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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1914)
Eagle News ? r Straight, Truthful, Direct Valley Ijifete'dW second class matlerDe. 12, 1912 at ttfe pobt oiESe at KfcfiYrihd Oregon, under act of March 3, 1879. CaVds of.Tharfks a'n'fl Rasoluttdns 05' per lino. pNEYBA - -THREE MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION . - $1.50 SIX MONTHS - - .60' SAMPLE COPY .70 FREE RICHLAND, ORE.', THURSDAY DEc! , 1&4. VOL.lVNO. 6 To, everyone we wish' a .Merry Christmas. We have seweiT up the hole in our trouser's pocket, and are now mshape tu accept your money on subscription, When a man tells you he don't care to take the home paper "be cause I, don't read much," you' will find that he always borrows all the papers he can get hold of. A GOOD way to help hold down expenses at the coming session or the legislature would be for - hat body to pass resolutions limiting the number of bills thai any member cduld Intro'duce', " to five. The fact that a representative of the Pine Valley Herald was in town Saturday night and made some, pointed quiries' regarding the "watch contest" New Year's 4 t ' eve, leads us to believe there may be a dark horse" entered at the So MANY dairymen haveshown their interest in the 0. A, C. Short Course that arrangemen's have bedn rfiade whereby those in attendance may receive in struction in every phase of prac- t'eal dairy management, There will be special lectures on man agement of the herd, diseases of dairy cattle, dairy cattle, judging. dairy rations and feeding, silage an silage making, and nlethods of btrlding up the herd by se lecting the most profitable cov:3 and breeding them to suitable pure bred sires. Cream testing, dairy farm equipment, and meth ods of manufacturing dairy pro ducts on the farm will be ex plained and" demonstrate.' Dr." Lytle, state veterinarian,' wiil assist the college staff in the work dealing with diseases of dairy cattle". last moment.. . We are told that some fellow's m a nearby town, caught a jack rabbit and gave it a drink of the "booze" sold in that place'.. On turning the animal loose it . hop ped ;up to a bulldog and Sjpat in fts face'. It is thought the dog will recover. . -A Bib campaign, is on to Create the office of public defender in all cities and counties. Nov . if, a citizen is. indicted or accused of J violating the laws anjd has no means the couit appoints a law yer to dgfend . This, practice is, sometime .jjpuRea. oy, tneaccuseq receiving only formal or indiffer ent defence. Notwithstanding the. unfav orable conditions which have ex-. Isted for.hi? past .two years, both in this country an d. abroad,, . the settling up, p$ th hitherto unpeo- pled lands .in Oregpn; hasgpne.onJ steadily, though perhaps not as rapidly qs, during previous t years when tejlroijds jtTia.'je a strong point of .their homerseekers ex-, qursions'each recurring Spring Ex-Governor Francis once s,ald the following of newspapers Each year the local paper gives from $500 to $1,000' in free lines to the community in which it is located. No other ag6ncy can or will do this. The editor, in pro portion to his means does more for his tovjn than any other ten i, u . - men, and in all fairness he ought to be supported not because you like him or admire his writings,' but because the focal paper is the best in vestment a community can make. It may not be brilliantly edited or crowded with thought, but financially it is of more bene- .4 fit to the 'community., than the preacher or teacher. Understand me, 1 do not mean mentally and yet on moral questions yoU will find the papers, on the right side. . Today the editor of the local papers do the most for the least money of any people on earth." N Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with Local Applications, as they cannot reach tho seat of the dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or con stitutional disease, and in order to euro it you take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di rectly upon the blood and mucous fsurfacoj. Hall's' Catarrh Cm e is hot a quack medicine. It was proscribed by one of tho best physicians, in this country for Lyear-' rnd is-a TCguiar prescrip tion. It is composed o'f the best tonics known, combined with the best blo'd purifiers, acting direct ly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send fcr testimonials free. ' F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo; O. Sold by Druggists, 75?. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ... MEYERS INVESTMENT CO 1 Corner Alain aid Center BAKER, - OREGON Farms and City Property Bought, Sold and Exchanged MINES and TIMBER LANDS MVill someorie please return to Capt. Cfaiffa CqU's old.stylo re volver and holster, There seems to;.opinion prevalent that I havtbis weapon,, whic.h . is , -an enXj.vey jvrong jmpnession, there fore Ji take .this.m.ejhoU ofepur iu' thi, veapofi, for the" Captain. (Pd ad - Wm. u. Flower. V When luck is dead against you and .everything loo.ks black, it does no good to falter or tjrn up on your track: it does no good be wailing the errors you hav made. or counting ,all the. byways in which your feet have straye:!; it does no good insisting that others were at fault, for he who blames his comrades is hardly worth his salt; and weeping never helps you,or maltes the way less rough, lor tears are only water, and water 's. washy .stuff.' Brace up, O weary pilgrim brace up and be a man I Though fortune sorely 1 1 i j swots you, oo sun tne. oest jou cam Dame Fortune often tests us, to see how high we stack and if ?he sees us weeping, or turn ing on the trackj she sadly says: These pilgrims are bargain- counter goods, it's not worth while to show,, them the pathway from the woods!" So do not weep or languish when life seems void of hope,, for. teats are only water .and. water s flimsy dope. Walt Mason. IHTORTAN' 1 EVENTS V 0l llldli COLLEGE i AT fwWatch party and oyster supper a the K, P, hall on' New Year's eve, WIN TEH SlIORt COURSE JAN. 4-30 Agriculture, including Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, D.-jiryingi Hortl culture, Poultry Husbandry, -Insects, Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream ery AWmagerijent, Marketing, etc. Home Ucoilomlds,' including Cook Ing, Home Nursing," Sanitation, Sew ing Dressmaking and Millinery. Commerce, Including Business Man agement, Rural Economics, Business Law., Office Training. Farm Account ing, etc. Engineering Including Sliopwork and Hoadbullding. ' A general clearing house session of six days for the exchange of dynamic Ideas on the nfost pressing problems of the tithes. Lecturc3 by leading authorities. State conferences, EXTENSION SERVICE " Offers lectures movribje schools-, In ' stitutes aiid ntiweroui correspondent course's oli tequest. ' ' ' MUSiq? PlanoL Strlij, larid, jYqJc. No tuition. Wtce'd Mtt orT All rail jroads, For furtlmr Information addr, .'.The Ortf Agrlcwhural Cellij;e, iw.i2.i.ta.i.n cnuVAim. nuiMMi May Your , Christmas Be a ilerry One 9 9 9 9 9 And we desire fo'lhank t you for your liberal pat- J ronage in the past and $ trust to be favored with the same in thfe future..... $ SAUNDERS BRO'S. Richland; Oregon i RICHLAND HOTEL MRS. S. D. JONES, Manager RICHLAND - 6REGON 'i'he Best Equipped Hole' in the Panhandle. , Best, of Meals, Beds and Service. Traveling Men aftd tho General Public arc invited to make it their headquarters Rates Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed nr.iifiiroWiTJBTfiTlll .... ? T 0