V REND WAT $ AW HOME AN H0M VyiLL ?RSPEfi VALLEY NEWS VOLUME 2, NO. 40 RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1914 $1.50 A YE7.il EAGLE FISH AND GAME RodAnd Gun Club Meeting 0 All members of tljq Richland Rod and Gun Club are requested to meet at tljo City Hall on Satur day night, Aug. 22, aj; tlu hour of 8: p. m. for the purpose of adopting a set of bylaws ijnd con stitution, and ojihcjr work that may come before the meeting. V. Cf fyilpy, Secretary Wm. L. Flower, President. PROFESSIONAL a TT TtT'H i. n. vviniams DENTIST Nowat His Ofllce In Halfway, Qrcjon Wntcli for announcement of Rich land Dalui. " ALL WORK FIRST CLASS i WOODSON L. PATTERSON ATT'Y AT L AW J U.S. COMMISSIONER BAICKIt - - OKKUUI J H. M MC ARTHUR B. A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ptyono two longs on all linps, day or night. RICHLAND V OREGON ! N.SANDERS Physician and Surgeon Cover Ruilriinir. Hiono tlnvtimo. One lomr rintr phono at niRljt, RICHLAND OREGON f ievIfrank HOPKINS l PASTOR METHODIST CHURCH LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE IDAHO STATE LIFE 4 niUlUUUlOl UIIUH-lli iviwmuuu mo charges for any services rcn- Will trn tn Tinhinotto. . w k i m. .i . r i Miitnn i v r fi i it r i i in- UlSlu. 1",- ; ' iooint in reach, if myeotvices aro Seeded. UlCHLAND .'. OREGON ft SOTARY PUBLIC AKont for LI VBIIPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE PENNSYLVANIA AMERICAN CENTRAL Iiwurunco wo. 01 norm AfiTNA INSUUANCB Oa A policy In cltlior mums lnuuranc Wiland, . , Oregon amnartn ARRIVE A Sixtythous!ind fish and four crates of game birds arrived at Robinettc last nigtyt Jbho Richland and New Bridge Rod and Gjjn Clubs. Halfway and Cornucopia C!ub3 also received like amount? of fish, bijft owing to, he high altitude, no bjrds were sent" to Co'rr nucopia. On word being received Tuesday that the fish'anil birds woul iarrive 'prompt measures were taken to handle the situation nnd at Richland, a hurry up meeting was called and prc-mpt pctipn tikei). The fish are tyeipg distribute! today jn IJagje Creek apd Irjbutaries. ' ' ' ..,.'. SOME CORN" EH! C. C. Ajason brought jn a fc$ stocks of corn, t'other day, and. by the way, if Jack's ladder had only been corn" of this variety, we would agree that it was an easy stunt for Jack to ascend to heaven on a bean stock. This particular corn stood 12 1-2 feet! in stocking feet, an 1 hadn't got it's growth yet, will someone kindly figure it s h'eight 'when fulj grown, yfr. Mason has sev eral acres 'of this "giant on his place near New Bridge, whew, talk about your dense forests, how 'bout this one? This corn is a silo variety known as the 'Mowo Gold Mine," this being it's second year jn Eagle, where it has certainly ' proven a gold mine to silo owners. ALSO EAGLE RAISES WHEAT Wr B. Wright handed irj a.-sa-m-plcof 51ue Stem" wheat a few days ago that certainly looks good.? lcan be seen hHnging'in he NEWS'olhce window. SPARTA HAS GOQD CROP A resident of Sparta recently said while visiting the NEWS sanctum; Sparta can well be proud for they have the greatest wheat crop they over have had." This js certainly good news. Won on a Foul Jiick Rogers won the decision from Frank McCarroll last Sat urday evening on a foul in the. fifth round. Ira Bradford won the decision from Goodfcllqw in six roqnds. Quarterly Conference Sunday ence will bo held at the Method ist Church next Sunday evening becinningat 8:00 o'clock. The Otmrtorlv Conference is held - v " four times a year in each pastd nl f.lmroro. at which times the connoctional businos of the local church is transacted. The meet ing Sunduy night will be an im portant one, as at that '.time the church officers for the following yoar will be elected. Seven Stewards, one recording steward a Sunday School superintendant nnd a District Steward will be elected Sunday ovening. Re ports will bo heard from the pas tor, the trustees, the stewards, the Sunday school and the Ladies Society Sunday evening. The pastor has announced that this will bo an open mooting in tho prcsonci) of tho membership of tho church and to which tho pub lic will bo invited. FOR lilllii) rigid mm e D ON Wl W Three Filths of so Galled New js Woik of Marvelous Fiction Below we reproduce a few chojee paragraphs taken from the Boise Statesman that prpves to ajl feadyr? of War Newst that about l.alf of the stuff they read is pure fiction of the "supposed'' and "it is reported"- variety. NEW YORK The, status of the Western Union Telegraph's cable situation resulting from the Europpan war was described by the company in detail Wed nesday hiir t and shows that the Western Uniori hqd no telegraojK ...r-.ti, ...ill, n'i,r AusWa and Hungary, while all thq, cables Leading to pther coun tries in tKotheater of war are subject tp rigid pepsprs. hip. BRITISH RULES RIGID Unusual requirements regula ting the sending of such mes sages as the company is willing' to accept have been dictated by the French military authorities, it was stated, and messages which do not conform to the re quirements will not be passed Jby tho military censors, who have been placed in all cab stations within their territory. Code language in cablegrams to the affected countries is barred alto gether, and will be, jt is believed until the war is over, Through every available chan nel tbn Woatern Union is attemp ting to obtain a substantial mod ification ef what is described as the "existing burdensome re strictions which seemingly have unnecessarily been imposed by the British authorities." These restrictions include the requirement that full addresses,. including street and number, mut be given, and all messages must bo oipned with full names of sender?. This requirement, the company declares, .serves to augement tho length of mes sages and greatly increases the cost to the public. Messages are accepted at senders' risk, as censors will withhold all reforen es to those suppressed. DISPOSING OF TRAFFIC Tho Western Union stated that not withstanding tho abnormal conditions abroad, traffic was be ing disposed of over its eight ca bles with reasonable promptness dolayB incident Lo censorship cx MPOS NEW DEDICATION R 31 The,. K. o Ps and Pythian Sisters of the local castle are makjnc; extensive preperations for tl0 coming Dedication when some of the high officers of the grdej; wijl bc present an qome ftne oage work put on. As to vhqther this will be a public en tertainment simply fop lodge members ias not, as ypt been decided. ceptgd. eygnd Loncjoft the ser vice js sjo.v but fairly reliable ex cepjt the . three countries for whjch no messages are accepted. Code and other messages to Porto Rico Hayti, San Domjngo, Cuba (via all cable routes,). Cen tral and Soufcji Atneqca, excecp- British Honduras, Brfczi and Brit tis,HipeaPd' ppolulu?;! r5L rii-i- t J nu: ' me i ijwipinui-'ij. otiynu aim jiu- naj ;excgpc nong ivpnggpuwinuj reached tnrougn Hqn- ivong, are accepted ai? usual. ftlessag'es to all dther'countriesj or places must be; written jn' plain English or French language" ex cept to Switzerland ani Turkey, where plain French language on ly can be used. The NEWS war service ap;' pears each week on page- 3' and'' 6 and is as uar accurate as' you will find. On pqge 3 will also be, found the market ieport3 from! Portland and .Seattle while on page 6 is that interesting' serial "The Place of Honeymoons," . In AH Friendliness The band boys are getting along fine with practice these days, although this is the busy season for most of them. Every practice night the whole bunch are out and they stay at it till the wee sma' hours. Pine Val ley is going; to have tho best band in Eastern Oregon if tlib boys can make it by hard work.. There are some good bands in Eastern Oregon, but they have -been established a long time Give our lads six more months and they will knock the spots off some of the best of them. (Pine Valley Herald) With all due regard for the Pine Valley Band boyy and wish es for their good luck, the Eagle Valley Band will bet a stack of hot cakes against a Pine Valloy Doughnut that tliey can skin them at the music gam J now or after Bix months of practice. Mrs, Howard li&B been ort bick list for sonic tlhib tho BRIDGE Distribution cl rish Th,e 30,000 trout f r t; Vy '..-. land club Rod and QJn i'jub . distributed as followr, ? K-.--' en by Lou Jennings ani . k. . . and placed in Crater LiJ; ; Littlq Eagle. 8000 pi V 1. . .n L slflugh Vljat runs tlu i ;r i Sass's place. 4Q00 placaj i i ! . -ser Gulfphj 4000 in M-.in Haj,, and 6000 n differs-. t grfntif ' streams of the valley. V ' l birds were turned lqosg V) "?j.c pass's pjace. Jt i3 understood tha', I;.', -. fridge stocked Summit CA'.-- . and Ijead waters, gf' Eagle ;.! r '. few fig!) bejng placed in thu iuKi': 1 at the head of tittle Eagle, 'il; . 24 birds sent to tljem ware tu. ar pd loose on W. E. Martin s. C3r,MQvingr Pictus 5"o-nigKt: m. mm And restaurant F&ESH BREAD , EVERYDAY - t 'f : V; U .1 ANYTHING'. IN" -THE PASTRY LINE BAKED TO. ORDER . RICHLAND OREGC i. 'A: o RICHLAND f Livery and Fee J i a 0 'Stable t . .lUGHLiANbROIHNETJ'STALE i ' LINE 11 CONNECTION ; f atage leaves Richland 800 ri " Arrives at Robinett 1C;U0 v. 1.1.' 9n, ...... Koturning seave3 Konin-.iL i-.v , arrives at Richland LilC r,. m Good teams and totirnocts, prompt and first clasa sei-vico to every patron. Traveller men's patronage solicited, FRED CQQPhProfi Ck. o Richldna ClCCU t Baird & Company I LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTS All lm tots wA Skm Cfict' la Oftcca - - Miwnft ...... aw Sit- .V i If