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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1914)
SPEND THAT $ AT HOME AND HCDME Wlli.L PROSPER AGLE VALLEY NEW Li P VOLUME 2, NO. 50 r . ' A. A. SMITH ATT'Y AT LAW pAtyL) BLD'G . RAKER A. H. Williams DENTIST Now at III Office Jn Cornucopia Ore rfoir Watoli for announcement of Richland Uatci. ALL WORK FIRST CLASS I WOODSON L. PATTERSON ATT'Y AT LAW U.S. COMMISSIONER DAK Eft ' r , 0UK0( UON I H- N?C ARTHUR B. A. 7? phfYSICIAN AND SJJRGEON 'l)on two longs on all linos, $ay or night. HIGHLAND V ORgapN N. SANDER Physician and Surgeon Office in Cover Duilding. I'hoiie Central daytime. Orio lon rififr on nny phone at night WCHLANp C-REGflN REV. FRANK H0PKIN5 I IlI , li I I i J nil i i ! Pastor of Methodist Church in Richland, and local repro?enta tivoof the Idaho State Life Insurance Co. Am always I ready to minister to your needs win go anywnore at any umo day or night, rain or shine, hot or cold, when I am called Will go to Robinatto, Sparta, New Bridge or anywhere my ser vices are ncedod. No charge for services rendered, Hotel Rogers First Street. Near Washington Bilker, Oregon A rirst class Hotel at a moder ate price, Special Rates to Ji'a gle and Pino Valloy people. I. B. ROGERS. Pi op. JENSEN CREAMERY CO, BUYERS OF CREAM - ft. M. Kirk, Resident Manager ftlCHLAflP OREGON Next Tuesday Morning Vote "332 X Yes'' for State Wide Prohibitioii DEATH OF 18. DESCH XL Olive Cecelia Dcsch, wife of S II. Dcsch, diod very suddenly a imu tnis Thursday; morning. nged 44 years and 9 months. sno was apparently jn good health up Jo 0 o'clock Wednesday ovening whop she complained o severe pains in the back of the neck; a physician was called and after a short time she fell asleep and never regained conscious pess. A burstcd blood vessel is supposod tp have boon the cause. From the first she seemed to fee that death was near and spoke of the fact that she was going to die. htiabnnrl. ft fat.hntv W. W. Whnnl or at Glenn's Ferry, Idaho, a son, H. C. Desch of Portland, am two daughters, Mrs. C. J. Tubbs : 1 vi . i . nu norma uuacn. The family have only been resi dents of the valley since last February, having came here from Boise, Idaho, and have the sympathy of the entire commun ity, The funeral will be held at the Methodist church Sunday after noon, Rev. Frank Hopkins, of Jlciating. Money Raised for Mortgage. The Methodist church of Rich and haye determined to pay off ;he church debt of- $1000, and that interest has taken on con crete form. Last week Thomas Siegel and John Fraser, Esq., wp of the trustees, canvassed the val'ey soliciting funds, and succeeded in raising about $500 in cash and subscriptions. Near ly everyone approached by the twp men contributed something, thus portraying the liberality of the people of our epmmunity. The church has decided to pay at least half of the debt now, and the balance next year.' Frank B. Mitchell, Republican candidate for State Senator spoke at the O' era house Wednesday evening to a large crowd. He stated emphatic ally that he is against the $1500 exemption and the 8 hour laws, If you want aluminum ware I we have it and almost as cheap as enameled, and it is guaranteed for 20 years, as good as any other, and much cheaper. E.&W. Chandler. (adv Frank Bradford, of Sumpter, wob in Richland on business the first ot the week While here ho purchased 160 acres of land from H, II. Moody, Don.t be late to your work, buy one of our "Wireless" alarm clocks and be on time, several now styles just in, Saunders' Bros. (adv) Next Tuesday Morning Vote "332 X Yes" For Stato Wide Prohibitian. (adv FOR SALE 160 acrts heavily timbered land in upper canyon of Powder Ulver, never failing spring of water. Sod. 32 Twp. 9 R, 44, Mr. A. E, Wilsoh 309. N. Broad way, LMhgto'H Ky, (Adv) RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1914 MIGHT GET IN TROUBLE The fact has been eajled to opr attention that it is tho habit of a few young boys of Richland to secure guns and go hunting in and around the val'oy. ft is said they shoot at anything aim ev erything in the way of game, in and out of season; in fact one of them was seen to shoot a Chinese pheasant recently. We under stand very fVw of them' carry i license apd 'never ask permission of owners to hunt pp the land. A numbjer or residonts are intend ing to report conditions to proper authorities unless this is stopped. However, wo believethe boys do not wish to break the game laws intentionally, but Jo so through thoughtlessness, and hope they are all guod sports" enopgh to listen to a word of warnjngfrom "a friend' of tho boys.?' J. is, Hoicomo raised more v ev a t than 300 tons of tomatoes and over 2 tons of beans on 2Q acres tne past season. Listen, Brother Voter! There are 800,000 ministers in the United States!' It js pot very wonderful then, if he Liquor Traffic can find a half dczeri "dead dpg'' in this vast list of ministers who will dance to the nusic of hell's, dum dum--bythe Iz of beer. You saw the list in the advertisement put out by that farce organization which calls it self by the self stylpd name of ' The Wage Earners and Tax Payers League"! How do you ike that' list of ministers? wi q dance to hell's music and are in partnership wjth the poyjl! lp rue minister ot Jesus (jurist is in league or favor whatsoever, with the Liquor Traffic. There it w J 4 are a ltiVY Vypives ln oneep s Clothing who danpe tg the music of This Hell's Siren Song, but np rue Minister does it. I'll bet my bottom dollar so to speak that every one of foe ,4Pet Darlr ing" Preachers apd Priests whose names appeared in that l;st (if ho ljsj; is tryo) are Booze Drinkr ersj But it is very doubtful if his js a true list, as the Liquor Gang can't be trusted two inches! They are accustomed to do any thing and say anything to carry their pointl But partner, when you seb or hear of a Dog of a Preacher, barking for Hell's Monster, the Liquor Traffic, just drop him quick, for he is one of the Devil a Boxtoons as sure as ho Wor d. and that's all There s To It. Frank Hopkins, 'aid Advortisoment I. W. Rostermund-t camo over roiti Baker Tuesday to renew ac quaintances after ten years Ab sence. Ho claims the distinction of having started tho first butch er shop in Richland and has a host of friends in Eagle Valley. Next Tuesday Morning Vote "332 X Yes" For Staft Prohibitioii 0C1L AND OTHERWISE J. N. Carfolfmade a business trip to Sparta this week. WaJterE, Cupdiff epenj; thp first 6t tho' week jn Baner. A good short story in the sup plement. jBe spre to read jt. Remember the Chicken dinner at tne gymnasium c;i ejjetyon day. ' ' " Miss Imogene Copper carr.e in from baker on ihp auto stage Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Downing rode over from Halfway, Monday afternoon. Mrs. S. D. Jones and daughter Mrs. Chester Evans Jeft Monday for Portfand. Mr. and Mrs. Ed hartley's baby, Marvin was gue JJ1 the first of this week. Wm, L, Gover erecting a neat flve-iroom cottage at his ranch north of town. Get the habit. Parker's Movies at New Bridge, Friday night, at Richland, Saturday, (adv Walter Campbell is having an addition, 14x26 feet, puilt onto nis residence on Jiia&ie. urepK. 300 pjeces granite-ware on . jsalp Tuesday, NpvM 3rd, your choicf lbc, at Saunders' tiros, (ady Mrs, JD. A. Whittfar -came in fronirBaker, Saturday, for a visit f 1 1 I Witn qer relatives apq numerous fnen,d3. Mrs, R. B. Gibson, who has been vjsiting here for several days past, returned to Baker Wednesday. Next Tuesday Morning Vote "332 X Yes" Fpr State Wide Prohibition. (adv Don't overlook the Baskrot So cial for the benefit of the Eagle Valley Cemetery, at the K. of P. Hall, October 31. For men's sweaters, under wear, overshirts, hqls, and caps for winter wear, be sure to see Kendall's complete Ijne. (adv.) Arrangements are being madeJ for a match in Riphland soon be tween Jim Downing gnd a man whose namo we failed to learn. Miss Merjs monis of New Bridge, who is taking the teach-? ers preparatory course at the High School ip Baker, is spending the week with her parents. All we ask is for you to try a can of Chase and Sanborns, teas or coffees. . If you are not satisfied, we will cheerfully re fund your money. Frank Clarke Agent. (Adv.) Mackinaws. we have a good line yet to choose from, in sizes from 28 to 44. in plaids, stripes and navajo, in red, blues, tans, brown and green all Up to 4tlie minutdih cut rind make, priced from $4.75 to $12.00, worth more. E. & W. Chandler, (adv 1380 gallons of cream was shipped from Richland by the Walla Walla Ci'.eamery during the month ending October 26. W. A. Bihheimer, their local reproient ative informs Us that this la the 8urilest it has been for several tnonthi, ! $1.50 A YEAR . nan. D. m; CARTMILL Republican Candidate for State Representative My policy is ."more economy in pubjic affairs, semiannual pay ment of taxes, elimination of use less laws and consolidation of. commissions, ancr'if elected my efforts will be" to these ends." Am" a farmer and heavy tax payer of Baker counjfcy: have lived here almost 30 years and all .my; interests are in Baker county " 1 I'i'tftvSrtisement, R. P, ANDERSON Candidate for Sheriff r . ' Law Enforcement; Economy, . and Efficiency Election, Nov. 3. (Paid Advertisement) W, H, STRAYER Democratic candidate for State Senator Remember him on election dai as a frjend to your interests ancj HOME BAKERY - AND RESTAURANT FPESH BREAD EVERY DAY ANYTHING IN THE PALTRY LINE BAKED ? 1U UKUJUK 4 RICHLAND OREGON RICHLAND x Limy and Feed Stable HIGHLAND ROBINETT STAGE IN CONNECTION lqaves RicJ)lan4 8:(K1 a. tn, 4r?iY98 at Jlotjiiiett Wl a. Itetuminff leave? Roh'nett 1:30, arrivps at BFnhlaud 3:30 p. I Good tpawe and tournouts, prompt an4 first class service to every patrol, Traveling inen's patronage solicited. FRED COOPER, Prop r . s a BAIRD & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS Cakt aud Blireud of All Size Alwy (a Stek IUOHLAND, OREGON l'lioHtj : Two horti Oti loty -I I I - i I