Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, October 01, 1914, Image 5

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I3Ms Minted l)y School District
No. 57, for 10 rick of wood, cot
1 on wood preferred, 20 inches if
jiussible, if not 10. Wood to bo
delivered at school houW. Right
is reserved to rqject any or all
bids. Bids open for threo weckn
from b'ppt.,.3. ,
h'a, T-Ijoo. Soigcl
" ' Clerk
Location of principal place of
buninesH, Richland, Oregon.
NOTICE: Thoro aro dollnquont
upon tho following described
stock, on account of assessment
ovied on tho 7th day of February
J9U. the several amount:? set op
jtoniu? .f names of the respec
tive Kh.'vc holders, as follows:
J. W. r.Hrnoa, Certificate nun.
,ber57, 25 shares, $20' 00
And in accordance with law and
1q articles of incorpcrr.t on and
by-laws of said corporation, so
many wiuircn of eatoh parcel of
euch stook ns may bo paccoseary,
will be sold nt R. Guycr's resi
dence on the 8th day of October,
:191 i, at ho hour of 2 o'clock,
P. hi. lo : i delinquent asgaas,
niftui iriveon, together with
ihe fast of advertising and ox-.
, hcmcs of ihw wile.
R. GUYER, Socretary
' 247radv. Richland, Oregon
The best equipped Hotel in the
Mrs. S. D. j
3jqxi6offxi3.i v ysoi
1 -
rw, Pr,m,ftf Un C.mod Ml
.. JLCttiuwoo
by local applications, as they can
not reach tho diseased portion of
tho car. There is only ono way
to cure deafness, and that is by
constitutional remedies. Deaf
ness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous liningcf tho
Eustachain Tube, When this
tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing
and when it is entirely closed,
deafness is tho result, and unless
the inflamation can be taken out
Opportunity For A Younger
To buy or exchnngo at less
than $5,000, of its r-al value a
business established 18-Yoars,
doing a profitable and rapidly in
creasing trade, tho average daily
sales from Jan. 1st, to July, J.st
11)14 b:jit.g better than $15.00 dai
ly, mostly CASH. BuslncsssuiU
able foreman and wife, or family
having children. Reason for
selling old ape. Would take part
in exchange in clear improved.
Engio Valley farm or orchard
lands, price ol business stock ev
ery tiling included $7,600 or
would inclu Jo other clear improv-!
cd an unimproved Baker prop-,
erly to the nmount of JLO,000:
$15,000 20,C00: or $25,000.
Addrcssa, BUSINESS this office
Sunday School 10;00 a. m., E. E,
Holman auperintendet.
Preaching by the pastor at 11:00
Preaching by tho pastor at 7:30
Praycr;Meeting7;30p. m. Wed
nesday evening
Choir Rohorsal Thursday at 8:00
p. m.. I'Yed Cuni'iff leader.
Frank Hopkins, pastor.
a ma
6x3jo pooS
this tube restored to its nir-
. . mi 1 j
stroyed forever; nine cases out
of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of tho mucous surfaces.
We will give no Hundred Dol
lars for any case of Deafness
(caused by Catarrh)-thafc cannot
bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Send for circulars free.
F. J. Cheney &Cb., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 76?.
Tako Hall's Family Pills for
"I am in favor of Local Option.
I am a thorough believer in
and boliove that every se "
governing community wbic'
'constitutes a social ui "
have tho right io OG
tho matter of the regul; ;.r
tho withholding of lice:.-."
Kx-Pmildciit, Stateuwian. Jurist and
IrufettiMr, In an agdroui on Civic
Duty. Mid:
"Ifothing is more foolish, noth
ing more utterly at variance
v.ith sound poUcy, than to en
act a law which, on account
of conditions surrounding tho
community, is incapable of en
forcement. Such instances aro
. . . presented by sump
tuary laws by which tho sale
of intoxicating liquors is pro
hibited under ponalties in lo
calities whore the public sonti
njent . . . will not sustain
the enforcement of tho lav."
Sx-Preaident, Soldior, Explorer
and one of tho most remark
able leaders in tho United
States, is a strong champion of
mid Homo Rulo, Ha has never
minor! his voice in behalf OI
Btatewido prohibition, and bo
ha has suffored attacks from
radical and hysterical prohibi
tionists. As between k man of
Theodore Roosevelt's ability '
and standing and those who ;
are the paid emissaries of pro.
fosslonal propagandists, the I
voters of Oregon will not be
riow in passing upon the wis
'dom and credibility 4 the;
With these three National
Leaders agreed on the issue
of Prohibition, isn't it wis
dom to toilow their course?
Ulster and Vote
Paid Advertisement
Jr&xpajcru and Wago-Earncra' Lcagao
of Oregon, Portland, Qro.
The Farm Woman Needs Relief
J.lorp Than Her Cily Sister;
By Peter Radford,
lecturer Notional KarmciV Union.
Much has been said and more writ
ten about the ivoman in the factory
I behtnd the counter, but how about
v ' r:an who Works In tho field,
wam to say a few words in hor be
'.aif. I regret a necessity that com
Ms woman to work for a livelihood,
! I favor not only shortening her
rs, but freeing her from manual
; r entirely. I crave for society
.at high standard of excellence where
the home Is woman's throne and her
life is devoted to molding the char
acter and elevating tho thought of
the rising generation. But so long a3
want, greed and misfortune prevail In
(his world, women, through choice or
ccttriCy. will work, and perhaps
will work at one task or another
rr.7 hours per day as they plono.
e nay pity tho weak and admire
the rt" -3 in tholr struggle, but the
'am woman Is ontltled lo her sbar
or sympathy and reward.
All Muct Toll.
" labor problem, as relates to
a, ' i a r.:o:t venations one, and
hen v-3 apply it to women It becomes
..I'-.r." acrlausly complicated. Wo will
blways have to work unless some po-
. . ' ...1 r. I n v V-TT
peraon muBt meet toil face to face, the
h-af a mi .Hn In In nnillfalll V dis
rilH:ts Uic burdens and njd Idbor,
nni it there Is lo be a revision ot
wrttfis and a ihortenlug of hours, I
. t Uie farm woman to get her
: She has more reason to com
than any other class of toilers.
S'.e has. as a rulo. fewor comforts,
"cwor pL-asiares, less recreation and
. ss c -'pyrtaclty for enjoyment than
tiar fiihir Sn tho city. She has not
so ciany conveniences and fewer lusj?
iniea and loss to be thankful for than
v-rjon who live in the town, but she
j on. a model of consistency, pa-
and womanly devotion. Cer
.v '.y sho should bo tho first to be
: .warded.
, :;c Rea' Labor Problem 13 on the
Tho great dallies with flaming head
lines deplore tho lot of women who
toll in the cities, tho city pulpit
thunders with sympathy for her, and
tho legislators orato lu her behalf,
but not n lino Is written, a word said
or a speech delivered in the interest
of tho million women who labor on
the farm. Where ono woman works
in tho cities In this stato, there aro a
hundred mothers tolling in tho field,
and no mention Is made of it. Is tho
woman In the city -entitled to any
moro consideration than the woman
m farm? I contend that she is
not. The city woman may bo moro
easily restrained by legislation, and
sho may have a moro attentlvo nu
dienco whon sho cries aloud, but the
mil labor problem, in so far as It ro-
- t- v omen and children, is on
i. .m whero mother and child,
wielding tho hoe and gathering- tho
harvest, toil day- in and day out with-
:l hopo of reward.
The City Life flunyv
Tho farm women work- from sun
i.ntil sun. They do tholr housework
and lull a half-million babos to sleep
after tho chickens go to roost, and
they get.breakfast and milk the oows
before the lark sings Tho city wo
man frequently chafos undbr hard
ships that the farm woman woutd
consider a blessing. The city people
are great, talkers and ofttlmes gjat-
333 X WO
ly magnify tnolr troubles and enlarge
their accomplishments. This charac
teristic pcrme;tefl organized society
as well an enters Into tho individual
Hfo of cltlca. There aro orphan asy
lums which aro doing commoiidabfo
work and should ho encouraged, tha't
boast of their accomplishments, but
I havo seen wido0 in tho country
make a crop, drink branch water and
eat cohi-brcad and molasses and
rrt! m'oro children and better chil
dren than many of these city orphan
asylums. The cities need to get back
to thq soil with tholr ideals. They
aro hysterical, puny and feeblo in
(heir conception of Hfo, its require
ments and its opportunities,
the Farm the Place to StudV
All Legislative Problems.
Hy Peter Radford.
Lecturer National Farmers' Union.
The nrinclnal function performed by
government today is to collect taxeslj
:eep records and prevent and punisn
icrlme; but that Js not sufficient. Gov
ernment should tip its hat to the God
dess of Opportunity as courageously
as It draws a Eix-shooter on a Irain.
rebber. We ought to encourage thrift
as well as restrain greed. We havo
been basing legislation upon tho ex
tremen of human life the classes
high and low, the depraved and tho
talented let us now reach the masses
and the extromos will more nearly
disappear. Our statutes are filled to
overflowing with pity and revenge;
let us add opportunity.
The slogan of the Farmers' Union,,
ia. co-operation. Not only among in-,
dividual farmers, but between all leg!- -tinrnto
and useful occupations. We
want to sit around the hearihr.tone
of Industry and talk ovor problems o
mutual interest with our neighbors.
We want to invite those who are
earnestly searching for information
on public questions to get back to,
the soil with their investigations
whero, in the stllinoHs of nature, ihey
can climb tho mountain-top of wis
dom, explore the deep canyons of
knowledge and stroll through the
There is no problem in civilization
that cannot be found in its native
state on the: farm. The. hbordu-catlQxwV;--'ffrj'aacInl,
home-building and all other prbotdms
are there. V.'e IH d'.scuss u few ot
The Labor Problem.
We bow U the dignity of labor.
No one would be willing to do raorq
to lighten the burdens, incrooe tho
safety, comforts and profits of ;'iota
who labor in commerce and Industry
than their fellow toilers in agricul
ture. But how about the farmer who
bows ht3 back to feed and clothe tho
world, and who works from sun until
sun? Is he not also entitled to an
increase in pay aud a shortening o
hours? Much has been said about
the women In the factory and behind
the counter, but how about the woman
In tho fleld. drenched in perspiration,
gathering tho harvest, the little chil
dren, their lips wet with mother's
milk, tolling by her side? Are they
not also entitled to consideration? Is
not U10 man who digs In the ground
entitled to the same consideration as
ho who toils at tho forge, weaves, at
tho loom and works behind tbo'count
or? Tho farmer has been bearing his
burdens as patiently as the beast ho
plows, but Is patience a bar from jus
tice? Tho labor problem of Virgin:?,
today is on the farm," and tho first
attention should bo given those who
labor in. tu field. t
. The Need af Cheap Meney,
Agriculturo has never been proper
ly financed. The farmer pays a muchj
higher rate of Interest as a rulo than
any other class or borrower and his
property, especially that of farm prod
ucts, is not so readily accepted as a
basis of credit as tho property of
other Unco of Industry of equal mar
ket value. -
A rural or land credit system is
needed that will unable a farmer to
buy a homo on long time at a cheap,
rato of Interest
A statuto based on sound business
principles lhat will enable the land
leas to buy and encourage the larga,
land owner to sell, Is much needed,
and one that merits the most serious
5eBf.idsr.ftU oapf our law SJkjn-