Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, October 01, 1914, Image 8

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'hi' '
fa II i
We give "Gold Bond" Stamps
t w vw vav v ww - -
Corn to Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel
Morrison Monday Sivt.. 28. a
covon pound bnby girl. Mother
and babo both doing: nicely.
You are all Cordially Invited
&$)& Irs Pull Unnm A 11 nf tll IftteXt fll
U.Il fffvlAlnn C KoTV lltl fill y
crecsdios 19 Velvets, Plushes Md
Sllks.&Uq . tipose ci?lck felt sport
bfcts ir; &gfe&t variety of colorings,
Fall and Winter Dress Goods in all
the latest shades and colorings, beau
tiful wool, crepes, serges, plaids and
mixed suitings
Waist Goods, in crepes, silks, impor
ted plaid silks, crepe de chine and
d 1 t r 1 -
omer De?amtui weaves . h
Ladies silk and creoe blouses just ar:
rived nd more coming, just the thing
for evening wear ,
Ladies' and Misses' Skirts in tlie new
styles and trimmed in the roman
stripes and plaids
Buy your Post Cards at tho
DrugStor6. (Adv.)
LOST, A ladies Elgin Gold
watch, marked "Mahal" on in
aido of caso.' Lost somowhoro
near Fred Govers place in Rich
land. Finder please return same
'to Fred Govor and Veceivo ro
wavd. Laxacold tablots" for that cohh
"Seal Brand"
Tho Conco of i
Utiivorsdi Appeal
In the camp'
the pot of gold at the
end of the long trail
because of its rich, full,
satisfying strength.
In 1 nnd 2 pound cans. Never in hulk.
Ground, Unground or Pulverized. . ..
Cbffee; 30c lb. Tea, 50c lb.
Richland .-. Oregon
If you want to be urto-tne-.rninute in style you 1 KcCKoo 90000000
should wear one. We have them in size from ?64 ! f . V A j?
to 46 so ve have your size and they are in all
lafpr mlnrinorc in shines and olaids. in price from
$4.75 to $12 You will pay more if you send away
TToIf art h Winfpr ITndeiwear. Our stock is comnlete in
the medium and heavy weight kinds, we have bought g
extensively of all the popular numbers in union suits
and single garments.
A line of Jersey Sweaters just received in light and
heavy weights, just the thing for these cool mornings
and evenings.
Our line of heating stoves will be ready for your inspec
tion this week.. Come in before you buy and inspect
and get our prices
A Laxative Tablet Tf eatment f pr
I Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Headache
35 Doses 25 Cents
I Richland Drug Store
A now assortment of Post
Cardc 'it tho Drupf Sturo tAdvJ
Thrco younflf cowa for aide.
Grado Jersoys. Price ri?hr -J.
C. Bowon (tf alv.)
ft' you want tho bfeat ten for
tho money t'y Foluera "RojuilM
or "Golden Gate" a now annly
just in Saunders BroB (Auv.)
It will soon bo timo for pihbcr
footwear, we are ready to supply
your wants with a. now lino of
stood. at right prices Snup.'ors
Bro'rf (A-.v.)
Laxacold tnbldt's for .Grille.
Laxacold tablets for Headacho
Ail's wo ask is for you to try
a can of Chase and Sanborns,
teas or coffees. If you are not
satisfied, wo rwill cheerfully re
fund your money. Frank Clarko
Agent. (Adv.)
James Entrum has made appli
cation to provo up on his home
A carload of cavalry horsea
was shipped from Hobinette tho
early part of the week presuma
ble bound for Canada. I ho
tiorscs were purchased in Eaj?le
and Pine.
For Sale: 150 ricks of 10 in c4
dry pine woodrfil.26 per rick;
i if r ....... ttr. i r
jeu lniru, crpnriu uru.
01G47 Adv.)
Don't overlook tho fact that
we are now prepared to supply
your cold weather wants in un
derwear and heavy outer Kar-
monts such as coats and macki-
miws, and.Rt nriccs you cannot
uUplicatO E." & W. 6IIANDLKR.
Wo have sold and taken more
orders for Millinery so far this
season than over beJor. and
mere is a reason, wcarcBiiowing
us complete n line as you will.
find in cities of thousands of,.
population and our prices are
closer to the pocket, E. & W.
'Chandler (Adv.)
Parker's Moving Pictures wilL
bo at the Richland Opera House
on Saturday night this week
with u complete change of sub
'jects including a crnck-a-jack
.two reel feature, a scream ot a
comedy an.d another reel of com-
dy drama. This show is not.d
for tho good lihtand steady pic-
luie wnicn n auuwr ni n pi:ui;
plays. Ransom McArtl ur the
hnv violinist will Dlav. Admis
sion 26 and 10 cents, good soats
gooa lights, ana an hour and a
half t.f amusement, a fitting
wind-up for tho week of toil.
Mrs. J. II. McArthur returned
Saturday from a two week visit
to Portland. She says Portland
is not very lively and she was
glad to get back.
"A Good Place to Trade"
We a?xxy a full line of Building and
Lining Paper, also Rubberoid Roofing
and the prices are right
K"& W. Chandler
Hichland Oregon
Baird Furniture Company
Carries uneouum, uarpets, iugs ana furniture'
at all Timet
Rlchlahd, Oregon
7 " i
6 Per Cent Money 6 Per Cent
LrvinR mav hn rihtninod forntau
, 1
purpose on acceptable Real Es
late security; liberal priv..-gcs
correspondence solicited.
A. d Agency Company.
758 Gas, Electric Bldg., Denver,
Colo. 440 Phelan Bhlg. Sar
Francisco. (Adv.,
Tobacco and Cigar Salesmen
wanted to Advertise. Expor
iancc unnoccessary. $100 month
ly and expenses. Advertise
Smoking, Chewing Tobacco,
ClEweites, Cigars. Send 2c.
stamp for fuil particular, HEL
M 1ST -TOBACCO CO.. Now York.
N. Y, (35 3 Advortldujiionl)
t it