First National Bank, Baker, Ore. Comtroljefs Call, June 36; 1911.. It "SMighti Truthful; Direct I'll! RESOURCES Loans h'n,d p'iscounCs $940,339.10, Overdrafts : $678.70 U. S. Boncl8.,lV.. $225,000.00, Municipal ponds ttnd Securities.. $50,348. '19, Banking House and Real Estate.. $23, 240. 00 Cash and due from Banks. . . ..'$629,471.52 $1,875,077.99 LIABILITIES- Capital Stock ...... $200,000.00 SnrpluH Fund $100,000.00 tjndovided Profita t $72,397 29 Rational Currency. . $198,500.00 DlvidondB Unpcl'd . -.$4,000.00 Deposits :.. : $1,270,189.70 m $1,875,77.90 V. Flow'ef Editor I Entered aV second class niatferDec.' 12. JL'9'12 at the post oriice at Richland Oregon, under act tirfareff 3, 1S7" 3 -.A , t 1- 4 . Cards of Thanks and Resolutions.05 per line. , SUpCRlPJION ONE YEAR - : - - - $1.50 i SIJj MONTHS -THREE MONTHS - - - .50 SAMPLE tiOPY ' .75 FREE &CHLAND, ORIS!, THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1914, VOh. 2, NO. 42 & EAGLE'S RAILROAD & UST. what a .railroad would mean to Eagle ' Valley in dollars afld cents, is hard to . say it i-s certain that the ; ! i great good lhat would , ie?uU theretrom, is not reanseu uy cur people. . , , v. , . - .The parties who recently held the meeting here was very en thusiastic over possibilities in Ea le and we must say that their scheme sounded very plausible and from all that can be learned they are perfectly, able to carry out the undertaking. ; They vjere very conservative having Uttle to say for publica tion, pref erring to wait until results were accomplished. This looks good and we hope the great desire will be realised, of a rail road in Eagle Valley or who can truthfully say they know condi- tipns as they nQw exist and as Vey would exist, in event of a railroad. Even the most radical guesser will fall far short of actual possibilities. DRIFTING per cent Reserve OFFICERS Wm. Pollman - - President J.H.Parker Vice 1 resident T. G. Montgomery Cashier A. L. James Ass'i Cashier f - DIRECTORS Wm. Pollman J.N, Teal 7 .J. II. Parker John Schmitz 6co.' Chandler Juno 30, 1914 $1,875, 077,.9 Juno 14, 1912 .... $1,802, 748.G8 Increase, Two Years. .$512,32).31 1 THIS BANK CO-OPERATES with its customers in every con sistent way and has resources ample to meet their rcqufrmcnts. We solicit accounts of those who appreciate the advantages of , association with a strong institution. 4 per cent Paivi on Time Certificates of Deposit ittle Drops of Water Make a Mighty Ocea Just as Little Advertisme-ts Make Dig Busmen f Mill. HI) piMII I, IIIH-Mllllllllf III m-l jpMMMWMM 1 t SamsBsmmrmuamk flu,. 1 M Imini mrrmm 'nmnm n i mw rhi UTQ iwnoi" hod oKfovcf loon f L friendly with our sister of Fine, while at times ?ngag ing in word battles with our sis ter valley newspaper, it has al ways been in a friendly manner. ifet in spite of this, we cannot help but notice the natural drift, and we can see plainly .that Ea-,-gle and Pine are rapidly drifting v apart as far as mutual interests j are concerned. .Iii spite-of everything Eagle continues to stick close to Baker . as a trade center, this despite the fact that all direct means of com munication and transportation have been cut off. On the other hand, Pine has invaded the trade centers of Idaho and are natural ly a part of the territory that goes to make up the trade for t'lis district. Eagle on account of its being nearer Baker,, natur .al'y le.ns tint wayt there fore Pine and Eagle are gradual ly drifting apart and we can see that in i not far distant . time, they will be really divided as far an'mutual tastes and desires are concerned. . . .1 WE read in the Saturday, Ev,e riing Post, lhat women, have auperior brains t& men, Fhey jertainiy know how to work a ,'wian, if thats whata meanti As we say, we would like tb see the two valleys closer togeth er, ,but B.aker should and is work ing to keep them apart, for the" reason that, Eagle and Pine;unit ed might make a seperate county while devided, this could hardly be accomplished. Asido from this, however, ..Eagle and Pine are not natural allies, their peo ple are not, as often stated, the same family, they are different in a great many ways, Eagle peo ple being as a rule, more conser vative and more loyal to a given point of trade, Baker and Eagle have so long been close to each other that it would be extremely hard to change.the disposition to trade at the county seat. A great many men, v.ho own valu- iabje property in Eagle are also interested in Baker and natural ly pujl that way. ; So with all friendship toward ?ine, with all hopes for theirad- vanccment, there-itf yet but 'one conclusion to draw and that is that Pine and Eagle as a unit can never be. 1837 Witnessed the end of the last great European War 4i i& i ' -srr 11 r mo Mr fffl 1 SVARl WARl waft whaff for; One tomato expert, . estimates that.$l,000,000 wcrth of tdma toes cpukl be raised in. fhe upper end of the valley, yetrithere is sornq who .maintain, 'u. ilrpaq in Eagle could' nofc bV made' to Pay, 's causing an unusual ad vance in all lines of s merchandise Some have almost dou bled in price However we will not make any advance at this time n'or as II long as our present stock lasts. Our new fall lines are arriving, some are in others are on the way, all of these goods were contracted for before the -war and they will be priced accordingly These li nes will be very com plete and we will be glad to have you call and look them over i o s, rothers ii w