Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, March 29, 1917, Image 2

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Take a glass of Salts to flush
kidneys u bladder bothers
Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney troublo In some form
or another, says a well-known author
ity, because the uric acid In meat ox
cites the kidneys, they become over
worked: got sluggish; clog up and
causo all sorts of distress, particularly
backache and misery In the kidney re
gion; rheumatic twinges, severe head
aches, acid stomach, constipation, tor
pid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and
urinary irritation.
Tho moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers you. get about four ounces of
Jad Salts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa
ter beforo breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine,
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
blned with lithia, and has been used
for generations to flush clogged kid
neys and stimulato them to normal
activity; also to neutralize tho acids
In the urlno so It no longer Irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink which millions of men and
women tako now and then to keep tho
kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease
Look Mother! If tongue Is coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali
fornia Syrup of rlgs."
Mothers can ret easy after giving
"California Syrup of Pigs," becauso in
a few hours all tho clogged-up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't bo coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep it handy be
cause they know its action on tho
stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt
and sure.
Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
which contains directions for babies,
children of all ages and tor grown-ups.
Good health cannot bo maintained where
there is a constipated habit. Gartield Tea
overcomes constipation.
Disappear With Use of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment Trial Free.
The first thing in restoring dry,
falling hair is to get rid of dandruff
and itching. Rub Cuticura Ointment
into scalp, next morning shampoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot water. Pre
vent skin and scalp troubles by mak
ing Cuticura your everyday toilet
Free sample each by mall with
Book. Address postcard, Cuticura,
Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.
Try Grandmother's old Favorite
Recipe of Sage Tea and
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound
ed, brings back tho natural color and
lustre to the hair when faded, streak
ed or gray. Years ago tho only way
to get this mixture was to make It at
home, which Is mussy and trouble
some. Nowadays, by asking at any
drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur Compound," you will get a large
bottle of this famous old recipe, Iru
proved by the addition of other in
gredients, for about 50 cents.
Don't stay gray! Try it! No one
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, as It does It bo naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge or
soft brush with It and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the gray
hair disappears, and after another ap
plication or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, glossy and attractive.
Wyeths Sage and Sulphur Com
pound is a delightful toilet requisite
for those who desire dark hair and a
youthful appearance. It Is not Intend
ed for tho cure, mitigation or proven
tlon of disease.
a safereliable
skin treatment
Most Misunderstandings Are Result of
Exaggerated Reports Due to Aver,
age Person's Inability to Give
Accurate Descriptions.
The Inability to give accurate de
scriptions Is not to be counted 11 vice.
That Is n fault frequently duo to Im
perfect development of tho powers of
observation or of memory. It should
ln rccognlrcd as such, and measures
taken to correct It by the cultivation
of such powers as will enable those
who possess them to accurately report
to others what they have soon or
what they have heard. Most people re
spect truth and desire to bo truthful,
hut very few worship truth, as Utey
should, by efforts to reach It in their
intorcotir.se with their fellowinen. As
much mischief may be done In society
by n merely careless talker with a
poor memory who does not Intend to
do any linrin as by ti malignant llnr
lni spreads false stories with the In
lont to deceive.
Indeed, the majority of misunder
standings mid luminosities that arise
m the Intercourse of men mnj he
traced to exaggerated or inlslendlni;
reports of wlmt one litis sold about the
other. It Is not so much what Is said
us the manner and s-plrlt of the re
mark, that should he conveved. und
one who Is Incnpiihle of correctly re-
portim; the spirit of n conversation
should refrain from attempting to con
vey it to another. The exact word"
tuny he reported In sueh a way us to
convey a false Impression, or the spirit
of the remark tuny be correctly given
without the use of the exact words.
This fact Is clearly recognized by
slmrp lawyers, who, when the testl-l
motiy Is In itiriutts to them, will not!
allow a witness to give the substance ,
( a conversation so as to convey n .
true conception of Us spirit, hut Insist,
upon the exact words spoken, knowing I
that In the effort to give them thoi
witness will be very llkolv to obscure I
or distort their meaning. Irish World.
The Mountain Ash.
Long ago people believed In witches
md evil spirits, who were going about
the country doing harm. They also
believed that the rowan (mountain
ash) iiad some charm to do away with
their evil powers.
So all the maidens wore the scarlet
berries of the rownu In their hair, nnd
the young men carried canes made
from the branches of the sumo tree.
The housewife hung brunches of the
berries over her doorway, while her
ood iimn hung the same about his
barns and stables, so the witches could
have no power over his sheep and cnt
tie and horses.
For the same purpose they kept n
grent hoop of rowan branches.
Through this they made tho young
calves and lninbs Jump. This act was
intended to keep sickness and death
away from them at least the good
man thought so. Every iinlinnl had
to Jump through the hoop whether lie
wanted to or not, for tho good man
switched his legs with a rowan switch
until the Jumping was accomplished.
Wonderful Maine "Skeeters."
The mosquitoes up on Puslinw
stream seem to have a size and char
acter of their own, equal perhaps to
that of the famed Jersey "skeeter."
It Is said thut two young old town men
went up the stream lust Sunday In a
ennoe and run Into n swarm of mos
quitoes of Mich size nnd strength that
they (the boys) were lifted out of their
'iitioe iiiid unceremoniously dumped in
to the stream. Another story says that
a mosquito alighted on one of the fel
low's neck nnd ho struck at It with I
such force that he upset the craft but
most people believo tho first story.
Kennebec Journal.
Passing Muster.
"I can," said the bashful young man
to the director of tho Him company,
"swim, dive, run an auto, My mi aero
plane, fence, box, shoot, ride n horse,
-un u inotorboat, piny golf, light, mnke
love, fall off cliffs, rescue heroines,
piny football, dlu naturally und I;Ihh
u girl."
"liut." Interrupted (ho famous d.
rector, "can you act?"
"Ahisl" muttered the would-be
screen hero, "I never thought of thut."
"ISngiiged," growled the director nnd
another screen star wus born. Life.
Costly Remark.
"What do you think, Miss Chenille,
a friend of mine got u three-knrnt dia
mond ring for only twenty dollars!"
"Why don't you look out for u bur
gain like that, Mr, SlowguyV"
And presently It dawned upon him
that tho remark was going to cost him
The Exception.
"Falnt hftirt never won fair ludy,
you know,"
"I don't know about thuL Home
widows uro fulr ludlcs."
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation
uiiiouinets, sour Stomach, Dad
Breath Candy Cath.irtlo
No odds how bad your llvor. Btom
nch or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you nro from
constipation, Indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels you alwayn got
rollof with Cascarots, Thoy Imme
diately cieanau and rcgulato tho ntom
nch, reinovo tho sour, formontlng food
and foul gases; tako tho oxcesn bllo
from tho llvor and carry off tho con
stlpatod waste m-.ttor and poison
from tho Intestine.! and bowo s.
10-cont box from your druggist will
Keep your liver nnd bowels clean:
stomach sweet and head clear for
months. Thoy work whllo you Bleep.
No humbug! Any corn, whether
hard, soft or betwoon tho toes, will
loosen right up and lift out, without
a partlclo of pain or soroncss.
Thin drug Is called freexono nnd Is
a compound of ether discovered by a
uincinnau man.
Ask at nny drug storo for n small
bottle of froozouc. which will cost but
a trifle, but Is sufficient to rid one's
feet of ovory corn or callous.
Put a fow drops directly upon any
tender, aching corn or callous. In
stantly tho soreness disappears and
shortly tho corn or callous will loosen
and can bo lifted off with tho fingers.
This drug freeiono doesn't eat out
tho corns or callouses but shrivels
them without even irritating tho sur
rounding skin.
Just think! No pain at nil; no sore
ne.iB or smarting when applying It or
afterwards. If your druggist don't
have freezono havo him order It for
1'urc Mood in t-Mc-ntlal to Rood Ilralth.
GnrrU'ld Ten dispel impurities, cleannm tho
systt-m and enulicati'i illsi-iue.
"Pape's Dlapeptln" makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine
In five minutes.
If what you just ato Is souring on
your stomach or Ilea llko a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you botch
gas and cructato sour, undigested
food, or havo a fooling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
In mouth and stomach-hcadacho, you
can got blessed relief In fivo minutes.
I'ut an end to stomach troublo forever
by gottlng a largo fifty-cent caao of
Papo's Dlapepsln from any drug storo.
You rcallzo In five minutes how need
less it Is to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's tho quickest, surest stomach doc
tor in tho world. It's wonderful.
ft Cum While You Walk. "
Ailcii I. it . u ftcvrtnln run-for lint,
MiuntliiK.talliK.il .'I nwolli-n.Ki IiIiik fi-i-t. Hold
' "H PriiK.it. PrircA-. I 'on t ru-i-cut nny
nlt.luii- IuhI pnrkBL-u I'JctK. Aililn-M
AlluiiH "Im-t' .1. l-o Hoy, S. V.
(larfioM Ti-.-i, taken rcgulnrly, will correct
both liver iiml kidney disorders.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets nre best for liver,
bowels and stomach. Ono little Pellut
for a laxative thrco for a cathartic.
I'm- Murlni- nflrr Kipourr In Colli,
'uitlriK Wlniln and IJUtil. It lli-ntorrn
Itif r.MhiH and Promotes Kyo Hi-.-illli.
(iooil for rill Isycs that Neeil Uare,
Murine V.yu ltemcily Co., Chicago,
Sends Kyo Uook on request.
Save your Halrl Get a 25-cent bottle
of Danderlne right now Also
stops Itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is muto ovldenco o a neglected
scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf,
There !b nothing so destructive to
tho hair as dandruff. It robs tho hair
of its lustre, its strength and Its vory
llfo; eventually producing a fovorlsh
ness and t Ing of tho scalp, which
If not remedied causes tho hair roots
to shrink, loosen and dio then tho
hair fails out fast. A Ilttlo Dandorlno
tonight now any tlmo will surely
save your hair.
(Jet n 25-cent bottlo of Knowlton's
Dandorlno from any drug storo. You
iiurely can havo beautiful hair and
lots of it if you will Just try a Ilttlo
danderlne. Havo your hair! Try It!
"Don't you miss tho nolso und bustle
of tho city now that you llvo In tho
"Not If I catch my train to town."
bought. Sold, RanUd and Rapulrad
Iluroalilo, cor. 10th. I'ortland. Pro.
' ielUMl
C V I oleiiert I'
JhJm8bI iroleet whirt ether
vfl ... . . VCCIM .
If, Write iorl,ktrt iixltMtlmonUI".
BO-diiiDkr nli,HiPlilt. 14.00
Uo lnlnor, K Culr"i rimplr ud ttnatnt.
Tl. WKitorKr ol Cutur lr1urt ll d to over It
trol lptrUlllln( la VACCIKSS ANIi IMUM
otdf direct. . . - ... ,
Tk Cuttir Uharttirv. BtrUliy. Ctllfirsls JA
Unbylonlnn 8tnmped Document! and
Letters Instead of Gotna Through
tho Formality of Signing Them,
Practically every man of any stand
Ing In undent llabylotihi hnd a seal
cylinder or seal, thu Impression of
which upon tho document or letter
mirved tho purpose of his signature.
Thousands of t bono havo been found,
cut out of all kinds of hard stone,
which had been Imported from distant
InudH, for llubylonla Is an alluvial
As a substitute for a mini tho ludt
vldunl would limit o his thumbnail
mark upon tho soft cluy or Impress
upon It ii portion of his zlzlktu, which
was u cord attached to an undergar
ment. This In nil probability Is to
Ho Idtmtllled with tho rlxlth mentioned
In tho Old Testament (Num. 1C:38
ID), and even at tho proHciit time
worn by orthodox Mourn wn.
In all periods scribes nro vory nu
merous. Tills la Infurred from tho
fact that In some periods almost overy
document Is found to havo been writ
ten by n different scribe. In tho As
syrlan period women aro known to
havo belonged to this profession. Tho
scribes wrote tho legal documents, as
well as tho private letters of Individ
uals. They even placed tho seal liu
proHslou upon tho legal documents, In
proximity to which they wrote tho
nnmo of the person to whom It bo
longed, usually the obligor or tho wit
In the tluio of Hammurabi (about
2000 II. ('.) there was at hand an offi
cer called tho burgul. who was pr'
pared to cut temporary seals upon a
soft material for those who did not
possess them. This Is tho custom In
oriental lauds In tho present day.
In Constantinople, for Instance, tho
urhs of certain streets are lined with
scribes prepared to write for tho Il
literate. An ncrnsloun! man among
them Is provldod with Utile blank
stumps In soft brtiss, and with an en
graving tool Is prepared to cut tho sig
nature or Initials of tho man upon ono
of them while lie walls. The Impres
sion of tho stump Ik alllxed to his let
tor In ploce of his signature. Prof. A.
T. Clng, In National (loographlc Maga
Ismuth In Alaska.
A considerable lodge of rock, carry
lug bismuth In commercial quantities.
hits been found In tho Totnlanlka coun
try of Alaska by a well-known miner
named John Lench, Tests demon
strate that the ore carries bismuth
from 20 to 30 per cent pure, Illsmuth
brings from $300 n ton upward, and
of all metals Is perhaps tho easiest
to mine. It melts nt a tomperaturo
slightly above 2C8 degrees contlgrado,
nnd can, therefore, bo melted with
wood llres, obviating tho necessity of
shipping tho ore outside with thu
heavy Incidental transportation and
molting charges, a burden other lulli
ng Interests have to bear becauso of
tho government'!! policy of forbidding
tho development of coal mines In
Alaska. Whllo tho presence of bis
muth oro In Alaska has long been
known, tho Leach claim Is the tlrst
discovery of a largo deposit. Here
tofore most of It used in tho Htates
has been Imported from Saxony and
ilohemln, although Connecticut has
initios from which considerable quan
tities of tho oro havo been tnken. Ills
muth Is used principally as an nllny
constituent, but nlso enters Into tho
preparation of paints, medicines, fuco
powder, etc.
His Offering.
"James," said his mother, "did you
put your money In tho collection pluto
at Sunday school today?"
"No'ra," said James, "I didn't."
"Why didn't you?"
"Well, you koo, when I got there I
found out nil thu other lioyii hud two
cents except mo and Freddie Ilrowu,
so we matched for 'em and Freddy
There Might Hove Been,
A Itoston minister who alwnyH
preaches to largo congregations rnado
Hiinctlmonlous, psalm singing, pro
fessed Christians who havo no real
religion In thalr mako-up a target for
ills wit. A Ilttlo hoy who heard hi m
remarked after ho returned homo
from tho morning sorvlco: "Mother,
I shouldn't havo thought Doctor Illank
would havo spoken that way about
Christians this morning. Thero might
havo been soma of thorn In church."
What It Looked Like.
In a Now Zealand town ono of tho
municipal candidates, a Scotchman,
had recolvod a prcsont of a hugo Scot
tish thistle, which at tho moment hap
pened to bo lying on tho tnblo of his
commlttoo room. A friend, cntorlng,
wlthdrow nuddonly, with tho romark,
"1 bog your pardon; I did not know
that you wero at luncheon,"
American Cedar for Lead Pencils.
Two billions of load pencils aro
rnado each yoar. Half of thorn aro
made of American cedar.
Glass of Hot Water
Before Breakfast
a Splendid Habit
Open sluices of the system each
morning nnd wash away tho
poisonous, stagnant matter.
l'lioso of us who aro accustomed to
fool dull and heavy when wo nrlso;
splitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, misty breath, acid stom
ach, laiuo back, can, Instead, both look
and feci an fresh its a daisy always by
washing tho poisons and toxins from
Uio body with phosphatod hot water
each morning.
Wo should drink, beforo breakfast, u
glass of real hot witter with a ton
spoonful of llmustouo phosphate In It
to flush from tho stomnch, llvor, kid
neys and tun yards of bowoln tho pro
vlous day's Indigestible waste, sour
bllo and poisonous toxins; thus cleans
ing, sweetening and purifying tho en
tire alimentary tract beforo putting
more food Into tho stomnch.
Tho action of llmestono phosphate
nnd hot water on nn empty stomnch
Is wonderfully Invigorating, It cleans
out all tho sour fermentations, gases,
waste and acidity and gives one a
splendid apputlto for breakfast nnd It
Is said to bo but a Ilttlo whllo until
tho roses bogln to appear In tho
cheeks. A quarter pound of llmestono
phosphnto will cost very Ilttlo at tho
drug store, but Is sufficient to mnko
anyone who Is bothered with bilious
ness, constipation, stomach troublo or
rheumatism u real onthuslast on tho
subject of Internnl sanitation. Try It
and you aro assured that you will look
hotter and feel bettor In overy way
Quiet Girl.
Caller That now girl of yours
seems nice and quiet.
Hostess -Oh, very quiet I she does
n't oven disturb tho dust when shu's
cleaning tho room. ICxchnugo.
A Well Known Woman Speaks
In Every Town In Oregon Neighbors
S-ty the Same.
rortl.tii 1, Oregon
" I have itsitl
I h I'irice's Pa-
N 'I III- I'llWlipli'lll
I n my nerves
TV-Yl'Ulj' '"'all -liowii itiin
i'-Wk Zl mfU' thru e Ironic I
EilfH- was ciiinplclelv
rSH' cnicd. 1 also um-l
S I'ootor nemo's
-l-S I tf. .11-..
P"5 1 ' '""''"very for tin
j hloiMlandltpiovit
t. verv ln'iii'tli-iiil
"I can licurtily n commend Doctor
Pierce's tnciliciiii'H." - MlW. J. It.
llAfun, (U.I Henciiiii Ave.
Tho mighty restorative power of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prcocriiitimi fUM-iilllv
caiihcs nil womanly troubles to dlmip
peur -compels tint organs to properly
perform their natural functions, cor
rects displacements, ovi-rcomos trregii
Inrities, removes pnin mid mlm-ry at
certain times and brings hack health
nnd htreugth to nervous. irrituLlu unit
exhausted women.
It is it wonderful priccrlptlon, pre
pared only from imiiire'H rootri and
herbs, with no alcohol to falsely stim
ulate ami no iinrrntiri to wrrru the
nerves. It Imninlii-ii pain, headache,
backache, low- Miirits. hot lliudn-n.
drugging-down nensalion, worry ami
HleeplesHiii-HM nurely and without Um
of lime.
Why should any woman continue ii
worry, to lead n miserable existence,
when certain liolii Ih at hand ?
What Doctor Pierce's Fuvorli.i Pr...
Bcription him done for thousands it
will uo lor you. It's not n worct
remedy for Ui Ingredients nro printed
on wrapper. Oct It this very day
irom any medicine t!.u!er in cltliei
Ihmid or tablet form. "
"Why do thoy always uho tho ex
pression of casting votes?"
"Ilecnuso It Is n throw-down for
Homebody. "Haltlmoro American.
Need a Tonic
This Spring?
Are You Weak and
Is the Appetite Poor,
the Liver Lazy or the
Bowels Constipated?
Stomach Bitters