Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 17, 1914, Image 2

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Resume of World's Important
Events Told in Brief.
London reports few unemployed,
but recruiting Is active.
J- The Japaneso govornment haB pass
cd n bill Tor a war fund ot about $25,
600,000. The Italian cruiser Plemonto has
been recalled from Somalllnnd, East
Tho British nro roported to havo
beaten a forco ot 400 Germans In Nys
saland, Central Africa.
English authorities announce tho
British casualty list at 19,000, exclus
ive ot tho last three days' fighting.
One hundred and ten Chinese stu
dents, including ten girls, arrived at
San Francisco en routo to various
American colleges.
German authorities announce that
the British cruiser Pathfinder, was de
stroyed by a German submarlno, in
stead of by a mine.
The French government is furnish
ing free transportation to all who will
leave Paris, and It is estimated that
over two million have gone.
The burgomaster of Louvain says
tho Germans have promised to cease
hostilities against the city, and that
residents may safely return.
The steamer Isthmian this week
sailed from Pacific Coast ports to
New York via the canal with 600 tons
of wood pulp for paper making.
The Blnking of a fishing trawler,
whloh Rtrnrk a mine In the North Sea.
Is reported. The skipper and a fire
man were drowned. Ten otners were
A dispatch to the London Star from
Newcastle says that the tramp steam
er Ottawa struck a mine off Northum
berland Saturday and went down. So
far as Is known, none of the crew of
26 men was saved.
A dispatch to the London Post from
Paris says that a French military bi
plane, caught in an air pocket above
Bois de Vincennes fell, killing two avi
ators and four persons In the street
Four other persons were severely in
jured. Prince Friedrich ot Hesse, eldest
son of Prince-Carl of Hesse, ana an
officer in theHanan Uhlans, has been
seriously wounded in France, and Col
onel Ernest Moritz von Arendt has
been killed, according to. a Copenha
gen dispatch.
Minister of Avar Millerand has sent
a circular note to the generals com
manding the several districts of
France ordering them to institute a
vigorous search for all persons who
have failed to respond for military
service as required.
Tho declaration was made by the
"foreign office at Tokio that there was
no -truth in the report circulated in
Tokio and elsewhere that Japan had
been in negotiation with Great Britain
concerning the dispatch of a Japanese
army to Germany.
A dispatch to the London Dally Tel
psxanh from Conenhaeen announces
'" that a German squadron of 31 ships,
including battleships, cruisers ana torpedo-boat
destroyers has been observ
ed at various points along the Gulf of
Bothnia, steaming east.
The Rome Tribuna's Vienna corres
pondent says 6000 wounded arrived in
Vienna on Tuesday, 5000 on Monday
and 9000 on last Sunday. About a
third of these are Germans. Budapest
and Prague also report the arrival of
large numbers of wounded.
A dispatch to the London Exchange
Telegraph company from Ghent says:
"It is estimated that from 30,000 to
40,000 German sailors have arrived
during the past two days at Brussels.
This indicates that the German re
serve Is completely mobilized."
China officially notified the state
department at Washington of its in
ability to- participate In the naval ren
dezvous at the Panama-Pacific Expo
sition. Conditions arising because of
the war were given as the reason and
the Chinese foreign office expressed
its deep regret.
The elements have delayed unex
pectedly the Japanese advance on
Tslng-Tau. Floods cover tho sur
rounding country and are spreading
and beyond Wel-Hsien. It is said it
may be months before the Japanese
can begin their investment of the
stronghold, which now can bo reached
only by boat.
That German prisoners be pressed
into tho service in the highly hazard
ous work of sweeping the North Sea
mines was a suggestion made in the
House of Commons. Great Britain
now ha3 many small boats engaged in
this task, and German prisoner crews
under British officers would handle
such craft it the plan outlined were
"The cost of shoes is going up," ac
cording to a statement issued in New
York by a commltteo representing tho
delegates to a conference of the Na
tlnnnl Shoo Wholesaler! Association
W tu National jteisiiers'
owiQUio Kuropean coanicw wmu i hh
Seriously curtailed the Jwwirlatloa of
h'(k'l Mild JiklllH,
Peace Must Be Permanent
Declares English Official
Washington, D. C Two develop
ments of tho highest importnnco in
connection with preliminary peaco ne
gotiations which havo been in pro
gress hero havo taken placo.
First President Wilson received n
communication direct from tho onv
poror of Germany protesting against
tho use by tho allies of practice? con
trary to tho laws of war, doplorlng tho
shedding ot blood and tho destruction
ot property through n war brought on
the Gorman omplro and intimating a
deslro for peace.
Second Sir Edward Grey, mlnlstor
for foreign affairs ot Great Britain,
sent a reply to tho informnl penco
overtures mado on behalf ot tho Ger
man ambassador to tho United States,
through Oscar Straus, ot Now York,
and Secretary of State Bryan, to tho
representatives hero of tho allies' gov
ernment. Tho message of tho Gorman ompor
or Is under dato ot last Friday. On
tho same day Dr. Van Bethmnnn-Holl-weg,
chanoellor of tho emplrd, advised
Count Von Bernstorff, tho Gorman
ambassador here, that Germany had
not gono Into tho war for further ad
ditions of territory.
It is apparent there is a movement
on tho part of Gormany to obtain:
Peace on tho basis ot tho present
war status quo.
To place on tho allies responsibility
for the war.
To relieve Germany of tho charge
of wanton destruction ot life and prop
erty. To explain that tho wiping out of
the city of Louvain was necessary, as
a result of tho conduct of the Belgians.
As establishing the character of the
warfaro conducted by tho allies, tho
emperor refers to tho use by them ot
dum-dum bullets, abundant proof of
which, according to his letter, exists.
Sir Edward's reply was mado to Am
bassador Pago in tho course of a con
ference. In accordance with tho me
diatory role which ho has assumed
Secretary Bryan will ncquaint tho Ger
man ambassador with tho nature of
Sir Edward's response. This probably
will lead to another conferenco In the
next few days.
It now will bo for the Gorman am
bassador to drop tho informal charac
ter of his presentations and if ho real
ly Is acting in accordance with tho in
structions ot his government, to make
representations under which the, pres
ident and Secretary Bryan can pro
ceed with their efforts to terminate
the war.
The British communication is sig
nificant in several aspects.
It says that Great Britain, quite as
earnestly as Germany, is willing to
move for the restoration of peace.
This in spite of the fact that Germany
has won a succession of victories on
It shows that Great Britain will not
be content with a peace which will be
merely a truce; that as far as possible
she proposes to end war through the
conflict now in progress.
It shows finally that Great Britain
is determined to stand by Belgium and
to insist that Germany compensate
that little nation for the terrible losses
in life and property which sho incur
red in the defense of her neutrality.
The reply of Sir Edward Grey un
doubtedly was made after consulta
tion with France and Russia.
Germans Deny Mining of
North Sea; Ports Open
New York. Count von Bernstorff,
German ambassador to tho United
States, denies that there are mines in
the North Sea. German ports are not
blockaded, he declared, and neutral
ships can enter them and can replen
ish their coal supplies in these ports,
as there is no embargo on bunker coal.
"Neutral ships which wish to enter
ports in the North Sea must go to a
point ten miles north of Heligoland,
where they will find German pilots to
take the ships Into the harbors," he
said. "Harbors in the Baltic can be
approached directly and there are pi
lots before every port."
The ambassador gave out an extract
from a letter sent from Belgium by
his son, who is in a cavalry regiment
of the guard, as follows:
"In every village there are bombs
and wo have to make people drink wa
ter they offer us. They are trying to
poison us."
Belgium Will Aid Families.
New York. Fifteen cents a day will
bo paid by the government of Belgium
to every Belgian woman in America
whose husband is with the Belgian
army. If sho has children, sho will
receive, in addition, 5 cents a day for
each child, which will be increased to
10 cents a day in case the husband bo
slain, Pierre Mali, the Belgian consul
general announced Saturday. This ap
plies to all families of soldiers, regard
less of their financial situation.
Lassen's Violence Grows.
Redding, Cal, Lassen Peak contin
ued in a state of eruption Saturday,
two violent disturbances occurring,
which wero pronounced tho greatest
of tho Merles of 42 since last May,
Clouds of ashes descended at Mineral,
10 miles from the peak. Several per
sons reported that tboy had soon
flames emanating from the crater, but
tho forest bureau's observer, stationed
not far from ilio crater, said he saw
no tiro,
Kaiser William Known to Havo
f nf fnr flrnm Wilcnn
Great Britain Declared to Oppose
Temporary Truce France
Unwilling at Present.
Washington, D. C -Emporor Wil
liam has had undor consideration for
several days, an Informal Inquiry from
tho United States govornment ns to
whether Gormany doslrca to dlscuBS
terms of peaco with her foes.
Up to a lato hour Mondoay no roply
had come, but on Its tenor dopends to
Bomo extent whether tho informal
peaco movement inaugurated a week
ngo can bo pursued further with Groat
Britain, Franco and Russia.
Tho inquiry was not a formal one,
such as President Wilson's original
tender of good offices, but was an effort
of an official character to detormino
whether Germany's reported willing
ness to talk peaco was based on fact.
The chronology of tho peaco move
ment was revealed after a conferenco
of officials, diplomats and others di
rectly concerned in the incident. Tho
story of tho seven days of poaco talk,
as told by some of the principals. Is as
"On Saturday, September 5, Count
vonBcrnstoriT, tho German ambassa
dor, dined with James Spoycr, tho
banker, at tho latter's rcsidenco in
Now York. Oscar Straus, American
member of Tho Hague tribunal and
former cabinet officer, was prcsont. In
the course of tho evening, as tho con
versation turned to tho subject of
peace in Europe, the German ambassa
dor said that, while ho had no advices
from his government since leaving
Berlin, ho recalled a conversation with
the Imperial chancellor thero, in which
tho latter said he believed tho emperor
would be willing to discuss measures
of peaco through mediation.
Previous to the ambassador's con
versation with the chancellor, Emperor
William had already acknowledged
President Wilson's tender of good
offices, but had been non-committal as
to its acceptance. Mr. Straus immc
dlatley asked the German ambassador
for permission to repeat tho conversa
tion to Secretary Bryan at Washing-
I ton. Count von Bernstorff gave his
Millions in China in
Need Because of Flood
Washington, D. C Twelve months'
famine, which only outside aid can
avert, faces tho Kang Tung and Kang
Si provinces of China, which wero
devastated by flood in July, with a loss
of 3000 lives and more than 100,000
homes. Consul General Cheshire re
ported from Canton that more than
8,000,000 people suffered losses and
many millions would need food until
the next harvest.
"In many places whole villages have
been blotted out, inhabitants and all,"
says the report. "The loss of life may
never be known, but tho suffering
caused is appalling. The West river
still, at the end of July, is exceedingly
high, the fields-and lands aro undor
several'feet of water. Banks require
rebuilding, houses re-erecting, fields to
be pumped dry for planting. Taxes
are remitted and other government aid
is given, but even thus, the peoplo
have lost all and stand helpless.
"At first wo hoped the water might
recede more rapidly and fields be avail
able for the second planting. This
now appears not to be possible. In
such event the peoplo face a 10 or 12
months' famine.
"This is, only the beginning. What
the near future has in Btore only God
knows. Help is needed now. Delay
cannot be long if these people are to
be saved."
Big Battle in Africa ,
Is Thought Inevitable
London A dispatch to Reuter's Tel
egram company from Nariobi, British
East Africa, says a strong forco of
Germans from German East Africa
crossed tho border at Mohoru and occu
pied Karangu, and is now advancing
on Kisii.
"British forces," tho correspondent
adds, "have been dispatched from
Kisampu and from Port Florence, on
tho northeastern shore of Lake Vic
toria Nyanza, to check them."
German Sees Long War.
Rotterdam A dispatch received
here from Berlin contains the comment
of a military writer in the German
camp on the situation in the western
theater of war and the retirement of
General von Buelow. "It is nccenaary
to remind the public," says the writer,
"that the road to the goal is still long
and that we are merely at the begin
ning ot making wcrlflce awl undergo
Injf suffering'
Incomes Made to Bear
Share of "War" 7 ax
Washington. D. C An Incomo tax
InoroaBo of one-half of 1 per cent nnd
a reduction of tho minimum exemp
tion from $3000 to $2000 and tho maxi
mum oxomptlon from $4000 to $3000
woro tentatively ngrood on by Demo
cratic mombors of tho ways nnd moans
commltteo who nro framing tho omur
gonoy bill to rnlso $100,000,000.
It la catlmatod that tho proposod
Incomo tax eliangos would produce
$35,000,000 annually.
In deciding on tho Incomo tnx In
crease, tho commltteo conHldorod tho
fact that rovonuo from this source
would not bo nvallnblo until next July,
but tho opinion wno general that tho
Incroasod rovonuo from othor sourcoH
would moot any deficit until that tlmo.
Undor tho proposed changes tho In
como tnx would bo Vj per cent on In
comes ot alnglo porsons In oxcosn of
$2000 nnd tho saino on married per
BonB in excess ot $3000.
In nddltlou tho ono-hnlf per cent In
cronHO would bo ndded pro rata In ac
cordance with tho Incroasod nur-taxos
on incomoa in oxcosa ot $20,000.
Tho committoo ngrood also that tho
Increased tax on beer and mnlt liquors
should bo fixed at CO cents a barrel,
bringing In $35,000,000. On domostlo
wines an extra tax ot 20 conta a gal
lon will ratso $10,000,000. Dlstlllod
spirits will cscnpo an oxtrn tax, but It
wub decided to tax rectified spirits 2
cents n gallon, realizing $2,000,000.
Opponents of an Incroasod tax on
whiskies won their fight after throo
ballots had boon taken. PropoBals to
lovy nn additional tax of 25 and 15
conts a gnllon wero dofcatod. On n
proposal to mako tho tax 10 contH a
gallon, thoro was a tlo voto. Finally
It was ngrood to mako tho tax apply
only to rectified spirits at 2 contB.
London. ExtonBlvo farming
throughout tho British Isles and tho
plowing of Innd at every placo whero
it is available Is urged In nn open lot
tor issued by P. Lloyd Grnuro, Bccro
tary of the Unionist agricultural com
mltteo. "If stops nro not taken to nsauro a
supply of wheat from May to August,"
Secretary Graurc Bays, "wo may seo
wheat riso to famino prices. To avoid
this, tho government should offer a
considerable bonus to all farmers to
keep tholr wheat In stack until May of
noxt year, at tho samo tlmo rcsorvlng
tho right to. purchnso all tho wheat at
a prlco equal to tho present prlco plus
the bonus."
Mexicans Agree on Plans
for Holding New Election
Washington, D. C Tho basis for
tho recent assertion of President Wil
son that ho believed Carninzn and Vil
la would co-opcrato In restoring con
stitutional government In Mexico was
revealed Wednesday, when It becamo
known that Genornl Obrcgon, personal
friend of Goneral Carranzn, had sign
ed tho proposnls of Gonornl Villa for
an electoral program.
Tho program In full Is as follows:
That a convention of tho dologntos
of tho constitutionalist army bo called
to arrange tho dato of tho election for
CongrcsB, President and Vice-President.
That no military mnn bo a cnndldalo
for President or VIco-Prcsldcnt or
Governor ot any stnto.
That a civilian tako chargo of tho
provisional government to hold elec
tions. That ,a general amnesty bo declared
except an to thoso who committed tho
crime or participated in tho assassina
tion of Madcro and Suarez.
That tho officers of tho old fcdornl
army who can show clean records shall
bo taken Into tho now national army.
That all reforms shall bo put
through in an energetic mnnnor, but
on a legal and constitutional basis.
General Carranza already has com
piled with tho first proposal by calling
a general convention for October 1 to
select a provisional president.
Art Protection Urged.
Washington, D. C President Wil
son took under consideration a sug
gestion from Ambassador Herrlck at
Paris that the United States approach
tho powers in an effort to have tholr
armies' regard historic buildings, mon
uments and works of nrt as "Interna
tional property."
Ambassador Herrlck cablod tho sug
gestion after tho diplomatic represen
tatives in Franco of several neutral
countries had Indicatod the deslro of
tholr governments to support the pro
ject. Import of Treaty Noted.
Rome. Tho Corriero d'ltalla, com
menting on tho undertaking signed by
tho powers of tho Triple Entente, in
which it was agreed that nono of tho
three would accopt terms of peaco
without tho previous consent of tho
other two, says that tho undortnking
will havo enormous importnnco. In
addition to Its effect on Germany, It
will servo ns a warning to cortaln
states, tho paper declares.
Australia Halts Exports.
London, A dispatch to tho Post
from Melbourne says that tho govern
in out Jiih prohibited tho export of
wheat, flour, tinned and othor moats
to anv nlacfl outsldo tlm TJnlturi ICIntr.
dom, excopt with tho Kovormnont'a
nmiunnt. Tlilu diw.iunt lu ilnn in 1i
Husplclon that Australian cargoes, nVl
iviiMHiy ior nouiH America, are reaiiy
Intended for the mmy,
Sorvians Also Assumo Offensive
and Take Austrian City.
Siege of Belgrade Ends Germans
Victorious In EastAuslrlana
Also Beat Back Russians.
London. Nowb from NIhIi, Survln,
that tho Servians had captured 8m
1 In and nn official announcement from
Potrogrud thnt ltusBlan troopM had
Biiccooded In dividing tho Austrian
nrmy In Poland, domlnato tho situa
tion concerning tho Eastorn scene ot
wnr. Tho Potrogrnd dlBpatch nays:
"Tomaszow has boon taken nftor n
dooporuto- fight. ' '
"Tho aormnn troops near Mynlncc
and Chorzolo, Russian Poland, havo
boon repulsed with heavy losses.
"Tho RuBslan forces have token by
oBHaulf tho fortified positions of Opolo .
and Tourbluo, RuHiilan Poland, and
pursued tho onomy n distance ot 25
mlluH. ItiiBBinn cavalry In still driv
ing in the rearguard or tha onomy,
'"It In nnnouncod thnt tho RiiHHlait
trnniiu Iiiivm Hiicnnniln.l In iinnurut Inir
tho loft wing of tho Austrian army
from tho troops which woro opiirnung
around Tomnflzow nnd Rawn. In Rus
sian Poland."
Tnloiirnnhlm: from PotroKrad. tho
corrcBpondont ot tho Morning Poet
"Tim Anntrlnn rntlrnmcnt on tho
Vlntnln In Ititltii? rnnilnntfld with n HCtllt
bianco of order, but the caao Ih differ
ent with tho right wing operating nenR
Tomaszow. Tho Austrinns uoro nrw,
rnutni! mill f1oilmr In (tin UtlllOHt dls
order. Driving In between tho two
wlngfl, tho RuHslnnii have cut oil thin
Austro-Gorman nrmy nnd completely
surrounded It on tho front and rinnk.
The ItiiHiiliinii hnve Kiimmoncd thl
right wing to surrender.
"Tho Russian cavalry na goi no-
lihwl Mm rnfronllni? nrmv with KUHS
nnd tho Bituntlon of tho AuHtro-aor-mans
now in desporato. To cross
marHhcH nnd rivers with cavalry ana
artillery hammering It from tho fear
in mnrn than nnv beaten nrmv ever
nncnm nllnhcd slnco Nnnolcon's time.
Moreover, tho AiiHiro-uormnim navo
in f
loBt tho bulk of tholr supply trains and
tho men must bo stnrving.
"Tim nnmhnr nf tirlKnnnrfl now
tliinutu la an nnnrmnillt thnt. It lit llO-
comlnK necensary to naml them further,
afield. A largo number nro being Bent
towards Siberia."
Tho taking of Somlln wnfl rcportod
In a Router dlupntch from Homo trans- -mlttlng.a
message received from Niah,
the tonmornrv cut) I tnl of Sorvht. The
dlspntch said: '
"Tho taking of Somlln has caused
great enthusiasm throughout Sorvlu.
Tho peoplo aro proud that their army,
aftor Bovon weoks of war, not only has
prevented a poworful enemy captur
ing Belgrade but has Inflicted humili
ation upon them by forcing thomtb
evacuato their baso of operations
against Sorvla. Tho victory has had
a most wonderful moral erred upon
tho nrmy and people."
Somlln Is nn Important town ot 4ms-triii-Hungary
in SInvonla. It Is IcMt
od on tho tonguo of land formed bwo:
junction of tho Danube nnd tho Snvo
opposite Belgrade, Sorvla, with which
It wnn connected by n railway brldgo-
across tito uavc.
nnrtvrv nnrtMAAirA Dill
London. Telegraphing from Roi,
a correspondent of tho Dally Toje
graph declares ho has learned from
diplomatic sources thnt RoumanlaT
Greeco nnd Bulgaria havo signed niiV
agreement which may bo rogardod anx.
n real nlllance, under tho terms of
which theso three nntions ongago to
interfere whenever necoBsnry in order
to provont Turkey aiding Gormany
nnd Austria In tho present wnr. If
Turkey remains neutral, however,
theso threo states will do tho same.
It is reported in Homo, the corre
spondent continues, that Berlin has
become resigned to tho idea of Italian
noutrnllty, but sho la determined that
Italy shall at least Tomaln neutral un
til tho end.
Russian Corps Defeated. I.
London. A Router dispatch froinj'
Berlin says: jt
"Tho general staff announces lhaF
tho Twenty-second RusBinn Army
Corps, of Finland, haB tried to force.
nn entrance into East PrusBla by wayi
of Lyck. Tho Russians wero defeated
at Lyck."
Lyck Is in East Prussia, on Lnli
Lyck, CG miles south or aumuinon
, (
Britain Gets Greek Base.
Tl mnn Tlin Trilnina mihllHlinu n Int.
cgrnm from Brlndlsl nsBortlng that tho.
a reek govornmont has conceded to
Great Britain ponnlHHlon to oHtabllHh
a naval baso In Port Mudros, Inland off
Lomnoii, a rent Britain can
threo naval dlvlfllous thoro,
Senate Extends Vrccland Act,4" ;
WfiHhlnglon, I), C, An aiiioiidiiintijCt
to (ho blinking jaw porinlttliig4lat1
banks and IniHt compMidoaJwIthCHpl
tiiof f2G,0a4jjtm iHsroetit muyhIhs,
or wor7 (o tsMrfeleral currency uh
dor Uim VrtfolHHd section was passud
by tho seiiato,
.4 .