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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1914)
SPEND THAF AT HOME AN HOME WILL PROSPER T1 A flT IT1 TAT T TJ,X7r TVTTr"fira VOLUME 3, NO. () RICHLAND, OREGQN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, JL914 $1.50 A YEAR W, HL STRAYER Attorney at Law fourth Floor Sonmers Building Baker, Oregon ;H.A.CLEMENS U. S, Commissioner Halfway, - Oregon A. A. SMITH ATTY AT LAW i HAND BLD'G - PAKEIi A. H. Williams DENTIST Now at his office in Richland and will remain here until February 15 3 UJOODSON L. PATTERSON II ATTY AT LAW COMMISSIONER . OREGON u. s. RAKER I H. MC ARTHUR B. A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON " 'hone twp long? on all lines, day or night. ifUCHLAND OREGON N. SANDERS Physician and Surgeon Ofiko in Oover Bulldlnp. Phone Central daytime. One long rliijr on nny phono at rilght. ICHLAND OREGON !EV. FRANK HOPKINS 'astor of Methodist Church in ' wtMnrwl riml Inin 1 tnnin2Antn Kvoof tho Idaho State Life isuranco Co. Am always lady to minister to your needs till go any whf.-ro at any time y or night, ram or shine, hot cold, when I am called Will to llobinetlo, Sparta, New idge or anywhere my sei- vies are needed, sso cnargo ft services rendered. C. TIMMS JEWELER rieh Halfway, Oregon Up-taifatc Line of Jewelry lo Select From Watt), Clock, Jewelry Repairing V'mioix yearn Factory Experience Lcntii repair work at Riolilc ' ''linr limry u same will baforwHrueil u twhiei- Work uariitcHl HutUfwel THE BAND CONCERT. Those who failed 10 attend the concert on Saturday ovening,jiv cn by the Eagle Valley Cornet ftand missed the treat of the sea son. The boys wereJI at their l)pst and every number was greeted with applause. The band opened the. entertain ment by playing a cake walk. Ihon gave a march and two Blep. Miss Either Saunders and C. J. Tubbs wero next on the program with a violin and piano duot, which waa rendered with great delight lo nil tl)o audience. A skotch entitled "Dent's! OIHcc Boy" was then put on by A!, en Wright, Chas. barber and plarence Haley. Each of the boys did oxceedimrly well and ! we are sure that their efforts were appreciated by all. After a quickstep by the bano Messru. Will, Walter and Fred saunairs, ana u. J. tudos sang "Down By The Old Mill Stream" in a very pleasing and satisfac tory manner. Tlrs was followed by a mono logue by Henry Cooper, that sure was a cracker-jack. Then a sketch entitled "Mickey Free" was uiven by Messrs. Walter and Will Saunders and Francis llerr. This was comical in ihe extreme and was acted with a vim that brought out the comedy to the best advantage. A waltz and two step by the band completed the program. The floor was then cleared and a dance announced,, at which a number of couples enjoyed them selves until midnight. Considering the fact that the boys have had but little time to practice since announcing the en tertainment, the program was exceedingly good, and we are sure that if they give another in the near future the people will greet them with a larger audi ence. A neat sum was realized, but not enough to free them from debt entirely. Sunny Slope Wilis. The Halfway Basket Ball team composed of Messrs. Holland HUff, Earl Holley, "Duteh" Hahs, S. Parker and Mr. Potter, played with the Sunnyside team at the gymnasium last Saturday night. The .game was interest ing from start to finish and quite a crowd was present. The score was 40 to 17 in favor of Sunny side. Notice to Subscribers of Eagle Telephone Cditipany. The semi-annual office rent for the first half of 1915 was due Dpmmber 1st. It is urgently re quested that all call and pay up before JaqUary ist. ad) Eagle Telephone Co. "MotheVs" mush is becoming" rt household word, havo you tried it' A new shipment just in ad) SftUndai'i Bro'il. 18. SULLIVAN INJURED An accident that camp very near resulting fatally, occuredon tlic road running south from town lust Saturday alternpn. Mrs. E. E, Sullivan, accoTnpanr ied by her two children, Donald and Jessie and Ivie Masterson, were going homo from town and when near Gio, Gordon's place! the horse became frightened at load of pipe which was standing near the road, and run away Swerving to one side, the buggy collided with a telephone post, throwing the occupant out. Mrs. Sullivan struck tjffc post . ith her leshoufrier, l.reaking the shoulder blade, fntcturjng vwo rjba and was- thervyise bruise J, (f-' She was immediately takt?n; in to the Gordon home and mimical nid summoned, and later removed .o her own home, where she.' is now resting as well as could be jxppcted. Ivie Masterson was rendered "jnconscious for several minutes, but beyond a number of scratches and bruises, the children were uninjured. - The buggy qnd harness were badjy wrecked. Oyster SupperWatch Party. An oyster supper will bt given by the Pythian SiBtiirs aft thcrl J. hall on Npw Years eve. A .vatch party will also be held at A'hich three watches will be fetv- jxcellent work, but informed us .Midway one to the most popu, that politics are hampering th lar lady, one to the most popular! vffprt3 0f tho wardens ihrough niss and one to tho homljest per-! qut the state and that unless they on of mfsculine gonder, Don't are eliminated the fullest good fail to be in attendance, for there from the organization cannot be will be lots of fun. Word was received last Friday of the death of Airs. E. Samis, a former- resident of Eagle Valley, at the home of her daughter at Lakeport, California. Mrs. Wm. Williams, another daughter, was on her way from Richland to her! mother's bedside, when death came.. Tho four children of Mrs. Davis, mention of which was madfi in thede columns last week, havo bean takdn to Portland and placed in the care of the Boys and Girls Aid Society, You can sell all your hides and pelts, either dried or green, at Morris' Meat Market. Bring them in. Jad Mrs. J. N. Carroll underwent a surgical operation last Saturday, and is getting along nicely. Oyster supper and watch party at the K. P. Hall, December 81. Dressmaking Kemdciii'ng - At my residence in tho Brooks' house, one block north at P. 0. Mrs, Mary Kirk Richland, Oregon COMING TO THE FRONT Through tho efforts of Prof. J. Lewis Jphnson, principal of the Eagle Valley High School, the board have authorized the pur chase of about $175 worth of ap paratus for "conducting experi mentsand demonstrating theories in the physics department. This places the school on an equal foot ing, if not ahead, of any school of like sizn in the state, in being able to teaph th:s studv in a man- j that will make itinteresling ; underslanf'able and convincing. ; The apparatus, while, not a3 ex-i tensive as some, is first class a very respect, and thanks ar& Jrie the board for their interest in the welfare of the students. Prof. J. Lewis Johnson is evidently the right man in the right place, and although he has only-been here a short time, has done a great dea) to advance the school work, and Eagle Valley is o be congratulated in securing his services. Game Warden Makes Visit. W. E, Leffel, deputy state game warden of LaGrande, was a visitor in Richland, Saturday and Suncjay, having been notified that parties were trapping in violation of the law in this vicin ity.,unable to'get any conclusive evidence so went on, to Halfway. 'Mr. Leffel is an en thusiastic sportsman and is doinu obtained. After the first of the year Deputy I. B. Hazeltine, of Canyon City, will move to Baker md look after Baker and Union :ountle, and Mr. Leffel wjll have Wallowa county. Remittance Acknowledged. In a lttter from the Qreffn 3elgjan Relief Committee at Portland, acknowledging tho re ceipt of a draft for $13.63, sent from here last week. Samuel Hill, the chairman, states: "I wish to thank your committee for the prompt and effective way in which you have handled tho mat ter. Kindly express the thanks and appreciation of this commit tee for the prompt response to this worthy appeal"' Among the Richland visitors Saturday evening in attendance at the basket ball game and the band concert and dance were the following from Halfway: Misses Wilson, Irwin, Holley and Edith i Irwin, and Messrs. Carl Pbttor and Sailor Thomas. l$o sure that your "New Years" dinner table is set with "Community" silver, our line 'is complete. Saunders Bro'8. (ad Your ChriBtmas presents have a'l been boughMwhy not pay up our subcripMonow; A MERRY CHRISTMAS To all my patrons in Eagle Valley, and may I merit your patrpnagp in the future. H. I ELSKAMP BAKER, - .OREGON Corner Main andCenten, ; ! luUILAND I Livery and Feed I Stable - - 4 RICHLAND ROBINETT STAGE 1 LI Nfi I N CON N EGTION r "atagii' leaved Utchlantl 8JtC- L m, J j. Arrives at Robinct "0;t .Qturning leaves R.'uPtt 1:30, ? arrives ct llh'Wju4 Z'J&Q p. n ' Good teams and tournoutu, s flUIJIlr IUIU Il4jb UiUCO UviVlCC IU A overy patron. Travehnij men's g patronage Bolicjtet) I FRED COOPER. Prop Richlana .'. Oregon J&m-r XJ. BA1RD & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EM3ALMERS Caskets and Shrouds of AH Sizes Ahvnjj in Stock. RICH LAND. . OREGON Thono : Two ehorts, One long . :mqw CIGAR STORE iDepct News Stand) 3AKER, r . OREGON Cigqrs. Tobacco, Candies, Fresh fruits, Soft brinks, Daily Papers, Magazines. Vhen in the city don't fail to. call and renew acquaintance. FRED FRASER, Prop Qrabill Hotel Building. 1 T. J. REDDICK BARBER Richland Oregon AGENT FOR THE PURITAN TAILORS OF CHICAGO i A If you are thinking of get- A y ting a now Suit or Overcoat y a coma in and see samples, t Perfect fit guaranteed. ) S. S. Start & Go Real Estate Insurance Exchange a" Specially BAKER OREGON --'4 "l