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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1914)
Cm MEMlAM "As a man sovvoth, Hint ahull lie oIbo reap." t The above lines were novel ftoro forcibly brought td the minds of our residents, than at (ho funeral Of Ernest Ray Sim' onis on last Saturday. The cheer ful smile and kind words with which ho was wont to great all he mot, had won for him a host nf frintwlH mul nil v!ffl ivilli niii . another in uttering praise of his genial nature. Many were the words of solaco spoken, many w6re the kind acts performed,' in an effort to a's-mago tho grief of the heart broken par cnta and siBtcr, and to prove tl esteem in which he wan held Ly his 'friends. The rostrum and altar, at the church had hceri b'ouutifuliy decorated with ribbon and (lowers, and the number as Bcinblnd to pay respect to y.A memory was among the largest ever gathered in Eagle Valldy iw a like purpose. 1 he services were hold at tlu Ohnstian church, where seven year before lie had gFven his heart to God, and the room wat . inadequate to holtl-tho number who came to heaiUhe sermon by the llov. Prank Hopkins, and the song service by a choir selected from his intimate friends. In spite of the cold a large crowd awaited on the outside until th; services were over and joined in (he funeral cortege to the ceme tery. fY.ends had lined th2 grave with cloth and green boughs and the casket was covered with (lowers, in fact nothing was left undone to prove the love anU'Idy ally of his friends. The floral tributes were num erous and exceedingly beautiful, among them were wreaths from "the-Alumni of the linker High School, from the.Class of 1918 (of which Ernest was, a member i, from the faculty and students of r.thc H. II. S., and from "Baker Friends." , lhc pall bearers were Carl and Will Carnahan, Claude Duke; Leon Macey. Ernest and Robert ConnelJ. Among those..from out of tow n jn attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser and Miss Mary Fra ser, of Baker; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. L.'Kirby and J. H. Simonis, of Durkee; Messrs. W. W. Williams, Harold Weeks, Howard Bonham Henry Miller, George Daly, Kjii ry Burke and Harold Taylor, for mer schoolmates at Baker; and a largo number from Sparta, Pine Vullcy and other points.. That a life of such,, character and promise, that one so trttty loved and esteemed; should be so - Ruthlessly ended and taken away -is beyond our understanding, but God works in a mysterious way His wonders to perform n . The grief stricken father, mother and sister,, other relatives und friends,, should try and And oOiuCo in tliu fuel Liial hu died as he had lived strong in the- faith ,bf a bet cer land' beyond: , May his soul rest at peace is the prayor of . A Dkvotnd Friend. Are You Going to Build? j Sco Barney Eldson, the coil cractor, of Now Bridge, Ho Will do you w flrHtrclKHS job and save Spu money, (advDltf I yUOO00O000000O000OO00OXl New Year Gifts 2 Toilet and Manicure Sets 5 IN 5 FHENCII IVORY ? EBDNV j and SILVER Kodaks 6 Perfumes Cut Glass ' I Fountain Pens o Safely Razors Shaving Sets OOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I LEVINGER DRUG CO. ? g VVc Never Substitute) 8 BAKER - OREGON I doooo sHi. oooo oooooooo oooo : LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Alfied Barber went to Baker, Tuesdny, John F. Herr was a Baker vic itor, Sunday. , Tip Gover ha3 returned from a trip fo Hot Lake.' Tuesdpy, Dec. 22d, was the shortest clay of the year. Richland post oflice is handling over twenty sacks of mail dailj. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Gover was over from Pine Valley Sat urday. Coun ty Commissioner Saunders was called to Baker on urgent business Tuesday. , Mrs. Kirk, of Payette, Idaho; moincr oi Airs, rreu uunum, is fhcre'jfo'r the holidays. Lots of good thjngs for your New Year's dinner tan be found at E. & W. Chandler's. (ad North powder is suffering from an epidemic of diphtheria, but so far no deaths have resulted. Ewes For Sale ?0 head of fine young ewes. Apply to G. W. Martin, Richland, Ore. (G-2t-p. A. F. Clark's horse ran awav 'last Saturday, afternoon bu was. caught bofore any damage was done. Remember the watch .party and oyster supper at the K. Pf ball on Dec. 31st. - Lots of furl for all. Tle schools finished, their vq. k for 191,4 on Wednesday a.f ternoon and "frill op joy a vacation until January 5th. Mrs.ElvieL. Woods and her brother, Orlando Herr, of La Grando,?are visiting with friends in this vicinity. Keep your feet warm and- avoid colds, a big suppiy of rub ber footwear on hand. , . ad) , Saunders BroB. Four of the Richland teachers are spending the holidays with "thd old folks at home." Mi's Christejiscn has" gone to Haines, Miss Jqhhson to Baker, Miss Roche, to Portland, and Prof, Johnson to Eugene. P., W.Green, who has bien visiting with his brothers-in-law, W. B.flud YVntr Wright, left for hisJhimo in Lexington, Ky., Tuesday, 'Ml'.-Green was very much jm preyed with the advant ages of EhrIo Valley and may re turn in thoapringand locate here -permanently; Books at 60c The Net, Tlid.Price She Paid, Melting of Molly, The Lighted Way, and many others just issued just the thing for Xmas gifts. Headquarters' for gift cards and holiday novelties; Books of all kinds jn various bindings at rjght prices. King's Book Store, Bakei JENSEN CREAMERY CO, iWykrs ok R. M. Kirk, Resident Manager RICHLAND OREGON Mlss.IVIabel Brown is suffering from the mumps. ., Oyster supper an 1 watch party K. R. Hall. December Sfst. Joseph Hartley has ret'irned from an extended visit to' Baker. S.'nator-eleqt y. H. Straycr waoer from Baker Wednes day. Mrs. Wesley Saunders has re turned from a visit with relatives in Baker. You may not get the next issue of this pape r if your subscription has not been paid. Mrs. Warner Crqpp, of Banks, is visiting, her tpa.rent3, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barber. Bargains in every department. Come in early and get your pick. E. & W. Chandler. . I V (ad Wm. L. Flower, former editor of the News, atten-ied the band Concert Saturday night. Lloyd Chandler Js laid up with a swollen jaw no, not too much basket ball, just mumps. For Sale Pure honeyj, 80cjx-r gallon you furnish cans. F! L. Payzant, Richland. ,. t fad2tp. ; Any qne found hunting on my land will be arrested .and prose cuted. . W. VV. Kirby, .(adv Mrs. Eriinla .Thompson is 6nr. joying a visit from Jier sop and yife, Mr. arid Mrs. Norman Thompson.' . t . 0. H. Ellliott took a box of Eagle Valiey applet to Roomette Tuesday, foi,sbipment to rela tives in Indiana. We have just received a line of the latest things in ladies' neck wearcome in and look them over. E. & W. Chandler. (ad H. H. Moody will hotd a public sale at his ranch at the crossing at ..Little.. Eagle, on Saturday, January 2, 1915. The registered Jersey bull from the Ladd herd, milch cows and young stock good work team, and other ani mals will bo sold. Card of Thanks. t . Wb desire to express our hearU felt thanks to.all. and KnocijiJ!y to Mr. ondjMrs. Wm. Martin, for the kind acts apd, services ren dered atttho deach and funeral of our beloved son. and brother, , Mr., and Mrg, M, D. Simonis. Merle mionis, CHRISTIAN CHURCH; .Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. MrDimmick, 8Upcrintendont. Everybody welcomed $2.35 FREE By a special arrangement with hd publishers we are able id give you tKe greates)tlbarg'ainjn reacling matter eve offered in this rart of the country, . Hook the list ovjef. car'fiflfy there is not a paper but is wortny a place On your center table: Northwest Farmstead, regular price $1.00 AJj . D s Todays Mygazind and a pattern .'50 AJ1 l FV'S The Boy's Magazine - - I 1.00 0nee,ar or People's Popular Monthly Lagle Valley News Total Value This offer is good for cither New or Renewal subscriptions awdf if you want a snap in tre way of reading mattr-r for the whoW family, you had better tane advantage of it at once for the offer is' for a limited time only.' Make checks payable to THE E V. NEWS Opportunity THIS IS YOURS to secure one of thu most desirable ranches in Eagle Valley at about half its real value. The Portland Trading Co. ranch,. consisting of almost 62 acres and the PIqmmer ranch of 5 acres, in all neariy 67. acres, must be. sold at once. The place is one-half mile frOm Newbridge, .three miles from Richland; all under ditch, good water light. Over 1200 trees peach, pear, prune, apple, cherry, almond, English walnut; Main residence of ten rooms, with hot and cold water, bath, toilet. etc. Two small cpttages. Abundance of clover and corn were raised this yea, and the place is worth more than the price asked as a dairy proposit Jon. This place sold in 1912 for $17,000 and since that time oyer $3000 have been spent in improvements. For quick sale the ranch is now offered for $8850; $4,850 cash,' balance $1,000 per year at 7 per cent interest. This is without doubt the greatest bargain ever offered in this, section, and will bear the closest investigation. If interested write FRANK CLARKE, RICHL4ND, OREGON MID-WINTER TERM JANUARY '1, 19 IF Stage or Railroad Fare Refuhded to all Students enrolling for four months or more between the above date and January 15, 1157 paying tuition in advance. Tuitibn f6r four, months Singfe 6ourse; 40.0Q For four months- Combined Course, $50.00 Baker Business College Baker Oregori . . W.' P. Kinion" Principal NOTICE .FOR PUBLICATION. PUBLISHER. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. U. S. Land Oflibo at La tirando. Ore- coil, NOV. 12th, JJ914i Notice Islivrcvy Riyen that Otis W. Crairu'hof Durkee, Oregon, who,-oh Jjlly 5th, 1007, nindo Homestead Entry No. 1550G, Sorlal No. 05070, for K 1-2 SVV 1-1, and Lots 3 and -1, Section 7, Township 11 South, Ranno4!5 East, Willaniett6 Mut idian, Jios (lied notico of intention to jnako llvo-yoar Proof, to eetnblieh claltn to tho land nhovo described, before Wootlson L. Patterson, United States Conuhissioncr', ' at his ofllc at Bnkcr, Oregon, on tho 20th day of December, 1014. Claimant natnes as witnesses: Will iam J. Critchlotv. WiiMarh L.KjtW'. and Oay F. Cramer, all of Durkco, OrppoiV; and Aiacgie E. llunsaker, oi Baker, Oregon. , F.'C. Buamwell, Resistor. First publication, Kov. 19. 101-t. Last publication Dec. 21, 1914. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 a. m,, E. E. Holrna, superintendent Preaching at 11:00 a. m. by tho pastor.. . Sacred concert by tho choir at 7:30 p. m,tt .. . Prayor Meeting 7;30 pk m. Wed , ncsdny eypriyig. Choir UbjiehrsAl ThuriHky at 8:00 i). in, Mrs. G, tycArthur, IqhUoiv Tho public is'invitcd to attend allow, Bcrvieeu, Only .25 - 1.50 4.25 $1.90 Notice for PabUcatiaa Isolated Tract 3 ; PUBLISHfeR. "? r: eubic,land sale, - DEPARTMENT OF THE -.INTERIOR. U. IS. Land Office at'IaGrande, Oregoni November 2 1st, 1914. ' ' : NOTICE is hereby i-ivcn hat, as di rected' by thu'Commiasioner'of the Gen eral Land Office, under provisions of Act of C.bngrefB approved Jtine27, 1000 (34 Sfats., 51-7) pursuant to tho appli cation 61 John V. and Wm A. Good man, oh bvhalf of themer lvs and Char-. U-a K. .Herbert, and Aliie? !. . ( Joodman, all of Baker, OreKon, Stual No. 012354, wo will offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, but at not Iosb than $2. UO per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on tho Mthday of January, 1015, at this oifice, tho fol lowing tractof land : N 1-2 S W 1-1, SE HSW-W, Sec. 0, NE X 4 NW W, Sec: 8, Tp. 10 S.. K. 44 B., W. M., Serial No.' This tract s ordered into the niarhet on a ahowint: that the Rreater' portion-thereof is morintuinoua or too roufth fdr cultivation. ' ' Arty pt-v;oiB claiming adversely the above oefcribed land are advised to file! their claims, or objections;- on or before, the time designated for sale. ' ' 1 fc- F. C. Hiumwkll, Register. Nolan Skifk, Receiver. First Hiblicatio.h, Dec. a, 1014. Last publication, Dec. 311014. New Eik's Hotel Baker, Oregon FINESt CAFE in Eastern Oregon ,. A opbcial invitation extonclep to reaidotfU of Eagle Valley to) make this their headquarter, when In town, . European platf Open all night 1