Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 24, 1914, Image 6

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Resume of World's Important
Events Told in Brief.
Tho Germans in retreat from Franco
havo fortified strain and plan another
Rev. W. T. Sumner, of Chicago, is
chosen bishop of tho Episcopal dioccso
of Oregon.
Chicago gains 806, GG8 in population
since the government census of 1910,
according to tho school census.
Summer came to an end this week in
Washington when President Wilson's
"ofliicc" tent was taken down.
The minister of finance of Russia
has-prohibitcd the exportation of man
ganese except to the allied nations.
A Petrograd dispatch says many de
serters are arriving at Russian head
quarters, mostly Slavs and Bohemians.
- James E. Sullivan, famous Olympic
crames commissioner, and a noted au
thority on field athletics, died in New
The people of Paris have no uneasi
ness over the scarcity of news and
take the conditions -as a matter of
According to report from Vienna,
Emperor Francis Joseph has left the
Austrian capital for an unannounced
The Pacific steamer Minnesota may
be transferred to the Atlantic sea
board, according to a persistent rumor
in San Francisco.
It is aserted that Germany unofficial
ly has asked the United States to in
quire of the allied nations at war to
submit terms of peace.
An ordinance is proposed in Portland
requiring all old clotamg sold to junk
men to be boiled in caustic soda, all
seams ripped open and flattened.
It is reported in Tokio that the Ger
man crusier Emdcn has sunk five Brit
ish steamers off the coast of India.
The passengers of the vessels are said
to have been saved.
The Holland-America Line steam
ship Ryndam, which sailed from New
York September 8 for Rotterdam, was
seized by a British warship and
brought into, Cork harbor.-'" " "
The Brazilian government has de
cided that the merchantmen of the bel--litrerent
nations which entered Brazil
ian ports because of the war must be
detained until the conflict is over.
The French war office has issued a
note that all persons employed in the
hospital service who are found guilty
of neglecting to give proper care to
German prisoners left behind because
of their, wounds will be immediately
relieved from duty.
President Wilson has annuonced that
expenses of government departments
during the next fiscal year would be
kept as low as possible. He indicated
that every effort was to be made to
economize, in view of the falling off
of the government's revenues, caused
by the European war.
Italian radicals are reported willing
to enter the European war.
Thirty-five earthquake shocks are
recorded in Lima, Peru, in one day.
Chicago Socialists have sent resolu
tions to Europe asking the countries at
war to mediate.
The prices of beauty potions in Port
land, Or., have advanced 25 per cent
because of the war.
Becausn of the reported retreat of
the Germans from France the popula
tion of Paris is more at ease.
The Russian army is reported ad
ministering a crushing defeat to the
AuBtriana and taking 180,000 prison
Movement for peace in the Euro
pean war, started in this country, is
reported to be making considerable
Travelers from Constantinople and
Sofia bring the report to Petrograd
that there is a famine in the Turkish
The steamer Red Cross left New
YoirK for Europe, where 125 nurses
and 30 surgeons will help care for the
Democrats of Maine elect Mayor
Curtis, of Portland, to the governor
ship oyerWm. T. Haines, the Repub
lican incumbent.
Cardinal Mercier, returning to Bel
gium froflS(Rome, stopped in London
and appeared on the balcony of West
minster eiUiedral, where he blessed
60,000 Irlsljjyatholics.
Lata Gman ambassador to Tokio,
who arrived In Seattle recently, la
mwt Out stand taken by Japan and
my tint Nipponese slww no gratitude
ar jMwt Gmmm avers,
All Away From Europe
London Henry S. Breckinridge, the
Amorican assistant secretary of war,
arrived in London Friday from Havro,
by way of Weymouth, on tho Ameri
can cruiser Tennessee. The cruiser
brought no American refugees, as
practically all who desire to leave
Franco havo already dono so.
Mr. Breckinridge expects to remain
hero only a few days boforo leaving
for the United States. He says that
his original estimate of 100,000 Amer
icans in Europo wishing to got away
when tho war broko out has been verl
fied by those engaged in relief work,
for reports show that about that num
bcr have been assisted or nro in pro
cess of being aided in somo way to
leave Europe.
Mr. Breckinridgo believes that tho
$7,500,000 set asido for tho reliof of
Americans in Europo will suffice, as
he thinks their government ought not
to bo expected to caro for Americans
who remain in tho war zone after be
ing duly warned and who have had an
opportunity to leave at tho expenso of
tho government.
In France alone, chiefly in tho neigh
borhood of Paris, it is estimated that
40,000 Germans and Austrians aro in
terned. The American officers make
frequenc visits to the school and other
public buildings where they aro held
and talk with tho prisoners, inspect
the sanitary conditions, examine the
food served and generally look after
tho well being of these foreigners.
American officers are performing sim
ilar duties on behalf of interned bel
ligerents of other countries involved
in the war.
Sir Lionel Carden Is
Forced to Leave Mexico
Washington, D. C. How Sir Lionel
Carden, British minister to Mexico,
was forced by General Carranza to
eave Mexico City, the diplomatic in
tervention of the United States alono
preventing1 tho constitutionalist chief
from abruptly handing passports to
the minister, was revealed in high offi
cial quarters here.
The facts in the diplomatic episode
became known, only after the publica
tion of an alleged interview in New
York with Sir Lionel criticising Presi
dent Wilson for ordering American
troops to withdraw from Vera Cruz.
SiriCecU-f Spring-ItJce,- the- British
amDassaaor, promptly miormeu secre
tary Bryan that Sir Lionel, who has
sailed for England, had not been au
thorized to make any statement, and
I that he would endeavor to get in touch
with him to learn of its accuracy,
whichpe, himself, doubted.
Colorado Coal Miners
Agree to Plan lor Peace
Trinidad, Colo. Colorado union coa
miners in convention late Friday voted
to accept the peace plan recommended
by President Wilson. The vote, which
came after two days of vigorous de
bate, was 83 to S.
The Colorado mineowncrs have
called a meeting to be held in Denver
next week, at which the same pro
posal is to be considered.
After the convention adjourned offi
cers of the United Mineworkers of
America sent a telegram to President
Wilson notifying him that the strikers
were ready to return to work under
the terms of a three-year truce treaty
drawn up by Hywel Davies and Wil
ham R. Fairley, Federal mediators
appointed by Secretary Wilson, of the
department of Labor.
urazii veiays steamer.
wasnington, v. u. Brazilian au
thorities atRio Janeiro have refused
clearance to?the former British steam
er Robert Dollar, recently transferred
to the American flag, and the State de
partment has taken up the situation
through the American ambassador.
' When the captain of the Robert Dol
lar raised the American flair, the Brit
ish consul at Rio Janeiro is reported to
have refused his consent to the trans
fer and the Brazilian government ac
cordingly declined to grant a clear
ance. Representative Kahn, acting for
California owners of the ship, has
been in frequent conference with Se&
rotary Bryan, and the State depart
ment has now cabled instructions to
Ambassador Morgan to ask Brazil to
recognize the transfer and clear the
London May Glitter Soon.
London In a statement issued here
Sir Edward Henry, commissioner of
police in the metropolis, expressed the
hope that the restrictions placed on
street and shop illuminations as a pre
cautionary measure against Zeppelin
raids on London may be modified later.
tor the present, Sir Edward says, ho
Is advised by the air department of
the admiralty that it Is desirable in
the interests of public safety that they
be continued.
Only Two of Leggett Rescued
Off Oregon Coast
Lifeboats Containing 38, Including
Women and Children, Aro
Sicampcd by Heavy Sea.
- Astoria. Or. Fifty-eight persons, nt
lenst, nml probably more, porluhod
when tho Btcam schooner Francis II.
Leggett sank in n 90-mllo golo CO miles
south of tho Columbia river and 30
mile's northwest by north of Ynqulna,
light, off tho Oregon coast shortly nf
tor 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. Other
estimates placo tho number of dead
at 70. Fivo women, a boy and a girl
nro among tho missing.
Two porsouB nro known to havo
been rescued, after clinging several
hours to wreckage tossed by n vicious
sea, and nn unconfirmed report says
a third person has boon picked up.
Tho known passenger list, furnished
by tho owners nt San Francisco, to
taled 35. Besides Captain Mnro, tho
Leggett carried n crow of 24 mon.
Two IlroboatB aro reported to havo
been filled and lowered. Ono contain
ed 30 porsonB and tho other eight. All
tho women and children wero Includ
ed. Heavy sens Bwampcd tho lifeboats
immediately upon their striking tho
Tho known survivors nro Aloxnndor
Fnrrell, of Sacramento, Cal., and
Gcorgo Pullman, or Pollmnn, of Winni
peg, Man. Both wero rescued by tho
oil tanker Frank H. Buck, which 1b
lying off tho mouth of tho Columbln
river awaiting a quiet sea to enter
this harbor. Fnrroll was transferred
to tho steamer Beaver and taken to
Portland. Ho told a thrilling story
of his experience and gnvo pathetic
accounts of drownings of persons at
tempting to cling to wrccknge.
Tho Leggett was en routo to San
Francisco from Grays Harbor ports,
having left Portland a few days ago
for Washington towns to load lumber.
German Shells Set Noted
Rheims Cathrdral Afire
Berlin. An official statement Is
sued Monday says:
'Rheims was In the battlo lino of
tho French and tho Germans were
obliged to bombard It. Wo regret tho
necessity, but the fire of tho French
came from that direction. Orders havo
ueen ihhubu io savo. uie cauiaurRi., i
"Tho nttacks on tho 'Froneh nre nro-1
grossing at several points."
Bordeaux. Tho Minister of the In
terior, Louis J. Malvy, announced that
tho famous Cathedral of Rheims had
been destroyed, and nil other historic
and public buildings either laid in
ruins or seriously damaged during the
bombardment of Rheims by tho gener
al artillery.
Coupled with this announcement
was a statement that tho government
had decided to address to nil tho now
ers a note of Indignation against "this
act of odious vandalism."
Germany Questions
British Sincerity
Berlin. Nobody in Ormany is will
ing to admit tho sincerity of Great
Britain's basing its declaration of war
on Germany's violation of the terrl
tory of Belgium and Luxemburg and
much alleged evidence Is produced In
newspapers and magazines to prove
that Great Britain nod already mndo
up. Its mind to join France and Russia
previous to Germany's advance on Bel
glum territory.
In the highest circles of tho German
government it is asserted that tho
foreign office has evidence that Great
Britain was negotiating with Russia
several months before the war broko
out to furnish ships for a descent of
Russian troops on tho coast of Pom
erenia, which lies on tho Baltic north
of Berlin, but It appears that nothing
came of these negotiations.
Another curious and timely pleco of
evidence is presented in the shapo of
an Item purporting to bo from the
Paris Gil Bias of February 25, 1913
That paper Is said to havo published
the following:
A newspaper of Eastern Franco has
revealed a highly Interesting pleco of
news. In military circles thero it is
related that largo stocks of British
ammunition havo for several weeks
been brought Into Maubougo, near tho
northeastern frontier of Franco, on
tho railway lino from Paris to Cologne.
The city of Maubougo Ib of great mil-
tary importance. It Is designated in
tho French general staff's plan of cam
paign as tho concentration point for
tho allied troops which will bo com
manded In case of a war by tho En
glish field marshal. Sir John French.
under General Joffro as commander-in-chief."
Army Wins on Apple Diet.
London, Tho Petrograd correspond
ent of tho Times Bays that General
Ruzsky's army while in pursuit of tho
Austrians toward Lemberg, loft all
transport!! behind them and for six
days lived on apples, This 1b cited by
tho correspondent showing tho
great energy of tho Russian Boldlors.
who are able to endure forced marcliou
rind continuous fighting on such ri
Marooned Explorers in
Arctic Rescued; 3 Die
Washington, D. C. Eight whlto
mon and an Eskimo family, survivors
of tho wrecked Canadian exploring
ship Karluk, are safo aboard tho rove-
tiitn miIIai llnat. nftnH Iwttm imirnnnnil I
in tho frozon Wrangell Island nlnco
last January.
A relayed wirolcss dispatch from tho
Bear hero Bald alio was duo at Nome,
Alaska, Monday.
Tho dispatch told of tho donth of
threo of tho explorers on tho Island-
Gcorgo S. Malloch, geologist; Bjnrno
Mamon, assistant topographer, and
John Brady, soamnn, believed to havo
been George Brcddy.
Captain Cochran'B report said:
"Boar is now returning to Nomu
with members of tho Canadian Arctic
"All doing woll undor caro of tho
surgeon. Will arrivo Nome Monday,
"Party was rescued by schooners
King and Wing on Soptombor 7.
"Malloch and Mamon died of neph
ritis. Brady accidentally shot. Thoro
aro eight missing persona who nevor
reached Wrangell Island. Tho Boar
reached within 12 miles of Herald
Island. Clear weather and heavy Ico.
Unablo to land on tho island, but no
Bigns of life."
Tho Karluk was a part of an Arctic
oxpedition Bent out by tho Canadian
government under Vilhjalmur Stefan-
son. Thoro woro 23 white mon aboard
her. Captain Robert Bartlott and 11
others reached Wrangell Island, but
eight havo nevor been hoard from.
Stefanson, with threo companions,
woro ashore near Point Barrow whon
tho Karluk was carried out to boh by
tho ico. Thoy made thoir way to Col-
linBon'a point, carrying word of tho
vessel's plight to tho outsido world.
Pope Calls Britain Guard
ian of Peace and Justice
Romo A dispatch to Turin quotes
tho Stampa as saying that Cardinal
Bourne, archbishop of Westminster,
is delivering from tho Popo to King
Gcorgo a letter which is filled with
sympathy for tho British nation, which
is described as tho "guardian of peace
and master of justice.
Tho Stampa adds that tho Pope
asked tho Austrian and Prussian am
bassadors to givo safo conduct for tho
return of Cardinal Mercier, primate of
Belgium, to Belgium. This was re
fused, whereupon tho pontiff answered
that he would remember tho unpleasant
A telegram, from the Auntrian fron
tier BJiyn that among the killed In the
Austrian army wero many of Italian
Word from Brlndisi saya that tho
United States cruiser North Carolina
is coaling there.
Servians Press on Heels
of Retreating Austrians
Nish, Scrvia It is announced' that
tho Servian offensive continues sue
ccssfully. Servian troops havo crossed
tho Save at several points and it is
said tho Servians aro boing received
enthusiastically by the population of
A scmi-ofllcial statement, reviewing
the operations against Austria since
tho outbreak of tho war, makes no
mention of the capture of Scmlin, be
fore reported, but says:
"Tho Austrians have sent all their
troops to the cast to stem the advance
of tho enormous Russian wave. Tho
small total forco which it has at its
disposal already augurs fresh suc
cesses for us."
The statement asserts that in Au
gust Austria threw 850,000 men
against Servia 200,000 of theso at
the weakest point along tho frontier
on tho Save and Drina from Ljubova
to bhabatz.
After sanguinary fighting tho tido
turned on AugUBt 10, tho Austrians
being completely beaten and pursued
along tho whole line."
Woman Explorer Finds
Whole New Mountain
New York A mountain 11.000 feet
high which Miss Mary L. Jobo, ex
plorer and Instructor in history nt
Hunter college hero, believes never
has been mapped, was discovered by
nor m the wlldB of British Columbia.
and a report concerning It will bo
made, she said, to tho Canadian gov
ernment and to the National Gcograph-
cul Bociety.
Miss Jobo has returned from her ex
ploration trip, which lasted six weeks,
and announced her discovery. She
ocntes tho mountain, to which she will
givo a Crco Indian name, as about 1C0
miles north of Mount Robson. Tho
topographical survey of Canada ox-
tends to a point only a few miles north
of Mount Robson.
Princes Reported Dead.
London--An Ostend dispatch to
Router Tolograrn company Haysj
"Crown Prlnco Frederick W Ham
and Prlnco Adalbert, of Prussia, the
emperor's third son, and Prince. Carl
of Weurttemberg aro reported (o have
died in a hospital at Brussels,"
Wdsll DiSCStablisItlHOIlt AISO
Becomes British Law'.
John Redmond Cries "God Save
England;" Leaves for Ireland
to Pica for Recruits.
London.- King George 8uturdny
ulgncd tho homo rule and WoIhIi din
oHtnhllHhmoiit bills, mnklng thorn lawn.
Parliament wan then prorogued until
October 27.
Announcement that royal aiinoiit had
boon given tho homo rulo bill wnu re-
eolved with olioorH In both tho Lords
ami CoinmoiiH. Especially onthuHlnii-
tic wiih tho demonstration In tho Com
mons. Will Crooks, tho labor leader, miked
If It was In order to nlug "God Bavo
tho IClng." Without waiting for per
mission ho started tho first vonio him
self and then broko down with emo
tion. Tho nnthvm was tnkon up by
tho spoctatorH in tho nailery nn woll
ns by tho membera and tho Hinging
wan hoard In tho palaco yard,
Ah tho mcmbcrH filed out of tho
chamber Crookn crlod out "God nuvo
John Redmond, tho Irish National
ist lender, replied, "God uavo Eng
land, Mr. Redmond, who wno tho recipi
ent of many warm congrntulatlonn In
tho lobbies of tho houno aftor adjourn
ment, loft Inter In tho day for Ireland,
whero ho will take part in tho re
cruiting campaign.
Japanese to Get No Land
In Lower California
Los AngoIeH. Japan's alleged at
tempt to gain n strong foothold In
Lower California failed Saturday
whon tho now Mexican government,
through Its Los Angeles coiibuI, Adolf
Cnrrlllo, refused n syndicate of
wealthy Japanese rich land and pearl
concession!! Bold to thorn by ex-Dictator
This action enmo as a climax to n
Borlefl of nogotlntlonn Ha Id to havo
boon carried on betweon Huorta and
Japan. Tho Jnpnnoao, Cnrrlllo nald,
already wero In possession of a largo
number of vnlunblo coiicohhIoihi In
Lower California, which will bo taken
from them.
Representatives of tho ayndlcato
-who called on Cnrrlllo told him that
tho syndicate had established Ameri-
can headquarters In San Frnnclncol
and wnH prepared to tnko up tho Low-,
or California conccnnlonn.
A heated discussion followed. In tho
courso of which Cnrrlllo curtly noti
fied the Jnpanoso "that tho Mexican
constitutionalist government will givo
no concessions of any kind to Japan
or to tho Jnpnnoflo."
"Tho constitutionalist government."
ho continued, "lias promised tho Mcx
1 an people that all of this land that
rightfully belongs to thorn will bo
turned ovor to thorn na noon as In
vestigations now boing mndo by n
committee appointed by General Car
ranza has completed Its work."
Angered nt Carrlllo's refusal to fur-.
nlsh them with pnssportB Into Lower
California, or to mako nrrangornontn
for tho turning ovor of tho land, tho
Jnpaneso threatened to go to Mexico
City to sco whothor tho government
would rcfuso them tho land and pearl
ureal isruain is aueni
on Subject About Peacc
Washington, D. C. Great Britain
has received no proposal for peace,
either direct or Indirect, from Ger
many or Austria, and therefore has
nothing to say on tho subject.
ThlH wnB tho BubHtnnco of a mcs-r'
sngo received lato Saturday by SlRsT
Cecil Spring-Rico, tho British AinlmnVr
wndor hore, from Sir Edward Groy, tho
uritish foreign sccrotnry. Tho ambna- -V
sador had Inquired whether any pro
posal of pence waa boforo his govern
ment In view of tho porslstont minora
from Berlin that pcaco proposals woro
boing exchanged.
Coincident with tho receipt of thin
Information from Grent Britain It wns
learned authoritatively that Prosldont
Wilson had not pursued olthor with
Great Brltnln, Franco of RiiBBln, tho
Informal suggestion of tho Imporinl
German Chnncollor that "It was up to
tho United States to obtain n ntnto-
ment of ponco terms from tho allies,"
Tho Htuto department ban not com
municated with tho BrltlHli or French
ambassadors hero on tho HUbJoct. or
tho Gorman ambassador now visiting
In Now York. Sir Cecil Spring-Rico,
aa won bb JuIch JtiBsornnd, woro nt
tho etnto department In conforonco
with Counsellor Robert Lansing, not
ing secretary In tho nbsonco of Mr.
Pcrcherons Arc Wanted.
Bordeaux. An Amorican norao ex
porting firm of Sioux Fallo, S. I)., In
trying with mo am or Joim w. (Jar
rott. Minister to Argentina, who
now with tho French government horo,
to havo Frnco,trnmovo the prohlhl.
tion of Hhlument to the Unltod HtatOH
of PoroherotiH, for whlehtho French
army linn no need, It Is expected Hint
tho"govonunont will allow tho, ship
ment. -