Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 27, 1914, Image 4

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    'Valleis News
"Straight, Truthful, Direct
Wr.:. L. Flower
Entered as second class matUrDee. 13, 1D12 at the post odkc nt
Richland Oregon, under act of March 8, 1879.
Cards of Thanks and Resolutions 0f per line.
RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY, AUG , 27 1914, VOL, 2, NO. 41
"All is not gold that glitters'5
but the gold that comes from
Eagle products has the true
Air dosn't pay the preacher
as some of our citizens hve
found out, yet they continue to
jure 'em mostly on air, and hope
the funds for salary purposes
jvM be secured. Tbqy might
ivell apply the oid saying "Look
.before you before you leqp."
JN'pxt Sunday at ii:uu a. m.,
and in the evening at 8:00 p. m
the Rev. Frank Hopkins will
J prp.ach the last sermons of the
present church year. These m ay
be his farewell sermons, as it is
not yet known whether or not he
will be appointed as pastor here
another year, he will leave for
the Annual Conference, which
meets at Weston, sometime next
week. There will be no services
in the Methodist Chutvh Sunday
: From the way somg people
took an active? interest in the
Harvest Home this year, the
life of Methuslah wouldn't be
half long enough for them to
work in.
One amirendment the people
have to consider this year is
whether or not Oregon vrjll have
an official rat catcher or net
Hext on the program, ladies and
gentlemen, we will consider the
.advisability of having an official
bed bug catcher, a cock-roach
inspector and a custodian of" the
ant heaps.
i From p ige l)
Trustees: George .SJiuners,
Thomas Seigel, John. Fraser, D.
T. Allen, arid Eugene Brown.
L. C. Holman is the President ol
the League, and E. E. Holman is
the Church Leader, ahd ak'o
Chairman of the Missionary De
partment. It is not known
whether or not the present pas
tor will be retained an other year.
It was announced at the mor
ning service that the pastors sal
ary is more than $300 in arrears.
Next Sunday morning and even
ing will be the last Eervjce of the
present church year, and the
pastor will leave for the Annual
.Conference which meets at Wes
son the following week,
How's This
We qlTer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have
known F, J, Cheney for the last
i5 years and belidve him perfect
ly honorable in all business trans
actions and financially able to
c. trry cut any obligations made
by. his firm.
National Bank of Commerce,
Toledo, O.,
Hall's-Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of
the systdm. Testimonials sent
free. Frica 75 cents per bottle,
gold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for
First National Bank, Baker. Ore.
Compiler's Call, June 30, 1914
Loans and Discounts $910,339.10
Overdrafts $078. 70
U,. S. Bqnds $225,000.00
Municipal Bonds and Securities.. $50,848.49
Banking House and Real Estate.. $23, 240. 00
Cash and due from Banks $629,471.52
Capital Stock $200,000.00
SnrpluH fund..- $100,000.00
Undevjdcd Profita $72,397 29
National Currency $198,500,00
Dividend!) Unpaid .$M,000.90
Deposits ; $1,270,189.70
Over 49 per cent Reserve
I I'm. Pollman - - President
J. H. Parker Vice I resident
T. G. Montgomery Cashier
A. L. James A ss'i Cashier
Wm. Pollman
J. N. Teal J. I I. Parker
John Schmitz
Geo. Chandler
June 30, 1914 $1,870,077.99
June 14, 1912 $1,302,748.08
ncrcaso, Two Years. .$512,329.31
THIS BANK CO-OPERATES with its customers in every con
sjstent way and has resources arnplo to meet their requirmcnts.
We solicit accounts of those who appreciate Die advantages oX
association with a strong institution.
4 per cent Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit
ittle Drops of Water Make a Mighty Ocean, Just as-
Little AdvertismcvJs Make Big Busme$$
Our Cemetery
By Cash Reported $19.00
By Cash, Frank Craig $7.00
TOTAL $26.00
And still more cash is needed
in urder to keep the last resting
place of our loved ones, spotlass.
Make contributions to Mrs. An
nie Raley. Treasurer,
-ii i
;Don't forget Parkers Moving
Picture Show to-night"
Richland, Newbridg
i 1
JKai 'sssi csL si k m "r iss
1 jirmjROPE Mjfrji'i
vJa Die '
1837 nl
Leave orders at
y Mrs. Fannie
:righfs ;
Is causing an unusual
advance in ail lines of
merchandise Some have
.almost doubled in price.
However we will not make
any advance at this time
n'or as, long as our present
stock lasts
Our new fall lines are arriving
some are jn, others are on the
way, all of these goods were con
tracted for before the war and,
they will be priced accordingly
These lines will be very complete
and we will be glad to have you
call and look them over,
W i tn essed
the end of
t fi e last
great Eu
ropean war
Brothers -fa
4 i