We give "Gold Bond" Stamps Merry Christmas To AH Our holiday trade has been of such proportions that we have had no time to write a list of the bargains which will be offered in every depart ment next week, Perhaps. you overlooked some'friend when making your Christmas gifts we have a number of things appro priate to give on such occasions, and you can secure same at a bargain. A large line of the latest styles in Ladies' Neckwear just received, and placed on sale at bargain prices, What you see in our advertisements is so E. & W. Chandler Richland, Oregon N Agents for McCalls Magazine and Patterns FOR YOUBt NEW TEAR DINNER The turkey "will taste" better the plum pudding will have a liner flavor the finishing touch will be put upon the meal if you serve CHASE & SANBORN'S "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE Used By THREE Generations Cigars,, Candy and Hot Drinks 0X) 0X) x FRANK CLARKE I LOCALS Wanted Hides and pelts,eith er dried or green, at the Morris Meat Market.. (ad It is estimated that over five million Christmas trees will be used this season. Dave Gover and wife are the parents of a fine boy which ar rived on the 15th mat. An effort is being made to make peace between Greece and Turkey here we make gravy. " Your New Year's gifts can all be secured at special prices at E. & W. Chandler's. (ad 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kirby spent Monday with their daughter, Mrs. M. D. Simonis, near New Bridge. Our merchants all report an elegant Christmas business, which proves that times are all right in Eagle Valiey. Order The Ladies Home Jour nal, Modern Priscilla, in fact any publication you may desire, at the News office. (adv For Sale 20 head of weaning pigs. Poland China stock. $2.50 per head. R. D. Woods, Rich land, Oregon. (ad Eagle Valley High played base ball with the Richland Public school, Tuesday afternoon. The scare was 22 to 11 in favor of E. V. H. Rev. W. A. Orr nreached to a large audience at the Methodist church last Sunday morning and evening. Notice our Great Money Saving Offer on another page, $4.25 for $i.90; just like finding money. This offer will be withdrawn af ter January 1st. The graced schools gave a very interesting entertainment at the M.E.churchon Wednesday after noon. Alarcre number of the parents and friendfl were in at tendance. No, Brother Clemens, th?re was not a turkoy donated to the qditor this Christmas. Wo hope you got yours, however. W. E. Summers of Now Bridge was one of the number who came in and renewed their subscrip tion this week. How about yours? In spite of the large number of turkeys shipped from this valley and the number consumed at home, there is still plenty left for New Years. Mrs. P. A. Moody has roturned from an extended visit at Al bany, She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Seavers, and husband who are spending Xmas with her. The ice harvest is now on, and the good roads and weather are being taken advantage of to the fullest extent. The ice is over eight inches in thickness and of exceptional fino quality. - The government ha3 been spending millions investigating all kinds of big business. Why should not business do some in vestigating and find out why taxes are so outrageously high? If something is not done soon to keep Little Eagle within its banks the channel will be changed and at least three new bridges rendered useless. It is now spreading over a great deal of bottom land, which will be auined if this matter is not taken in hand shortly, OH I HI oven on years' cxpeniEHCE t Km A Trade MARKS Deoiaro COPVniQHTB &.C. AnTnnnon1Inir n ikflfh n 'id doicrlntlon may qulcklr Mcerlulu our oplliloil frco wliellisr u tiiTonlloii l prohnljly niilriiulijd, Coiiitiiuiilnn. t QiMttrieMrcor.Bdoi Liui. ha uuimk cftnt 1 rnft. (Jltleit nannpv fur mirlirinir finf nut.. rnteuta takon tliroti.li Jtiinii i, Co. rocolT on I'ntenu Mtctatnottce. nil haul clinrco. latliu Scientific Bmrican. A pAtidiomoIr llliiitrnf'iil trockljr. J.rfmont elf. dilution of nnr .cloi llllu IiiunimI. Tcrtim, J t renri tour monlli, fl. (kildbyoll iioi'trulul. MIJNN & Coa4Broadw-Hew York WJtf Wa Edison j?aya that whon tjiis great wnr is over, thoonorglesof tho world will bo Bind to turn to invontlon, engineering and ' pro ductive labor and that tho g$u't' oat constructive advance' in I1I1J7 tory will fojlow. 1 " It sounds' sensible that inan kind should soon turn from prot y lems of kflljng to problems of liy? ing but wo in this country aro not at war and why should we, wait? No doubt' wo shall advant age greatly in the fuj.ui o by be ing driven to dpvelop our own ro dourci'S and by discovorirm tho vast p'oHsibilitics of foreign trado to which wo hnvQ iiojun sOangcrs; but what about the "now?" Wlut sense or profit is thoro for us in waiting until after tho war to buy ant sell, to reap and iow, to make and'ordur, to liyo uu let Jive? You may have hoard of tho little girl who .vts bawling lustily with liar brother who s anted a drink, but who 3aid shy Israel? was only "bclj)r ing Bobbie cp" Among tKo millions of paople in this country there are always somo who aro unhappy. No matter how good the;r reasons, no real help is giv en by helping them cry. Sacred Concert Sunday Night. The choir of the Me'hodist church will givo a sacred concert on the evening of Sunday, Dec. 27, beginning at 7:80 o'clock. The following program will bq rendered: Hymn Invocation by Pastor Scripture reading Duet "No Room in tho Inn.'' Misses Mabel and Esther Saun. ders. Vocal Solo "The Glorious Mom," Fred L. Cundiff. " Maje Quartette Messrs. Tubbs Holman, Cundiff and MeArthmy Violin Solo Selected, Ransom McArthur DuetCarol of Bethlehem, Fred L. Cundiff and Mrs. Mc? Arthur Anthem "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," Choir Quartctte-"Xmas Time, "Mrs. McArthur, Miss Mabol Saunders,, C. J. Tubbs, Fred L. Cundiff. The general public is cordially invited to attend no admission, . i To the People of Eagle Valley We wish to thank tho people of Eatrle Valley for their splendid patronage, especially along tho line of phonographs and pianos, If you want anything jn theabovo line, phone us at our expense. We will deliver either piano or phonograph at Robinetto free of ' expense to you. A very small payment down and easy monthly payments make the instrument yours. In regard to records, send Us a list of what you think you will want. .We will deliver them free by parcel post. You may try them for two days with tho privilege of returning ono half of what you have sent for if yotl wish you to pay tho return pos tage. We keep a complete stock df both Victor and Edison records write for catalogues. ad) Tiubaib Piano House, f'hn onlv event advertised for (jhristmas night is the danco at Ndw Bridge and no doubt there vlll hi a largo crowd present? 1