NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK Resume of World's Important , Events Told in Brief. A big Russian warship has run aground at Aland islands. Paris is without lights, having run out of coal and no nioro is to bo had. Diplomatic relations between Franco and Germany were formally broken off. The women of Franco havo been called to the fields to gather the unhar- vested crops. German societies in Portland, Or,, are collecting funds with which to help their countrymen. It is reported that the Germans in a single sea fight, lost 19 ships to tho English and French. Germans arc reported to have quit attack on the city of Liege, Belgium, after losing thousands of men. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of the President, died at the White House at 5 o'clock Thursday evening. At a mass meeting of socialists in Brussels it was. resolved to. uphold tho government in its present crisis. Big German liner slips out of New York harbor in the night and without passengers,, but loaded with coal. The Standard Oil company has an nounced that it may be necessary for that company to curtail tho output of petroleum. Many instances are being told of the shameful treatment of Russians who were caught at German watering places and rest-cures. According to a Sofia dispatch, the mobilization of the Servian army has disclosed defects and shown that it was unprepared for war. Twenty-five thousand men worked throughout Sunday night entrenching the frontier between the Belgian forts and the German boundary. The report circulated in London that there had been a naval engagement in the North Sea between British and j German warships is untrue. It was officially announced that France had undertaken in the event of hostilities to fulfill her obligations to preserve Belgian neutrality. John Burns, president of the local government board of London, has re signed. He is in disagreement with the war policy of the government. President Wilson appealed to the managers of the 98 Western railroads, to arbitrate its differences with its men, and the same has been accepted. U, S. Neutrality Must Be Positively Obeyed to Letter Washington, D. C. Tho magnitude of tho problem of American neutrality in tho international war into which Europo has boon plunged, what it may mean in tho futuro in tho internation al relations of tho United States and how great its importance may prove to Americans at present, camo sharply to tho attention of tho administration. Prompt steps wero taken to sco that tho President's proclamation of ncu trality is observed to tho letter. In structions wero telegraphed to overy collector of customs throughout tho American tourists in Paris are un able to cash their checks and are stranded, owing to the Euorpean war. "New York bankers will send $3,500, 000 in gold to relieve tho stress. The Hindus employed at the Ham mond Lumber company's mill at As toria, Or., are said to be planning to return to India soon to join in tho revolution that is expected to ensue. while England is involved in war. All the London morning papers, even those representing the peace party, are unanimous in support of the gov ernment's view that England is bound to fight in behalf of France and in the defense of Belgian and Dutch neu trality. Secretary Redfield, of the depart ment of Commerce, says : "American crops can and must .move to Europe, which must have our wheat or starve. Just as soon' as the question of su- premacy oi tne seas is settled com merce will be resumed." An official dispatch to St. Peters burg from Libau says that a German cruiser on Sunday bombarded the town The cruiser fired 20 shells, one of which struck the naval hospital. blight damage was done, but no one was killed or wounded. Tho cruiser then departed. American trans-Atlantic liners havo abolished first and third class passages, and only accept second class or steer age. Many kiiropean royal persons are accepting second class passage home on American ships, rather than take any chances on foreign vessels. Dudley Field Malone, collector of the Port of New York, had all the foreign consuls in New York before him in the custom house and asked them, upon their honor, to co-operate with him in seeing that the neutrality of the United States is observed. All promised to do so. More than 1000 Austrians employed in Windsor, Out., and vicinity, arc be ing kept under close surveillance by the authorities. Leaders of the Austro lluBgarlan colony havo been officially warned that ny of tholr countrymen who are suspected of conspiring against Great Britain will ba arreted, Delinquent Tax Penalty Decided as 10 Per Cent Salem Tho State Tax commission has announced that 10 por cent is tho total penalty to bo added to taxes de linquent Soptcmber 1. A majority of tho sheriffs had construed tho law as meaning that tho delinquents would havo to pay interest at tho rate of 12 per cent n year from April 1 in addi tion to tho 10 per cent. In a letter to Will C. Smith, sheriff at Grnnts Pass, Commissioner Gallo way defines tho law as construed by tho commission. Ho says: "It is our opinion that 10 por cent In tho total penalty to bo added to taxoB delinquent on tho first day of Septem ber. This penalty applies to taxes as originally charged, and la not In ndtll Hon to tho cumulntlvo penalty of 1 por cent n month applying during tho 11 vo months prior to September 1, tho ditto of delinquency. Tho 10 por cent delinquency supersedes and takes tho plnco of all prior penalties." MRS. WOODROW WILSON Wife of President Wilson, who died Thursday evening, Aug. 6. Inter ment was at Rome, Ga., the de ceased's girlhood home. country to see that it is observed and that vessels clearing from American ports make out tho necessary papers. To supplement this, orders were sent to the commander of every rev enue .cutter from Eastport, Me., to Se attle and Nome, Alaska, to give every possible assistance to the customs offi cers to avoid violations of the proclamation. The cutters' cruising grounds cover every mile from Maine to Galveston and up the Pacific Coast. For tho present their officers and men will act in conjunction with the customs officials in port. If there are reports, however, of strange expedi tions in the windings of the coast where there are no collectors, and if smuggling of arms is attempted, the cutters will be sent out on patrol duty to search the seas. 1 flirty -Eight Passengers Are Killed in Collision Joplin, Mo. Thirty-eight persons were killed and 25 injured Thursday night in a collision between north bound .passenger train No. 2, on the Kansas City Southern railway, and a Missouri & North Arkansas railroad gasoline motorcar, running- on tho Kansas City Southern track near Tip ton Ford, ten miles south of here. Mistaken orders are said to havo caused the accident. Among the injured was Dora Major, Seattle, Wash. With supposedly a clear track ahead, the passenger train plunged at full speed into tne motorcar, which was coming from the opposite dire& tion. iiacn is said to have been run ning 35 miles an hour. The motorcar was telescoped and its gasoline reser voir exploded, throwing burning oil over the wreckage. The heavy train crushed tho motor car like paper and the crash was im mediately followed by the fire, which spread death and Injury to almost everyone on tho motor. Nicaragua Gets $3,000,000. Washington, D. C Secretary Bry- an and General CIiHmorro, tho Nlcar oguan minister signed tho treaty to pay 83,000,000 to tho Central Ameri can republic for perpetual Inter-ocennlc canal rights and nuva! basis in tho Gulf of FonuccH, New Railroad to Coos Bay Now Seems Sure Suthorlin With tho filing of arti cles of incorporation for tho Suthcrlin, Coos Bay & Eastern railway at Roso burg, and tho annuoncemcnt that con tracts for tho first actual construction work would bo let next week, Suthor lin had tho first assurance that n now railroad, west to Coos Bay and cast, eventually, to Boise, Idaho, would bo built. It was mndo known hero that the Mussor, Roach & Weyerhaeuser tim ber interests wero behind tho proposed rood. Tho capital stock has been set at $500,000. Tho survey of tho first 27 miles has been completed, and taps a 50,000-acre tract of Douglas fir near Suthorlin. Tho contrnct for tho grading of this section will bo lot next week. Fifteen surveyors are now working running a lino through tho Cascado rango. Officers and directors of tho com pany will ho elected next month. Tho announcement that tho railroad would bo realized also practically assured Suthorlin of two now sawmills and a box factory, construction of which will start at onco. Tho incorporators of tho new rail road arc Gcorgo II. Glynn, Charles A. Stark and Charted E. Lemon, all of Suthcrlin. Jackson County Fair Set for September 9 to 12 Mcdford Great preparations havo been made for tho Jackson County Fair, which will tako placo hero Sep tember 9 to 12, inclusive Special efforts aro boing made to ob tain a record number of exhibits. Premiums offered for fruit and stock total $2500. One exhibit, which is to be sent to tho Panama-Pacific exposi tion, will be made up of more than COO products taken from one farm, that of D. M. Lowe, of Ashland. It will in cludo 50 varieties of corn, 100 varic tics of fro it, never before States, and many other products. Space is to bo allotted for exhibits of unnamed fruits. Growers aro be ing urged to bring in fruits of this character and submit them for expert examination. Varieties exhibited will be named by competent fruit men. The exhibition of other varieties of fruit than those listed also is invited, and if funds will allow, premiums will bo awarded. A speed program will take placo September 10, 11 and 12. The purses for the various events total $2400. In addition to tho racing, Aeroplane flights and a Wild West show will be attractions. More Good Roads Are Wanted in Lincoln County Newport Petitions aro boing cir eulnted asking tho county court to havo placed on tho ballot at tho fa election tho proposition of bonding tho county for $190,000 5 per cent, 20 year bonds, tho money to bo used i tho construction of pormnncnt roads. Last spring similar petitions wero circulated and the required number of names secured, but the County court not caring to tako tho responsibility of calling a special election, a mass meet ing of the citizens of tho county wan called by tho county judgo and as the nnrvMinntu nf rrrtvl f-nnfltt WArn In fit jo varieties oi grains j attendance influence was brought to grown in mc uniicu j bear and tho special elect on was not called. It is believed, however, that the county court will now pluco the proposition before tho people at the regular election. Good roads aro bad ly needed here, as in winter it is al most impossible to get over tho pros cnt ones with a team and most of tho farmers come to town on horseback laying in a stock of provisions in the fall. FALL OF LIEGE IS CONFIRMED Brussels Announces Victory for Gorman Invaders. Emperor William to Join General Staff" in Alsace Japan Gets Active in Far Kant. Valley Exhibit at Panama-Pacific Seems Sure Salem That Willamette valley products will be well represented at the Panama-Pacific exposition was assured at a meeting of tho Willam ette Valley Exposition association. Members reported that much headway had been mado in their sections to ward obtaining exhibits and that the people were deeply interested in mak ing the best showing possible. George M. Hyland, director of ex ploitation of the state committee, an nounced that ho had made arrange ments for the construction of booths so that all parts of the stato would have plenty of space. Those at tho meeting were, A. O. Sarff, McMinnville; N. E. Britt, Nowberg; If. Dunsmore, Independence; H. G. Campbell, Dallas: C. A, Mur phy, Corvallis; Chris Myhre, Junction City; C. II. Stewart, Albany; E. C. Roberts, Lebanon; L. D. Pettyjohn, St. Paul; Fred S. Bynon, Salem; and O. E. Freytag, Oregon City. Fields Burn Near Itoseburg. Roseburg A largo crew of men were at work near Dillard fighting a grass fire which for a timo threatened to wipe out several farm barns situ ated in that locality. Tho flames spread to the largo ranch of Samuel Miller, who authorized tho employ ment of as many men as were neces sary to combat tho flames. Lightning Starts Blaze. Springfield Lightning started a fire on tho F. L. Withers place, in tho hills five miles east of here, and eight or ten acres were burned over. Heavy timber owned by the Southern Pacific is threatened. Heavy smoko over tho upper Willamette valley all day pre vented discovery of the firo until night. Salmon Pickling Held Up. Astoria Tho inability to ship pickled salmon to Germany on account of tho war is tho cause of considerable worry among tho local pHckors, Threo of the cold u tor ago plants have stopped pickling, und during tho balance of tho HOHHon tho groat bulk of tho catch will KO Into cans. Three Burned to Death in Oregon Forest Fire Drain Threo men lost their lives in a forest fire which destroyed all camp equipment and threo donkey tho en gines of tho Leona Mills Lumber com pany, two miles west of tho town of Leona. The fire is still raging and largo force of men arc fighting it. The dead aro Jdhn P. Durfce, Albert bailey and George Hughes. Hiram Applegate and .several others wore badly burned. The firo started from a log on which two blasts of dynamito had been placed. One of the charges did not expoldo and tho men wero afraid to approach tho spot to combat the firo until it had spread beyond control. The victims wero caught when tho wind suddenly chnnged tho course of the fire, surrounding them. Mr. Durfee is survived by a wifo and two children, and Mr. Hughes leaves a bride of three montliB. Growers After Cannery Site. Gresham A meeting of tho Gres ham Fruitgrowers' association will bo called this week to select a site for tho co-operative cannery. This announce ment is mado by President H. E, Davis. Six sites in Gresham havo been offered Field Superintendent Sterling, and Troutdale haB offered a free site, trackage and a $1000 bonus. Grounds for tho now cannory will bo broken by September 1, say tho direc tors. Ashland's July Rainfall Tiny. Ashland Rainfall In this locality for July was tho lightest for years, not exceeding J of an inch. July was also an unusually clear month. Tho hottest duy thus far in the season was July 18, which registered 99 degrees. August opened up smoky and dry. Tho local water supply, duo to oxtenslvo Im provements in tho system, has mained plentiful. ro sea' First Seed Wheat Sold. Baker Tho first wheat of tho son was sold by J. II. Myers, when ho brought in 300 bsuhels of tho Turkey red variety from tho machlno and dis posed of It to a seed company for 70 cents a bushel, Tho wheat whh of tho finest quality and brought tho too price of tho market. Harvest U now on In full blast In Uaker county and about 50,000 bushels of early wheat will be on tho market In a few weeks, Brussels It wan admitted hero lato Sunday that tho town of Llugo had been occupied by tho OormnnH. London Tho occupation of Llcgo by tho Gormnna is confirmed in a dispatch received hero from Brussels early Monday morning. Confirmation of tno rojwrts that Licgo hud boon taken by tho Germnnn apparently was given by dispatches re ceived from Berlin, although advices coming from Belgian, French and Brit ish sources maintained that thu fort there still wero in tho hands of King Albort'H men. It whh assorted in these dispatchen that, although tho city wan invested, "thoro has been no serious occupation of tho town by tho Germans." An olllcinl dispatch Issued by tho Belgian gcnoral staff iiald thu advanced German troops wero being pushed back and that thu German offensive move ment had ceased. A junction of Belgian, British and French troops in Belgium is reported to have been effected, and a clash be tween German ami French cavalry south of Namur is said to havo taken placo. Athens dispatches say largo Turkish forces aro being concentrated on Bul garian territory by ngrccment with Bulgaria. Emperor William Is reported to havo left for tho Alsatian frontier to join tho German general staff. The British admiralty announces that Gorman submarines attacked a British cruiser squadron, but that tho British ships escaped undamaged, while one German submarine wan sunk. Franco has requested tho Austrian ambassador to explain Austria's In tentions in an alleged movement across Germany to the French frontier. Cholera Is said to havo broken out among tho Austrian and Servian troops. A cablegram from Tokio says serious conversations are proceeding between tho Toklo and London governments" concerning whether Japan will take part in an attack on the German col ony of Tsing Tau. Tho French and Belgian governments havo directed that tho resources of the two countries shall bo tho common property of Franco and Belgium. Great Enthusiasm Is Awakened in All France Paris Tho Invasion of Lower Al- saco by n French army under tho com mand of Gcnoral Joseph Joffrc, tho French commander in chief, has awakened great enthusiasm throughout I' ranco. French military authorities, while recoglzing that tho occupation of Alt kirch and Mulhauscn by tho French troops is of high strategic importance, beliovo that tho successful advanco of tho French nrmy far across tho Ger man frontier will have considerable moral effect. It is also unofficially reported that Kolmar, to tho north, has fallen, into the hands of tho French. Nono of these threo places was strongly fortified, and all of them Ho outsldo tho lino of real German de fense, boing regarded as ouptosts of tho strongly fortified cities. Tho German garrisons wero numcr cally fairly strong, but it was under stood that in case of attack thoy would merely endeavor to hindor tho French advance before falling back on their supports. Neu Broisach, where thoy aro said to have retired, lies to tho cast of Kolmar, and Is strongly fortified, while Strassburg, some dlstanco to tho north, Is tho conter of n great atrcrro- gation of Gorman troops, Is strongly fortified, and supposed to bo prepared for a long Hi ego. Official reports of tho fighting be tween tho French and German troops state that tho French losses wero "not excessive," while those of tho Ger mans aro declared by tho French to lavo been "very serious," Austrian Slavs Arc Sent. Paris It Is reported that Austria is sending her Fifteenth Army CorpB across Germany to tho French frontier. Ills corps is composed principally of Slav subjects who, it whh through t, might not bo dependable in action gainst Russia. When tho report reached the foreign office hero tho Austrian ambassador was requested to niako a declaration of Austria' lton Ions toward Franco,