may secure pass enger by calling on Mrs, Mable Thorp-Tatro at W, M. SaUnders residence, SEVEN "PINCHED I. B. Hazletine, district game warden, and Roll a Long, deputy for this section, swore out seven complaints for violations of the state gamo laws and made a round up Saturday. E. E. Burgan plead guilty to shooting wild ducks out of season and was relieved of around $33. Mr. Burgan was on his own land but the federal law op waterfowl is very stricj. He usually takes out a hunting license. R. A. Mastcrson had neglected to secure the required license be fore catching some trout out of Daly Creek. Result $30. Bert has always taken out both hunt ing and fishing licenses each yeap and intended to do so thjs eagpn but havjng to make a trip up paly took his tackle and was seen by Mr. Long. He sjiys he jbipki? the warden showed marked par tiality as he was given the limit. Ed gnd George Blank also dug up for fishing in SnakeRivcr w th out a license. As they claimed they thought a license was not needed to fish for sturgeon Mr. Hazeltine generously remitted a portion of their fines, and both men immediately secured angler's licenses. Andrew Nedrow, found that a fishing licensewas much cheaper than a fine. On account of his age ho got oft for $14. W. M. Saunders and T.. J. Red dick were accused of shooting sage hens before the season open ed, but the charge could not be substantiated. In fact, it seems thut somebody seen somebody else Bhoot at something some where some time. When the situation was investigated by Mr. Hazeltine the charges were dismissed. District Attorney Levins and Deputy Sheriff Nelson came in from tho county seat Saturday afternoon thinking their services would be needed, but finding out to the contrary made but a short stay. When the fact became general ly known that Mr. Hazeltine was in the Valley there was a rush to secure licenses, around 25 taking out the necessary papers in two days. This shows that had a careful investigation been made a larger number would have been caught. Whilo wo do not like to see anyone in trouble, and would not turn "informer" unless it t 1 t 1 A . Ml snouia oo ior some extremely iia grant violation of tho law,, thero are a few fellows in theValley who are always harping about law breaking, yet they never get a license and manage to take sev eral hunting and fishing trips each year. So far thoy have got by but they may bo picked up yet. In our Grocory Department: Ham sausage, bologna, weinies and Kenton Special, mackerel, salt salmon bellies, sardines, shad oysters, shrimp, kippered her ring. A full lino of Acme Flavors thoy go farther and cost less, ad) E. & W Chandler, DE MOSS Concert Entertainers i At RICHLAND GYMNASIUM Monday eve, August 20 Under the auspices of the Christian Church A Program that has been approved by fens of thousands of people One you can't afford to miss Admission: Adults 5Qc; Children 25c RED CROSS Jk REPORT of the ice cream apd watermelon social given August 4th: Printing i. 1.00 Melons, 5.70 Ice Cream. 12.65 Paper Napkins 50 Total expenses $19.85 Total receipts $61.50 Balance cosh on hand $41.65 Mrs. Joyca Ifoddick, Sec You Can't Unless You Do Everywhere you hear the cry, "Saving is the secret of success." But that is only a part of the secret You can't save unless you have something to save. We say, first make some money, then save it Everybody can make a little mon ey, but the more you make the more you can save. We help people save money but we also help them make it. There are lots of business schemes coming under our observation all the time and wo have a chance to see what pays and what does not. We will take great pleasure in consulting with all who desire about the ways and means of making more money. ad) Eagle Valley State Bank Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett ar rived from Halfway last Saturday and are Btaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Siedow, but will soon be back at the hotel which place they will operate as a rooming house for a time. Mrs. Bennett is slowly recovering f rom a stroke of paralysis in her right side from which she has suffered sinco about the middle of June, and is now able to move around the house some. Thos. Ritch came in from Bak er Tuesday evening. He was ac companied by Mrs. Maude Fraser who will riial;e a short visit here with rolatives, and Master Leav itt Chandler, who had been visit ing rolatives at the county seat. liave you tried our cooked meats? Now shipment just in. Raloy's, ad FREDERICK R WILSON Physician and Surgeon Richland, :-: Oregon, Night 'phone, one long ring on, all lines. Day 'phone call central office. &e Rog'ers Baker's Popular Hotel ISEW MODERN" CLEA Upder Direct Supervision of The Owner POPULAR PRICES Special Rates to Permanent Gnesta American Restau rant 0. H. FONG AND BROTHER, Props. Cleanest and Most Up-to-Datq Restaurant in Eastern Oregon WE CONTRACT BANQUETS Telephone No. 5287 I&27 First St. BAKER, OREGON T. J. REDDICK 1 BARBER Richland J:- Oregon AGENT for the PURITAN TAILORS OP CHICAGO If you are thinking of get ting a good new Suit come in and see the new samples. Perfect fit guaranteed. O. T GODWIN ATTORNEY Sommor Bldg. Baker, Oregon W. H. STRAYER Attorney at Law Fourth Floor Sotrimefs Building Baker, Oregon