This Salmon Alitor In Not nlnco JOjIi hayo tho milinoii flnhlng InlorcHtn of tho Colum bia rivor had mo successful a noanon an tho onu which will cIoho noxt week. Thin In particularly truo ho far an tho glllnoltorn and nolnorn on tho lower rlvor, tho wlieelmon and seiners on tho upper river and tho cannerH are con curned. Tho cold storage mon, how ovor, mi flu rod a Hovoro blow when tho European war wan declared, shutting oir tholr principal market, and an a re milt tho pack of that product, which promlned to bo exceptionally largo, wan curtailed. Strange to nay, the catch by tho traps wan not no largo an was to have been expected and that Ib tho only claim of gear that han not made a fairly good harvent. Taken an a whole, tho pack of spring uahnon in approximately 40 per cent ahead of hint year, tho canned pack being fully 00 per cent bettor and pickled or cold storage output being 20 per cent Iohh. Tho total canned puck for tho noiiBon in Hlightly over 280,000 full casea of 48 poundn and In about 11)0,000 canon in oxcenn of last year. Two Per Cent of Berry Crop Donated to Advertise Salem To advortlno tho berry that tho immenno crop thin year may be nold profitably, tho tncmbernhlp of tho Oregon Loganberry Growern' ansocia lion agreed to donato 2 per cent of tho crop. More than $1200 wan subscribed at tho meeting. A cornmitteo applonted to co-operate with tho Salem Commercial club In tho exploitation of tho berry in composed of II. It. Crawford, II. S. Gilo, George F. Itodgorn, Katph Moorca and Frank Gilbert. Tho Salem Fruit Union and II. S. Gilo & Co., promised dried ber ries for uno an nnmplca in popularizing tho product. Because of tho largo increase in acreago thin year growern havo foil for some tlmo that tho demand for tho berries might fall far below tho sup ply. To obviate thin tho association wan formed several months ago, and It In now believed that tho entire crop will bo disposed of at fair prices. Several railroads havo placed orders for largo supplies for una in dining cam. Flour Holds at $520. Tho lowest wholesale price of flour in the Portland market now is $5 a barrel, the only mill that quoted less than that figure having advanced its price 20 cent only a day or two ago. Other mills aro asking $5.20 a barrel. Tho (lour market in keeping pneo with tho advance in milling wheat. Blue stem sold at $1.03 a bushel, a gain of a cent over a preceding day'n price. Farmers aro holding very firm and aro taking advantago of tho situation to got all thoy can for their whoat. The present prlco of $13 a barrel for ) (lour compares with tho quotation of $1.70 on thlH date Inat year, $5.10 on' tho mtmo ditto in 1012, $1.05 three years ago, $5.35 four yearn ago, $0.25 five yearn ago, and $4.85 in 1908. Old Mine Is Reopened. j Molalla Tho Ogto Mountain mine, , 29 miles south of Molalla, started itn j machinery running Wednesday for tho j first time. This mi no has bcon j worked in a sort of a way for tho last j 18 years. A fow years ago Htamp mills ' woro installed, but when put in opera tion it wns discovered that too much of tho gold was being wasted and opera-' Hons ceased. Tho old stamp mills j havo been discarded and $75,000 worth; of modern machinery Installed. New Reservoir Proposed. La Grande Plans aro under consid eration which, if carried out, aro ex pected to eliminate any danger of wa ter Bhortago in La Grando for somo i years to como. City Manager Lafky Is In favor of tho adoption of plans which aro now on filo with tho city for a rcBorvoir of 2,250,000 gallons ca- i paclty, to replaco tho 1,000,000-gallon resorvoir which now supplies tho city, with water, acting iib a storage tank from tho overflow of water carried I down the Heaver crcok pipolinc. Jiucna Vista Clover Poor. Buonn Vista Clovor hulling, which Ib In progrcsn In this district, Ib expos ing a poor yield. Tho mldgo, grass hoppers, and tho long dry spoil aro blamed for tho noted decrease. From ono bushel to two and ono-half bushels aro boing obtained. Somo growers report even less than a bushel an aero. Tho Polk county acreago this year is said to bo tho largest yot planted and estimates for Itn valuo has been at a high mark. Polk Court Term h Over. Dallas Tho August term'1 of tho Circuit court for Polk county ban ad journed after ono of tho longest terms over hold In this county. An effort will bo mado at tho noxt session of tho legislature to got tho torms of court changed ho that court will not convene during August, when farmers aro par ticularly busy with tholr crops, Season Is Best iti Three Years Tho cold ntorago output for tho Hoanon approxlmaten 4875 tierces of pickled iHh. Tho ntoelhoad run wan short also and tho pack of frozen (1nh In fully 300 tons flhort of tiio previous year. Tho prencnt Hcason han been peculiar in many wayn. Thero han not been what In commonly known an a "run" nlnco tho fishing began May 1. On tho other hand thero wan what in much belter, an almont ntondy stream of flnli from tho opening day up to about tho flrnt or tho prencnt month, when thero wan a break and nlnco that tlmo tho iialmon havo entered tho river only in liltlo spurts. Early in tiio Beanon tho fish averaged umall and prior to July 1 tho great bulk of them went into cuiiH. Up to that tlmo thero had been liltlo (lolling in tho upper river, but then great hciiooIh of what wore termed blucbackn camo In and an noon iib they roached tho upper river In tho vicinity Celilo, tho wheoln and nelncn gobbled them up by tho ton, making tho pack of tho canneries there the largent In novcral years. Eugene Light and Power Companies in Rate War Eugene A long-anticipated rate war between tho municipal power plant and tho Oregon Power company was opened hero thin week with tho an nouncement by tho power company that it will not only meet but will un dercut tho reduction announced by tho city plant. Tho privato company han filed its new schedule of rates with tho State railroad commission, declining to an nounce the extent of tho cut. Tho city's reduction amounted to 11 por cent and before tho cut was mado tho maximum rate of 9 cents for light ing and 5 centa for power wan lower than oflfered In any city in the Wil lamette valley outside of tho vicinity of Portland. Tho now schedule of 8 cents maximum for lighting and 4 cents maximum for power, with a min imum of 1.2 cents for 10,000-kilowatt quantities, in almost half tho ratcn In Eugene two years and a half ago, be fore tho entranco of tho city plant, which claims the credit for tho reduc tion. Tho present rato war was forecast recently when tho water board asked tho Stato railroad commission to curb tho activities of tho private company and tho latter responded with a re quest for unrestricted competition. Neither wan wholly granted. Highway Condemnation Suits Are Being Tried St. Helens About 100 farmers, sev eral attorneys and Stato Highway En gineer Howl by and his assistants, ap peared before tho County court in tho condemnation proceedings for right of way for tho Columbia Highway. Claims for back-hill places on logged-off lands havo been put In at $500 an aero and for agricultural land that is taken nothing less than $1000 an aero is boing asked. As thero aro moro than 100 claims, tho County court will tako novcral days for the hearings, after which Its decis ion will bo given on all claims at tho same timo. Water System for Fair. Salem An independent water sys tem for tho Stato Fair grounds has been decided upon by tho board of di rectors, and tho drilling of tho first well has been started. According to Mr. George E. Scott, tho contractor, n largo rlvor flows un der tho grounds and Salem, and ho ad vises that tho city oventually obtain its wator supply from tho stream. Secretary Meredith announced that tho cottago city district at tho fair grounds would bo moved to a tract west of tho now pavilion before tho oponing of tho fair September 28. Canadian Company Sued. Salem A temporary restraining or dor against tho National Mercantile company doing business in Oregon was iaauod by Circuit Judgo Galloway. Tho action was started by Attorney Goneral Crawford at tho instance of Corpora tion Commissioner Watson, who al leged that tho company had not com piled with tho corporation laws of tho state. Tho company is a foreign cor poration, having headquarters in Van couvor, B. C, and, according to the corporation commissioner, is conduct ing In Portland a loan business. Jood River Relic Goes. Hood Rivor Tho oldest structure now, standing in Hood River, built 28 years ago by Kobert Kami, and occu pied by tho city's first harbor, was destroyed by firo Wednesday. Tho Htructuro was occupied by a plumbing company and tho firo started in a pilo of tar-covered ropes. Its frHmo wbIIb woro dry as tinder, and tho flames woro pouring from doors and windows in an liiBtaiit. Adjoining business block m were saved by quick work of tho volunteer firo department, NORTHWEST MARKET -,. REPORTS. Portland. Portland There was a big run of all klndn of stock at tho North Port land yardn. Tho result on prices wan a decline of a quarter on hogs and a weaker fooling In tho cattle market. Sheep held firm. 'J he best price obtainable in the cat- llo market for steers was $7.15, only ono lonu going at that llguro. Five loads wero sold at $7 and two at $7.05. Tho bulk of sales woro at $0.50 and $7. Good cown nold from $5.00 to $0, and calven at $8. In tho hog market tho top price was $9.25, as against a $9.50 market throughout most of last week. The larger part of tho mutton trans actions wero In Iambs, most of which brought $0. Ewcb sold readily at $3.85, wethers at $5 and yearlings at tho same price. Cattle Prima Hteorn, $717.25; choice, $0.7507; medium, $C.25C.75; choico cown, $5.75(36; medium, $5.25 (r?i5.75; hclfern, $5.500.50; calves, $0(8.25; bulls, $34.50; stags, $4.50 f5.75. Hogs Light, $99.25; heavy, $8 8.25. Sheep Wothers, $4(r5; ewes, $3.50 04.35; Iambs, $56. Tho price of blucBlcm continues to advance, but other kinds cf wheat are no moro than holding their own. At tho Merchants' Exchange session blue- stem bids wero advanced half a cent to 99 cents, and sellers likewise raised their asking price to $1.05. No busi ness wan put through during the ses sion. There wero reports from tho country of blucstem deals at $1.02, Coast basis, for account of interior mills, and in view of tho firmness of farmers, these reports wero not ques tioned. I Bids for blucstem, 99Jc; forty-fold, 89c; club, 88c; red Russian, 8Gc; red Ife, 87c. Oats No. 1 white feed, 26c. Barley No. 1 feed, 21c; brcw- ng, 21. c; bran, 24 c; shorts, 25c. Mlllfecd Spot prices: Bran, $25 25.50 per ton; shorts, $2727.50; rolled barley, $23.50(24.50. Corn Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, $38. Hay Old timothy, Eastern Oregon, $15 16; now crop timothy, valley, $12.50(813; grain hay, $810; alfal fa, $1112. Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case count, 25c per dozen; candled, 2830c Poultry Hens, 15c per pound; springs, 1717c; turkeys, 22c; dress ed, choico, 22c; duckB, ll12c; Pe- kins, 13(g)14c; geese, 10c Butter Creamery prints, extras, 35c por pound; cubes, 31c; storage, 28 28c. Pork Block, 21c per pound. Veal Fancy, 2414c per pound. Potatoes Oregon, ljc per pound. Hops 1913 crop, 1617c; 1914 contracts, 1818c. Wool Valley. 1820c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 16 20c; mohair, choice 1914 clip, 27c. Seattle. Seattle The outlook for next week is continued low markets for fruit, tho food staplo that has not as yet partici pated in tho excitement incident upon tho war. Cantaloupes may be tho sole exception, but these have been so low recently as to scarcely pay tho cost of handling. Low apples are outlined for the bal ance of the season, running far into the cold storago regions with $1(0)1.25 predicted by jobbers as tho top for tho year. It is pointed out that even though tho war should stop tomorrow, tho season is too far advanced to per mit of shipping the fruit to tho bo- Hicgcd countries without appalling shrinkage. Growers in tho Wenatchee valley, with a fair price this season, would havo gono on a cash basis. Cantaloupes are scheduled to go higher noxt week. Tho market, glut ted for tho past week with good qual ity fruit, Bhows slight reduction in vol umo of receipts, and growers will make an attempt to got a profit from tho fruit. Pricos aro 76c for ponies and $1 for standards. Thero has been much complaint as to tho general quality of tho peach ofTorings. Hanford has shipped in tho best Elbortas, and whllo other sec tions aro contributing, tho standard Is not what it has boon in previous years. Tho quality of tho Crawfords Ib not good. The market is 4060c for best fruit. Eggs Select ranch, 33c por dozen. Poultry Livo hens, 1015c per pound; old roosters, 9c; 1914 broilers, 1415c; ducklings, lueoizc; geeso, 10c; guinea fowl, $9 perdozon. Ranch butter 10c por pound. AppIcB Now cooking, 50c$l por box; now eating, $1.?51.50; Grav onstoinB, $1.251.76. Watermelons lc per pound. Dressed Beof Prlmo beef Bteors, 12(fi)12c por pound; cows, ll12c; holfers, 12c. Dressed Voal 15(3)1 0c per pound. DresBcd Hoga Whole, packing house. 13c nor pound. Dressed Spring Lamb 1213c por pound. ' Dre.Bcd Mutton-9.i0c pound. Congress Is Busy With Issues Arising From War Washington, D. C To prepare for an criforgoncy arising, from tho Euro pean war, tho president and adminis tration leaders aro endeavoring to as sure tho presence of a quorum of both houses of congrcBB In Washington. House leaders have mado imperative demand for return of absentees and thoy arc flocking In on every train. Already thero is a substantial quorum. While the conference primarily Is to determine the nature of a war revenue measure to "offset losses in revenue, Borne aspects of tho foreign relations of tho nation with particular reference may be considered. Philippine exports, aro giving the administration concern just at this time, because of tho conflict between Japan and Germany. A plan to place a ban on all exports from tho islands, except to the United States, while the war in Europe continues is under con sideration. It is argued that should the shipments from the islands to Ger many or Auslrfa bo captured by the Japanese, an embarrassing situation might arise. The same might be true should exports to Japan bo seized by Germany. Administration senators who have been studying the situation believe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and they aro urging action by congress to avert trouble which might bo precipitated through Philippine Is land commerce. They recognize, how ever, that if commerce is stopped somo provision must be made to com pensate for losses that will follow. French Capital Storing Supplies for Emergency Paris Tho French capita! has rushed its plans to resist a siege by the German army. The city is being truned into an entrenched camp. Following the decree issued by the military governor, ordering residents of tho district within the city's line of defense forts to desert and destroy their homes within four days, enormous stacks of food were placed within the state warehouses. The Bois de Boulogne presents a pictur esque aspect. It has been transformed into a vast pasture filled with cows and sheep. The animals have been di vided into groups and are guarded by reserves wearing the large shirts of drovers. The number of sheep pas tured in the parks exceeds 10,000. Tho decree calling for the evacua tion of the military zone around the forts was a formal notice, although army engineers recently made a tour of the environs of the forts and ex plained that the residents might be called on to destroy their property, which was deemed an obstruction. Many of the houses in the line of fire are those of poor people whose owners aro now at tho front. Many of these families lack resources and will be without refuge. Nevertheless, thoy took tho situation without com plaint, although they addressed a pe tition to the military governor, re questing that ho use the power vested in him only as a last extremity. Japanese Are Cautioned to Avoid War Discussions San Francisco Japanese associa tions in this city arc circulating a note of advice to Japanese residents in America, which wa3 issued by the Japanese Association of America. It reads : "Jnpanese should endeavor to avoid heated talks and discussions with Europeans and Americans on the war situation. "In California there is a large popu lation of German subjects and special care should bo taken in your attitude toward them. "Japanese should refrain from con versations and actions which might tend to excite the sentiment of Euro peans and Americans. "As tho United States declared neu trality, 'Japanese in America should rccognizo and bind themselves to the neutrality obligations. Outside of tho necessary and proper support of their mother country, they should not givo'any support or assistanco to any of the belligerents." 10,000 to Flee Albania. London The Exchange Telegraph compnay's correspondent at Barri, Italy, says that tho Italian government has arranged for tho transportation of 10,000 fugitives who wish to leavo Albania as Boon as Princo William, of Wied, departs, as thoy fear anarchy. Princo William has asked Italy to leave the armored yacht Mysuratta at his disposal, as he may bo forced to abandon tho throne at any time. Opera Singers OFT to War. Chicago So many Bingers are en dangering tholr lives and voices in tho European conflict that the directors of the Chicago Grand Opera company, after a despairing two days' meeting, announced that thero would be no per formances the coming season. Ber nard Ulrlch, manager of the company, cabled the Hlngers notifying them their contracts had been canceled. TURKS ON VERGE OF JOINING WAR Ottoman Cabinet Wavers as to Projected Action. Great Britain, Russia and France View SiluationWith Disfavor, Rut Are Cautious. Washington, D. C. Tension is so acute in Constantinople that diplomats there fear Turkey may at any moment be drawn into the general European war on the site of Germany and Aus tria. A strict censorship has been placed on the papers In Turkey, which aro now controlled by the military and are being used, according to diplomatic dispatches here, to create a strong pro German feeling. The Turkish cabinet is wavering be tween a declaration of war and the preservation of neutrality. The dip lomatic representatives of the various powers are in constnat conference with tho government officials, England and Russia endeavoring to keep Turkey neutral. The German ambassador, it is Baid, has intimated that, while Ger many wishes Turkey to remain neu tral, he believed the Ottoman empire should mobilize to prevent an invasion by Russia. Feeling iB acute over the entry into the Dardanelles of the German cruisers Goeben and Breslau. Great Britain, Russia and France requested 10 days ago that if these ships were purchased by Turkey the crews be sent to either Germany or Austria, under safe con duct. Many of the German sailors are still on board and 150 or more are said to have been distributed among Turkish torpedo boats. The British government is observing these incidents with much disfavor and the situation has been aggravated by the inability of English merchant ships to pass through the Dardanelles, even after the Grand vizier has given the requisite permission. Subordinate offi cials disobeyed the instruction in a way as yet unexplained. Great Britain has let it be known that if the Goeben and Breslau enter the Mediterranean with Germans aboard they will be fired on by the English. LINER ADMIRAL SAMPSON SUNK; 15 THOUGHT DEAD Seattle, Wash. Within 20 miles of this port Thursday morning, at 6 :30 o'clock, the passenger steamer Ad miral Sampson was rammed and sunk by the Princess Victoria, a Canadan Pacific liner. The collision occurred in dense fog off Point No Point. It is believed 15 lives were lost. The official list of dead furnished by the Pacific Alaska company contains 11 names, eight members of the crew, two passengers and an alleged stow away, but four other passengers are missing and are believed to have per ished. The Admiral Sampson, bound for Alaska, was just creeping along in the smoke and fog, blowing her horn. The Princess Victoria, also whistling and traveling prudently, struck the Alaska boat at a quarter angle just abaft the beam and sliced almost three-fourths of the way across the Sampson. The oil tank of the Sampson was cut into by the Princess and oil was set on fire. Immediately the middle of the Samp son and interlocking bow of tho Princess were enveloped in flame. . The officers of both boats had good control of their crews. The lifeboats of the Victoria and some of those on the Sampson were lowered immedi ately, the latter containing passengers. Persons on the Sampson began to leap into tho water and were picked up speedily by tho Victoria's boats and taken to the Canadian ship. The captain of tho Princess held his boat in the gap of tho Sampson until the Sampson began to settle in the wa ter and then withdrew. The Sampson sank a few seconds later. Captain Moore, Quartermaster Mar quist and Wireless Operator Recker Btayed on the Sampson until they had Been all the others leave. Then they tried to lower a lifeboat, but were too late and they were engulfed with the ship. As a result of the collision tho Pacific-Alaska Navigation company filed a libel of $670,000 against tho Prin cess Victoria. Ball Play en Aid Red Cross. New York Twenty-five per cent of the gate receipts at all the National League baseball parks September 4 are to be given to the American Red Cross association for use in Europe, according to announcement made by John A. Heydler, secretary of the lea gue, Mr. Heydler said the announce ment was made on authority of Presi dent Tener.