PeU6 tUAfi Af U6Me an'B U6k WILL p&6pm E ACtTjFj valley t J-J jljl a I JIM V a! I J I J I I JL J. VOLUME 2, N6. 48 RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER t5 L914 $1.50 A YEAR LI Ut1 N JLU VV K-7 PROFESSIONAL A.- A,- SMITH ATT'Y AT AW KANDBLD'G - PAKER i DENTIST Now at Hlff Office In Hnlfway.Qrcjjon Watdh" for jHlhounci'inept Of Rich land Dates. ALL WORK I'JRST CLASS s I WOODSON Li PATTERSON ATT'Y AT L AW M.S. COMMISSIONER DAK BR - Oil HOOK i H. MC ARTHUR fi. A. pWyslciAArVD' JhonJ' tvto'longs on all lines, tfay oT night. itt'ctfWKD V W'cEOON i N.. SANDERS PhysiclarfncT Surgeon J'ffica In GovcfjBuinilng. I'liono Uontrnl tlytliti(j:n,One lonf? rfnjr on any phonu c niht. . .. RICHLAND OREGON REV. FRANK' HOP'KfNS .'aator of Methqp'ist Church in ftcMand. and local repro?enta ive of the Idaho State i ife nsurnnco Co. Am always ready to minister to your nf cds Will go anywhere at any time day or night rain or shine, hot or cold, w hen I ad called Will So to Robinetlo. Sparta, New Vidgc or any where my sp yices are needed. .No charge for services rendered. WM. TL, FLOWER JSOTARV PUBLIC AVtfnt for LIVERPOOL, LONDON mm) GLOBE PENNSYLVANIA AMEHICAN CENTRAL Insurance Co. of North America a ETNA INSURANCE Co. A policy In ulthor m-wns lnsurunco, NBWS OK.?ICIi JIC HLAND, . Ohegon Hotel Rogers First Street Near ...Washington Buker,,Oreg0n, A riist class Hotel at a moder ate .price,' , Special Rates to Fa ge an-i Pino Valley pcuplc. fFOGFRS. Picjt .FOR SALE . 1G0 acrvs heavily timbered land In upper .anyon of Powder (tivor, never failing spring of water. Sec. 82 Twp. 9 tt. 44, Mrs.. A. E. Wilson 809, N. Bread Way Lexington Ky. (Adv) E t The Bell Telephone Company liavo had two young1" mbn, E. E. Sibray and E. H, Darby on the lino between' h'ero and Baker for tho past week examining the polrial They thoroughly tested each po!6' aV to soundness, as to length atVd as to distance ftfc tween each pole. On this report will likely" de pend some improvements a great extent, in the nature of new polos 'and oqulprrie'nt. Th Panhandle Is, a good' paying toll line for lljo company and there is no. reason apparent why the company should not jVut Ih a first class line and equipment be tween here and the .county sea. Of course this is only a sutfiosi but it looks as if the Dolt people were fiVireing on something of this sort. The Bell Telcphon system runs from Baker to Ricljland where it joins on -with the Bisher Tele phene system whjch goes on U Halfway. The local Telephone exchange is a co-operative one' known as The laglo Telephone Company. While not authentic, it is report ed.that the Eagle Telephone line will do some exter.sive repah work in t'he ?;ear future, A new line of poles has been strunp along the'&hd leading out east of town, though .for what com pany v as not , learned, howevt-i they art eitheM for the local peo ple' or the Bisher Telephone Company; Franik WaV.ingUn, of Bakei jdistrict manager of ger of the Jensop ;Crc&mjriXompany, was in Rich 'land Wcuneadoy, looking aftei tho company's interests. . He in forms U3 that although the chees 1 Ml t A iactcry win not common 'e oper ation until spring, they are al ways in the fnafket for cream. The council met cn Tuesday evenipg.and (ransacted the usu al business. . The finance com mittee report everything in good shape. No outstanding debts and money in the treasury. There are very few towns so well fixed.' E. R. Curfman .will teach the Yoncalla Ore. School thi3 term. Mr.- Curfman was formerly a res ident cf Eagle Valley, and mar rind Miss Blue of Ng.v Bridue. one oi Eagles most popular young ladies. . V. U. Kaiey ana wite are in Portland this week as delegates to the Knights of Pythias and Pythian sisters auxiliary conven tioni Ladies and Misses Dresses. A new line" just received direct from the menufacturor andlthey are .iust what you have been wanting! Come In while wo have your size" ajjd make your seec-j tion. E. & W. CHANDLER (Adv) Mr. arid Mi's. Walter Saunders, are the proud parents of a daugh- I'ter, born last Thurgdayi TELEPHON INSPEC TON t PERSISTENT RUMOR f8 AFLOAT Says Union High School Be fore Another Year Will Have New Home ' We do not vouch for thj as be" ing authentic but well some folks persist ih saying that the directors of the ITnibW fifgh are planning on gettj'ng the people to furnish a'jpe'tnianent h'ome for the Union H)W'$mo qt Rich land. Sever'al ot th would, should knoxv it people of the val ley have recently mentkfn'eJ that sucn wouia vt in.e csme ig it is t ...1J L il 1 J V to be hoped it wftj for the High School is certainly old enough and large enough to have per manent home where those who desire to travel through theh'gh er branches of learning as set forth by High School training can do so wttn assurance tnat every possible detail is being carefully attended to. " A proWfnent man recently re marked that be'fore another win ter the High School would be in its own home. Whether he knew what he was talking about or not is not known hut follov;- ing on tl is several others men tioned the fact and from this it is to be gathered thac a- move ment is on foot to start the High School right and make them feel at home and not like visitors by giving them a home to live in. At present the High School is occupying the uppar stiry oi the Grammar School and from th? way this atter institution :6s igrowing it looks like before long the High School will have no place to study in, in fact if the percentage of growth is mani fest next year that was this the Grammar School will likely have to enlarge its quarters and take possession of part of the upstairs. HALLOWEEN; Hallow'een Basket Sunnei' Sat- urday night &t;2i 1914. You 'are invited to come out and bring a basket or buy one. Proceeds for benefit of 'he E. V. Ceme tary. We are behinl some in paying Sexton ior his work and as the cemelaiy has be?n well cared for this season we should pay the wages due himi Suppej? a8 o'clock at K. of Pj Hall. Come cut and assist Ci Hs Craig W. K Baird --- C. C. Mason,' of New Bridge candidate for county commission er on the socialist ticket, called' Monday to inform usofan4 error in the article" fefemng to the county jfi'dga candidate in last Vveek's NEWS; He informs us tha Mr. Stark of Baker is also a candidate for that office. FORSALlSl 4 Jersey Heifer Calves and 2 two year old heifers jerseys R. A Masterson. (47 60 p adv.)' IN ANDABOUTMIOWN Last!- Friday the Ci'ty DaHb pro ceeded tp try out the sedtlon of the new concrete pipe line which H to replace the old flume. It certainly delivered the goods smd thn some". It proved itseif able to carry a great deal more water than the old Hume. The water ftrriVefd through at the request of Wri?. WfTgTi't Who' was suffering frdm lack of irriga ting wattfr dn his piace'. As soon ai this b t of irrigation is" finBhted the line wilt be pbshe'cf to a rapid finish. Ift will greatly add to the attractiveness of Main Street as it will be buried be neath the surface of the ground and will relieve the monotony of looking at the ojd moth eaten flume. It will also be a greater fire protection as it will have about ten feet of fall and by shutting down the gate apd using the engine to force the '-water it can be made to throw a stream of water over nearly any build- ,ing on Main Street; It will be a convenience oh account of rub bish not accumulating in the same and it will be easy for the property owners 16s benefit by it without turning Ch'e whote ditch off. Taken all together it is en tirely wofth while'. A PLEASANT SURPRISE. On Monday afternoon Mfs, Si las Saunders was most, pleasant ly surprised by a visit fro n eight of her old lady friends and neigh bors to assist in celebrating hf.r C4th birthday anniversary. . A dainty lunch was served and a most enjoyable time was had. The ages of those present ranged from 50 to 78; the total of nive being oer 600 years. Fred Cooper has added 3 con crete driveway to his livery sta ble that is certainly an improve ment worthy of mention. It will add a touch of beauty to this hustling property that will be appreciated by visitors. ,, , Tl e carpenters" are agalh at work on the improvement for the Drue; stqve. This will be among the handsomest struc tures in 'town when it is com pleted Overshoes, Rubber footwear for the entire family. Alaska Storni rubbers; Rubber Boots Aj-piS a colt! by" protecting the fee4;- Saunders Bio's (Adv.) noje;tte date, October 14 Sam Summers left for Baker with a mixed load of peaches and tomatoes unhurt by frost Newlvweds: Hold hands at Parker's Moviesi Saturay night or New gri.'g fi$py night See a poodhow and .see some more fellows get tidd up. (Adv.) MWuJohn Thompson vfsite'd in Baker, TueJidiiy.' & M. CRTMILL Republican Candidate for ! Stile Representative lijfyylic is" more economy in! publiiJ affairs' semi-annual pay- rtient of fa&p Elimination of use-; less laws dnd consolidation of dommissioris, dp.i j'f elected nry efforts will' bd" to these ends." Am a farmer and heavy tax-,' Kayerof Baker county; havelived; ere almost 80 vears and all mv - .interests are in BakeV cduiify7 1st & Pe ANDERSON Catididaf e hi Sheriff Law Enforcement, Economy ahd Efficiency Election, Nov. 3. (Paid Advertisement) HOME BAKERY AND RESTAURANT I' I'. FRESH BREAD I EVERY DAY ANYTHING IN THE PASTRY LINE BAKED TO ORDER RICHLAND OREGON I 7 -(-: rta? J '4- I ii:nvtt nvt1 T?nrr$ 2- Stable RICHLiCNt) ROBIN ETT STAGE JjINE IN CONNECTION otai-leaves Richland 8:00 a. m, Arrives at Robinetr 0;Hr h. m. Returning leaves R.-b(uect 130, arrives at Wrhtaud 3'SO p ni' . i. . . . . A' 9 r i, 3 - Griod tcairs and 1 -U .!', iourr noma. prcnirit and first class service .to ?ety patron, i'ravei'in nie'rl's patr patronage sblicueL' -J - FRED COOPER; Prop, Rklilffia Oregon t ! BAIRD 5' COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMER Caskets and Shrouds of.ll Sizes Always in Stock RICHLAND, OREGON Phono : Two shorts, Ono long JENSEN CREAMERY COi BUYERS OF CREAM R. M. Kirk, Resident Mana'f er Richland ' ' . ; voREGorfi