Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 27, 1914, Image 6

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Pontiff's Demise Hastened By
Grief Over Great War.
Rome Popo Piua X died at 1 :20
o'clock Thursday morning. Ho had
been ill for several days, but alarming
symptoms did not develop until Wed
nesday morning.
Throughout the day Drs. Marchia
fava and Amici devoted their utmost
energies to stimulating their patient
and keeping him alive. The cardinals
were informed of the Pope's grave
condition and somo of them who en
tered the sick room describe the im
pressive scenes, especially when the
pontiff, rousing himself from time to
time, spoke. j
"In ancient times the Podg bv n '
word might have stayed the slaughter, ;
but now he is impotent.
Prayers were said by
he said once.
thousands and
the papal secretary, who tnko charge
of affairs in such an emergency, wero
out of Rome, so littlo was tho death of
tho Popo expected.
Outside tho apostolic palaco tho
sceno was mournful.
The Giornalo D'ltalia, discussing
the difficulties of holding a conclavo
for tho election of n Popo whilo tho
world is at war, says that oven if Italy
were among the belligerents every fa
cility would be given tho sacred col
lege to meet. It expressed tho boliof
that a new Popo might bo chosen from
among tho foreign cardinals, for in
stance, Cardinal William Van Rossum,
of the archdiocese of Utrecht, tho
Netherlands, who would be representa
tive of a neutral power.
S tigi,
M ill PI k HI Ii P
European War Will Not
Hurt U. S.t Says Expert
Washington, D. C. Daniel C. Rop
or, for many years statistical export of
tho ways and means committee and nn
authority on economic subjects, hns
prepared tho following summary of tho
important economic conditions and
changes in tho United States, brought
about by tho war in Europo:
Tho European war has precipitated a
distinct movement in tho economic
development of tho United States, tho
potential benefits of which will bo
realized by our pcoplo regardless of
what courso that conflict may take or
what its ultimato outcome may bo.
This movoment begins with a cortain
shock to tho economic organism. Wo
hnvo been called upon to liquidate
largo foreign holdings of American se
curities. Temporarily wo havo been
cut off from much of our foroign sup
ply of materials for manufacturers and
from important foreign markota for
our surpuls food products, raw mater
ials and manufactures.
This constitutes n diBturbanco of
normal conditions sufficiently serious
to cause alterations of tho fundamental
industrial organization and to create
new channels of trade. The ultimato
beneficial effect of such a disturbance
is well known and eventuates oven
when tho disturbance is accompanied
by great disaster and loss, which is
clearly not our case in tho present in-
Northwest Dried Fruits
Greatly Reduced in Price
Portland Tho housowlfo in nonrch
of cheaper foodstuffs In this porlod of
war prices can turn gratefully to dried
fruit. It io ono product that hnn not
gono up In price because of tho war.
Dried apples, dried prunes, dried
peaches, dl red pears and rlnlns, quite
to tho contrary, havo slumped Bharply
In price. Still lower prices may bo
expected unless sea traffic can bo re
sumed shortly.
Tho reason for thin la that 40 per
cent of tho dried fruit output is sold in
foreign countries. Franco Ih nn es
pecially heavy buyer of dried prunes
in particular. Germany and Austria
tnko largo quantities of apples and
prunes. England is also a heavy buyer.
Spain is ono of the principal purchas
ers of apples. Even littlo Hulgnrln,
down in tho Halkans, buys great quan
tities of American dried fruit products.
Thin instance in cited by dealers In
foodstuffs to show that the law of sup
ply and demand in governing tho pres
ent prices, and that they hnvo not been
yanked skyward merely through lust
for profit. In this case, tho supply
being greater than demand, there is a
declining market. Whoro prlccn hnvo
genu up, It In pointed out, demand In
ahead of tho available mipply.
Such In tho nltunllon In tho rlco and
bean market. On rlco, ono of tho
most Important of food commodities,
tho price locally ban advanced all tho
way from CO cents to $2 a bag of 100
poundH, according to quality. There
wan a rlno of half a cent Wednomlay,
and another tho day before. At Now
Orleans, fancy head rlco, tho bent qual
ity, wan $7 on board cam, tho hlghetit
price in 10 years.
Tho reason for thin in tho embargo
which tho Iirltlnh government, on
August 8, put on nhipmentn of No. 1
China rlco, Slnm rlco and bruwora'
rlco for tho nuxt nix monthn. With
thin nourco of mipply cut oil China rice
in bond In thin country Immediately
advanced from $1.50 a bag to $2 u
bag. By bonded rlco In meant rlco
held in ntorago on which no duty ban
boon paid, and which In generally ex
ported to Mexico and tho South Amor
lean republics. Tho demand from
these countries lu about 10,000 to 16,
000 bngn n month, exported montly
from San Fnnrelnco.
Our country is in n self-contained
and self-supporting state. It imports
only $18 worth of goods por capita
annually, and exports in return $25
per capita. This foreign trade is not
large enough compnrcd with our do
mestic commerce to bo vitally essen
tial to our national well being nnd such
as it is, tho balance is safely in our
favor. Tho importanco of our foroign
trade, though great, is theroforo
easily exaggerated.
But there is no reason to fear nny
important stoppage of our foreirn
trade. Shinnincr is not suspended?
our commerce can bo adjusted to tho
changed conditions; tho machinery for
international exchanges remains unim
paired. The circumstances of tho war nrn
such that at tho present timo tho ves
sels of nil belligerents except Germany
and Austria, as well as tho vessels of
all neutral nations, aro free to sail on
tho high seas without any danger of
molestation that need deter them, es
pecially in view of tho provision by
tho several governments of war-risk
Extra Legislative Session
May Be Called for Dec. 1
259th Incumbent of Papal See, Since Year 67, A. D.
Only about one-sixth of tho tonnage
of our foregin trade has been carried
under the flags of nations whoso ship
ping is now suspended. It is reason
able to expect that tho shipping meas
ures now being authorized by congress
will effectually supply any vessels
needed in addition to thoso now avail
able. Moreover, ft is to be noted that
cessation of shipping between belliger
ent nations and the establishment of
effective blockades leaves free many
vessels that may be employed in Amer
ican trade.
the bells of the churches sounded when
the sacrament was exposed upon all
the altars. When the court learned of
the Pope's condition there was the
deepest concern. King Victor Em
manuel personally informed Queen
Helena and the news was communicat
ed to the Queen mother.
Extreme unction was administered
by Monsignor Zampini, sacristan to
His Holiness. The sisters of the
Jfope and his niece were overcome
with grief. Cardinal Merry del Val
knelt by the side of his bed, where
other cardinals joined in, the members
of the household intoning prayers.
ihe dying Pope, in a moment of lu
cidity, said:
"Npw I begin to think as the end is
approaching that the Almighty in his
inexhaustible goodness wishes to spare
me ine norrors Europe is undergoing."
Wednesday was one of the most
anxious days in the history of the
papacy. The whole world knew that
the Pope was indisposed, but it was
supposed mat ne was suffering from
his usual ailment, the gout. Up to
noon even the members of the hounp.
hold were unaware of the seriousness
of the developments. Almost without
warning came the word that the Pon
tile was at death's door.
All day his agony continued. At
times he revived and was able to say
a lew words, but hope of savimr him
was finally abandoned. Several times
throughout the city and at the palace
the rumor spread that tho end had
come, only to be denied later.
In the presence of Cardinal Merry
del val, the papal secretary, and Car
dinals Ferrata. Caciano and RfafoM.
and the two sisters of the Pope, a bul
letin on the .condition of the Pontiff
vss posted early in the afternoon on
tho bronze door of tho Vatican where
tho Swiss guards stood watch. A
great crowd outside gazed with grlof
strlcken faces up at tho Pope's chum
ber on the second floor.
Confusion rolgncd at the Vatican
because thoso, with tho oxceptfon of
Early Career of Pope.
Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, known
to the world as Pope Pius X., was
elected to the Pontificate on August 4,
1903, since which time his administra
tion of that exalted office has been
confronted with some of the most mo
mentous problems, religious and gov
ernmental, with which the Holy See
has had to deal in recent times.
Thev have included, on th nnn ham
his determined attitude in maintaining
tne purity oi uatnoiic faith, beginning
with his syllabus condemning criticism
of the holy scriptures and of tho
origin or uiriBtianity, and later bring
ing forth the famous EncvcliMl "Ph.
cendi" which expounds and condemns
the system of modernism; and, on the
other hand, the painful struggles
which he had inherited with France
over the separation of church and
state, and later with Spain on similar
issues, and more recently with Portu
gal as a result of the revolution which
overthrew the monarchy.
Pope Pius was born on Juno 2, 1835,
at mese, in the Venetian provences,
the first child of Gian-Battista Sarto,
a postman, and hi3 wife Margherita.
They were of the upper peasantry, if
One mav Use the term, An1 IipuSIor ihn
boy destined to be Pope there were
seven children, a eon and six daugh
ters. The fathers' salary of 40 cents
a day and the mother's mndnat earn.
ings from making dresses afforded
them only the necessities of life.
Giusenne's earlv career was fnrt.tin.
ately influenced by the village priest,
wno iook a iiKing for the boy, taught
him to read and write and drummed
into tho youthful head tho rudiments
of Latin. With this imnetus Giusenne
at the flL'O of 11 vnara entered thn
seminary at Castelfranco, not far from
hla birth nlaco. and for four viura
every day, rain or shino, ho tramped
to School. UHUUIlv harfifnotwd. until lin
reached tho outskirts of tho villus.
whoro ho would slip on his shoes to
keoo ur nmicarnnctifl. Two nidru of
allocs wiiu hlii yearly allowance.
Grain Exports Are Cut
Nearly 100,000,000 Bushels
Chicago The trade does not seem to
grasp tne iact that in the European
war the allies' control of tho sea re
moves Germany as a wheat buyer,
says H. E. Rycroft. "She has been
a direct buver of from 30. 000. nnn in
40,000,000 bushels each year, but in
addition she has been the final market
for a largo part of tho takings of Bel
gium and Holland.
"These two countries import an av
erage of about 125,000,000 bushels a
year and havo a crop of about 20,000,
000 bushels, making a supply of 145,-
uuu.uuu bushels. Their own consump
tion, with a popualtion of 13,000,000,
is only 80,000,000 bushels, so that over
60,000,000 of their imports are des
tined for Germany. This trade is also
cut on, so mat tne total European de
mand is reduced nearly 100,000,000
bushels on account of Germany's fsola-
"Should the allies obtain naval su
premacy in the Mediterranean it will
make possible to again draw Russian
supplies from the Black Sea, and as
-1. A 1 A .
Bne is not a wneat-eating country her
wheat will come out in exchange for
the credit she needs in prosecuting
her arms. Instead of tho war stimu
lating the demand for wheat in Eu
rope it seems that the opposite for tho
present ib more likely, and export bus
iness must be more or less restricted."
Salem Governor West, at a meet
ing of tho Stnto desert land board thin
week, announced that ho probably
would convono tho loglslnturo in extra
ordinary session December 1 to provide
a plan for completing various Caroy
Act irrigation project. Ho said that
tho $150,000 appropriated by tho last
legislature could be used as a revolv
ing fund for finishing tho other
projects. Tho act making that appro
priation Provided that the ntnlu Hhnll
bo reimbursed through tho sale of tho
reclaimed land.
Tho executivo Bald if tho special ses
sion wore convened ho would nsk tho
legislature to detormino what should
bo done with tho salt deposits at Abort!
and Summer lakes. Tho board has ro-,
ceived two bids for leases of the prop
erty, ono of which was for more than
$2,000,000. and has been informed that
tho leases aro probably worth 10 times
that much. The governnor said ho
also would ask tho legislature to pro
vide means for taking caro of tho un
employed with relntion to tho Benson
Hyde land suits.
"I think n moral obligation rests
upon tho state to take caro of these
CaroV act Protects, said the fnvnrnnr.
w a w r - -
"The good namo of tho stato demands
that Something be dona to tnkn rum nf
theso projects because of tho failure of
tne state olllcials properly to safeguard
them in their inception. It is up to
tho legislature to see that something is
dono in the Benson-Hyde case. There
is evidence of 50,000 bogus certificates
and although tho legislature appro
priated $5000 to bring suit no testi
mony has been taken. The suit is to
recover school lands alleged to havo
oeen obtained through fraud."
After an all-day session of tho
board, Stato Engineer Lewis positively
refused to certify for patent about
3000 acres of land in tho Central Ore
gon irrigation project. Governor West
, and other members favored It, with
! certain restrictions. Mr. Lewis mild
I thu contract with tho company called
i for ono nnd uight-tontlm aero feet of
water and an investigation showed
1 that the company, becauHo of seepage,
' could deliver only ono and throe-tonthn
, feet.
j It was argued that tho latter amount
, wns nil that was ncccsnary for ordl
I nary crops, but Mr. Lowln nnld tho
! contract munt bo lived up to. E. IJ.
WIlllnmB, n nettler on tho project, who
.represented the settlers, nald they
; were satisfied with tho amount of
water being furnished for tho present.
A suggestion that Mr. LowIh certify
t tho land for patent with a reservation
' that tho stato and tho nottlurn retain
their right to obtain tho full amount
of water through legal action was oj
posed by tho state engineer. A reso
lution by Stato Treasurer Kay reciting
that tho state engineer decline to pat
ent tho list, but that tho board be
lieved tho wntcr was sufficient to grow
ordinary agricultural crops, wan adopt
ed and will bo forwarded to the secre
tary of tho interior.
In reply to a request by Governor
West nn to tho projects that had
broken their contracts tho nlato en
gineer said there wero three. Ho said
tho Central Oregon Irrigation company
had allowed tho timo for tho comple
tion of tho first unit to expire; that
the uenchutea Land company had for
feited its contract by failure to do tho
work on time, and that tho Portland
Irrigation company had violated Itn
contract by allowing entry of land and
rights to water by purchasora of Block.
Governor West's resolution that tho
sccrotnry of tho board notify tho com
panies which hnvo not lived up to their
contract, if they fail to proceed with
the work and to conform to tho speci
fications of their contracts, tho state
will dcclaro forfeitures of their con
tracts, was not seconded.
Orenco Club Revives.
Orenco Citizens of Orenco have
tranformcd tho Civic improvement
league into tho Orenco Chamber of
commerce. A nominal fee will bo
charged and a board of fivo directors
win no elected from tho officers. Tho
old officers will havo charge until the
annual meeting. Steps wero taken
toward establishing a cannery for tho
next season's bustnpuH. Annthn.- nt
ing will be held next week for furthor
oiBcussion and to plnn collection of
subscriptions for Btock. Several hun
dred dollars already havo been sub-
Carlsbad Refuneea Arrive.
London Steamers from Flushing,
the Netherlands, brought hero 050
Americans, most of whom wero at
Carlsbad when tho war broko out.
Among tho passengers were Frank A,
Munaey, tho publisher, who has boon
ttctlvo umonir rtilliif wnrknrn ut C,ura.
bad, land Archer M. Huntington, presi-
t a m At k i I
uent oi tno American geographical so
ciety, and his wife, who wero arrested
at Nurcmburg two weeks ago and held
by the Gorman police for a day or two
uh spit,
Hood River Roads Asked.
Hood River Charles Stoinhausor
waB elected president and J. R. Bar
roll secretary of tho Upper Valley
Good Roads association ti,
atfon aims to obtain construction of
ono or two trunk lines from tho lower
orchard districts. Tho upper valloy
is idvided into seven communities nnd
one resident from each district has
been appointed on n committee to cir
culate a petition unking for tho em
ployment or an engineer to select tho
most enconomical routes for tho pro
posed highways.
Fair and Rodeo Planned.
Tho DallcB Tho 24th annual Wasco
county fair will bo hold September 29
and 80 and October 1 and 2. More
than $2000 will bo awarded In pro
mlurnn for agriculture, stock and mo-
cimmcui oxniplts, works of nrt, fancy
work and school chlldron'fl displays,
Many of tho displays will become a
part of Whhco county'n Individual ox
hlblt for tho Oregon building l thu
I'liHiimu-J'aeJlc cxpoHltlon.
Many Years' Delay by
Siaie is Made Issue
Eugene Tho Stato of Oregon ban
ten days in which to explain a delay of
14 ycara between tho granting of
school land deeds to ono Hydo and tho
filing of a Buit to act aside these deeds,
which aro alleged to havo been ob
tained fraudulently.
If tho Btnto has a good excuse tho
test caso of tho Stato of Oregon
against Hydo may proceed and from
tho basin for similar suits affecting
thousands of acres of Oregon Pchool
This decision wns voiced by Judgo
Hnrris, before whom tho test caso In
on trail. Tho court sustained Hydo'a
demurrer on tho ground that tho ntato
has been truiltv of nrhoa nr iinui.An.
able delay. Other contnnlnn in
Hydo'a demurrer wero overruled.
Tho stato contends that UvAt, nn..
ed into agreement with persons to
mako application for Bchool lands, but
that these annlicntlnna
lent, because, it Is nllnrrofl ITtrln.
agreed to pay from $1 to $20 to tho
nppiicnniB. ab booh as thoy obtained
n certificate of title thoy transferred It
to Hydo, tho prosecution allegcn.
Medford Water Cheaper.
Mcdford Aftor considering Mm m.i..
jeet several weeks tho city council
granted tho request of outBldo watori
iiBora and reduced tho minimum rato
from $2,50 to $1.75 for 5000 gallons
w!lfro',1 2ti cont" 10 lfi for ovor
1000 irallons ovnr Hint u
outBldo wator-iifiorn woro put on a mo
tor biiHls. w hi hi hu ..........
uillt.H I J ni'mi'UPWIH lire
Htlll allowed n flat rato of fUo a
month for ordinary household purpoHw,