Eagle Valley News Straight, Truthful, Direct SEED TIME C. E. Thorp Editor Entered as second class matter Dec. 12, 1912 at the post cilice at Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, 1S79. Member Oregon State Editorial Association SUBSCRIPTION .ONE YEAR $1.50 SIX MONTHS - - - .75 THREE MONTHS - - - - .50 SAMPLE COPY - - - PUCE RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY, MAR. 1017. Vol. o. No. 20 In Defense of Baker's "C. C." Even if the Commercial Clubof Baker is chiefly made up of liars," grafters, thieves, etc., as Messick and his henchmen would have the people believe, by their efforts and suppert they have accom plished much for the benefit of rural communities and the county as a whole, and for the enlightenment of those who do not know, we mention a few: The star rautes between Sparta and Baker and between Malheur City and Baker would not be in existence but for their aid. The club put the route between NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (ITBl.lSHKrO DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR. I'. S. Ijii4 Ortiotj at La Urnd', Ore jjou, March 3rd. l!U7. NOTk'K is htTfby tthvn that Thoo-don- Stafford, l Richland. Ori'iton.who. tn October i'th,' VM'.I, maiiv Hxaiestcnd Eufy. No. 01J17I, lor Si;i4 Ni:'4'. Suc tion 31, Township 10 .outh, Kfuigt I'' Eas-t, Willamette Meridian, has Hied notice of nit nitt n to make tlireu-year Proof, to e.tablih claim to the hind above described, before A li Coinbu.Jr.. '!erk of the County Court of ilaker CVnnty. at his othce at Maker. Oreium on the llth dav of May. 1 '17. ("aitnant named a uitne-e: Richard Kirbv. William J. Chase. Stephen V. Ijiatn, all of Richland . Oreg on; William L Kirbv of I'urkee.Oruvo'i C. S. 'DUNN, Register. First publication Mbrch l"th, l.at publication April i-tli Alfalfa, Timothy, Clover, Orchard or other Grasses BBC Old's Ferry and North Powder on j N JH mm m of jE m flf 0R. the map as a state highway, and marked the route so that travel ers could go over it with certain ty as to route. . They started the movement for un Eastern Oregon exhibit at the T-P expo at 'Frisco which result ed in Eastern Oregon winning tne nigliestawarasior grains ana against you in the above entitled Mm on ' Hi-ir vrm uvinlrul imo .r it fur or h-lore tiio expiration of the time p.-e-, J ... ' , CON FOR BAKER COUNTY. MARY E. PIERCE, Plaintiff, vs. f RANK II. PIERCE, Defendant. SUMMONS To Frank II. Pierce. Defendant abou' named : I.N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREoON. You are Imrebv reuuired to Baker Commercial Club vs. Messick and Rittcr. j In answer to I. N. Ingle's arti cle of March 15 and Mr. Duby's article of March 22. 1 wish to say IS allllOSt lieVC ailCl yOU Should plclCC yOUl' that as a business man Mr. Duh' . may ne in Class A. hut as a poli- j Ol'der at OllCC if yOU Will Heed tician running for olllce, I have a ; right to doubt his word and prom ises. I think Mr. Ingle will agreu with me that promises made by politicians before election are not always fulfilled. This much is a fact. Mr. Duhv is the c. c. booster und cc has , We now quote lower prices than last year 1 ,1.:.... ri... 8li-:i- r ' uiru jimiik iui oiiuu ii year un i i , i i i the club ami fair and on, would but advise you to order at once as the naturally suppose that a iiub nrices are Hkelv to advance soon in favor of giving this or some other amount to the cause. As 1 stated in my previous ar ticle I am not lighting the Mes- sick-Ritter battle. If they hav appropriated any county money to their own use. piisent the facts ! to the gran i jury and prosecute! them that is what our laws are I for. You people do a lot of in- smuattng, hut you do not come out with facts. I pre8umoyourC. C. is made up of men just as any other club, some good men and some ? A little politics in a ('. C. does no harm. Not party politics not democrats or republicans, but just politics for the goo. I of the tow tne cum is in. iUo.-i cuius nave a i city ticket of theirown. It might I be a good thing for Baker to try and maby we would not hear as many rotten reports about your city. As for the political pie I spoke of I want to say, you have been accusing Messick and Hitter of crooked work and I presumed i that you thought they were get-l share and tijohn Deere and McCormick Two-way Plows, Riding and Walking Plows, Grain Drills, Cultivators, Disc, Spring Tooth and Peg Tooth Harrows Mowers, Binders, Rakes, etc., kept in stock. Figure with us before placing your order elsewhere. i t ;Nj;;;Come in, we wil! show you bar gains in all our various lines grasses. The club exhibited the products of Baker county at the Land Show in Portland in 1915; at the State Fair at Salem in 1914 and 1916, and at the Seattle Land Show in ippear and answer the complaint tiied I ting more than their ' ' ,w llrl i t f.c t fdrrltl Villi r.w,l,:.. .Vr ,r "ry,:.,x. SSVVK will have to show the pr-ople be-1 nit-uiiiv ui uiu iirn j'liiiiICiUi'in ui , I embed in the order of publication Inn in, to-wit: On or txjforc fl'nfii the ililtj nf tin, ftpot t ,ii thin summons, and if vow fail to plead to fore you elect your candidates. HiiJ complaint, the plaintiff win take The KraI,d iurv met and found no! default against you and apply to the . , , ... I Court for the relief prayed for herein, case against lliem aim We Will i: For a decree forever din-olviiiL' lminini' "M.t rinPfv " 1616, all without expensa to the. T??ULM. bV ab f, w ni. i L,, hot L n Wil ill-; (MilllillU tilHi kUU IJL'M'IlHitlll, o v- 1 iui. i ' i u j f m. itiwij bttivv an.i crantinu : plaintiff the riu-ht to a-- jt was not necessary for him to name of Marv K. Hates. This puininona is publirhed hv order of the Hon. (iiistav Anderson, .luilj;e ol the above entitled Court, as duly made and entered on the 10th day of .March, 117. ordering this MimmruiH to be pub lished for a full period of nix coni'cu live weeks. Thedate of first plililiration hi.rwif IB th, ITifll ,lnv nf Mnrnli IOI7 ml the date of the ut publication thereof ance in the treasury, county. They prepared the facts and figures for the bill introduced and passed in the last legislature by Senator Strayer whereby Baker county wi!! receive over $13,000 due it as its share of the Nation al Forest money and which will stop a leak in the future of sev eral thousand dollars each year. At their own expense, they sent a man to Salem to work for the passage of this bill and he aided materially in having it passed. President J. D. Farrell of the Oregon-Washington R. R. & N. Co. has just made announcement of that Company's plan this year to give its employes the privilege of cultivating its light-of-way and other lands that may be avail-1 able for such purposes. "This Is i ie the L'Dth day of April. 1017. C. T. (iOI)WIN, Attorney for Plainti'f, reuidinj,' at Hakei, Oregon. tell the people that I was not hia campaign manager, my article speaks for itself. You say the ''. C. is self sus taining and your report after the Baker fair last .all showed a bal- why then i have you been asking the county 1 court for support? I I believe in county, state or any I other kind of a fair when they 1 are run for what they were in tended, viz., t'j encdurage the SAUNDERS BRO'S. 50 Pounds for 54 Cents By Parcol Post to any town in the Second Zono FOR HARDWARE, ETC. From Our Mammoth Hardware Emporium" LET UNCLE SAM CARRY IT Bids Wanted, feids will be received by the un dersigned until spring, for the agriculturist and stock raiser, but cleaning of the Waterbury & Al- when a burg like Haker has the len Ditch from head to end of Ka t0 cun timt a county fair and r';n, i"'firB0 1 " then make a race meeting out of begin as soon as spring opens, j11, 1 am ,or nin3t ll- 11 you Address Sec'y. Waterbury & Al- want to boost your town, use len Ditch Co., Richland, Ore. ad , your own mom y. do not ask the ESsrvSIJ0110 Fraser States Position To the People of Baker County foods." No charge will be made for the privilege and the only con dition is that such products a3 are grown shall be confined to the use of employes and their families. How To Prevent Croup. When the child in subject to attacks of croup, see to it that ho eatH a light evening meal, au an overloaded stomach may bring on an attack, alHo watch (or the first symptoms hoarseness, and give (Jjbamburlaln'B Cough Kennedy as aoon fa'tllii child1 'bdeomea Jioarie, Obtain ablu ever yvrhero. I HE NEED of this county at the present time is not special appro priations nui men on tne county board who will maintain our roads in passable condition and roA'nun tn snnnfl onn rnnt for anv other voluntary debt'until the dnimf.v is mtt. nf toht If I am elected a commissioner, I shall oppose in eve'ry legal Way" any euort to spend one cent lor any purpose other than tne ex penses provided in the budget until such time as the .cpunt'y. has a balance in the treasury and then only .as- such expenses arfc approv ed by a majority of the voters. This applies especially to the fre cpjently mentioned wants of the. nrirVimnwinl r.lnb fnr monov to .advertise the county and boost the county fair. i'aid advertisement JOHN FKASJSK. HERMAN HAAS Hardware & ImplementCompany WEISER : : : : IDAHO wmiwrafw aSKOCaZSJSO 023003000 3 C farmer to contribute. According to your pivtnium list, you penalize every ochihitor 10 per cent for winning firt prize. In other words, w here n$2 prem ium is offered, you deduct 10 per cent, giving him $1.80 What is that for, to encourage,him to win .second or third prize instead of fust? Mr. Duhy challenges me to point out one act of the CO. that lias in any way been a detriment to the interest of the-county. I challenge' Mr. Duby to show one act that the 0. 0. did that was for the betterment of the county. You admit that yon have asked for $1000 for the 0. & and $2000 for the fair and yet say they are self supporting and accuse mo of tolling an untruth after admit ting that you had been receiving th scainounts from .Judge Haschc The on I v reason you are not ro cuiviriK them now is because Judge Messick would not stand for it. You want to look out Mr. Duby, the two do not go together and you are liable to spill the beans. If you have any facts against Judge Messick and Mr. Ritter, present them to the grand jury, indict and convict them and we will all vote for your candidates. Very truly yours, K. F. HEAVERS. W; H. STRAYER Attorney at Law i Fourth Floor Sommers Building Baker, Oregon .