Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 24, 1914, Image 3

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.and Dairy Produce
of all hind wanto-l. Writ for our
Pearson-Page Co.
iloucht, ro'il ami exchitnrHi nKlnes, tmltora,
iiwmlll. r, fund far Btock Lift and I'rlees.
THE J. lC MAUTIN CO.. M lit lit.. Portland, Or.
I,nref Bjuortmont. fin
rial I'rlrm HMWttON
4 JMIfll MtMIEK. IS Vp.
Mschlnvs (hliiniol on
approval nrxl guaron
trl by Homo concern.
Write for samples of
work, ilntlnr make
U no mora necessary
than Smallpox, Army
tistrltac bit dcmsattftttd
the slmott raliieulouf effl.
6ey, and hurmtmntH, of Antityphoid Vaccination.
vtccUatrd NOW irt your physician, you r4
four ftmlly. tt li mors tlul Una tioim loiurance.
Alk your pliytlclin, drutilit, or if nJ (or "Hive
yen had Typhoid" Wlllnr of Typhoid Vseelns,
remits from uie, nd dioccr flora Typhoid Carriers,
rtis cunts laboratory, isr.s-r.ricY, cau
rivuM viccikii uaum vim v. , cor. ucista
Depends Upon Your Training
Our coar In fihoTtlianil. Pen.
mantlilp, lluilna Training mikI
Toleuraiihy will wjiilp you for a
successful ImalritxM cnrHr.
Kourlli litre!, Nrar Morrlwin. I'ortUnd, Or.
Wo Guarantee Positions for All
Our Graduate.".
Vrlte U, No Trouble to Answer.
In DIcquIcc.
Native Yoh, 1 says tho mjulro bo
prahioil. Ho ijitvo uh that hootlful free
Tourint I'm Bind you nppreclnto It;
Imt you don't look lllco a reading man,
NnlJve No, rslr; I don't uho tho li
brary, but my old woman. gets the Job
o' cleaning It out! London Opinion.
Tho United States Itintbur Industry
hps nn iinmuil output vnluod at more
than $1, 250.000.000.
ilfr l"rnch millinery trade dooa nn an
Ui:h ncim exceeding $70,000,000
with foreign countries.
Tho national dignity or Mexico Ib
vlndl'Mcd. Cnrbnjnl fled In tho dnrk
unj lnndcd on tho front page.
A Weak, Nervous Sufferer
Restored to Health by Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
Jtaaotn, Minn. "I am glad to say
that Lydla E. PInkham'B Vegetable
Comnound baa done
more for mo than
anything else, and I
had tho boat physi
cian hero. I was bo
weak and nervous
that I could not do
my work and Buf
fered with pains low
down in my right
sido for a year or
more. I took Lydla
E. Pinkham's Veco-
table Compound, and now I feel like a
different porson. I behove there I
nothing Jiko Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound for weak women and
young girls, and I would bo glad if I
could influence anyone to try the medi
cine, for I know it will do all and much
moro than It is claimed to do." Mrs.
Clara Fkanks, R. P. D. No. 1, Maple
crcBt Farm, Kasota, Minn.
Women who Buffer from thoso dis
trcising ills peculiar to their sex should
bo convinced of tho ability of Lydla E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re
store their health by the many genuine
and truthful testimonials we are con
stantly publishing in the newspapers.
If you havo tho slightest doubt
that Lydia liJ.Plnklium'flVogota..
liloCompoundwlll help you. wrlto
to Lydla K.lMuklmmMeillcinoCo.
(conudontitil) Lynn, Mann., f o- ml
""yloo. Your letter will ho oponed,
roml and uitHworod by a wonmu,
Hnd.held la Ntrlot confidence.
p. N. u.
lijfe. ;
WHKN writing to drrUf, j4as una.
" Men (Ms psurr,
Improved Farm Implements Are
Tho farmer himself, In tho last
analysis, dotorrnlnca tho ofllcloncy of
every nuccensrul funning; onterpriso,
according to tho government's farm
management Investigations, These In
vestlKations woro carried on to deter
mlno Junt what were tho main factors
making for succoss in agriculture
Tho farmer who comprehends and ap
plies tho principles of good farm or
ganization, selection of good seed, til
lago, and food, who Is quick to under
stand tho readjustment and Improve
ment of oxlstlng systems In caso of
need, Is tho farmer who gets tho max
imum result with tho minimum ex
penditure of monoy and effort
Although the farmer may not under
stand tho meaning of "applied econom
ics," ho will many times, through ex
perience and training, know how to
use tho eclcnco much bettor than ono
versed only In tho general theories.
Tho United States department of ag
riculture's Investigator has listed other
factors of efficiency In farming bb fol
lows: Tho magnitude of tho business,
whether measured by area of land
farmed, amount of working capital cm
ployed, or tho number of days of pro
ductive labor provided.
Organization, which determines tho
dogroo of diversity of enterprises on
tho farm which may bo mado to pro
vide full occupation to tho avallablo
labor and equipment while avoiding
tho necessity of hiring largo amountB
of extra labor.
System of management: It Is shown
that neighboring farmors, with similar
typoB of farming, devoto very different
nmounto of time to tho various classes
of enterprises on their farms becauso
of tho lack of standard systoms of
management of theso ontcrprlsos, and
It Is not always tho mnn who dovotes
tho most tlmo to an enterprise who
makos tho largest profits from It.
Lack of Bystem means lost motion and
useless work.
Adaptability of enterprises: In or
dor that tho farm may bo profitable
tho crops and live stock maintained
upon It must bo adapted not only to
local condition of soil and climate but
also to existing economic conditions.
Quality of tho business: Tho Income
per animal unit Is a very Important
factor In profit Yield por aero Is also
Important, but less so than tho In-
como por animal unit Moderate
ylolds may be more profitable than
very high ylolds.
On a farm which combines a large
number of theso factors of efficiency,
profits aro greater than on those
which aro efficient In fewer things.
Many other factors of efficiency
exist, but thoy are not nera ueau wun
for lack of sufficient data.
Adaptability of Enterprises.
Ono of the most Important factors
in determining profit In farming is the
adaptability of enterprises to soil and
ollmatlo conditions, and especially to
existing economic conditions.
Tho following tablo gives an eau-
mato of tho averago labor Income for
Question Is Ono Upon Which Much
Difference of Opinion is Mani
fested Among Farmers:
(By II. II. KILDWB, Iowa Experiment
In roaoonBO to Inaulry as to the
best longtha for cutting corn to put
into tho silo, ProfosBor KUdoo of the
Iowa Agricultural collogo, mnkos tho
following reply:
"Tho Question as to tho proper
lengths in wjilch corn should bo cut
when put Into tho silo Is ono upon
which much dlfforonco of qplnlou Is
manifested. Some advocato as long
an one and ono-fourth Inches, others
ess than one-halt Inch or approxi
mately ono-fourth Inch, and tho ma
jority Intennodlatu lengths, Tho short
outs, such aa tho ono-fourth and oue-
lialf Inch, require mora power, but
nsura a moro palatablo image, result'
ng In Urn wants iH'foodlng, and rimka
t aasy to pack It timrotiKiiiy hi um
of milNtf, This poiiklliK Help to !!
IjirU tk7 tbu IliiprovuiK tho
Great Time and Labor Savers.
ono of tho leading dairy counties In
tho state of Wisconsin and ono of tho
leading dairy counties in tho state of
Massachusetts. Tho calculations aro
based on census figures In so far as
theso aro available.
The estimated cost of maintenance
of buildings, Implements and machin
ery taxes, and miscellaneous expenses
aro baaed on tho results of farm-management
surveys and other Investiga
tions conducted by tho offico of farm
management Unfortunately, certain
Items necessary to detcrmino accurate
ly tho labor Income aro missing.
To sum up, the labor Incomes, to
gether with tho Interest on the Invest
ment, which mako up tho farm in
come, roqulre tho following modifica
tion in order to represent tho sum
avallablo annually for tho family liv
ing: Tho farm lucorao should bo In
creased by tho amount of milk and
cream consumed on tho farm where
It Is produced and by tho amount
earned by tho farm family from other
sources than tho farm, Including, of
course, interest on investments other
than In the farm, and It should be re
duced by tho amount paid for live
stock bought Tho figures are there
foro only of valuo as a comparison bo
tween different regions, for tho same
defects Inhcro In the estimates of the
two rcglonB.
Eatlmntc of the Average Labor Income
for Farm In a Leading Dairy County
In "VVInconaln and Ono In Massa
chuiotta. Bloted county In
Item of Comparleon. Wisconsin, bo Us.
Number of fannn. .......... t.XS l,UA
Improved land per farm.
- acre '. G3.0 81. J
Number of cows por farm 1Z.7. 8.02
Improved land per cow,
acres 6.33 4.83
Total farm Investment $10,300 I7.MS
Valuo of farm buildings 2.279 , SS2
value of Implement ana
tnachlnory 263 403
Ialry product, per cow 43 108
Valuo of Products.
Dairy products (excluilve of
home-uncd milk find cream) EOS 32
"Wool and mohair.... 1 .,
Poultry products 134 353
Domestic animal o!d 313 173
Domestic animals slaughtered 42 20
Value of crop not fed 678 8SS
Total 1 1,K
Labor 9 348
Fertilizers 1
Feed 41
Mnlntonanco of buildings, 4.5
per cent 103
Maintenance of Implements,
etc, SO per cent 74
Taxes, 0.0 per cent 83
Total (designated expenses) 429
Miscellaneous expenses 64
Total (all expenses) 493
Farm Incomo , f 1,073
Interest on Investment. 8 per
cent 873
Labor Incomo 85S
$ 33C
'Should be Increased by the valuo ot
home-used milk and cream and rocelpts
from outsldo souroes. Should bo decrease
by tho amount paid for live stock pur
chased. quality, and makes It possible to put a
greater" quantity of corn in the silo.
It is moro e&sontial that thorough!;
mature corn bo cut Into shortet
lengths than corn that Is more Imma
ture and succulent, as much of th
dry portions will bo wasted by anl
nials on full feed If not cut into small
pieces. When ono considers the mat
tor from all standpoints, it is evident
that the common practlco of cutting
tho corn into onp-hnlf to threo-fourthi
Inch lengths Is tho preferable ono
Tho writer has mado It a practlco tc
cut the corn Into threo-fourths-lnch
lengths, but realizes that when cort
becomes dry tho ono-half inch cut li
moro desirable. If the correspondent
wishes a shorter cut for the uppei
part of the silo I would recommend
tho upper third bo filled with one-hall
inch cut.
Should Keep Deed Mothers.
The good settor is not always th
best hatcher of chicks, If you had
a few good mothers lat year they
Hhouhl have been nef at tho same Jet
this season, unlens you went sler
farther, sm4 boimlit m lHCUkte,
16 AND
Hammer! css
The Model 1912 Winchester is the lightest, strongest
and handsomest repeating
Although light in weight,
its metal parts throughout
is a two-part Take-down, without loose parts, is simple to
operate and the action works with an case and smoothness
unknown in guns of other makes. See one at your dealer's or
Stnd to Wlnchiittr Rtpiaiint Armt
It Stumps the Devil.
Tho devil was reading the war nows
o'er. At each fresh item ho gave a
roar. "Jt sickens me even to think
of that gore," said tho creature In red.
"The kings who plan out such mis
cry, the horrlblo torture and butchery,
to call them 'devils' Is flattery," and
he shook his head.
"I've nover been called fastldlouB,
but when Sherman eald 'War Is hell,'
tho cuss was altogether unjust to us,"
Beelzebub, said. Boston Advertiser.
A motorman was arrested for run
ning over a hose. Being a fire hose,
tho M. M. failed to notice it.
Good Time to Bite.
A farmer met a man at a railroad
depot who asked him for a chew of
tobacco. The farmer pulled out a plug
and said:
"Have you got a knife?"
"No," replied the man. "Have you
any particular place where you want
me to bite It?"
"Nope," said the farmer.
The man jumped aboard the moving
train and yelled back:
"All right, then, I'll bito It In the
next town." National Monthly.
a Cure While You Walk.
Allen's Foot-Eie Is a certain euro for not,
wcatlnfr.ctllus.andsirolleu.iiriilngieet. gold
bjr all Drujicltt j. f rico 25c. Uon't accent any
institute. Trial packnse FliEE. Address
Mien ft Olmxted, Le Koy, S. Y.
Needed Support.
n no.loln Jn.trif rt XTnV.Ha
Ala! announced his "engagemenT to
ih ,i.,Bw nno f m .t.,,1 tho rnn.
tho dusky one of his choice the con
gratulations that were showered upon
him included a note of wonder.
Joe," Bald one of these friends, "I
nhoro is surprised 1 We-all never
thought you'd speak up. It's going
5 S XfH?j!X yoU bCKan tolooi-
uiuuuu .moo viuicu
"Dat's true," said Joe, "but do fact
Is, old man, I didn't lose my Job until
Try JlurJneKjellemedj- for lieu. Wc-uk, watery
xry nunne cjenemeay lor lteu. r ai, watery
BreanndOraauIatrd Kjrellds; No Bmartlnir
lusl.Uye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye
by mall Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago,
No Peace Without Disarmament.
If there Is any benefit to civilization ,
to be extricated from wholesale !
slaughter and destruction, it is by
checking for a lone term of years the
mad competition In armaments. There
ls no reason for the deliberate and
voluntary suicide of western clviliza-l
tion by tho devotion of productlvo
power to armaments and wLolesale
murder. Wall Streot Journal.
vTrUrht's Indian Vegetable Pills have
OTed their worth for 75 years. Test them
proved tlielr worth for 75 years.
yourself now. Send for sample to 372 1'eari
Bt.t Xtow lorn. AUV.
Tho Why of the Tip.
The reason why the tipping system
will never be abolished is that the at
titude of the averago patron of the
restaurant toward the high-mighty
waiter Is that of Alice, who wept with
delight when Ben Bolt gave her a
smile and trembled with fear at his
frown. Louisville Courier-Journal.
Worms extolled ttromntlr from the human
system trlth Sr. Peery's VerinlfuKO "Oead
Shot." Adv.
Very Brief Lesson.
Farmer (to country boarders)
Sorry thnt you young folks got stung.
How'd it happen?
Spokesman Well, j'ou see, we wore
standing beside the beehive wondering
how tho bees made honoy. I guess
thoy must havo overheard us, for they
came out and gavo ub n few points.
Boston Transcript.
Doubt Removed.
Teacher What's the matter?
Maggies Has mulberries got any
legs, teacher?
Teachei" No, or course not.
Maggie Then I swallowed a cater
pillar. Indianapolis Journal.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes make
no muss.
A Practical Reason.
Hamlet Why is It, Simon, that they
alwnys havo bloodhounds in an "Un
do Toin's Cabin" show?
Simon Legreo To find the innnagor
on salary days, my boy. Puck.
TTm Knmnn I've Mulsaut for acaldlna sen.
satlon in eyes uud iunaisoaatlou of ys er
eyelids. Adr,
If a man who stoats a child -Is a
kldmippur, why Isn't ono who steals
your pet cut a cutulppur?
Tho Uiiltud Stat in 1913 produced
More Uiun J J,0p0,0Q0 Hiijiij Jluo brick,
1 ' . r,
Repeating Shotguns
shotgun on the market.
it ha3 great strength, because
arc made of nickel steel. It
Co., New Ham, Conn., for circular.
Var Leaders Are Old Men.
The European war seems to dis
prove the old saying, "Young men for
war, old men for counsel." The lead'
era in all nations are men no longer
young. Some of them arc really old.
Ilor are a few of them.
England's war chief, Horatio Her
bert Kltohener. general and vlscouat,
was born lis Bally Longford, County
Kerry, Ireland, June 24, 1850, the bob
of a lieutenant colonel in tho British
army. He entered the army in 1868.
Field Marshal Sir John French, commander-in-chief
of British forces In
the field, was born In England In 1852,
the son of a naval officer. Ho served
with distinction In the army in India
and In South Africa.
General Joffre, commander-in-chief
of the French army, Is 62 years old.
He entered the French army when ho
was 18 years old and served through
the Francc-PniEsIan war. He Is a
noted disciplinarian.
General Helmuth von Moltke, chief
of Kaiser William's general staff, was
born May 23, 1848, In Gersdorf, Meck
lenburg. He Is a veteran of the Franco-Prussian
war and a field marshal.
Premier Stephen Tisza, of Hungary,
called "the dual monarchy's man of
the hour," was born In April, 1861. Ho
has been prominent since 1886 in Hun
garian political life.
Emperor FranciS Josef of Austria
was born August 18, 1830, and baa
reigned since 1848.
. "S ie.5ium aS uu.u
APHl O, 16 '.
i iV Vsf SifSSf
i born January 27. 1859, and has reigned
since June 15, 18S8.
Emperor Nicholas JI of Russia was
born May 18, 1S6S, and has been on
tho throne since November 1, 1894.
King Peter I of Servia was born In
Wrig Jurie 11. 1S03
1846 In -Belgrade, and was proclaimed
I u r ri j .
T Yo?-b a e",b-u,u .wa? ""ru
"c and succeeded his father
The Lesser Evil.
Th u.ip , pvldpnflv n firm
lne mue was eviaentiy a linn
h.ipv thfl nIli t,io.p nr txen prlU
reliever in ine OlO auage, UI two evils
choose the least." Turning a corner
at full speed he collided with the min
ister. "Where aro you running to, by little
man?" asked the minister, when he.
had regained his breath.
j "Home!" panted the boy. "Ma's ge
: Ing to spank me.
"What!" gasped the astonished min-
! ister. "Are you eager to have your
; mother spank you that you run home-
so fast?"
"No," shouted the boy over ' hla
shoulder as he resumed his homeward
flight, "but If I don't get there beforo
pa he'll do It!" Minneapolis Journal.
Quick Relief When
Utterly Worn Out
Getting the Blood injOrdtut
Is Required By Most
It yon think you bare goae to smash an 3
lit only for the discard, try S. B. 8. for tho .
blood. It will surprise you to know what
can tie dose for health once tho blood 1 ,
released of the excess of body wastes that"
keep It from exercising Its full measure of
Dodiiy repair.
if you feel played out, go to any drug
store and ask for a bottle of 8. 8. 8. IIcr
Is a remedy that gets at work in a twink
ling; it just naturally rushes right Into
your blood, scatters gems right and IcfU
up and down and sideways.
You feel better at ones, not froraTHHpBT-!
ulaat, sot from the actios of CruJITlMt
from the ratlosal effect ot a fisturaUa4l
cinc. ip4
The UgredlMits la 8. H. S. sffre'tfeaw
actlre purpose of so stimulating tfcelwltr'
tlHurs of the fcody that thry ylek fSsvfre
the bloed tbilr ews essential BUtrljMt-iHtiY
Ibus repair work begins at once. w rllcC
U geatral all ever tbs system,
Do ot Reelect to get a bottle of H.K H.
today. It will wako you feel better IfyJ'wt
a few MluutM. Jt li prepared only la the
Isl-oratory tt The Hwlft Upe.lne 1 WW
fiirlft luV Atlanta, (1. tftsd i Hlr
free boek ullbnt of the tnau
dltluss that Bfllrt Uio Iiuoiuh UmHy
roe ft JwpowUtKJ Uuod,