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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1914)
SPEND THAT $ AT HOME AND HMfi WILL PR0SPEF Tjji NEWS r I t 1 j Hi VOLUME NO. 7 RICHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3J, L9J.4 $1.50 A h FAR VTA T T tT"V .1 .1 W. H. STRAYER Attorney at j.ajy fourth F J 9 9 r Sot? Bylldijf Baker, Oregon ALEMgNp jj. S. poipjjssjoner jHfelfvyiiy, r Oregon A. A. SMITH att'y'atlaw jJAIJP BLD'G ': EAggfl r, A. H, Williams DENTIST Now af; his qfilce in Richland and wjll pomnln herp pntjl Fpbruary 5 WOODSQN L, PATTERSON ATT'Y AT LAVV U. S. BAKER COMMISSIONER I H. MC ARTHUR B. A. phjysiCIAN ANQ SURQEON 'Hhone two longs on all lines, day or1 night RICHLAND OPJGON f N. ZANDERS - Physician and Omco in Govcr Building. J'rjonft Contrnl daytime Onb lorii? rinir on any phone At rijgH, rRlGHLANP OREGON REV. FRANK HOPKINS Pastor of Methodist Church in Richland, and local reprosonta tivoof the Idaho State Life Insurance Co, Am always ready to minister to your naeds i Will go anywhere at any time day or night, rain or shin, hot or cold, when I am called Will go to Roblnotte, Sparta, New Bridge or anywhero my de vices are needed. No charge for services retidtifdd. ft H. C. TIMMS JEWELER Fleher'a DniR Store Halfway, Oregon 'Up-to-Datc Line of JeWelry to Select From Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Fifteen yearn Fwctory lixpoi'lonco Loavo repair work nt Richland Plr 'miiey mid wune will tor warded and ro HurnW. Wwk gfciitw4 Wtlitoloryi 8 Our jtum jn a recent issue re lating to financing the railroad proposjtjon, has sjtirred up a great deal Of ntcret. In reply to the many incjuirjea asjto whom the bonding companies' were ana whethrdr not the jnformaton was reliable, we will state that we received fame from a promi nent Eagle Valley citizen who read the letters from the firms referred too, bpt daes nqt dqcm it advisable to make them- public now, out will do so at the proper time. Eagle Valley parties are now in communication with interested parties in the East and hope in a short time to have matters in shape to make a definite business Propositiop tg both Baker and Haines. That a line could be built from I JJainej cheaper than Baker is a facf; admjtted by" parties who fiavc examined bplh routes, and would accomodate practically the pme territory. As sqon as any thing further develops, our loaders .will be informed, Jo the Subscribers of The Eagle Valley Nevs: In entering upon the New Year would it not be a gqqd p)an to call and settle with the editor. Perhaps the paper the last year was hoi what Jt should have been, but you have derived a little ben efit at least from its weekly visit, and we intend to give your money's worth in 1915, or die in the trying. A large number have called and settled, but there are several who have failed to do so, and under the rules of the postofficd department these must bp taken off the list at once. We arp sure that you do not wish your nflme removed, and we are Certain tha,t we do not wish to remove it, as we need your sup port. the price of a year's subscrip tion is not much of itself, but the aggregate amount of those in ar rear is quite a large sum to ub at this time, and if you will call and settle it will mdJfO us feel that pur efforts are being appreciated, Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous New Year, and assuring you that we are always willing to .grant any favor within our power to aid the welfare of this community, w$ lire, yours truly, C. E. Thorp. Notice to Subscribers of Eagle Telephone Company, The semi-annual ofiico rent for tho first half of 1915 was duo De cember 1st. It is urgently re quested that till call and pay up at onco. ad) Eafeld Tilfiphoneof RAILROAD PROPO ITfON DEATH OF K COUTY Tin? death pi jrs. Elizabefh Cputy, who has beep quite fegjjle for Sterne timejiast, occurred at tjie hpme pf her sop, Joseph, pp Jast Sun(Jay,Dec. 27th. The funeral was hold on Wednesday, J. C, Bowen, of New Bridge, con ducting th'jp sprvjqes jn tho' 'ab sence pf 'an official of the Gotno jc cpurh, Elizabeth J'erguspn was born at PlattsvjleNew "York, in he year 1841; in' Jnne 18(52, 'flip was united in marriage Ip Xpig" Gou ty, whose $eah ftcp urred'sevgral years agf To tna up ion were born fen cbjldYen, seven of jvhich are still living, viz: Joseph Couty Mrs. toujsk -Engu'm "anrjgS. Armina Olson, a'l) res'jowts' of ftichlandj Israel Couty,of Marsji fiel(j, Wig., Ale Coujy, pf HiV dore, Wis., Benjamin Coutyr ad dress pnknown, and Mrs,' kary Jensen, of Amherst, Ws Thp deceased also leaves two sisters to mourn her demise, Mrs, M, J Simonis ajid'jra. j. 'jf.' YpUpg. Mrs;rCouty had beqn a refjdgnt of Eagle Valley for several year past apd jiad a jarge cjrele gf friends, and the hereavql rela tives have the heartfelt sympathy of the enrp gohimuhity. . " "r"" ' National Leaders To Speak. The highest authorities in the United States jn six of the most vital rural problems of the day have been assjgned by the De partment of Agriculture to be present at the 0. A Q. Farmers' ..nd Conference Week antf make addresses for the t enefit of the special students in attendance. If those lectures by federal ex perts were the only valuable fea tures of the week's exercises, they would be sufficient to justify a long journey to hear. TakenTn. conneption with the other strong features of the week no farmer wl)o cgn afford to attend can af ford to mi$s hearing them. The speakers and their subjects are as followpj Charles E. Bassett, Cooperative Organizations; C. B. Smith, Farm Management; Dr. J W. T, iJuval, Grain Standardiza tion; 0. H. Bensooi Demonstra tion Club Workj U. G, Houck, Veterinary Inspected and D. W. Working, Farm Demonstration. ri he date is February 1 to 7. Our January Clearance starts Mondav, January 4f Should take advantage of and buy for your present Sals you this and future wants. E. & W. ler. Chand (ad Dressmaking Remodling"- Atmy residence' in the Brooks' house, one block north of P. O. Mrs Mary Kirk Richland, Orogori CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES; Christmas in Eagle . galley provc an idea poljday an. 'a far a we are abje to ascertain each and every resident, large and small enjoyed tfje. festlvtjos to thg utmost. Beginning with th ntertainmenta and trees by fhe cpurches on Thursday eyen ing and ending by the tire-j danc ers op Saturday morning fhere wag amusement ftl varou kinds for all. ' A program and Xmas tree at m. u. cnurcM ana anotner at chMl ofthe Obrjstan eurch, oh Tfjrsday venjng,lwQre both a.ttpnd'ed by lajrgp crowds and were sources of great enjoyment, to tjjg chjldren Qspppiajly. Op1 Christmas day there were many dinner partjps, farp'ily re union and oti)erspcja functions, and jp the evening dances were hteld at both New gridge. and Hichjgnd. The mask ball at thp qppra house yas attended by a yery large crowd. Miss Flossie Clem eps pp forpther Harold, captured the first prize) Miss Beyea and Cb de Macey, gecond, and Bid Farley gqt the "looby'' prizes- Good... order was . maintained throughout the evening and all present report a royaj time. To the Business Men of Richland. The New Year is with us. 1914 with its trials and sorrows should be laid on the shelf. There is no call for hesitation in the business world at present. The ojd-fashloned elements or f ctors of good business are in r ormal condition. To take coun sel of fear or to invent reasons fpr inaction is most unwise. A good example is better than a poor one, so start the New Year with a determination that j ou will be an optimist, that you ill try to convert every resident of Eagle Valley to the sam way of thiftKing, that you wiir'bpo8t" tfVery thing that tends to the betterment of this community, u-.d that if you have troubles you v ill keep them to yourself, . We are going on with ourbusU nes3,and hope you are doing like, wise. We hope you will do more business than ever andwe hopo cur business intercourse with you will continue and increase, C. E, Thorp. ''Everett Saunders Marned fiverett Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Saunders, was married to Miss Bessie Alexander at Eugene on . December 19th. Everett has secured a position with the Oregon Pacific Railway and the couple will make their home at Eugene. May their married life be one of uninter rupted bliss is tho wish of Eagle Valley friends with whom the News cKoerfu)lyjoin Hoise Clothim fpjl up-Jxj-dato line al ways in stock, and at arorignr. -DREGON- Cqmjjr Majn and Genfer, I Livery and Feed ! ! Stable 4rdyea at Robincft .U;(?' . m. 4 fleturriinff leayea Rbujctt 1:30, i ' ' ' ' f Cfcod tcarnp and tournouta, prompt and ifraf clas pejryice to overy patron. 'fr?y;)rjp fpen's paunags sqncitcfl FRgD COOPER, Prop Rictyana .'. Qregou 1 BAIRD & COMPANY EUIRAL, DIRECTORS CpgVetpia Shrouds of-All .--lies hvars a Stock " BICHLANn. PREGON Pone; Two thorte, Onojong F8 CIGAR STORE iDepot News Stand) BAKER, , . OKEO Cigars, Tobacco, Candles, Fresh Fruits, Soft Drinks Daily Papers, Magazines, - When in the city don't fail t. call gtjq" renew agquaintknee. FRED FRASRR. Prort UrabjU liotej tiujlding, i x n i x- mwcii t rw , 5 T. J. REDDICK BARBER Richland Oregon AGENT FOR TUB .PURITAN TAILORS OF CHICAGO If you are thinking of get ting a new Suit or Overcoat i coma in ana see samples, T (1 Perfect fit guaranteed, (l S. S. Start & Ca Real Estate: Insurance Excfnmjfes a Spdaffy- BAKER . ORgGOjW BAKERT T 9