Basket Bm! Saturday Nigh I Pine Valley Beauties versus Eagle Valley Daisies WC A VOLUME 5, NO. Ill RICHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1917 $1.50 A YEAR iTTB rr a ws H. MC ARTHUR B. A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON IMiono two long on (til linen, day or j) Wit. RICHLAND .' 0KKU0N M. M. BULL DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY Olllni In (iovi-r I'.nll.lliik' UIClll.ANO, OKKCiON Wu aro prepared In tin any kind of dental work in a IiihI clam iimniii'r at innilornto pricon AT I K I' A ( Tl O N ( i V A It A N TK V. I MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. IIWYKHS OK Cream, Milk and Eggs 11. M. Kirk, Resident Manager RICHLAND - - OREGON Irvine Lodge No. 86 Knights of Pythias Mrtit tviry I'riilnv ulclil nt tlii'ir OiiNtlu Hull in Kk'lilitiiil, On-noti. illlT llmtlitirn liimhi wtili-ntuo. ('. H. TIIOIU'.O.C. W. ('. It Al-IiV, K. of It. A K. i W. E. BAIRD t FUNERAL DIRECTOR LICENSED EM HALM ICR i'.krt mid HIimiuiW '( All Aluny. in htm k ItlCIII.AND. - UltKUO.N I'li.iiiii- Tuo HliortK, Out' loiii; W. R. USHER i g Notary Public Conveyancer Olllcii, Ft-rond unit Walnut Sin. g ()pioHitti CliriNtiiin Church C. E. THORP Notary Public All kinds of legal blanks on hand Your patronage solicited H. C. TIMMS JEWELER fiow located in IiIh Uolfuiaw Dra luwup-to (hituHtoro ndiiwdy, ui e Up-(o.)atc Line of Jewelry to Select From Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Flftoon ycura Factory Kxpoitoncn I.oavn ropalr work nt Hiclilnnd l'luir linu'.y uiiil mono will liuforunnlcxl mid ru turuod. Work guitrniitood satisfactory, FII DESTROYS HOI The house on the L. G.Morgan placu on Powder River, now owned by George Spiropoli. to. gothcr with the contents, were entirely destroyed by (ire about Tuesday morning. The bouse was occupied by Eli Stmiciu and bis sister Mrs. Alary Nieoleacue, the latter being alone at the time the fire was dis covered, and was compelled to run a half milu to the nearest neighbor to secure help. The alarm was spread and soon a number of neighbors were on baud and by hard work were able to save thecellarwhich contained a large stock of provisions. The building was insured for $1000. but nothing was carried on the contents and as a consequence the loss to Stanciu was very heavy, for besides losing all the furniture, clothing, etc., two sacks of sugar, 27 sacks of flour, and other provisions were des troyed. Latest War Bulletins Cabinet still in hop that Ger many may modify submarine or der. Diplomuts surprised that U. S. makes plans for war and do not conceal fear that detention of war supplies here would be just what Germany desires. Taft says that the old policies .f VnshinKtorfffnfl .Jefferson are obsolete and must be disregarded. British take thousand yards of trenches frjtn Germans without opposition. All the German ships interned in Phillippinc ports have been rendered unsea worthy by their crews. Congress adds many items in defense bills, and legislators of u'l parties unite in declaring the international crisis grave. Attention, K. of P's. and Pyth ian Sislcrs. Yourself and immediate fami lies are invited to attend a Hard Times Social at the K. l Hall on Feb. Mth. All are requested to bring a valentine without any writing. ' Committee. If you are in need of a new lamp or lantern you should in vestigate the merits of the Cole man Air-O-Lite displayed and sold by Saunders Bro's. The Air-O-Lito burns gasoline or kerosene, produces five times the light of a big center draft oil lamp at one third the cost, is safe, brilliant, lasting, economical, clean and efficient. If you would have the latest and best light on the market get a Coleman Air-O-Lite. Call and see them. ad Estray-One sorrel mnre( white spot in taco, past 3 year old, branded I II on left shoulder, $20 rowaid for delivery or $15 for cor ruling and notifying me. E. Sul- ivan, Richland. ad DITCH COMPANIES HOLD MEETINGS The regular annual nveting of the stockholder of the Dry Gulch , Ditch Co. wni lifl-l a the town hall on last 'Thursday, and the' following directors elected: Ru dolph Guyor, Gordon Hoover, A. F. Clark, J. W. Patterson, and J. R. Lee. It was decided to take the money, around $1500, now in the sinking fund -ind put it in the reserve fund; and to use a part of same in making permanent im provements on the ditch. The directors were empowered to dis pose of the power sight as they should see fit. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Waterbury & Allen Ditch Co. was heH Satur day at the town hall. It was voted to take the lower end of the ditch into the corporation, and the lirectors wore authorized to investigate and if possible se cure a new and better system of water measurement. The fol lowing comprise the board of di rectors for the coming year: J.S. Cropp. D. W. Allen. C. C. Shel ton, C. A. Wallace and John D. Hennehoir. We Are Progressing There is an old proverb that a wise man change&Jiis mind, but a iooi never does. The wise man has to change his mind to keep up with the limes. Your grandfather thought he was putting on style when he look his best girl out horseback riding. The young man today would like to have a six-cyiinder car for his laJy love. The smart men of today will be considered "old fogies" by the next genera tion. We are progressing.chang ing, keeping step with the times, that's all. Especially is this true of financial matters.modorn bank ing. Few people keep their money hid about the house or run the risk of carrying it on their person. Ihcy follow the modern plan, keep their funds in a reli able bank like ours and pay by check. It's the safe, modern, convenient way. ad) Eaglh Valley State Dank The Only Way. Judge Eraser was trying to get a party over the phone recently, but finally bung up the receiver and said: "1 believe that I'll go fishing." "Didn't know you cared for fishing at this time of year," re marked a friend. "I don't, ordinarily," said the Judge, "but it's the only chance 1 have of finding myself on the end of n lino that isn't busy." Just take a look nt Saunders Rro's. window filled with Middy blouses and ties for all ages, then stop inside and pick out the ones you want. The prices are sure to suit yoxir purs. ad LAID TjHEST The funeral of Mrs. Robert Connall, who died in the hospital at Raker last Thursday, was held at New Bridge Monday, Rev. J. M. Johneon of Sparla.officiating, and the remains laid to rest in the Eagle Valley cemetery. Ollie Jane Strang-Connall was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Strang of Sparta, and was born in Eagle Valley, Sept 23, 1805, ana was 21 years, A months and 9 days old at the time of her demise. On Anril f. IMS shn was married to Robert Connall at Baker, and have since resided near Sparta. Besides the bereaved husband and parents, the deceased leaves three little motherless children, the oldest three years and three months and the youngest seven weeks. Two brothers, Edmond and Herbert, also survive her. The death of Mrs. Connill is indeed a sad blow and the undi vided sympathy of all is with the grief stricken relatives in their hour of sorrow. Odd Fellows Have Big Time Forest L. Hubbard, Special District Grand Master, and Al Hanz.Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Encampment, were guests of Eagle Lodge No. 123, I. O. O. F., last Friday night. An ex cellent program was rendered and Short talks were fnade by the dis tinguished visitors, after which a banquet was served. Around 100 persons wore present and the meeting is bound to result in re newed activity and consequent growth of the Odd Fellows lodge in Eagle Valley. Buys Fine Cattle Ianthus Chandler has received two exceptionally fine thorough bred Shorthorn calves from the herd of W. W. Green near Union. One of the animals is a yearling and the other about 10 months old and cost Mr. Chandler an even $450 for the two. The Green herd of Shorthorns is one of the finest in the entire West, and Mr. Chandler desiring only the best with which to build up his herd, secured the tops. Mr. Chandler last week re ceived :i young bull from the herd of Bob Boyce of near Baker. Spring is coming soon, mud will be deep; you had better get a pair of our "Ball Brand" Rubber boots and be prepared. Raley's. Roller Skating! Monday and Friday Nights and Saturday afternoons Come and enjoy yourself Skates only 25 cents For evening or afternoon The Idle Hour Pool Room O. C. Armstrong, Manager, Hotel Bldg., - Richland, Ore Cigars, Candy, Soft Drinks, Etc Lunch and Short Orders Served at all hours DiL.e!sOOK Eyesight and Headache Specialist Exclusive Optician Factory on Premises Baker, - Oregon. CAUTION Beware of Eye Glass Peddlers FREDERICK R WILSON Physician and Surgeon Richland, :-: Oregon Night 'phone, one long ring on all lines. Day 'phone call central office. American 0. II. F0K6 AND BROTHER, Props. Cleanest and Most Up-to-Date Restaurant in Eastern Oregon WE CONTRACT BANQUETS Telephone No. 237 1827 First St. BAKER, OREGON W. H. STRAYER Attorney at Law Fourth Floor Sooimers Building Baker, Oregon Hates il per day nnl up; European and American Plan 52 Outside- Rooms Steam Heat Hotel Underwood W. H. Jeffries, Proprietor Baker, - - Oregon Opposite) C ourt Houso Corner of Wnsli. izititon and Third Strfts Everything First Class T. J. RED DICK BARBER 1! Richland : Oregon jj AGENT FOR THE 0 PURITAN TAILORS fi OF CHICAGO ii If you are thinking of get ting a trood new Suit mm in and see the new snmnloa $ Perfect fit guaranteed. ' (J