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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1914)
1 ... .lJ;jL M. We give "Gold Bond" Stamps ARRIVING New Fall and Winter Goods r , . ... -r i .ion v r m o l n T au Til IIMnftm ?v 1! nf tht latest lh slopes fcflcl Colonics, beautiful crcfctiops 19 Velvets. Plushes cd yllks, sJso tJ?ose cl;lck felt sport 1;fcts 19 gret variety of colorls. Fall and Winter Dress Goods in all the latest shapes and colorings, beau tiful wool, crepes, serges, plaids and mixed suitings c c :o xzxi oo ; cr .vo oro kc c :-c5 0 Waist Goods, in crepes, silks, impor ted plaid silks, crepe de chine and other beautiful weaves Ladies silk and crepe blouses just an rived and more aoming, just the thing for evening we . Ladies' and Misses' Skirts in the new styles and trimmed in the reman stripes and plaids lj. 1 in. j.1 1 J. K.I U - - -m- t -r s-i O COMING! COMING! "We Make 'Ehi Laugh" T TlViM. AND HIS. .COMPANY OF M1N- Ben LaMott stiIbl players RICHLAND OPERA HOUSE SEPT. 21, 22, 23 . locals! virffH OOC0K0 0OO OOOOOOOO ta POPULAR PRICES MACKINAWS If you want to be up-to-if.e-minute in style you bhould wear one. We have them in size from 26 to 46 so v.e have vouv size and they are in all; the latest colorings in'stripts and plaids in price from . . n 1 r ...III . . . .V-1 if tmi conn 9unv Fa ! and Winter Underwear. Our stock is complete in g fh meuium aim Heavy nrs- """ " - extensively of all the popular numbers in union, suits' and single garments. A "iti- of Jersey Sweater jW iteqeived in light and heavy-weights, just the things fbr these cool mornings and evenings. Our line of heating stoves will Be read7for your inspec tion this week. Come in before yotL' buy and inspect an3 ! get our prices.. AGENT FOR, BLACK GAT HOSE A beautiful line of quality Aluminum vrejustin every piece guaranteed s for 20 years and priced right : & W.. Chandler M,' It ScalBrand' Tho Coffco of Universal Appeal In the camp the pot of gold at the end of the long trail because of its rich, ML, satisfying strength CHASE & SANBORK'S SEAL BRAND COFFEE Inl and 2 pound cnnB. Never m bulk Ground, Unground or Pulverized. FRANK CLARKE LOCAL' AGENT FEichland a Oregon 000 doooopoooo OOCOOOOXKKW(KOOWOo5Ww ST RECEIVED A Fresh Stock of the famous I Owyhee Chocolates TN 25 and 50 cent BOXES Richland Drugstore I "A Good. Place to Trade'' ;000MXKKK0KKCKOCK Dnkor FAir, Sept., 1G-17-18-19 , Ioun llcddick, who has boon in Pino Valley for the past sev 6:nl wcuko, rtuiuicd .Sunday in oVdor to attend tht union High School, at Jttichlantl. Theso chilly days you need to keep warm: try ono of our mack inaws, for any member of tho family bnttcr como in now thoy aro going last, Saunucra liro'a (Adv.) Maud ria'lltyi who honded the Uichlnnd Gramm,a.r School laat vear, Itnu excepted a psition a? inatruptor in the Ilnlfwny High School. Tho Bchool at Halfway .vill havo three instructors this year. Tho docial aivi Friday was nQ. cry well ilttendcd on account of. the inclcnient weather, howcvei; thoao pr4$tnt cijoyed a good time and dvcrylhin.r conBidereu iho procceas from the same was not so bad! ..-.. . , Mrs. C. ii. Brooks entertained the Young Ladies Class of the Christian Sunday, School, last. 7ridiy afternoon at homo. An mjoyable tjmewas had.and after, 1 lunch wfl3 served all depart i i for fheir respected homes. Nothing (n our Pry Goads, No tion or Furnjshjng Cjqods ,hne has been hit by t ho . war prices, but you can't ,tell( hbw soon it will, so it is, td t;y,outrr5dYantago to buy as eurly ad possible. E. & W. CHArjpteh , (Adv.). Have yob inspected our lino of nackinaws if not do it now dopt, ,)ut it afj intil tho sizes aro brolj 2n and the" best pattern gone' they are going rapidly .about 7o yet to pick from and at a prjee :hat they can't be bought for iisewh'e're' E! & CifANDL'En , (Advt At Uio Home of tHe1 tfride at 7:30 last Tuesday, Sept 8, Mra. Susan Tiftklc itnd G. T. Perry, .vera united in Marriage, in Ba ker, Rev. A. R. Willetts of the Calvary Baptist Church perform ing the ceremony. Only a few inMmate friends wore present. Their many friends both in Bak er and Eagle ill unit in wish ing them happiness and prosper ity but the announcement canW us quite a surprise to all but a few of their mo3t intimate.' friends. The Eaglo Vnlloy Band wilt give a concert, Saturday night' Sept. 26, in connection with Par kers Moving Picture Show more' particulars next week. II 'II m m ' Baird Furniture Company 32 Carriis Liniolium, Carpets, Rues and Furniture fit a! I W. E. BAIRD, Mgr. J MliMWIM I III I I I ImJB i 6 Per Cent Money (5 Per Cent Loans'may be obtained for any W hite security; liberal privileges: Correspondence solicited. A-. C; Agency Company. 768 Gas, ElectVic Bldg., Denver,' Colo. 440' Phtilan Bldg. Sm Francisco. (Adv.) Tobacco and Cigar Salesmen Wanted to Advertise. Empar lance unnecessary, $100 month-, ly arid expenses. Advertise' Smok'ng, Chewing Tobacco, Cit'arrjttea, Cigars. Send 2c. stamp for full particular,- - HEL MET TOBACCO CO.. New York,. N; Y. (35-3 Advertisement)