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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1914)
lll iasa Cecil. R hones monumunt RHODESIA preserves in Itsnaino tho memory of tho umpire builder Cecil Ithodcs, to whoso cournKcouB foresight Its ex istence In duo. Untortunato ly, ho wan too luto to occuro for tho territory tho outlet to tho Hoaboard without which every country la moro or Iobb of a dopondency, nays tho Montreal Family Herald and Wookly Star. On either sldo of Rhodesia, cast and went, already oxtendod two great Gorman colonics. To tho south of Hast German Africa and to tho north of West German Africa was a Pop tuguoso colony, no that all hopo or gaining a deep water frontago for llhodcsla by natural extension was cut off. Gorman WcBt Africa Is not a very valunblo posscsBlon, bolng generally roclty, eterllo, unwholosomo, and having no safo harbors. It pos sesses dlamantlfcrouu "bluo clay," however, which has produced somo, If so far not many, diamonds, and tho rocks may contain minerals, Both tho westorn and eastern col onies rccelvo subsidies from tho homo govornmcnL But, thon, tho Germans aro not trained In tho busi ness of managing colonies. Undor Ilrlttsh rulo, tho eastern colony, at any rato, would havo boon solf-sup-porting from tho first. It Is fortllo, and has wide stretches of valunblo land. Cotton docs well thoro. Shoop thrivo ns well as In Australia. Thoro aro no fatal pests for cattlo, oxcopt Ing far Inland, and tho trouble Is not exceptionally eorloua. In fact, German East Africa would bocomo a socond Argentina undor really capable management. Fine for Stock Rtlslng. The recent purchaso of a largo tract of land in IlhodeBla for tho purpoBo of stock raising by an Amer ican syndlcato has drawn tho atten tion of tho publlo to tho possibilities that exist in South Africa for this Industry. If proporly dovelopod that country would In time becomo a serious com petitor to the Argentine Republic, which hoadB tho world's list today as a moat exporter. There would bo no trouble about summer feeding. Thoro aro largo tracts of land on tho high voldt that are unsultablo for cultivation, bolng stony by naturo, which produco good crops of grass, flvo or six months of the year. On theso at present aro grazed a limited num ber of cattlo, Bheop and goats, which could bo very largoly increased in number wore provision made for win tor feeding by Use growing of corn, cr othor forolgn crops In northorn coun tries, Tho Boer furmor of today la slowly recovering from the enormous losses he sustained In tho late war, when his sheep and goats woro slaugh tered by the thousand and his cuttle commandeered for military purposes. But in R fw years more he should have his stock replenished In the nat ural course of events, unless he loses mors ftHlmatM Uihh usual through some of (ho sicknesses of (he couHtry, Plve-Theussnrf-Aere Farms, Tho Hvorttgo hIm uf h term runs to about flvo thousand writ, but when we conslilor Hint tliU will jirwlmbly lie 4uri jiurt of u kopju or mountain, and that probably half of It is of very llttlo valuo oxcopt for grazing, thoro is nothing wonderful about that Tho only parts that aro put un dor cultivation aro tho valleys and otrotches by tho rlvcrsldo. It an ordinary farmer puts 100 acres under cultivation ho Is considered to bo farm Ing In a largo way. Altogether thoro aro 439,075 squaro miles of land In northern and south ern Rhodesia, on which thcro is a population of only 1,C03,CG0, and only 20,000 of th cs o whites. Tho country linB no direct outlet. Its communication with tho sea be ing through Portugucso East Africa. Two-thirds at IcaBt of southern Rhodesia Ho thrco thousand fect and moro above sea lovol, about a quarter of this being over four thousand feet, tho highest ground being woll suited. from n cltmatologlcal point of vlow, for European settlement Generally speaking, RhodcBla Is not a country for tho man without cap ital; tho whlto population Is at pres ent Inconsiderable In numbers and Is. In a great measure, scattered over the country on farms and In small mining centors. Thcro arc, in conBtnuonco, no communities sufficiently largo to offer regular work to moro than a very limited number of artlBans, or city la borers. It Is generally accepted that successful farming necessitates a min imum capital of $0,000 to $10,000. Un improved land Bella at about $1.70 per aero and upwards. Laborers Live on Farms. Tho labor problem is got over by allowing a number of Kafirs to Uvo on tho farm. Thoy havo permission to cultlvato a cortaln amount of land and to grazo their pattlo and goats. In return they must glvo tho farm er a certain amount of their time for cultivating his land, and look aftor his cattlo. If Kafirs aro scarco tho farmer will probably Induco somo poor white families to locato on his farm, who glvo their labor In exch&ngo for the prlvllogo of living on the farm. Thoy build their owu housos and cultivato enough land to glvo thom a living, but very seldom grow any thing to sell. Tho vrow or wife looks aftor the garden and fowls, tho oggs gonerally going to tho nearest store In oxchango for such nccossarlos of llfo aB Btigar and tea. Tho high voldt farmor can, by Judi cious burning of the grass on certain soctlons, keep a supply of greon grass all winter, and thoroby keop his cat tlo In good condition. Somo follow an other course Thoy hire a farm on tho low voldt whoro tho grasB Is bet tor in winter, and bring tho Btock by slow marchos rrom tho highlands to tho hlrod farm, grazing thorn by tho road over which they travel, As there are practically no fences, ex cepting around cultivated land, there Is no dllllculty In feeding on the way, s a Tropical Country, It must not be forgotten Rhodesia Is entirely within the tropics, which extend to the twentythlrd degree of latitude on either side or the Squalor, ami that, generally speaking, It is In this art) that a uniformly high tew porature prevails, tho moan nhnuhI figure buliig Mt from 73 duKrees ta 12 (Ink-roe KMhroiiliolt, The HVursK for tho wliolo of JIIioiIiiuIh Is, liowovor. coiiNltlitrHhly Josh IIiiiii (his, owliiir to the ttltfurtuicu lie ulwiuilu -I.I ;r W. - -- ' Kansas Town Rightly Named, It whs a sad looking llttlo town, like all the rest just a main street and few stores and houses set down In the midst of the Illimitable waste. Our train stopped there, I saw a man acroes tho alslo look out of the window, scowl, riso from his scat, throw up his arms and ox claim, addressing no ono In particular: "How can they stand living out hero 7 I'd rather be dead I " My companion and I had been speak IfJH of tho fiatno thing, wondering how people could onduro their lives in such a place. "Como on," ho said, rising. "This la the last stop heforo wo get to Colo rado, Lot'H get out nnd walk." I followed him from tho car and to tho station platform. Looking away from tho station wo gazed upon n foreground, tho prln clpnl scenic grandeur of which was supplied by a hitching post Beyond lay tho Inevitables main street and dis mal buildings. Ono of them, as I re call It, was painted sky-blue, and bore the simple, unostentatloua word "Ho tel." My companion gazed upon tho scene or a tlmo. Ho look6d melancholy Finally, without turning his head, lit spnko: "How would you llko to got off and spend a week hero somo day7" "You mean got off somo day and pond a week," I corrected. "No. I mean get off and spend a week somo day." I was Htlll cogitating over that when ho train started. Wo scrambled aboard and, resuming our scats In tho observation car, looked back at the receding station. There, In strong, black letters on a white Blgn, we saw, for tho first time, tho namo of tho town: MONOTONY! Colllor's. Are Your Hands Tied? by a ehronto disease common to woman klfldf Yea eel dull headachey? Hack ache, pain here fend there diwlne or perhaps hot flahe7 There's nothing yes cm aeeofflplteb nothing yea can enjojj There's no good reason or it beeesee you em Had permanent relief fa DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription Mrs. Fannie If. Brent of Bryant Nelaon Co., Va., writes: "I believe I had every pain and acho a woman could have, ray back was weak, and I Buffered with nervousness and could not sleep at night Suffered with soreness In my tight hip, and every month would have spells and hare to stay In bed. I bare taken eight bottle of your 'Favorite Prescription' and one vial of your 'Pleasant Pellet'. Can now do my work for six in family, and feel liko a now woman. I thtak it Is the best medicine in the world for women. I recommend it to all my iriesde and many of them hare been greatly benefited by It. I Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT FXLLET8 Relieve JLlver Ills! HOW TO HEAL SKIN AND SCALP TROUBLES A Baltimore doctor suggests this simple, but rcllablo and inexpensive, homo treatment for pcoplo suffering with eczema, ringworm, rashes, and similar Itching skin troubles. At any rollable druggist's get a Jar of Rcslnol Ointment and a cako of Reslnol Soap. With tho Reslnol Soap and warm water bathe the affected parts thoroughly, until they aro froo from crusts and the skin Is softened. Dry very gently, spread on a thin layer of tho Rcslnol Ointment, nnd cover with a light bandage. This should be done twice a day. Usually tho dis tressing itching nnd burning stops with tho first treatment, and the skin soon becomes clear and healthy again. Beware of the Japanesel Tho diabolical secrecy and cunning of tho Japanese aro nt last fully ex posed. Dr. S. L. Gullick, missionary in Japan for 26 years, avers that he never heard a JapancBO express a de sire for tho Philippines or a business man envy us onr advantages there, or a newspaper rofer to them ns oven a remote goal of Japanese ambitions. Now York PoBt. Not From West Indies. Somo tlmo ago tho teacher of a pub lic school wns Instructing a class In geography, and svhen It came time to hand out a few questions she turned first to Willie Smith. "Willie," said she, "can you tell me what Ib one of the principal products of tho West Indies?" "No, ma'am," frankly answered Willie, after a moment's hesitation. "Just think a bit," encouragingly re turned the teacher; "where does the sugar como from that you use at' your llOUBO?" "Sometimes from the store," answer ed Willie, "and sometimes wo borrow Jt from tho next-door neighbor." Phil adelphia Telegraph. A Rebuke. "Mary followed Edward," mumbled tho high school girl, who was trying to fix tho sovereign of England in her ' mind. j "What's that?" spoko up grandma, who had bcon dozing. "Mary followed Edward." "Then you keep away from Mary. I don't want you to go with them kind. Girls is getting too bold." Louisville Courier-Journal. NEW HOTEL HOUSTON Dave Houston. Proo. IL II Thorsnes. Mux. Thoroughly modern. 101 Rooms of comfort. Mod- rrt Trices. Thrco minutes' walk from Union Dtot. Write for rate. 72 N. So St rWTlANC. OR. WEEKS' BREAK-UP-A-C0LD TABLETS A guaranteed remedy for Colds and La Grippo. Price 25c of your druggist it s goou. Take nothing else. Adv. Kola Tablets have many friend who use them a a genera) tonic and for Kidney trouble, Trice 25a per box. 6 boxen for tl.00. For tale V Laue-DavU Drue Co.. 3d and Yinihlll SU Portland. Ore. Reflections of a Barber. It's a gono hair that has no return ing.. Toupees cover n multitude of skins. A dull razor gathers no tips. A molo on tho neck Is worth two on tho mush. When hairs fall out, then harbors sell their dope. As tho wig is blent, tho fee Is de fined. A rolling domo purchases no tonic. A strop in tlmo shaves nlno. Kan sas City Times. If "Tho Only Son" got mixed up with tho Eloven American Whirlwind Boautles would "Tho Circus Man" rescuo him from tho Bower of Molody? Million Eggs Lost In Breakage. Tho Now York market loses n mil lion ogga n yoar by breakage Balti more American. We Will Do Your m m t&'We purchase anything from a Needle to an Auto. Special attention to Dressmakers anil Mall Orders. Strangers accompanied on Shopping Tours. Write far Particulars. CLARE MOORE CO 213-214 Hotat Annex, Marrttw at Park. I'hont, Main 45JI, fOHTI.A.l, ORRCON Constipation causes and aggravates many serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favorite family laxative. Words and Deeds. "You should have heard Smith at the club lunch the other afternoon. "Ho certainly Is in love with his wife tho way he kept talking about her per fections. By the way, I didn't notice Jones there." "No, ho was at home, putting down the enrnot at their flat for tear his wlfo would havo to do It herself." Baltimore American. Breakage. She was but seventeen and very sweet, Her corn-fed costume was quite shocking; And when she slipped upon the icy street Sho tore a great big hole In her silk umbrella. Cincinnati Enquirer. Sho was sweet Blxtcen, and you know that means The happiest time that life can send her; But when she stepped high to the car She busted the strap of her imag ination. Memphis Commercial-Appeal. She'd passed eighteen, this sunny little miss, She Bat and chatted with young Spoonyun Root Ho. picked a thread aB ho bestowed a kiss At home, sho found sbo'd lost her self-composure. Puzzling. "Isn't it strange that so few men discover the secret of success In life?" "Yes, but It's stranger still that the secret Is still a secret. Surely some of tho men who discovered it must have told It to their wives." Philadel phia Press. Ruptured Person lufTer more from Inexperienced truss flttlnjc than from hernia. Whr not buy yoar truss ran experts? Try Laue-Davie Dnur Co at 3d and Yamhill, Portland. Ore., who are ex pert and know bow. Next Bnnch. Young Lady How Is It you don't come to Sunday school, Katie? Katie Oh, please, Miss, I'm learn ing French and music now, and mother doesn't -wish me to take up religion till later. Philadelphia Ledger. Carriers and Forest Fires. Rural carriers are now required to report forest fires throughout the United States to proper authorities. Indianapolis News. Tobacco Habit Cured Kot only io users of pipe and cliram. but the ricious cigarette habit is overcome by uslnar the "NITRITE" treatment. Price complete, postage paid, tl.OO. Laue-DavU Drue Co.. 3J and Yam hill. Portland. Or. (When writing mention this paper.) Too Free and Easy. . 'jyi& . "How about a tar roof for your ho tel?" asked the agent. "Not In this town." declared the landlord of the Umphsvllle house. "Tho boys have already carried off half my beds for tar-and-feather par ties. I don't want 'em to begin on my roof." Louisville Courier Journal. Rheumatic Throat Is Common Trouble Should Be Treated in Blood To Prevent Recurrence, So He Bought. "Why are you plunging In chicle and rubbe"r today?" Inquired tho New York broker. "Had a hunch," explained the cus tomer. "Heard an old farmer say 'By gum' just now ns I came through Wall street," Louisville Courier-Journal. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Bje lteuicdy for Itetf, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Byelidtt; No Smarting iustKye Comfort. Write for Book of tbe Eye by taalllfree. Murine Kye Remedy Co., Chicago. Poultry Raising at Home. "Ever ralso poultry, old chap?" "Not exactly. But I read chicken literature overy night, and I havo a graphophone record of a hen who has laid nn egg." Louisville Courier-Jour nal. Amber Glass In Goggles. To protect tho eyes of motorists at night from glaring hcadllghtB, goggles have been Invented, the upper portion of tho lenses of which are of dark umber glass. Skating Rink of Salt. In Berlin there has been constructed a skating rink with all tho properties of ice, but mndo of salt, tho Invention or a German scientist. London Tit-Bltsi There arc successful garbles that atop soreness la tho throat, but to prevent their incessant return, the blood oust be put ta order. The best remedy is B. S. S., as It influences all the' functions of tbe 'body to neutralize the irritants or waste products nnd to stimulate their excretion through tbe proper channels, Itheumatic sore throat is a dangerous indication, as it means that the blood la loaded with moro uric add than tbe kid neys can excrete, and may thus lead to lerlous general disturbance. The action of S. 8. S. stimulates cellular activity. It prevents tho accumulation of irritants in local spots. It enables the arteries to supply quickly the sew red blood to replace worn-out tissue. For this reason uric acid that finds the throat an easy prey to its brcaklnK-dowa Influence, Is scattered, and eliminated. la other words, 8. 8. 8, prevents chronic con ditions by enabling all the mucous llalns ot tbe body to secrete bealthy mucus. Its Influence is shown In a marked Improve ment of the bronchial tubes, whereby the husklncBs of tolce with thick, Kraylsb. ex pecturatious is overcome. S. 8. H., well diluted with water, mcrns a blood bath, since it is welcome to any stomach and at once pets into the blood. H. 8. 8. Is free of all minerals and eea- wclMiaTahced health! " " " You can Ret It at amy drug store, but m not accept anything else. There Is danger In substitutes. H. 8. 8. Is prepared only by The Kwlft 8pecl0e Co., 8S8 Swift Hid.. Atlanta, (!a. Our MihIIcsI Dept. will irtve you free Instruction. Iir wall on any subject of blood disorders. Write today. Dangerous Occupations, It Is assorted that moro children are smploycd in dangerous occupations P. N. U, He. 12, 1914 employed in uiiiiuoroiiH oroupatious i ' now than ,10 years pro. Indianapolis ' WHK.V wrl t adrtriUe, 4m . Nawh, 1 Umi at Hnr. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES W hum (QutU foUr ! MiMir 4i llin y ettw 4yt, lUiiYruVmt gvtmt4ti to vUt flit, W4, Cvllwi wui Ml 4 CtuJ cm Mbi W (mte t4. Will U fid Uaitt "J(v l ly uU HU Okii," (tUnUi. IMloi, WO WW PKUO COHJVlHY, Vtftimn 1, Qubwy, Viimi.