' .11 miLx .it , Jt I.; . ; ' I ' i 1 171 i LI VOLUME 5, NO. 2( RICHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1917 $1.50 A YEAR TOT IP j I ' WIM.."Vlf' ' H. MC ARTHUR B. A. PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON Phone (wo longs on all linos, day or night. KIOULAND V OKKOON M. M. BULL DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY Offli in iovT Ituildim: KlUHl.AND, OUKGO.N We iv propHri il t do nny kind ' of ch tilal woik in n first ola uirtiiiior t miKli rt'-i)rii'P BAtWAfTION IH'AIUNTKKII MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. mvi'.ux OF Cream, Milk m Eggs R. M. Kirk, Ikmdenl Manager RICHLAND - OREGON Irvine Lodge No. 86 ,Kiighte of Pythias )tm vry FrUUr nfidit at tlu-ir Oftitiki Helltn liteMa), Ortn. Vlit tK Brothvm tnadi waUome. ' & It. THOU r, CO. Y. i U.M.KY, g.C U. H. W. E. BAIRD i iriPMvii.'n .'mhai mi.-i? ft I kUUiJ litMHll"l All 'Uf A lour III SliM'k H lfli'fll I VII MlM. i.nV I'liuim: Two fthnrlH, Onn Idiik W. R. USHER : 5 Nolary Public Conveyancer ! o oinro, Neoiil miiiI nliiiit si. a ()pKiiiiti Clnidlluii (,'luiroli o C. E. THORP Nolary Public All lupds of legal blanks on hand Your patronage solicited H. C. TIMMS JEWELER Now located In IiIm Urtfi;aii fa nuwup-todutoBtoro ndllWdy, Ul C (jp-tO'Dntc Line of Jewelry to Select From Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Fiftoon yorn Factory Uxpoilonco I Irtvo ropnlr work nt Itichlniul Plmr iifMjyii'rul siuno will lioforvrnrtlod uiul ro tvuuwit. Work cMrrutcetl flAtiafiiotory. AGRICULTURAL DEFENSE Tlio food shortage of the world , present! a big problem. Soseri- n. u t. ,im..,i l.v rlrl and ef- huuiuiiiivb mat. .uij fort Is being made to produce the - maximum crop, and practice con- ' servali-nof foodstuffs to the last dweo. May 12 has been deeigrmted a "Agricultural Dofensu Day." Of this day farmers are urged to meet in their local communities throuuhout the Stato or call on the partios nart.ed and fill out census blanks that will give ac cumtfi duta on crops, livestock and labor together with much miscellaneous information on the production of crops. These blanks may be had by applying to J. C. fiiwen, (Ifco. B. Sautidereor th News office. It is of utmost im portance that etch farmer in this locality obtain one of these blanks the leiwrt may be tho means of market for product;'. tc. A nation m urik-r tu determine her fiphtintf .Jrttxj! ciust know the number oi ;i.n t-iii imsavail nbf . K is equully iuiportant that she know the condition of her present food supply and that she hals figures on which to base an estimate of future supplies. The Bakor County Council of EHense was orgat izeJ in Bsker the first of thf week and J. C. 1! wen and Geo. B. Saunders ap ponitud ;is h eal council members. Owing to the rush of work it is not deemed advisable to hold a meeting hcrcSitutrday, but leave it to the fnrmers to show their willingness to help out the cause by applying for and filling out one of the blanks above mentioned. Will Organize' Red Cross An cll'ort is being mado in the Va.ley to form an auxiliary chap ter of tl o American Ued Cross for the purpose of increasing membership, forming classes, etc. The petition has arrived and as soon as ten names uro entered thereon, it will bo sent to the Haker chapter and officials will come out, complete the' organiz ation and arrapgo for the work to be done. Anyone can join on payment of one year's dues which are ?1. The following temporary olliccrs have been appointed, J. M." Chnso, chairman; J. F. Ilerr, treasurer; Joyce Roddick, secre tary, Further information may be obtained by tailing on Mr. Chase. v In reply to our request for more garden seeds from tho govern ment, Congressman N. J. Sinnott writes: "Am sorry to say that 1 have not a single package of gar don seed loft and it is impossible o get any more from the agri cultural department, so they in formed mo this morning. Tho campaign for . garden planting throughout tho country has caus-. ed sin unusual demand which has 'cleaned out all on hand." SCHOOL TERM FINISHED In keeping with the successful; term of school just finished, the I clon program last Friday was! , one of the uflit ever gi ven in Rich-1 -..-l, ,.,. ai i though the hfeh wind necessitat-' (1 th exercises .eiug given in- j ((0rs Instead of outside as had! been planned, everytning moved ; uonK nice clockwork and ejch nHmlwr Was rendered in a man-! nc(. thal givd the careful train- i ln h h..i.-.ra h thpi.-! respective t etchers. At noon all kinds of good things were served in cafeteria style at popular pricet. and over $70 was! Cleared from the proceeds. This sum will be ufed for the benefit of the school, arid the manner in which the money U expended will be published io a later issue. What the Teachers Will Do. j Miss Maude Hailey has but one! aim in view beyond attending the TeacheW Institute in July, and that is to go to Crater Lak d-ir-j1'1 urt n' ,vn,.iot.. thia fail It is barely powible that she miy nA.tB,.anA in vi,ii tiw,. ,.ioa of lesser imiwrtance j ' Miss Maggie Dickie left Mon-j day morning for Oswego, Oro-i gon, where she will spend the summer months with Native. . I'., ..." --i . ., r I , . , ,,; . . , . i ..... , . . j .P , tiled with the council regarding do a little studying, and if prom-', , i- .. . ,i ' the way autoists were speeding, ises were not broken would enjoy , . . , i . ' .. . . r , j parking on wrong side of street, an outing at Crater Lake. r . . . ... ,,, . ,...?,, , , , I turning in middle of block, run Mis MabIe Sav.nde.-s. who has ing am, ieavin,, cars standing i. (niiirhl- f l,i Siri nm .1lh oisinAe an ... . . . . . . . efficiently and whose decision not to teach the naming year is regretted by both parents and pupils, says she has no definite plans other than enjoying a much needed rest, Wo niv told that Miss Hazel Herr will attend the N. E. A. at Portland next month, after which she will take a preliminary course in Hod Cross work and then take up special primary training under the -Superinleident of Public In struction of the lvoso City. We Loan Money This bank loans money. That's the way we make our living. But we don't loan money foolish ly nor for imprudent purposes. It is our ambition to see this community prosper and it is de cidedly to our advantage to see that it does prosper, beca'ise if tho community prospers our de posits will be Increased and we will have more money to loan. It can readily be seen, therefore, that wo cannot consistently loan money for any purpose not con ducivo to the best interests of tho community in general and tho borrower in particular. On this basis this bank loans money glad ly. ad) Eagle VallbV State Bank Choice lot of milch cows .tor sale. Inquiro of J. C. Bowen, Now Bridge. ad26t2 COOPER'S Auto Service I'red Cooper, Prop., Haifway, Oregon, Daily Passenger and Freight Service to and between Baker, Sparta, New Bridge, Richland r Pine, Halfway, Carson, Cornucopia Studebaker and Cadillac cars for through service, Ford cars for short trips; None but careful, experienced drivers are employed; prompt service ana courteous treat ment insured and our rates are lowest consistent with reliable service. Three trucks are employed to handle express and freight. Phone us no job loo hif or too small. Baker depot at Antler's Hotel; Richland at' Cooper's Barn; Halfway at the Pine'Vailey Garage. All orders given immediate attention I mn agent lor thn FOHD nJ MAXVVKMCAm. See trie and arrange (or demonstration, and jp.-l price for auto delivered at your home 'HKMMMMMWM Council Proceedings. The towi- council held their regular meeting Tuesday evening anQ 1 ueea 1,01 " aaver 1 h8ed the 20.000 water bonds un- fal1 ther' is no cbaoce of i getting the pipe laid until that Several bills were allowed and discussion was bad over the 1 advisability of replacing the pres-, fent concrete pipe lino with wood j pipe, but the matter was not acted upon further. Marshall . 7 " 2t..T. V"" dutomofliie ordinance to the lett ter as many complaints h been ; streets at nigiu without proper lights, etc. The Marshall was instructed to arrest all - violators and take them before the town recorder. School Grounds Fixed Up. On several occasions attempt had been made to get enough citizens interested in civic im provement to cleun, level and seed to grass the school house grounds, but it was not until last Saturday that the a ork was ac complished. As is always the case in such matters, the number showing up for work was but few compared with the number of pat- j rons of tho district, but those pres-1 ent meant business and under the supervision of L. Y. Matthews, who had betn elected foreman, most of the job was completed in the one day and the balance the first of the week. A grand dinner was served to tho workers at noon and it is needless -to say that the way . the "grub" disappeared was remark able, yet it scorned to act as a stimulant for the way tho men mado "the dirt fly" iri tho. after noon was something" great. Replacing the fences wiCh sdme thing more in keeping with the building and grounds, putting in concrete walks, and other im provements are planned, 'and it is to bo hoped that all patrons of tho school will lend assistance. Dr. L. E. SOOK Eyesight . and Headache Specialist Exclusive Optician Factory on Premises Baker, - Oregon. 5 caution I Beware of Eye Glass Peddlers FREDERICK R WILSON Physician and Surgeon Richland, :-: Oregon Night 'phone, one long. ring on all lines. Day 'phono call central office. &?e Rog'ers Baker's Popular Hotel NEW MODERN CLEAN Under Direct Supervision of The Owner POPULAR PRICES Special liutea to IYriiuinont Guustu American Restaurant 0. II. fONG AND BROTHER, Props. Cleanest and Most TJp-to-Date, Restaurant in Eastern Oregon WE CONTRACT BANQUETS Tolephono No. 237 1827 First St. BAKER, OREGON Rates tl jier day aud up ; European and Aniorlean Plan 52 Outside Kooins Steabi Heat HOTEL JEFFERIS Formerly tho Underwood W. II. Jofl'eris & Sou, Props. Baker, - Oregor. Opposite Lourt Honso Corner of Wasl ington and Third Streets . Everything First Class m ill 1K 4 n i (I I'