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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1914)
0- M f , NOTICE jfeida wanted by School Diutrlctf y o. 57, for 10 rick of wood, Cot tonwood proforrcd, 20 Inches If possible, if not 10, Wood to b.? dolivorcd at school house, Right if reserved to reject aiiy or nil bids. Iflcjs open for threq wcoftp xrom Sop6,, ft. Mrs. Thco. Hoigol Clerk DftY GULCH DITCH CO. of ' Location of prjnclpnl placo UiisineflH. icichlnnd, Oregon. NOTICE: There uro delinquent upon tho following described utoek, on account of nsscBsmont cviod on tho 7th day of February 1914, tho several amounts sot op posite the names of tho respec Mivo share holders, as follows: J. AV. Unrncs, Certificate nuir her 57. 25 shares, $25.00 pnd in accordance with law and the articles of incqrperat on and by-la .V8 of said corporation, mi inany shares of each parcel of such stock us may be neccessnry, will be so' ' ;it It. Guyer's resi dence on h 8th day of October, 1011. at bt r.our of 2 o'clock, P. M. to y linquenl nsseH3, ments II. rto . together with the cost ol ftiv rtising and ex penses of t l le. II. cUYlOR, Secretory 42-47-adv. Kichland, Oregon Opportunity For A Younger Marc To b'uy or oxchnngo ut leo3 man .wkw ol tvs- rval value a business established 18-Ycars, doing a profitable and rapidly in creasing trade, the average daily ...'.I... V T i - . t t I muuj irom uan. isr, to iduiy, ist ; 1914 tnii.g better than .$15.00 dni-'fl iy, mostly CASH. Business suit able for man and wife, or j'umily having children. Reason for selling old ago. Would take part in exchange in clear improved Eagle Valley farm or orchard lands, price ot business stock ev ery thing included $7,500 or would includo other clear improv ed an I unimproved Baker prop erty to ,the amount of $10, 000; $15,009 20,000: or $25,000. Addrcsss, BUSINESS this office. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 a. m., E. E. noiman superintended Preaching by the pastor at 11:00 Proachin-by the pastor at 7:30 Prayer cting7;30 p. m. Wed- nes lay evening Choir Uehersal Thursday at 8:C0 p. m.. I'Vcd CuntlilL leader. Frank Hopkins, pastor. The best equipped Hotel in the Panhandle & AT I?! r r i7i oixjlw ALSO one UPRIGHT BREWSTER PIANO, GOOD AS NEW Mrs. S. D. JONES HIGHLAND. HA K Ell COUNTY, OKEC50N . READ THE HOME PAPER, EOCST HOMEBUSINESS UMilmwl wiwm liwnrwmrr 3jqxi6o93i W )xoj 6i3jo poofi PoH tW 3H1 Y1T TyCy Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they can, not reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedy. Deaf ness is cauby an inflamed con dition of thomueoualimnffcf tho Eustachain Tube, W.hen this tubeisinflamad yqi. hnVq a rumr Ming sound or pitftfaW and when 'it is nt. closed deafness is the res unless n0aipiJqB.t,?5?rt and this tube restored to its nor mal condition hearing will stroyed forever;-' nino casosout of iqn are caused by Cafurrli, which is nothing: but an inflanied condition of the mucou3 surfaces. We will give One Hui)(Vrqd Dol lars for any case of , Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that fcannofc be cured by Hall's (qtgv'b Curo. Send for circulars ftjeoj F. J. Cheney & Ce., Toledo,. O.. Sold by Drugging, .75p. . . - Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation, is MRS; ABIGAIL SCOHDUNIWAY ISSUES m OPEN LETTER HE PUEUC TOT It has been brought to nty attc-.or. that the. Anti-Saloon League, fol lowing tlicatnc tactics jt, has o1jt.v.l iy vsxy caiiipai;n heretofore, is tryinfj tp besniircit this prganizatio. and r entry on a vicious campaign of Jintrutlii. No name ccns to he ito good to fcc draped into the mud by them. I have reliabIe--infprmaJion.thata statement Uan been made to die Anti-Saloon League and to th Qnmitteco& Unc lllundrcd by Mrs. Cora C. Talhott, former sccrctr.'y of (he Taxpayjjcs' and Vfygt-Eamers' League, that she was broi glu into ihis work by n)c. undar the. impression that it was a Women's Suffrage movement, and her jjjitisr? AVOnld.bc those of a physician while I made specchca throughout tile sutc. I ralso understand that Mrs. Talbott makes the statement that funds have been collected with out authority, and in some way the Brewers' Association has been collect ing these funds. These two statements arc absoluttOy untrue. yTic collec tion of funds was authorized by mc as president, aifd the ,secrtary. w3 ordered to have a letter sent out in connection wijh this work. I under stand that Mrs. Talbott, in this purported letter, in the hands of the Anti Sal con League and the Committee of One, states that she ob jected to the raising of funds under her signature as secretary. How did the good lady think the work of this league was to be carried on? Why did she think Mr. Bortzmcycr, cashier of the Scanditrxvian-Amcrican Hank; was appointed treasurer of this league? Did she thin': we would ask the brew ers to put up the money surreptitiously? If so, flic reckoned without her host. I have always fought in the open, and n ?w, in my 80th year, and probably in my last campaign, I do not intend ' x change the principles I have always fought for, nor depart from my lu ncsty of purpose in advo cacy of c(jual rights for all the people by no n cans excluding women, for whose interests I have spent my life to obtain the ballot. My chief con cern in their behalf has always been to secure for them their economic in dependence, as married mothers within the ho 31c, which alone will enable any woman to quit the business of marrying in? Jiriatcs or raising drunkards. The moneys collected arc in the bands of Treasurer Bortzmcycr, and all those who have donated have received, a letter acknowledging receipt thereof. Any one so desiring may inquire frc en our treasurer as to whether the money has been put in his hands, nnd I am quite sure he will advise them of receipt of their donation. 11 ilicrc is any one who has paid their money into this organizatipn under ma t?" hensien as donation for carry- . . ....... . '. tnC on tins work tins league w,JI.l w, AUhmi .. 11 is inoccu sirange u;at airs, laibo t ttw aftntnnts waTsuUrane move ment when she went tQ, the Portland Hotel, Engaged' the dining-room for ur lirst luncheon,. for, organization aai rjyngcd. for. the payment. ofMhis luncheon, and w.cnt.sofar astq.Ertlfcrr to,&iirsr'thw2SeOTEsifi A IVUIUHIUlIt r ' The real break between ' Mrs Talb tt : x iryelf was caused whf-n T found out that yhc had gene to the lire crs" As.-or iation and told them couM be of good service to tlic:n in epe :e t'.on with t J" lc.n:c, and asked and received a salary from the Brewers Association on the ground that she was putting in her tiijie and needed the money. Qn (lie 26th of August a meeting was held, between". Mess. Talbott v il myse;? ff purpose of get ting matters straightened, Out bcfofo'rai tl ? gcreral organization. At this meeting a statement was signed by t-elt president and Mrs. Tal bott as secretary that the'two letters sent . tit by myself, as well as the let ter sent out by- the. publicity dcprimcn vert approved. This statement ended with the' sentence: "Aftcr discs i. g generally the affairs of,thft league, the officers' ratified all-v. -k t'xt b Id been done up to date by the publicity bureau and officers of ilie aFaoia. jion." I hive lived in this.i'-' e for CO years, during all of which time I have tolled and worked for tile j.c;-'c of my stat je, and I am willing to leave it to the public to decide as to whether J; woul lend mylcl.f in any way to any orcanfzatio.n or any act thSt could be con -trued as anything but honorable. Every one in. "this state knows Mrs.,Duniw ny and her family, I wish further to say tfiat, if the occasion arisestajid Idc.m it necessary tq go. further into this matter, I will bc glaif lo pablish some additional facjs. in these same papers not necessary to puU h now, ard will meet the fpnditions as they arise. ,If the Anti-Saloon: League, by ,ts paid foreign agitators or Commit tee, of One Hundred tjynk jhey can- be;., oad, this issue Jjiyi trj'ing to drag into tb mud my name or others, they aire very much ' mistaken. I expect to enrry this work oil to the conclusion ( f this campaign, and then allow tfte people to judge as to whether we will -control our own affairs in the Statfci of or allow tlic paid agitatcirs of the East to show us what to do. ( Abgail ScQtt Duniwag '(Tald Advertisement by TaxpayrrV md "Wage Earnem League of OsmoA 1'oi tUr, tl, Oregon) ' mm dytf'iitiii'ii r Subscribe for the Nevv&- Only $1.50 a Year V . t , ,4 t i 1 9 1 1 i s j