1 Eagle Valley News "Straight, Truthful, Direct Wr.:. Z. Flower Enteced as second class matlcrQco. 12, 1912 at the post oittce at - Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, 1879. Cards of Thanks and Resolutions 05 per Ijne. ONE YEAR - - THREE MONTHS - SUBSCRIPTION - " $1.50 SIX MONTHS - - !50 sample qorv r RICfiLAND, QHE., THURSDAY. OCT. 1, 1914. VOL, 2, NO. 46 FAKE LEGISLATION AND GRAFT measures are the present means of fooling1 the the people. It is a popular custom to place before the Voters a measure so skillful ly, sugar coated, that the rea meaning is lost among a jumble of words. There ;s a good many such measures on the ballot for the coming election, unless you thoroughly understand a meas ure, vote an emphatic "NO'- we have enough of "wild cat" legis lation now. without adding more. DID YOU EVER FIGURE THAT IF the financial world, said, there will be no war that it would be an impossibility for nations to slaughter each other. Figuring backwards then, we can readily . see that capital must gain by na war is a tool of capital and capi: tal is a necessity to war, the on ly fellow not benefiting being the poor dub who carries the rifle, as Sherman once remarked, "War is h- arid we must admit the wiseness-of this exclamation when applied to the comnon horde who do the fighting. , Editor mm lm&m WW 1, , ,, ,, ,,, . oiL.Tm 1- Where Paint Value Counts THE difference between good paint and cheap paint is the dif ference between a suit of clothes made by a crack tailor and one made by a bungler. The cheap cuit looks all right for a short time but it hasn't staying qualities. The good suit holds its shape and color in spite of wear. miher t 1 than as a recreation, they look closer at the man than at the coat he wears. i' SUNDAY MORNING ALL CHRIS- tian people in the United States, which will include practically all of the eighty million inhabitants will unite in an hour of prayer to the great ruler of all destinies for peace in blood soaked Europe A great nation looking on with heart felt sympathy at a suffer ing world, longing to bind up it's wounds. Surely it's cry will not be in vain. Statement of Ownership, Man agement Circulation, elc. of Eagle Valley News pub ishnd THE POLITICAL POT HAS DE- gan to simmer though as yet has not reached the boiling point. The NEWS in a true independT ent spirit is not taking political sides but where we find a man, we will likely mention the fact. Real men in politics are hard to find hut we are glad, to say. there s a few of them. THOSE WHO DQ NOT WANT "Law Enforcement" will hardly support Chas. J. Smith and will likely rid;cule him but those who really want laws enforced instead of ignored, and we believe they are the majority, will certainly support C. J. Smith. Oregon, re August 24, JfimL.j L. Elower, weekly at Richiam'. quired by the act -i 1912. Nam iFlowefIiic aging Editor, Wm, Richland, Oregon. Business Man agers L. A. Flower, Richjand, Oregon. Publisher, Vm. L. Flow er,. Richland Orftgcn. L. A. Flower Business Mana ger Sworn to and subscrbed before me this 30th day of Sept., 1914. Wm. L. Flower, Notary Public for Oregon (My commission expires March, LI, 1917.) " THE POLITICAL SITUATION IS ! looking up but as yet has taken on no active life, in fact politics of to-day are conducted on a greatly different plan from a few yars ago when, tho torch light - processjon was all the rage, peo- pie nojz-a.days go about election more as a business, proposition Mrs. Anson, Christian Sunday School State Superintendent, spoke at the Christian Church last Sunday to a large and very interested audience. A.farewell party was given to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson at the Stone home Tuesday evening. The young couple were married Sunday and left for their home in Haines on Wednesday. Lost: somewhere dn Main street in Richland, a seal ring, bearing the initials', J. W. C. Fjnder please return tothisbffice and a liberal reward will be paid for the return of the same. (tfAdv.) vThe Eagle Valley Cornet Band has accepted the invitation to play for the Rebekahs Friday. is ccod paint that gives tost'r.i service. It is not cheap in price Lut certainly the most economical, since it put v.cr.r3 paints of lower cost and hides so much better that fewer p.allons arc required. Wc sell "High Standard" and the entire Lowe Brothers line because wc have satisfied ourselves that 1 - ...... f- i f . . .' a r it. cllinrr WC can RlVC OUI irauc man jar ivru itiuiibjr ..(. u these reliable "Little Blue Flajj" paint products. Let us talk over wan you your nnint nccus. SAUNDERS BRO'S THE RELIABLE STOKE 1UCHLAND OREGON Hotel Rogers First Street Near Washington Baker, Oregon A first class Hotel at a moder ate price. Special Rates to Ea gle and Pin Valley, people. J. B. ROGERS, Prop. ft THE RURAL PAS! Intelligent and no.isecfated Leader ship the Need of the Hour. By Petar Rtdferd. Lecturer Nations! rarntra' Union. The nJral pas'.cr has greater pos!. bUllle then any oil.cr f-tor In out national life. The rural civilisation of the Twentieth Century um opened up a new world oi activities tor him. There lie before Mm unexplored con- ,unttnlfl,,..of usctulnena.. ..unomniQX rosponelbll'.tlea such na have never boforo confronted tho pastorate. The need of tho rural communities today (s Intelligent and consecrated leadership. There must bo n marshal ing offerees that buiid life, strength en character and broad'-n vision. Tho pastor should deal with living prob lems. In addition to tho sonrlce he now renders be should; help us lift tbo market basket, bold out a help ing hand to tbo fr.rme'r and.-devolop tbo potential onergUa of tbo commu nity he scobs to bvrvo. A More Useful Ministry. Tho farmor needs tbo porsonal touch of tbo pastor. Ho neldom c-omos In direct contact with his hal lowing Influence, except when he Is baptized, murrled and burled. We need to further extend Christian In fluence In the homes, as well as to spread (the gospel In China; to In struct, our children In tbo art of liv ing, as. well as to convert the barba rian and the Hottentot, and wo should devoto our energy and talent to the solution of problems of our own lo cality, rather tbnn cpnsumo our en ergies in drilling vice and Ignorance beyond our borders. It Is ns Impor tant ihut w discuss from tbo pulpit, the building of macadam hlgbwaya 'rpm tbo ehurch to cur homes, aa that wo preach of the golden streets of the New Jerusalem. It s ab much a part of tho duty of. tho pucfor to exhort ua to own a homo white on earth as to inspiro us to build a man sion la tho skies anil that we should construct Christian character in our own community, rather than that we light forolgn sins In other lands. Tfe went a religion wo can farm by as well as dlo by. Christian Influence Needed. There Is an emptincds In tho life of rural communities and wo want preachers who fan weavo Into tho social fiber, oducational pasttir. profitable pleasures and Instruct amueemonts. Too often we find t Same of our young people a seai for a BUggoMtlon In Immorality 1 a stepplnx-stono to sin. Tho pas: should suporvluo tho growing ltvos young people, approve their amu mntH, create exprosiilonH of Joy a , 1 pleasure that mahon for Chrlnll character and bless tholr llvoa w' Christian modoaty. Tbo farm la the nurnory of clv'-'i. zatlon, and tbo parsonngo of all ' llglous denombiallons. Too long 1 tho farm furnished tho cltlca wU't toSjKJa.proachjBrs, wUiyodny. tka rural chu'reli lo ' tbo'V.nnjjwhy to city pulplU. Tho current should bo re versed. The power of tho pulpit It most uoedod In tho country wbf.. a thfl fnd3jK,'l forces of human !:' .Ttainanr. tho nrrm is hib towvr-. iiouno or al progromt and the birth- pincn or au that in nouio. 'in0 (jnr-l " or wan tit tho couiilry nnd the man who would gut clone to (lodl imirit Unit got clono to nnturo. Mnnyl cotninutiltlun nrn eburoh-rludun. Wol froauentfy havo throo or four ehurclieu In 11 community with u circuit rldur onco a mouth pronehtttK to ninall con grugnllumt and all fall to perform tho religious functions of tho community, In ninny liiHtttncon, more hnrmontoUHi effort might result In it inoro olHclontl iturvleo. Tho division of rollp.luunl forcos and breuhlng into fruguiMnts of I moral effort aro ofttlmoH llltlo Iohh Hum n calamity and dofunt tho pup poHOH they nook to promote. . A pastor In a neighborhood, study ing tho economic, uncial, moral and educational problumn of tbo commu nity, pronoutlng fresh visions of poten tial possibilities and native power with bonuty and now moaning, hum- urotlug tbo thougiil-llfc of tiui com munltv and adinlultiurlm; to tbolri dally needs, will oontrlbutu more to-fT v.ard tbo advancement of n lopnlltyl than 11 dor.on prunclinii who occupy I tbo pulplto at lrrosular liitcrvabi,! preaching on subjoots foreign to the llfo of tho community, Church prejudice In tt vloo that naps much of tho spiritual llfo of n community, and wnstoful ncctarlau- tarn is it ruiigiouH''crimo ngniuut so ciety. Donomlnatlonal reciprocity! should take Its phco. Nou-tupportl of church luhtltutlonH and rollglouol lethargy can often be traced to enusoa Inherent with tho ehurch. Thoro should bo co-operation between eburebun nnd co-ordination of mora iffort along economic linos, and tllero mut bo If tbo rural churches of thin Htnto are going to render n survlco which this ReC demands. 7 CO YEARS EXPERIENCE Thadc Mawk Oopyhiumts c. . IJ If frr 1 rvkr, without ciMTce. x A in.1omtlr Illntrnlr4 veeMir. Irat r ruis'ion of nnr iuao Immijil, 'I'ufit. I n r.-u . r'Mir iir.Atli. uoia bynll nerMwutt. OCLONO CCVI-OW-INOIA (olack) l.tHAN anttH) aUNPOWDCR (o-rti.) . DLACK & anCEN (it; ro) Tlic tin Umt is foil! sealed. Won't upsat. LarQ9 opening for tttu hand. The tea of . quality: the tea that makes tea drinkers of It ccep3 the ten fresh, an 1 free from odors, dust and cover- for home use. every tho family; the te that brings good cheer to the table; the tea that takes the place of stronger We sell FOLGER'S GOLDEN GATE TEA drinks; the tea that has con-? versation and good humor float ing on every cup. SAUNDERS BRO'S, Agents Subscribe for the News Only $1.50 a Year