Mwt. . . ...m,iSXit, ?, . 1 - "if 9 9 r i I. We-give "Gold Bond" Stamps 'ii'Tx'"ij"TT! M.mmmmmm Mmh I Advance Showing of Fall I and Winter Advance showing of Trim med Hats AH the latest shapes, trims and colorings Advance showing o! FALL, and WIN TER DPJ2S3 GOODS' and'.Tiimmings in Plaids Mixed Suitings, Wool Serges Wool Crepes, Wool Challie,. Imported Plaid Suitings- and others, ajl chic. New Silks in Plaid, Roman Slripes, Messaline and all the latest in trimmings silks, also' velvets, in all shades and ireman strides. A newTine of nobby Skirts and Blouses for Ladies' and Misses' in the new rom an stripe combination. Our Notion Department is showing all the latest in shirred Girdles in soiid colors and Roman stripes, tango coras targo beads and pins Makinaws, E verybody will wear them this fall and v;e are showing the largest andsweliest l"ne ever displayed in the Panhandle, beautiful plaids and stripes S in the most nopular shades also the celebratea ixavajo lvicuuuawa m their beautiful combination of coloring We have them for the kiddies and grown-ups See our new line of Corsets Ask our LaRo;e, for Ladies' and Misses' for z New blankets in wool and cotton, new out, percales, ripplets and prints JWjll W MIHIMI in i I i i 'll"MiW Remember the Baker Fair I Up is coming on, ahd you will want to look i ghr, we- have the goods so do your shopping now while the stock is complete and save time and money Watch far opening announcment I ! I I III I I jyjJL.I I II , -'aW,, ''ii ' l a t mm 1. ,w ' ' " " n W. E. CundUJC is moving back to Richland to. lfre for tho pros- e;nt at .least," it'kw understood thb. t later he Intends to spend a fewvnonths io CalUorwn.. WAITED:-To rent, a small cottagcr n suito of two or three rooms fot housekeeping purposes Leave word at NEWS office. We foavo just opened up and have on display a boautifui lino of Aluminum waro it in guaran- for 20 y mrs E. & W. Chandler v . - (Adv. Wantbj) BOO pooplo to buy writing tablets at thp Drug Storo ' " (Adv.) ical Brand" Tho Cofico of Universal Appeal v rOOOOOOOOOOOO0t0OOOOMfc , LOCALS '!jooocpxpoooo ooooooocrW In the camp the pot of gold at the end of the long trail because of its rich, lull, satisfying strength. CHASE & SANBORN'S SEAL BRAND COFFEE " In 1 arid 2 p.ound cano. Never in Imllc. Ground, U.uground or Pulverized. LOCAL AGENT Riqhland Oregon Baker Fair, Sept., Xd-17-18-19. A good lino of writing tuWcta at tho Drug Store. (Adv.) Mrs. Mellielc went to Bah or Tuesday on business. John B. Hunter is in town in intrcst of thu Socialist Pnrty. Miss Hazel Makinson was a Richland visitor Tuesday.) Booster Mcacam suro did paint tho town in various colors with Miakcr Fair Posters. Mr. and Mrs H. W. B. Robin son of Halfway woro in Eaglo valley Tuesday in-search of fruit. WANTED:Bid8 on 20 ricks of wood, delivered at tho School house, Richland. UNION HIGH SCHOOL, Richland, Ore. Free musical program and bas ket supper at tho K. of P. Hall Benefit of Eaglo Valley JCcmeta ry Saturday night Sept.. 5. Advaco showing of . Ladies Fall and Winter trimmed Hats all of the newest si apes and com binations E. & W. CUANDLUIl (Ad.) Mackinaws are all tho go you will want one wo have them for tho kiddies and grown ups, in all tho latest coloring in stripes and plaids also the celebrated Navajo blanket Mackinaws in their beau tiful combinations of colors. All made up in the popular Norfolk stylo E. & W. Chandler (Advj NOTICE Bids wanted by School District No. 57, for 10 rick of wood, Cot tonwood preferred, 20 inches if possible, if not 1G. Wood to bo delivered at school house. Right k reserved to reject any or all bids. Bids open fqr three weeks from cicpt, 3. Mrs. Thos. Scigcl Clerk 2XOf O OOOO o OOOO C-OOQ-OOOOOOOC o oooooc-o oooo 000 O OOOO owc I BUY YOUR TABLETS And PAPETERIES I I Richland Drug Store I . 'A Good Place to Trade" tmt a A beautiful line of quality Aluminum ' ware just in eyery piece gutiranteed Iticiilarid ij Ore gen V,cOOOCKOaOCKKK -J 1 13 Baird Furniture Company Carries Uneolium, Carpets, Rugs and Furniture at all Times IK E. BAIRD, Mgr. a Richland, Oregon DRY GULCH DITCH CO. Location of principal place of business. Richland, Oregon. NOTICE: There are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment levied on the 7th day of February 1914, tho several amounts sat op posite the names of the respec tive sharo holders, as follows: J. W. Barnes, Certificate num ber 57, 25 shares, $25.00 And in accordance w'th law and the articles of incorperal on and by-laws of said corporation, s; many shares of each parcel of such stock as may bo neccessary, will be sold at R. Guyor's resi dence on the 8th day of October, 191 1, at the hour of 2 o'clock, P. M. to nay delinquent assess, ments thereon, togother with the cost of advertising and ex- ' penses of the sale. I R. GUYER. Secretary 42-47-adv. Richland, Oregon 6Per Cent Money (J Per Cent Loans may be obtained for any purpose on acceptable Real Es tate security; liberal privileges; correspondence solicited. A. C. Agency-Company, 758 Gas, Electric Bldg,, Denver, Colo. 440 Phplan Bldg. Ssn Francisco. - (Adv.) 1 News Adds Bring Results. Tobacco and Cigar Sidesmen wanted to Advertise. Expcr ianco unnecessary. $100monthi ly and expenses. Advertise Smoking, ChdyVjng Tobacco, Cigarrettes, Cigars. Sond 2c, stamp for full particular. HEL MET TOBACCO CO., New York N Y, (33-3 Advertisement J' ft 1 V