Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 13, 1914, Image 4

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    "WW . .- ,
Fafei News
Straight Truthful, Direct
jred as secoijd cjass matterDec, lg, 1912 at the posj; oifice at
Richlancj Oregon, under act 6jMarch 3, 1879. :
Cards of Thanks and Resolutions. 05 per ling.
:yjsar - -kbb
- $1.50 SIX MONTHS -
- - .5$ SAMPLE pOPY
Clem., sez, sez Clem, as how
e Eagl.3 Valley News cast a
".nortal insult at Pine Valley
hen they sez as how Eagle had
'Tie slightly faded as a dairy
Villey, He sez, sez he, that Ba
de has been sucking the hind
i.oat for some time and thet they
cint hold 'er candle ter Pine.
wa do not know what can possi
bly be meant by ail this, we do
know that Eagle can show more
aiedals and diplomas than Pine,
that they have on several occa
sions beaten Pine in fair contest
m displays of produce and in the
.nstance of teats, if Clem refers
to dairying, as we suppose he
oes, he must recollect that the
; Ind teats of the gentle mopley
. jw are responsible for the
greatest proportion of milk and
cream, so you can see'that if Ea
fcle.hasto suck the hind teat,
they surely will get fat anyway.
"Eagle Valley has had not to
cceed four inches of snow at
ny one time in the past twp
nters, both years there hap
an green feed as early as the
Vat of March, three crops of al
fa are raised when needed
- last crops being sufficient to
"t--y the dairy pattlg oyer the
j. i weather, we raise more al
; . f a to the acre and of better
...lity than anywhere in the
ate. This is the reason Eagle
.tinot be equaled a cjairy val-
H. H. Weatberspoon, member
of the state beard of Horticul
ture for Eastern Oregon, passed
through Richland on his way to
' Baker last week. During his
y : inort stay here he met by ap
nointment Geo. B. Saunders and
leo. A. Littlefiold. He express-
id-hunsi?.! as. well pleased with
.fruit possibilities of Eagle Valley
and said that, he did not believe
that a, the neople here real
ized what th iyvhad in the way of
opportunity for commercial fruit
growing, in, comparison with oth
; ev much' more advertised fruit
' growing sections of this state
und i Washington. He thought
T we had many advantages. He
are always urging the danger of
over-production but says not 10
percent of the orchards that
have been planted in the last
few years, by developement com
panies, and sold to Eastern buy
ers will cut any figure in the
market. Many si ch orchards by
reason of poorly selected ground
and unscientific care have gone
to rack and ruin already. He al
so pointed out the world wide
market that is rapidly being de
veloped for our fruit and also the
great advantages that will come
with the opening of the Panama
"Well", he remarked, "the
man who plants an apple or
chard of well selected commer
cial varieties and gives' that or
chard proper care will jn five or
Mr. Weatberspoon is rjot a thqo-
rise out a practical orchard nian
and owner of one hundred and
fifty acres bearing orchards in
Union county.
He spoke of the. importance of
stamping out the blight in all or
chards and the 'determination of
the state board "to have this dis
ease under control. He also em
phasized the fact that the law
requires all fruit placed on the
market to be clean and free from.
scales and worms. "Two infect
ed apples," he said, "in a car
load, was sufficient for the f rqit
inspector to condemn and destroy
the car load." He also said the
same rule applied to lemons and
oranges. He said that frequent
ly lemons and oranges are scale
infected and should be condemned
Mr. Weatherspoon hopes to hold
a pUblicmeeting in Eagle Valley
some time this fall and will try
to develope interest in commer
cial fruit growing.
(The NEWS is indebted to Geo.
A. Littlefield for the above arti
cle. Editor.)
MMBMM i lywww I I " 11
First National Bank, Baker, Ore.
Controller's Call, June 30, 1914
Loans and Discounts , . . . .$1)10,339.19
Overdrafts.. $078. 7fl
ij. S. Bonds J225.000.00
Municipal Bonds and Sqcuri tics.. $56,848. li
Banking Housto and Real Estate.. $23, 240. 00
Cash and due from flanks $629,471. 2
1 1
Capital Stock $200,000.00
Sur'pluH Fund ; .... $100,OOQ.OO
Undovidod Profits '. $72,397 29
National Currency .'. $198,500.00
Divldonds Unpaid' '.$31, 000.90
Deposits .... , ,270,189.0
0ver 49 per cent Reserve
Wm. Pollmaq - - President
J. II. Parker Vice I' resident
T. G. Montgomery Cashier
A.L.James Ass'i Cashier
Wm. Pollman
J. N. Teal J. H. Parkcv
1 John Schmitz
Geo. Chandler
June 30, 1914 $1,875,077.99
Juno 14, 1912 $1, 302,748.
Increase, Two Years. .$512,329.31
THIS BANK CO-OPERATES with its customers in every con
sistent way and lias resources ample to meet their requirmcnts.
We solicit accounts of those who appreciate the advantages of
associatign with a strong institution.
4 per cent Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit
Little Drops of Water Make a Mighty Ocean, Just as-
Little Adverlismc'A Is Make Big Business
' lltMiUJ yg3CFWt-Wfl .11
,T ' i ii'inr'i rwiiiiiiBi i
Picnic Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cundiff en
tertained at a picnic dinner, Sun
day, in honor of their mother
Mrs. Kirk of Payette, Idaho,
who has been yisitmg them the
past month and who leaves in a
few days for Portland. The
guests present vere Mrs. W. C.
Cundiff, Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Geo.
Saunders and family, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Herr and. family, Miss
Owensby, Mabel Brown, Geo.
Chamberlin, Lee Chamberlin,
L. C. Holman, Mr. and, Mrs. C.
8 D
Almost everybody drinks Coffee and
most all are particular about the
quality, If you are one of them and
want the, best at a moderate price try
"GOLDEN GATE' None better at any
'Italeyand daughter, Jimmalee
, as no patience with' those whtf Wright arid H. Stephens, .
M veil stocked wltl? FREH GOODI) for )&
&tsoi) of te yer, frc Brled Fruit, free
fronj bug, justly Pickled Pigs Feetpd Pick
led Torque will arrive )& week
Saunders Brother's