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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1914)
TO ;4 POULTRY and Dairy Produce of all kind wanted. WrIU for our CASH OFFISH Pcarson-PagcCo. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Hnualir, told sttd rxrltNiianl; rnulnrti, fnlUra, inwinlll. ete. Hrwl forUlrxk f.Ut rwl 1'rlcm. 1II1C J. i:. MA 1(1 IN CO.. M Imut., Portland. Or. OPPORTUNITY IslERE TO LEARN CHIROPRAOTIC. duk-i m Rea-m. QUIT CIGARETTES With tho nM of AKGHNITK. nn Improvrment on tho 8ILVHU NITHITH treatment mi used by industrial Schools and Juvenile Courts. At yout drugyiBt or rend COc for full treatment j ost paid. ARGENITE CO., Dept 4, 1 1-2 Storooj SI, PORTLAND, OR. TYPHOID more necctiary i .Smallpox Array cnc hit of komimihI the Imwt nilitrutout till- iter, nd hxmlrtincM.or AniHyphoM Vclrmlwi, lit vutlmtH MOW by yuur pbyileUn, you ul rwi funlly. i mou vlul than houi Iniuonce. Atk your l'brlelin, Urutelil.oi If ltd for "llavo youliM Typhoid!" Idling of Typhoid V.cclue, rrtwlu ttom uir, id dinger fiom TyphoM Cunltri. TIIC airtttt LABUBATOKY, ctcnriiv, CAU rtvivcia ficcimi nw vatu w, t. tor, uctnu Congrccalonal Duty. Grouchy Voter I think congress ought to quit sending out seeds to un fit mi em. Congressman (visiting IiIm illntrlct) Why, aren't tho Heeds good? VoterOh, yes, tho needs uro nil right, hut I think congress ought to plant tho seeds mid HMid un tho vege taljlcn. -Llpplncott's Magazine. OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE Th chool that you euul olliun. Thousands of Graduates none idli: rKK INKOltMATION Wmhlnglon ui IClh HU. POKTLANl). (IM OLDEST MOST MODERN Hair Htaln at tho pontofflco lnck owner, Clorku with Hilvcr threads ainonj; tho blonde, uro Uottpliin un oyc on It. Why not "sic" a fow fumigated cntfl and sterilized nit terriers on thoBO Infected rata? MOTHER OF SCHOOL GIRL Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Re stored Her Daugh ter's Health. Plover, Iowa. "From a Bmnll child my 13 year old daughter had femalo i weakness. I sixko to throo doctors about It and they did not ho In her any. Lydla E. Pinkham's Voffotablo Com pound had been of great benefit to mo, so I decided to haro her rIvo it a trial. Sho lias taken flvo bottles of tho Veco- I tablo Compound ac cording to directions on tho bottlo and sho is cured of this troublo. Sho was all run down when sho started taking tho Compound and her periods did not como right Sho was so poorly and Weak that I often had to holp her dress herself, but now sho is regular and is Sowing strong and healthy. " Mrs. AJtTiN IIelvio, Plover, Iowa, Hundreds of such lottcrs expressing gratitudo for tho good Lydia E. PJnk ham'B Vegotablo Compound has accom plished aro constantly being received, proving tho reliability of this grand old remedy, If you nro ill do not drag along and continue to suffer day in and day out but tit onco take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vego tablo Compound, a woman'H remedy for woman'B ills. If you "want special Atlvlco wrlto to Jbydla U.PJnklium Medirino Co. (roiill fleutUl) Lynn, Mush. Your letter will ha opened, read and animerrd hy a Woman and held iu wtrlct conlldcnec. P. u, u, No. 30, I0H WJIHN wrlllnir lo mlritrlUrri, intt tam " Hum (lil vit. w.'j 'iwr.r.1,, .I'Wt'.i I fl riT V j DID UP THE CHAMPION AMERICAN SOLDIERS HAD BIRO THAT WAO SOME FIGHTER. tome Might Have Called It a "Ringer," But Main Thing Wai That It Lowered tho Pride of tho Filipinos. The IJovcrlc, Captain Harper, a Hrlt f nh Hteamnhlp, which lay nt tho Ameri can piers, Tompklnflvlllo, N. Y brought from tho far Unst a yarn con ccrnhiK iiovoral United Btaton Infantry mon In Manila, ono hald hoadcd ciirIo, ono Filipino i;nmo cock and several gulleloflii Klllplnos. According to tho ntory tho Hovcrlc rf olIlcorH went to a cocklni; main at Ma nila. Ah they entered tho cnclosurq tho sailoni mot a party of United, Btntcn Infantryiiion, ono of whom car rlod unjlor hln arm a canvas bo.?,. bovcral ilnlitn took place of minor Importance During this tlmo moro loldlern kept entering until thero wcro moro thnn a hundred In tho enclonuro. Finally a Filipino, bourlm: under hlti arm a beautiful fowl, stepped Into tho place and made an announcement thnl caunod much excitement. , 'That's tho champion bird around here," a r.ori;eant told tho Hovcrlc's pcoplP. "He's henton ovorythlng that, ha been put up aKaliiHt 1 1 in, but now ho' r.olnn to Rot what Is coming to him. Hero goes," and ho clambered down tho plaza. Tli owner of tho garno cock had lust flnlnhed chnllongliig all comers, when the sergeant, his bag undor his arm, clambered down bocldo him and dumped Its contents on tho ground. Tho contents consisted of ono bird, tho moHt dlftrcputnblo fowl that anyone In tho usBomblagn over laid cyos on. A howl of derision greotod tho appear onco of the strango object as It fitng gornd to Ita feet and gazed about Tho Filipino readily agreed to match bin beautiful bird against tho shape less mass of feathers that huddled In tho pit Tho beta were mado, spurs wore put on both blrdB and thoy wcro left alone In the ring. Tho American bird shook his legs a couplo of times, then huddled again. Tho Filipino cock saw tho othor fowl and walked about him a couplo of times, then, lowering his head, mado a rlclous run for him. Tho American bird wont rolling at tho shock, picked himself up, and again composed him telf. Onco moro tho Filipino bird ran at him, this -llmo-Oia nharp atenla fltrlk-. ng home. Out of tho tanglo of feath ers a largo claw reached out pinning tho Filipino champion to tho ground. Then a head shot viciously from tho dirty ruflled plumago of the American bird, n curvod beak grasped tho head of the gamecock and wrenched It from ts body. "Not till I saw that head and beak n action did I realize just what It was," said ono of tho Ilovorlc's officers, In telling tho story. "Thoso Yankoo toldlers had slipped In a bald-headed caglo. Thoy told, mo afterward It was their regimental maBcot Tho Filipinos woro a soro lot, but thoy paid up." Motorcyclo as Chaff Cutter. A farmer at Hantnnll, Salop, Eng-. laud, has fixed his motorcyclo on a stand against tho wall of tho farm buildings, and It drives a chaff-cutter, and turnip cutter at tho samo Umo.( It does not cost much to work it. Thoi turnip cutter Is on tho samo level as tho cyclo, and In connected by a kind' of blcyclo chain. Tho chaff-cutter Isi placed above the turnlp-cuttor on an other lloor and connected "by two-Inch bolting. After It has been on somo little tlmo tho englno goto hot, so aS fan Is mado to rovolvo by tho sido to, keep it cool. It Is also usod for churning milk. ThlB saves a groat deal of tlmo for tho workmen because t can do tho two Jobs at onco. New Method of Finding Longitude. Tho novel method of llndlng longl- tudo latoly tried by Professor LIppJ mann, tho French astronomer, is tho comparison of simultaneous photo graphs of tho sky taken at two sta tions. Tho zenith being shown by an artU flclal star, tho dlfforonco In tho places of natural stars very accurately Indi cates tho dlfforonco In longitude, and If tho longitude of ono placo Is known that of tho othor can bo fixed with an uncertainty clalmod to bo only a fow foot porhaps ton or fifteen. Not a Mathematician. Judgo- What Is your occupation? Witness I'm an oxport on figures." Judgo Oh, a mathematician, ehT WltnosB No, your honor. I Boloct tho chorus glrla for tho musical come dies." New Lands Surveyed. Ilrltlnh Columbia In 1013 survoyod ,000,000 acres of now lauds, HiiNlcotii aro used it grunt dual bythe (Jonnan army for carry lug uhella and curtrlduus, Lightning Rods, Iteappearanao of tho lightning rod agent can soon bo expected. Accord ing to n bulletin of the Ontario De partment of Agriculture, 13 yearn of Investigations demonstrate that light ning rodn nro now 04 per cent ef ficient In tho province. In tho state of Iowu thoy arc 08.1 per cent efficient and In Michigan 00.0 per cent Total lightning claims paid by In surance companies on rodded build ings In Iowa during eight yearn was only $44G4, whllo on un rodded build ings, which were of tho same number, thoy paid $341,0CC. In Ontario, out of every 200 farm buildings insured, 42 pro rodded, Yet out of every 200 struck by lightning In 1012 only three wcro rodded buildings. Dut don't lot tho agent put up rods that run through glass Insulators. Ac cording to tho Ontario bulletin, they should bo in metallic connection with tho building and no Insulators should bo used. Wall Street Journal. To Hrenf- In Hew Shoes. Alwnyi uliftko In AlleiiV. fool .mo, a powrter. .t cure hot, RHreBiinjf, Aching-, unrollcti feet .urt corn, InzrwIiiK nnllv and bunion. At UlrirtiRKliti n'l dh(H)tcrr,2ftc. Dont Accept inrmiUiltnte. HainplcrnallcilKnKK. Addreu llleii 8.'jlrotefl, lj itor.N. Y. A Suggestion to Rotsettf. Dante Gabriel UomboUI onco showed Whistler a sketch and asked his opin ion of Its merits. "It has good points. Itosseltl," said Whistler. "Co ahead with It by all meann." Later he Inquired how It was gel ting along. "All right," answered KouHettl, cheerfully. "I've ordered a stunning frnmo for it" In due tlmo the canvas appeared at IlOHsetti'H house in Chcyno Walk, beautifully framed. "You've dono nothing to It since I saw It, have you?" asked Whistler. "Noo," replied Rosscttl, "but I've written a sonnet on the subject, if you'd Hko to hear It" Ho recited somo lines of peculiar tenderness. "Itosscttl," Bald Whistler, as the re citation ended, "take out the picture and frame the sonnet" New York Q lobe. Sunlight Intensified Hy Itcflcctlon from Ocean Mcarh and Docrt Sand unrelieved by Foliage. Winds and Mini-rnl Laden, L'ojmj.iouh Dust, all bring Eye Troubles in their wake Urnnu luted Eyelids, Ucd, Itching, Iteming, Tired and Watery Eyc, Impaired Virion and Eye Pain. Itclinblc llelicf ia found in Murine Eye Itcmcdy, Mild and Harmless. If you Wear Clarke, Try Murine. Docn't 'Miiart. Feel Fine. Act Quickly. Ia nn Kve Tonic compounded by Oculist not a ''Patent Meilicino" but uwd in succeifful l'lipiciaiu' Practice for many yearn. Now dedicated to the Public and sold at 50c Per Dottle. Murine Eye Salve In Afcptic TuIkh, 25c and COc. Sold by Dniguiiil. For lJookn, wrrito to Murine Eye Ilcmedy Co., Chicago. Accounting For It. His Chum How well bred your sis ter Is! Ifcr Brother Yes;-"-you- ee,-sba spends most of her time away from tho rest of the family. Judge. RESINOL STOPS DANDRUFF AND SCALP ITCHING If you arc troubled with dandruff, eczema or other scaly, itching scalp atfcctlon, try shampoos with rcsinol soap and an occasional treatment with reslnol ointment. You will be sur prised how quickly the troublo disap pears, and tho health and beauty of tho hair Improves. Reslnol soap and ointment oIbo heal skin eruptions, clear away pimples and bluckheads, and form n most val uable household treatment for sun burn, heat-rash, etc. Sold by all drug gists. Prescribed by doctors for 19 years. Adv. Justifiable. "Why did you bent this man so ter ribly?" said the judge, Indicating tho bobandaged flguro of tho plaintiff. "I asked him why a horse had run awny, your honor," explained tho pris oner, "and ho told me that It was be cause tho animal had lost his equine Imlty." "H'm," said the judge. "Discharged." LIppIncott's Magazine. Keeping It Dark. "Isn't it very ombarrassing? Mr. Skittles can hardly tell his wife from hor Bister who's como to stay with thK." "Ia ho worrying?" "Oh, no! Ho'd just ns soon remain In tho dark." Judgo. A Rara Avis. Mrs. Illram Offon I'm afraid we'll never find tho equal of that last cook wo had. Sho was, indeed, n rare bird, Her Husband Yes, rare, and alas, migratory. have gone from our school into tho beBt biiHinoss ollices of tho city and aro now employed as stenographers, typist, bookkeepers, billing clerks, adding ma chine experts or private secretaries Wo have it course for each of those positions, und would like tto lit you V) (ill ouo, Arrange to outer September 1st, A position guaranteed, BEUTEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Tucomu, Wellington, gar HUNDREDS' OF' WOMEN trade mark. Repeating Shotguns 16 AND 20 GAUGES, MODEL 1912 This is the lightest, strongest and handsomest repeating' shotgun made. Although light, it has surpassing strengthf because all the metal parts arc made of Nickel steel, which is twice a3 strong a3 ordinary steel. It is simple to load and unload, easy to take down, and work3 with an case and smoothness not found in repeaters of other makes. Look one of these guns over at your dealer's. They are "TIIB MOST PFIUtBCT REPEATERS." When Marriage Is a Failure. Mr. Gladstone once said that he had solved the domestic problem in this way: "Whenever Mrs. Gladstone In sists I submit and whenever I insist she submits." He didn't say, how ever, whether they took turns about insisting and submitting. Marriage Is a failure when one of the parties In sists on being the insister, and doesn't take turns in submitting to be the Buumiiicr. uoston Transcript Past and Present. J Professor Brander Matthews of Co-! lumbla enlivened with a Joke one of his learned lectures on the drama: "In the theater of the past" he said, "the public sat on the stage. It Btlll sits on the play at times." New Orleans States. THE PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE PORTLAND, OREGON. There ia a completeness and finish about our student' education that is bringing praise from many of the leading business men of the Northwest The supremo test of a business college is to satisfy the hard-headed men of the business world. We do. Write for literature which will truthfully tell you all you want to know. All students making application before Sept. 5. will cot the adtan'mje of the S per month rate, llrlifht and diligent students complete our course in three months. uause for'uratitude. The fare of a certain boarding house was very poor. A boarder who had been there for some time, because he could not get away, was standing iu tho hall when the landlord rang the dinner bell. Whereupon an old dog that was lying outside on a rug com menced to howl mournfully. Tho boarder watched him a little while, and then said: "What on earth are you howling for? You don't have to eat it!" Cur rent Opinion. Putnam Fadeless Dyes will last until the goods wear out. Dusting. Mrs. Florin had a new maid, and one morning ns she entered the library Bhe was somewhat surprised to find tho girl seated in one of the chairs with her hands folded. "What!" cried tho mistress. "Here you are sitting down! Why, you were sent in hero to dust the room!" "Yes, ma'am." was the girl's reply, "I have lost tho duster, and so I am sitting on each of the chairs In turn." Harper's Magazine. Remedy for the Cat. "Doctor," said he, "Im a victim of Insomnia. I can't sleep If there's tho least noise, such ns a cat on the buck fence, for instance." "This powder will be effective." re plied tho physician, after compounding a prescription. "When do I take It, doctor?" "You don't take It You give It to tho cat in n little milk." YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try ilurlno Kys Keuieily for ltfd. Weak. Watery Eyes and Gratrulatd Kyellus: No ymnrUuir huUKye Comfort. Write for Dook of the Eye ; uf iu an r roo. murine lijro ueineuy io., imcuco Tho water pumps may be busy, but there Is another variety in the thirst emporiums that aren't exactly idle either. Mnklng for the city beautiful There Is no danger of water shortage and tho free plunges nro open. Cltlnn yearly sondB $30,000 worth of peanuts to tho United States. Thoro are 20,507,000 horses In tho United States, valued at $2,278,222,000. A dog Is just n plain dog after all. Two bloodhounds on the trail of bait- Hits ohuseti rauuiiH nil day instead, A man receiving statu aid must sub mit lo an operation, says court Prob ably thoy will out out hlu ponisloii, Weight; Uammerless SUCCESS- Depends Upon Your Training Oar eourrw in Shorthand, Pcn rneiuhip, DusmeM Training and Teirxraphy will juii you for a aocccuful career. FALL TEKS1 SEITKJIBEa 7. BUSINESS COZJJSGE. Fourth 8trct, Near A. o.riton, Portland, Or. Wc Guarantee Positions for AH Our Graduates. V, .A- The workman was dfggfncr.' Tho wayfarer of the inquisitive turn of mind stopped for a moment to look on. "My man," said the wayfarer at length, "what are you digging for?" The workmnn looked up. "Money," he replied. ".Money!" ejaculated the amazed wayfarer. "And when do you expect to strike It?" "Saturday," replied the workman, and resumed operations. London. Opinion. If the candidates with their pictures in thepapers are not within the law. some of them will have to go into the moving picture business. Purifies Blood With Telling Effect Gives Conscious Evidence of Its Direct Action. P. S. P., the famous blood purifier, almost talks as It sweeps its way through the cir culation. Ita cctlon Is so direct that Tery often In socio forma of skin affliction tU appearance of tlio eruptions chances orsr night, tho Itch and redness are gone and recovery begins Immediately. As a matter of fact, there Is one Ingredi ent In S. S. S. which aenrcs tha active pur poso of stimulating each cellular part ot the body to the healthy and Judicious selec tion of Ita ovva essential nutriment. That Is why it regenerates the blood supply; why It has such a tremendous Influence In over coming eczema, rash, pimples, and all skla a mictions. Auu. In regenerating tho tissues 8. 8. H has a rapid and positive antidotal effect upon all thoso Irritating laflueac that cause rheumatism, sore -throat, weak eye, loan of weight, thin, pale checks, and that weariness of muscle and nervo that 1 fed erally experienced as spring fercr. 0t at bottlo of 8. 8. 8. at any drug store, sad Im a few days you will not only feel bright sad cncrsctlc, but you will b the plctura of new Urn. t), B. 8, Is prepared ouly la tb laboratory of The fiwlft Hpeclflo Co., 031 Hwlft llldg., Ailaata, Ga who maluula a very enlelent Medical Department, whert all who hftvo any blood itUoriier of a stubborn naiuru mar writ frm-ly tor advkn and Pfclal book of luniructlim, rl. 8. H. Is everywhere by drug loru, drpsrluirnt so urarral stores, but be warn of all substltut. IM But accept fuew, '! Mb-